Deserter Robin Long released from prison

| July 10, 2009

Some of you long time readers may remember Robin Long the little creepy looking guy that absconded to Canada after he’d been ordered to Iraq (after being in the military for two full years before his deployment). Canada wisely booted his dreadlock-wearing ass out last year. In August 2008 he was sentenced to 15 months in the Navy brig in San Diego – getting off pretty easy in my book.

After our new president was elected, Long wasted no time whining to Obama pleading for leniency. I don’t know if it had anything to do with it, but he got released yesterday 12 months after he turned himself in to the military (he must’ve got credit for time served before the trial). (LA Times story)

“Wow, what a journey the last four years has been,” Long said as he left the brig.

He was accompanied by Dawn O’Brien, a board member of Veterans for Peace and a leader in Military Families Speak Out.

After being returned to this country, an Army court-martial sentenced Long to 15 months and a dishonorable discharge.

Even after he is processed out of the Army, Long may not be able to return to Canada, where his girlfriend and their 2-year-old son reside.

Canadian law prohibits convicted felons from entering the country, although Long’s supporters have vowed to appeal.

Another deserter, Kimberly Rivera (also known as Queen Fat Ass, the Baby Factory) appealed to the Canadian Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration to keep her, her fat, lazy unemployed husband and “who knows how many kids now” in Canada. I’d prefer they stay there, though, so we don’t feed all of those mouths and house her bitchy video game playing husband. Let the Canucks keep them all. Serves them right for letting them into their country in the first place.

TSO, who for some reason is working hard at the job that pays him money, says he’ll have more on Long on Sunday. Needless to say, his early release caught us off guard today.

Category: Antiwar crowd, Phony soldiers, Usual Suspects

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Piss on the veterans who served honorably, give the good deal to the shitbags. Yep–sounds about right for a Democrat administration.


I’m surprised that the Army put him in a Navy brig. What; was there no room in Kansas at the Military Gravel Academy?


Just a quick note. Not sure on military time. But in federal prison system for the most part you would do 80% of your time. If the sentence is longer then one year. If its under one year then you do the full boat. So 12 months would be right on sched with a 15 month sentance.

Dont know how that translates over to military brigs, but stands to logic it would be the same as the fed prison system.

J. M. Branum

In the military system, you get 5 days of good-time credit for every 30 days served in jail, which is why Robin got out in 12 months.

As far as your crude remarks about Kimberly Rivera, where I’m from here in Oklahoma, you don’t say things like that about a lady. Maybe that’s ok where you’re from but it’s not around here. You should be ashamed of yourself. Kimberly is a dman good mother and is about as good as person as you’ll ever meet.

James M. Branum
Proud to be Robin Long’s Civilian Defense Counsel

mark barnes

You are an ass.


Mr. Branum, we don’t say those things about ladies here in Michigan either, so you’ll understand why I didn’t get upset? Thank you, and I wouldn’t expect any better from someone “proud” to have anything to do with Long.