School forbids kid to put flag on bike

| November 12, 2010

See, I hardly know what to make of crap like this. Ya know, ya read the thing and you know there has to be more. From Fox40 in Sacramento;

13-year-old Cody Alicea rides with an American flag on the back of his bike. He says he does this to be patriotic and to honor veterans, like his own grandfather, Robert. He’s had the flag on his bike for two months but Monday, was asked told to take it down.

A school official at Denair Middle School told Cody some students had been complaining about the flag and it was no longer allowed on school property.

So you go looking for more information;

“(The) First Amendment is important,” [Denair Unified School District Superintendent Edward] Parraz said. “We want the kids to respect it, understand it, and with that comes a responsibility.”

Parraz said racial tensions boiled over at the school this year around the Cinco de Mayo holiday.

“Our Hispanic, you know, kids will, you know, bring their Mexican flags and they’ll display it, and then of course the kids would do the American flag situation, and it does cause kind of a racial tension which we don’t really want,” Parraz said. “We want them to appreciate the cultures.”

Apparently, the kid says he flies the flag on his bicycle to honor veterans – what does that have to do with Mexican kids (who by the way are in a school funded by American taxpayers)? And so what if they do fly their Mexican flags? How is that “racial tension”? Since when is Mexican a race?

The schools have brought this shit on themselves focusing on shit that doesn’t matter like race and sex and whatever else you have that we can fight over. If we’re all going to an American public school, we all have a shared American experience. What’s wrong with point that out?

The world has gone nucking futs.

Thanks to Jeff for the link.

Category: Schools, Society

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What fucking fantasy world are these administrators teaching these kids they live in, when they tacitly reinforce the belief that whining “I’m offended by that” is a legitimate means of having “that” purged from view?

Does anyone teach administrators about Tinker v. Des Moines? Students have free speech rights too, fuckos, particularly when it comes to non-disruptive politically-oriented expressive conduct. It goes for waving flags just as much as it does wearing armbands.


Tough choice. A school administrators first obligation is to provide a safe place for all his students. If a student flying the flag on his bicycle tends to start fights, is the principle’s first obligation to the first amendment or the immediate safety of his kids? I wish the administrator did not have to face this no-win decision caused by the complete failure of our immagration policy. I don’t envy him or her….


“If a student flying the flag on his bicycle tends to start fights, is the principle’s first obligation to the first amendment or the immediate safety of his kids?”

Well, no one has said that there was any imminent threat of fighting, but even if that was the case, no we don’t enforce heckler’s vetoes in this country and we shouldn’t be teaching school children any differently. Punish the kids who infringe on the rights of others by starting fights, don’t punish the kid who is engaging in Constitutionally protected activity. Flags causing you racial tension? Start a discussion. Still offended? Tough shit; the right to never be offended exists only in the minds of simpletons.

Do California public schools not fly the American flag outside their buildings?

Michael in MI

If a student flying the flag on his bicycle tends to start fights, is the principle’s first obligation to the first amendment or the immediate safety of his kids?

Well, think of it as a bullying situation. Those who want to fly their American flags are being bullied. When a kid is bullied in school, do the school administrators tell the victim of the bullying to just give in to the bully? Or is the bully reprimanded?

In this case, those flying an American flag are doing nothing wrong. Those claiming they are offended are bullying both the flag flyers and the school administrators. The school administrator’s responsibility seems pretty straight-forward to me: punish the bully.

First, tell them they don’t have a right to not be offended. Next, if they continue their bullying, they get detention. Next, if they continue, they get threatened with suspension. Next, if they continue, suspension. Next, if they continue, expulsion.


But the last thing a school administrator should be doing is appeasing bullying.


So if the kid with the American flag complains that he is offended by the Mexican flags on campus that means they’ll be removed also, right? I’ll believe it when I see it.

What a load of diversity driven crap.


[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by PVMSEC, A Proud Veteran. A Proud Veteran said: School forbids kid to put flag on bike Via This Ain't Hell […]


For those looking for new pen pals, the email address of Denair Middle School Principal Aaron Delworth is — or give the school a call at (209) 632-2510, Fax (209) 634-0269.


I think it’s more about the law breaking student population. You know, the ones whose parents brought them here illegally for a free US education.

The admins are afraid to call attention to the students who might want to publicly show and display the Mexican Flag in their illegally adopted Country because they have not assimilated. Surprise, so we have to be tolerant of THEM in ours!!! Of course we do….NOT.

Shitting on that little boy and his love of Country may be the thing that propels him to be President one day. A law abiding one at that.


What country are you in again? This is ludicrous. The only way there MIGHT be an issue with the kid flying the flag on his bike is IF he deliberately rode past the hispanic kids, at least on more than one occasion, either goading them on with racial slurs or perhaps telling the kids to go back to Mexico. You have to remember what being 13 was like. So unless they left out part of the story, which the media sometimes does, this is ludicrous. You live in the U.S.A. dammit.


Sorry Jonn, been following this for a bit and figured you’d seen it?

My question is… does the school, at least, occasionally permit the Pledge of Allegiance? Kinda doubt it.

