Phony soldier refuses to learn

| July 10, 2009

From our friends at POW Net and 1stCavRVN11B comes this gem about a phony vet who was busted and then tried to defraud the court that gave him a break. From the (Oroville Weekly Register;

An Oroville man on probation for falsely representing himself as a decorated Vietnam War veteran is once again facing federal charges after allegedly submitting a forged letter to the United States District Court.

Michael Allan Fraser pled guilty in May of 2008 to a misdemeanor violation of the Stolen Valor Act, a federal law enacted in 2006 that makes it illegal to falsely claim any military decorations and medals.

In an October 2007 interview, Fraser told the Mercury-Register he was awarded two Purple Hearts and two Bronze Stars for combat in Vietnam. It was later discovered that those claims were false.

Fraser did serve during the Vietnam War, but was stationed in the Philippines and never saw combat.

He was prosecuted by the U.S. Attorney’s Office, and pled guilty to charges of falsely representing himself as a decorated veteran. He was fined $500 and sentenced to serve 100 hours of community service at the Oroville Rescue Mission by May of 2009.

The story goes on to tell that he presented a letter to the court to prove he’d done his community service, but the Rescue Mission where he was supposed to serve had never seen him until that day. C’mon, dude. Do the time, will ya?

Well, he will now when his probation is vacated.

Another of our friends, Doug Sterner, succinctly sums it up;

“Once a fraud, always a fraud,” Sterner said.

Category: Phony soldiers

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AW1 Tim


You know, you just can’t make this stuff up. Some of these guys are so clueless that they need their own special category.

Inbred Redneck

I live 20 miles outside Oroville and coudn’t believe it when I saw this in today’s paper (BTW, it’s the Oroville “Mercury” Register). I can’t wait to see one of the local girls who used to tend bar at the VFW so she can let me know how this has been received by the locals.

Rob J in Berry Creek, CA