Jewish temple bombed in LA (Ooops – not a bomb)

| April 7, 2011

The LA Times reported that a bomb went off in a parking lot at a Jewish temple in LA but Fox News is now reporting that it was detonated inside the temple. No reports of injuries yet.

Updated: Now Fox is saying it was a gas line or water line that burst. The pipe the bomb squads were focusing upon was a piece of that utility line. Funny how they were explaining about a “trip wire” to the pipe bomb just moments ago.

Category: Breaking News

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Old Trooper

Obviously it was a Tea Party member that did it. We need to have explosives reform. This cannot stand!! We need to get rid of high capacity explosives!! The average citizen doesn’t have a need for high capacity explosives!!

Ok, now that I’m done with the sarcasm

I pray that there were no injuries or deaths attributed to this obvious terrorist attack.


Unfortunately, this could be a domestic terrorist (skinhead or some other affiliation) as apposed to Al-Queda or other imported version, and that will just cycle up all the loons to attack the Tea Party again.

Prayers out for all affected by this attack.

Doc Bailey

How much you wanna bet the VoteVet crowd says it was the mossad that did it to drum up support for Israel.

Five bucks says it’s going to be one of two things A white supremacist (KKK, Neo-Nazi etc) OR a Muslim Jihidist. Any takers?


Post Update “Ooops – Not a bomb”:

Well, if it was a gas line…I can understand them thinking it was a bomb!


Was it the Catholics or the Protestants this time?


Quick, someone get Potok and Veterans Today on the line. I can’t wait to hear this boatload of teh crazee going off.

Adirondack Patriot

It was a sewage line explosion. Mrs. Goldberg’s matzoh ball soup and Rabbi Fineberg’s gefilte fish should never be mixed. Oy-vey!


PintoNig same here mistakes happen like Bush being elected twice by ya’ll