Old Tanker

I was invited and went to a production today at a local Christian school a couple of blocks from my house. “Portraits of America” was the name and they have a mailing list of vets in town they invite every year, (I’ve been the last 3)the Friday prior to or after Veterans Day (whichever is closer). You know, campy small town patriotism like singing patriotic songs and pretending to be George Washington and the like… It was AWESOME AND the kids were completely decked out in flags….amazingly, even the hispanic ones…and no fights. I wonder how that could happen….

Russ niewiarowski

Thank God one kid in America has a back bone! The spineless Superintendent, if he is a born-in-America American, should be fired from his job. this is America. U-S-A does not stand for Mexico, it stands for United States of America. Please America, wake up and start exercising your spine before the entire nation turns to a mindless blob of liberal disgust that is good for nothing. If the American flag in America is causing “racial tension” amongst the illegal immigrants then please, take your Mexican flag and go to Mexico and fly it. Don’t feed us any more lies that we must all be melted together into your mindless jello mold where good becomes evil and evil becomes good, and God is cast out while sin is given free reign, all in the guise of “political correctness”. Truth is truth, deception is deception, corruption is corruption, and all men are sinners. Repent and turn back to God. Read the Bible and rediscover the truth that shaped the minds of our forefathers.


Enough is enough, this is United States of America, we fly the stars and stripes. Citizens of the USA stand up for your country before it’s too late. It’s deteriorating before our eyes. These disgraceful actions must end. Shame on these kids, their parents and the school administration. Go fly your green and red flag in Mexico.


#13 Scott: Thanks for the update. I DID miss that.


# 14 – Hey, I am Susan. You will have to pick another name. 🙂


first step….get rid of all the illegals


For those looking for new pen pals, the email address of Denair Middle School Principal Aaron Delworth is — or give the school a call at (209) 632-2510, Fax (209) 634-0269.

Dirty Al the INFIDEL

Is anyone really surprized that this happened in Mexifornia? Just one more reason for home schooling and private schools. Yeah Old Tanker nothing better than Small town Patriotism. Stand your ground young one.


For those offended by the Flag there is a solution. There is a border to the North and a border to the South, and planes leave feet wet every half hour…GTFO.
As a side note congratulations to the Officers and Crew of the USS Jason Dunham, Cpl. USMC, MOH, Iraq. Commissioned today in Florida. Semper Fi, Fair Winds and Following Seas and may you always serve to the standard of your namesake who gave his all for this very Flag.


The federal money and state money that supports this school should be pulled. The school closed down and the kids be moved to other schools. Then it keeps going like this till the adults arise to fix this multicultural BS. This crap needs to stop NOW.
Course this is mexaforniadopeassstate. Can not wait for sharia law to be implemented. That will defiantly fix these kind of problems, permanently.


If I was the father of Cody Alicea, I would have stood
by Cody’s CIVIL RIGHT to display the United States flag
and told the school officials “I’ll see you in court”.

Junior AG

Joe, you’re the poster boy for white flight…

USMC Steve

Mexican ain’t a race, it is an ETHNIC GROUP. And the world didn’t go nuts, it went STUPID. At least nuts can be understood and explained. Stupid cannot be fixed once it develops. Kid’s parents need to do the only thing that the school will understand. Sue them for violating the kid’s first amendment right of free speech.


Thank you, all of you! It’s so refreshing to know that there are still people in the world that have a brain and some common sense because these comments could not be more perfect or truthful. Please, can everyone on here pop out a few kids so that we can maybe balance out the fact that only stupid people seem to be breeding?? I am still at a loss of words over this whole situation and am having a hard time comprehending that we have actually reached a point in this Country where having an American Flag in your possession is an issue. Who is to blame for the fact that we are suddenly now questioning what that flag represents as if its original meaning was somehow changed. Why suddenly is there such a fine line between racism and simply being a proud citizen. I can understand if Cody had the flag and the words SKIN shaved on the back of his hair all while using his magic marker to tag white pride everywhere. But he has to be the most adorable harmless kid I have seen in a long time and for anyone, kid or adult, to believe that the flag on his bicycle had anything to do with race should either be shot or at least fixed so they can’t reproduce because this kind of ignorance needs to stop. But honestly, it’s no wonder that some people are offended by the American Flag. I mean lately it sure seems to me that every time I call a voice automated system (like ummm…calling the City of Sacramento’s inspection line…Sacramento… as in the Capital…) that it now requires you to “select 1 to continue in English”. And if you do not push 1 then the message automatically continues in Spanish. Now I’m all for diversity and do not discriminate (generally I hate everyone equally…Jk) but dear god at what point did someone decide that English should be an option rather than the standard. And why Spanish rather than Russian or Ukrainian or Arabic? There are so many different people of… Read more »


Plus none of this flag stuff will even matter in a year because that school will be forced to closed due to poor government funding just like so many others have been here in America. Instead we need to save our energy so we can stay focused on the important things like Cinco de Mayo, or, using the energy to hang up and redial Sac City since you accidently hit the number 2 rather than 1 for English which is of course explained in Spanish.