Obama support slips among…Blacks?

| April 7, 2011

The LA Times reports that the support for Obama slipped among Blacks since the Inauguration;

Once monolithic, blacks’ support for the first African American president is still….
….immense. But for unclear reasons it’s declined about 7% from well above 90% to 85% in March. That’s a new low since Obama’s inauguration 26 months ago.

Panic time. So that means that instead of meeting one person of color out of ten people of color don’t support Obama, I might meet three out of twenty. Certainly, that’s a reason to write a newspaper article about it. I can only speculate on the reason.

This is a pre-Inauguration video I made from an actual phone message someone sent me;

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden

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An African-American, with first-generation African heritage, who became the President and did a good job at it, would have been a tremendous morale boost for the African-American community; a true role model for their young people, particularly the young men. As it stands now, their hope for change in this President has become cold ashes around their feet.

No matter which side of the political fence you’re on, Obama is a bitter disappointment.


Who else will they vote for? This will all be blamed on Bush and the GOP; and their pastors will get them to the polls in time.


In the end it doesn’t matter. Going from 90% to 85% is hardly cause for concern.

Because in the end, all that matters is race, and people will still vote for Obama in 2012 simply because of his color. Call it racist, call it whatever you want, but it’s the plain truth. Of course in order to lessen such accusations, the Obama supporters will come up with some b.s. fluff about how they were “disappointed” in him, blah blah blah, but how they will still vote for him because he’s not as bad as the “other side.”

Mark my words.

Adirondack Patriot

I was in North Carolina in November. The Inner Banks. Near New Bern, home of Pepsi Cola. I met dozens of black men who rabidly oppose Obama. The main reason: They can’t find a job! Any job. Nothing.

Miss Ladybug

I wonder if Dem voter turnout will be as high in 2012 as it was in 2008. 2008 was a record year for turnout, overall, and many Republicans sat it out…


90 percent versus 85 percent of 13 percent of the population is going from 13 to 12.5 percent overall. Not even enough for the wonks to worry about.

Now, the 70-30 approval he had from the mushy middle which is now 70-30 AGAINST, THAT is worthy of concern.


#5 Miss Ladybug,

Turnout doesn’t matter when even the back seat of a compact car holds enough ballots to tip the balance.

Junior AG

Looks like the Libyan debacle has Farrakhan & the NOI peeved at Telepromter-in-Chief…



Black people do not hate Obama! That is crazy!


Nobody said that, OG. Wow, where do I get those “between the lines” glassed of yours? His popularity/approval among blacks is declining, but still well over 80 percent, because as much as Obama claimed to want to be the “post-racial” president, he and his sycophants have shown themselves to be anything but.

Were it not for the “gimmes” the ‘Rats promise, which in reality is nothing more than a minimal buyout in return for the servitude of the recipient and pulling the “D” lever each election, the ‘Rats would have gone the way of the Whig decades ago.

Then again, it’s accepted as gospel that, “George Bush hates black people,” when no evidence of that was even hinted at, let alone proven to exist.


Sparky….please quit denigrating her service and that of her BF. I read between the lines of your #10.

Honor and Courage

Michael in MI

Then again, it’s accepted as gospel that, “George Bush hates black people,” when no evidence of that was even hinted at, let alone proven to exist.

Yeah, let’s see about President Bush’s policies that exemplified his hatred of Black people.

* Gave the most foreign aid to Africa to help with AIDS of any President in history.
* Is pro-life and against Margaret Sanger’s Planned Parenthood abortion clinics, which are setup in order to eliminate the race of Black people
* Is in favor of school vouchers in DC (and across the nation), which would help poor and Black communities to send their children to good schools

Yes, I can see where it was quite obvious to the Left, Liberals, Democrats, Hollywood and the MF-ing media that “Bush hates Black people”.

I guess since Barack Obama stopped all those policies, that means that Obama loves Black people. I’m sure when Michelle Obama was practicing patient-dumping in her hospital and sending away poor and Black patients, that meant that the First Sasquatch loved Black people too!


Sparky you always talkin’ trash, you all hate Obama because a black man is at the top and you cant handle it. 2012 will be Obama year too holla!


Oh… and Bush didn’t like us because he waited to help. But if it was white people in Hollywood that got hit by this he would been on his hands and knees right after.