Veterans Day for the protected class

| November 12, 2010

So now that Veterans’ Day has ended, we can take a look at how the Left celebrated the sacrifice of our troops. Like Bobby Whittenberg, formerly of the Iraq Veterans Against the War, more currently of the Veterans For Peace Austin, TX chapter;

Of course the fact that he’s a veteran encourages the mindless stooges to pile on with him.

Dahlia Wasfi is an idiot, Ph.D or not, she’s a straight up moron for encouraging this shit. Oh, and Whittenberg is a pussy.

Well, if that didn’t get your blood boiling, this is sure to raise it few degrees. Matthis goes on Russian Today and spouts off.

“There are vets who are anti-military, I’m one of them. There are vets that are anti-American because of their experience in the military and I’m one of them,” Chiroux says.

Nothing in his “experience” made him anti-American. In fact he didn’t experience anything while he was stationed in Germany and Japan except the fat life of a pogue. He wasn’t even against the war until he called back to duty and disrupted his cushy life in New York City.

“I enlisted when I was 18. I was homeless, living in a tent, selling psychedelic mushrooms to make money to survive. I was set up by the police department and was given the choice to enlist or face prosecution,” Chiroux recalls.

He enlisted when he was 19, he was homeless and living in a tent because he was told to find a job. Selling mushrooms at an elementary school playground isn’t a job. And the police aren’t Army recruiters setting kids up to force them into the Army. Only brain dead hippies would believe that shit.

“When I came to the conclusion that we hadn’t just made a mistake but were and continued to be in violation of international law, it was imperative that I not deploy to Iraq.”

More accurately, when he came to the conclusion that fulfilling his commitment to the country would inconvenience him greatly, Matthis decided it was imperative that he would not deploy.

It’s idiots like these two peckerwoods who made veterans hide their service for decades after Vietnam. Peckerwoods like Ward Reilly, Doug Zachary and Bill Perry.

Thanks to the folks who sent the screen shots and links.

Category: Antiwar crowd, Iraq Veterans Against the War

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Old Trooper

Well, Chantal, I love acronyms, too. Here’s one for you “GFY”; or maybe this one “FOAD”; or the venerable “STFU you POS”.

Do I get a prize?


Well, at least Matthis admits he’s anti-American.

Bobby “Facebook Revolutionary” Whittenberg. Pfft. Nothing screams edgy like changing your avatar to an Anarchy symbol. That’s why eighth-graders do it in spades.


Old Trooper!! I just spewed chocolate all over my screen!!
What prize would you like? I think that deserves one!!

Robert Chiroux

No one set Matthis up. When he got pushed out of high school in the spring of 2002 I asked him what his plan was and he told me “I am just going to hang out”. I told him he had 10 days to come up with a plan which boiled down to, get a job and your own place, go into the military, or go to college. He blew me off and went camping for two weeks. When he came home I was working outside. He said, “Hey Dad”, walked by me and went into the house. He came out a few minutes later and asked, “Hey dad, where’s my stuff?”. I told him I moved it all into storage, gave him the code to the gate and the combination to the lock on the storage locker and that I had paid it up for one month. He asked me where he was going to stay and I told him wherever he liked, but not here. He ended up in the backyard of an older lady friend. That is how he came to be homeless. Like me or hate me, I had had enough of tolerating his antics throughout high school and he has that thick, “sealed” juvenile file to back me up. He is telling the truth about the mushrooms. Blaming the army and now blaming the police is horse hockey. I found out about it, went to his probation officer and visited the army recruiting station, arranged a meeting and invited an army recruiter to be present. At the direction of Matthis’s probation officer I picked him up and brought him in for the meeting. In front of his probation officer and the pointedly silent army recruiter I told my son you have a choice. Enlist in the service or I my next stop will be the Opelika police department to swear out a complaint against you for selling a controlled substance (the mushrooms) in an Opelika park which was immediately adjacent to an elementary school. Matthis turned to the army rectruiter and said “I guess I… Read more »

Old Trooper

Robert; that day will come. Maybe not today or tomorrow, but it will come. As a parent and grandparent, I can empathize with you what is felt.


I know next to nothing about Bobby Whittenberg-James, Dahlia Wasfi and Chantal Slattery, but their appalling comments tell me this: They are self-centered, spoiled, sheltered, selfish, soulless tools (not the useful kind). It reminds of this quote: “Things are entirely what they appear to be and behind them…. there is nothing.”


