Before it was just that we weren’t checking our tires

| April 7, 2011

Remember the good old days when we only had to check our tire pressure in order to live up to the president’s expectations? Well, now apparently, we’re supposed to buy a new car – one like my daughter and her hippie husband keep buying (they’re on their third Pious – is that how it’s spelled?) I thought that was the solution to our problems last year. I have to buy a new one this year, too?

From Patterico, because it’s since been dropped from AP articles without an explanation;

Obama needled one questioner who asked about gas prices, now averaging close to $3.70 a gallon nationwide, and suggested that the gentleman consider getting rid of his gas-guzzling vehicle.

“If you’re complaining about the price of gas and you’re only getting 8 miles a gallon, you know,” Obama said laughingly. “You might want to think about a trade-in.”

Like it’s our fault gas is nearing $4/gallon because we don’t buy Japanese shitboxes. Then he went on to tell how he’s just like us, cuz he can remember pumping his own gas;

“Only a few years ago I was still paying off my student loans,” said Obama, who turns 50 in August.

And with the price of gasoline at US pumps the highest in three years, Obama was quick to stress he understood the plight of average Americans, insisting he was not out of touch just because he is being whisked around in a motorcade or flying on Air Force One.

“It’s true, I don’t pump gas now, but I remember what it was like pumping gas. I remember!” he said to laughter and applause.

To laughter and applause. I wonder if he remembers pumping $4/gallon gas. That’s a little less funny than $1/gallon gas. Believe me. I’d like to see a picture of this Al Sharpton crowd who thought a president who used to pump his own gas is so damn funny.

But you should go to the Patterico post about AP covering up the first quote in this post. Apparently AP is doing some creative editing to make the president seem a little more palatable.

For the record, I picked this up at Ace of Spades.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Media, Shitbags

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I own a 4-wheel drive. Not because it’s cool, or some kind of status symbol. The part of the country I live in, you can find yourself at the bottom of a 200 foot ravine in a 30 foot snowbank in -40 degree weather, and that’s just a bad turn on your way to work in the morning!

They can KEEP those goddam little pregnant rollerskates!!

Doc Bailey

So nice to know he feels my pain!

As a student, I say F**K YOU! I can’t afford hardly anything, so instead of “feeling my pain” how about you do something to FIX IT!

A Balrog of Morgoth

Um, you mean GM shitboxes, right? And I say this as someone who has owned nothing except GM-produced automobiles. A lot of the Japanese stuff is made in right-to-work states.


And several of the Toyota vehicles are very good. I’ve owned mainly Fords, owned a couple of Toyotas, and will actually go back to Toyota on my next trade. All of the ones I’ve owned are were their 4-wheel types, though…none of that Camry / Prius stuff.


I was unaware the POTUS even owned a car. He was busy touting the busses and rail and walking and so on. I have visions of him failing to pump gas the way George H.W. Bush failed at the supermarket checkout.

Doesn’t matter what one drives (I have a VW Rabbit), in 2011 I’m paying twice what I used to pay in 2008. Thank goodness my Chevy truck doesn’t run (it thinks it’s a Ford). For folks who have to commute a long distance because the jobs have moved away, fuel costs will break them.

We’re at what, 100% increase in the price of fuel since the POTUS was sworn in? And we’re becoming more dependent on foreign oil.

Maybe it’s a set-up: get fuel to go up to $10/gal, line the pockets of his pals, and then open the Strategic Fuel Reserve to get those votes.


Trade in?

Yeah, we’re gonna trade in SOMEONE in 2012, for a newer, more efficient model, I know that much.

And you will not see me driving a Prius or anything like it…basically a large Tampon with 4 wheels attached, as far as I’m concerned.

Junior AG

What Pinto Nag sed!

USMC Steve

Would those be the student loans obtained from the forms where he used the name “Barry Soetoro” with religion of “Muslim” and claiming the nationality of “Kenyan”? Those same forms were uncovered by 8 people doing some internet snooping, who were then threatened with prosecution and the FBI went about at high speed trying to get every instance of those forms taken off the internet.


#9 USMC Steve:

Cat’s out of the bag and gone on that one. Whatever the truth is or was, the boulder has already started rolling.