Return of Occupy to DC

| June 30, 2012

Radar sends us a link from the Washington Post which reports that they have risen and they’re back to destroy McPherson Square weeks after they were removed and the damage they did was repaired at a more than $8000 price tag to the tax payers;

Protester Nancy Munoz, of the District, said that they had returned to the park for an ongoing protest and handed out pamphlets that said, “Action: Restoring McPherson Square The Occupation Will Not Move!”

“We are committed to stay here and educate the public about capitalism, exploitation and, most of all, the importance of reclaiming public space,” Munoz said.

Yeah, because the Occupation worked so well last year, right?

It seems that DC residents of the K Street area aren’t all that pleased that the zombie-piers are back;

Across the street, staff members at Georgia Brown’s restaurant — who had endured weeks of noise, rats and crowds during the winter protest — watched the goings-on from the restaurant’s terrace with barely disguised dismay. “They’re reoccupying!” one woman said frantically, into her cellphone.

I guess winning hearts and minds isn’t on their agenda.

Category: I hate hippies, Occupy

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“[t]he importance of reclaiming public space….”

Oh, I do agree. I hope our local police reclaim McPherson Square for the use of the public. The Occupiers tend to bring in rats, and drive away the people who would otherwise enjoy the space.


If people wait for the police to move the occupiers, the park will stay occupied.

If people take action and move the occupiers, they will get their park back.

We are the ones in charge, not the police. Unless you just want a police state.


The Gov’t-Funded Schools and Colleges — already,
have done a great job “EDUCATING” the public about Capitalism,
by LYING that any FREEDOM of Production and Trade — is Nazi Fascist “exploitation.”
More like “KILLING hearts and minds.”
And STOP eating that Zombie-Pie (Professor’s Diet) .


Local businesses lose money and local restaurants become infested. Any business that caters to their generation that does not give them free services (i.e. coffee shops and pizza places) are vandalized.

I say they should skip the middle-man and set traps for the occupiers. IF they want democracy, let them see how a non-democracy would handle their crap. After getting a good liberal ass-whoopin (pun intended), let’s see if they love their republic a little bit more.


Nothing like seeing the Great Unwashed at work.

There were three people arrested, and have since been indicted, for making bombs in beer kegs in Chicago during the NATO conference in May. They were something called “Black Box” — something like that. (Did I get that right?) Waste of good beer kegs.

Occupy gives hippies a bad name.


These Occupy shitheads destroyed a beautiful park in Portland, OR last year. It cost $85,000.00 to fix. Fuck these assholes.


Oh, and the park is owned by the Federal Government, which means it’s MY park, I own it, because I paid for it with MY tax dollars. AND they’re hooking up with the Anarchist DC Alliance.

Wow. Shades of the Weather Underground, the SDS and Abbey Hoffman, who turned up in Chicago in the 1990s working under an assumed name as a stockbroker and a capitalist pig.

Joseph Brown

If they’re so against capitalism, who do they think pays their salaries when the get off their lazy asses and get a real job. I’m guessing like the nutball who said she wouldn’t have to pay her rent or put gas in her car now that der Fuhrer ODummy is elected. Wonder how that’s working out for her now.
In the early ’90s I owned a 4 bay tranny shop with 3 builders and 3 R & R men. Not a one complained about having a job.
They showed up every day, did their work and we ALL played grab-ass every now and then. Well, on slow days of course.


How come the good guys, the people who work their butts off in low-profile jobs like servicing my car and driving buses and trains, don’t get the attention that these moronic layabouts get?
I wonder how those spoiled brats did last night in the 80+MPH winds and lightning and heavy rain. Not that I care.

B Woodman

Time to break out the high pressure hoses and paintball guns.

B Woodman

Make every Occupier, single person or group, post and pay a good high stiff cash bond for good behavior. One step out of line & they lose it all. Welcome to the wonderful world of “actions have consequinces”.


Lets export the Occupy protestors to China, Russia, Mexico, or Africa – if they want to know what inequality really means. I have strong suspicion many of these protestors come from well to do families and don’t really know what they are protesting against. May be its the idea of community and being caught up in a “movement” ala 60’s hippies. People eventually get bored and disillusioned than just go home. Until next protest against something or another & so on until the 2012 asteroid hits us and wipes out civilization.


I heard that.

Per my post above, it was a group that call themselves Black Block, not Black Box.


Lets export the Occupy peoples to China, Russia, Africa, even Mexico – see what real inequality looks like. I suspect many of these hosers come from well to do families, who really don’t understand what they are demonstrating against. Perhaps looking for a cause or movement to attach themselves to – because they lack direction in their own lives. Vast majority of these protests die off quickly once people become bored or disillusioned. Then they wait for next “cool” thing to protest against – it never ends.

At least protesting is much safer these days – unlike 60s and 70s when police employment of force were quite liberal as crowd control methods – risk of lawsuits too great these days no matter how justified police actions were.

Yat Yas 1833

Guys, the occutards have become just like the IVAW,Vet Vote, etc., organizations, they AREN’T relevant to anyone or anything but to themselves. Their ‘rallies’ draw tens of people, their own people. Their ‘political clout’? They get out tens of people to vote. Here in Phoenix the police had to protect them once the public got tired of their nonsense in the plaza across from city hall. During good (cool) weather, many many people eat their lunch there. After the filthy hippies took over, people couldn’t stand the stench or filth. I, personally, saw fight break out between the ‘tards and decent citizens. The ‘tards were the ones arrested!


Devtun, the Hong Kong police are in the process of throwing the Hong Kong Occupy group OUT.


15 Ex-PH2

Watch some G20 protestors vandalizing property & trying to break security glass (failing), than dumbass lowers mask to show face. Castration so these maroons can’t reproduce?


@14 I agree with you 100%. There was a protest ( want to say in Carolina) that advertised on craigslist to get people there. Perks were an hourly wage and food.

The protests are backed by someone that has profited thru freedom and capitalism the kids and hippies just don’t know….or care.


@16 — Might be more productive to give them their own planet to trash. I wonder if they’d be so defiant then. It all just seems like a lead-up to the things that the SDS and Weathermen and Weather Underground did in the 1960s…and I don’t like what I see.
It’s creepy. I think you’re right — they aren’t smart enough to think this up on their own. They’re following someone else’s lead. Any guesses who that might be?


No. 14 Yat Yas 1833:
Good Report — valuable to know about Phoenix, Arizona .