Well, Mr. Chiroux you did the right thing. I have an almost 18 year old HS senior. And he is not a bad kid at all. He scored decent on SAT, but he has zero drive or direction.

I keep telling him whatever I can do to make his dreams come true, I will. But the day he turns 18, if he does not have a job or a plan for college, I will boot his ass to the curb.

My friends do not believe me and they say I am not being fair. My other kid got herself admitted to the University of Michigan because worked her ass off and continues to. My son has been afforded all of the same things as she. But he shows zero initiative.

I hope I do not have to walk that line. I have 2 more kids to go!


Outstanding post Old Trooper.

Mr. Chiroux, thanks for correcting what Matthis states as his reason for joining the Army. Being a PoPo since retiring in 1999, I ‘ve been to court many times and have never seen a defendant offered military service or jail. That’s as about a smart excuse as saying, “I joined instead of waiting to be drafted.”


If you admit to selling narcotics, it is impossible for you to be set-up. He means he got caught, not set up.

Dirty Al the INFIDEL

What a Daisey Chain of POS Mouth Breathers giving each other Oral Gratification (Whittenburg and groupies)okay actually Cyber Gratification. You all get the picture…oops time for some eye bleach. Honey, where’s my Xanax, could you get my Vodka too? Man, I gotta get some sleep. Have you seen Bun-Bun?


REMF? Hasn’t been “Four in the Corp or Ten in the Pen” since the late fiftys. I’m thinkin’ parasitic infection on the ass of humanity. Need to change their shit stained skivvys and get a real life or FO&D.


Here’s video of him at a High School talking about his “experiences” in Afghanistan.

Surprisingly, I think this is the first time he actually went into details. But notice he gets stumped when he’s first asked about it (at 3:29). He then tries to avoid answering by talking about the children.

I wonder what unit he went “on patrol” with. Any way to get that info?

Check out the other three videos of him. It seems like his primary audience are a bunch of non-English speaking people. Gotta find out what high school they went to.


That man is a narcissistic sociopath. It was absolutely nauseating to watch that.


That man is a narcissistic sociopath. Period. It was sickening to even watch that.

In what world is 1 in every 3 women raped in the military? And 20% of men are raped in the military? Really?


[…] Veterans Day for the protected class – This Ain’t Hell […]

Army Sergeant

I wish you would make a tag for the people who do stupid shit that aren’t in IVAW anymore.

That said, Dahlia Wasfi is one of the most obnoxious and awful “peace” activists I’ve ever had the misfortune of dealing with.


Oh well, Selena. Lie with dogs, wake up with fleas, shit like that.

Army Sergeant

In my defense, he seemed like a nice kid at the time. I had no idea he would go stark raving nutters. But you make a good point about Frankenstein.


Gary, (#9) — thank you for pointing that out. YOU GOT CAUGHT, MATTHIS!!! You were not ‘set up’.

Army Sergeant (#16) — I agree. But I think Matthis needs his own category. I imagine we can all think of 6 or 7 names for it.

Greg L.

If you support the troops, you are supporting mass murder. If you do not see this, you’re most likely criminally insane or at the least conditioned to accept unacceptable acts against humanity.
Either way, you have the critical thinking and ethics of a garden slug (I apologize to any garden slugs that may read this, lol).


Jesus H. Tapdancin Christ–who gave out keyboards at the “home” again?

Old Trooper

Hey Greg; I like your thinking. You will be one of the pacified types that rolls over on your belly with your ass in the air for any two-bit dictator that comes along. The reason I say I like your thinking is while your getting ass handled, that will distract the dictator enough for you betters to take care of business. Then, when you come out and your farts sound like a whisper, you can scream “oh the humanity” while pulling on your depends because your ass has been reamed out to a point where you can’t control bodily functions.

The difference between us and them, you fucking twit, is that we shield the innocent whereas they use the innocent as a shield. Check that in your fucked up definition of what humanity is.


Garden slugs eh? Well you have all the intellectual capacity of a handful of wet sawdust, and less usefulness. Gee, don’t we all feel better now? I’d love to continue this battle of the wits, but despite your protestations to the contrary I prefer to avoid fighting an unarmed man.

Agatha Bralley

Very interesting, helpful, and well written, thanks for sharing.