Then again, maybe I won’t move on so quick

| April 22, 2009

This post is going COMPLETELY under the -More- thing for a SERIOUS NSFW language warning.

But, it seems that IVAW Winter Soldier participant Kris Goldsmith doesn’t think much of Matthis and his claims. Goldsmith even claims that Matthis is a Rapist. Entirety of Goldsmiths comments from his Facebook page reprinted in full after the jump. Big golf clap to Goldsmith on this one. You’ve entered the hallowed ranks of those I disagree with but whom I have respect for.

This publicity stunt really pisses me off (referring to Matthis’ recent e-mail about his IRR Discharge Hearing). First of all, a discharge from the IRR has nothing to do with the GI Bill. I’m disgusted by the fact that Matthis is getting this benefit, knowing how truly DISHONORABLE his conduct was, during and after his enlistment.

So fuck it, I’m putting the information out there so everyone else can decide how much of a HERO this LIAR is.

How many people know that Matthis is a RAPIST? Yup, I said rapist. He admitted to myself, and a few other IVAW members to raping a girl while on assignment in the Philippines, and blamed it- not on himself being a complete douche bag… But he said the military life had made it acceptable. I say fuck that, because my entire time in the military it was NOT ACCEPTABLE TO RAPE A WOMAN. I have friends while in the military who volunteered to testify against rapists on active duty. Being in the Army doesn’t make you lose your soul, like Matthis would try to convince you. Knowing that Matthis is a rapist has made me cringe every time I hear him talk about what a progressive, or feminist he is. I’d like to find one feminist who’d believe his claim that it’s the military’s fault, not his, for him raping some poor little prostitute in the Philippines, whom Matthis told me he knew at the time, that she wasn’t a volunteer in the sex trade.

Matthis has spent money on drugs like COCAINE while living off the donations of peace activists and supporters. Is that what any of you donated for? Matthis has been accused of squandering donations in the past, and has shed the accusations because no witnesses came forward. I apologize for not coming forward before this, but I was there. Just before leaving for DC to lobby Congress on Matthis’ behalf, Matthis and I spoke at a fundraiser in Brooklyn and received $800 in cash donations. That money was meant to provide support for our mission. And Matthis had the balls to both beg people for that money and spend money on hard drugs (as in, drugs other than weed, which I know is highly acceptable in the activist circle). He also had the balls to let me believe that retelling my traumatic story time and time again for his financial gain was to keep his sorry ass out of jail. (Initially, I felt I owed him since he said my Winter Soldier Testimony was the inspiration for him to resist activation orders).

Matthis used my IVAW business cards (of course without my permission) to chop up the cocaine before he snorted it, while staying at his friends house in DC. Ironically, I had printed on those cards in large print, “THEY RISKED EVERYTHING, TO TELL THE TRUTH”, referring to the Winter Soldiers.

The truth is that Matthis has risked nothing, and he’s been shitting on the real Winter Soldiers, the ones who served our country when we were asked, and continue on to serve on a path of righteousness now that we’ve learned the truth. Matthis is an opportunist, a fake, a liar, a drug user, A RAPIST and far from deserving anything that labels his conduct as “honorable”.

I’ve told Matthis that if he continues his statements about being on the “Moral High Ground” without letting the real truth come out that I’d come forward with this information. Well, Right-Wing-Bloggers, blog away! My name is Kristofer Goldsmith, and you can find me on facebook. If you want an interview, I’ll be answering any questions you have about the truth about Matthis Chiroux.

By the way, most of Matthis’ “war stories” from his military career involved things like doing drugs and going to clubs in foreign countries while on active duty while the rest of the Army was suffering through two wars- wars he didn’t oppose until he got activation orders. HE NEVER RESISTED ORDERS TO DEPLOY TO IRAQ. He simply refused orders to activate from the IRR. He never showed up to duty, and therefore never took a risk. People who believe he’s done anything brave, simply don’t know the difference. He’s done nothing but gain from his time “struggling” while living off the kindness of peace activists, having the opportunity to travel the country, and at the same time pay for his too-big-for-a-college-student apartment in Brooklyn.

To people who may criticize me about “bringing down IVAW”… Matthis is not IVAW, he’s been taking advantage of you, open your eyes. It’s time to purge the shit from our system.

I am, and for ever will be, an Iraq Veteran Against the War. Matthis, simply stated, never will be. I’m ashamed that our loose membership criteria allows such a person to stand among our ranks, and and to corruptly gain fame off the backs of those who truly sacrifice- be it in the uniform of the American Military, or the uniform of the IVAW.

As I was for the problems I saw in the Military, I will do the same for problems with IVAW and the rest of my life. I WILL NOT BE SILENT.

Category: Politics

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“Matthis is an opportunist, a fake, a liar, a drug user, A RAPIST and far from deserving anything that labels his conduct as “honorable”.”

I revise my predition. He’s probably going to recieve an honrary degree from UC-Berkley and run for Congress next year.


FOMSG: Nah Obama will appoint him to a position in the VA


Yup, probably gonna try for Ted Kennedy’s seat!


Such a nice boy…


Ted’s won’t be the first seat he tries for, just the flabbiest.

BTW – you TOTALLY neglected to tell everyone this is Earth Day!!!! Jane Fonda would be ashamed! So here are my suggestions:
1. Using either a huge SUV or a deisel, drag an effigy of Al ‘Bloated Goat’ Gore through the streets on your way to a tractor pull.
2. Gather old tires and used motor oil, and build a giant blazing Pyre of Honor for Gaia, so that the smoke columns may be seen in DC. This signifies your solidarity with other like minded folk.
3. Go to a hippiefied vegetarian restaurant, demand a Soylent Green salad with Obama dressing. If they feign ignorance, then snort, spit, affect a French accent and call them capitalist pigs.
4. Under cover of darkness, make a statement for organic gardening and recycling by gathering with friends to group-defecate on the lawn of any appropriate politicians or Code Pinkers.
Feel free to improvise on any of these. Have fun!


Sorry about the language, feel free to edit. And I’m serious about the taking interviews thing. You have my contact info.

TSO Wrote: No worries on the language, we’re usually that bad too, but some who link worry about the language crap from time to time. You can actually use all 7 bad words in a sentence here next time. Actually, work it into your interview when we contact you.


“BTW – you TOTALLY neglected to tell everyone this is Earth Day!!!!”

And don’t forget, this charmin’ feller listed below claims to have concocted the event!

I think he & the guy who invented “Kwanzaa” could be bowling pardners…

TSO Wrote: Wasn’t that the dude that missed the field goal for the Dolphins when Dan Marino didn’t put the laces out? I think he became a she cop or something. Some Pet Detective outted her/him.

X2: Did you see who his defense lawyer was. I know there was a reason I hated him. He went from this to trying to have my beloved and saintly Patriots Coach investigated for alleged filming.


Also I was wondering if I could talk to you too about some other things such as the differences between then and now, for better or worse.


Junior AG, that explains why he stuffed his girlfriend in the trunk. He didn’t want to bury her in the ground and create pollution. What a guy, what a true lover of mother earth.
I think he and Leroy(the inventor of Kwanzaa) share a cell now.


I tried to post a comment in my local paper on an article about what to do for earthday, but they wouldn’t let it through. All I said was that murderers should compost their victims in trunks like Einhorn.


Surprising about Chiroux. I never imagined him as a rapist; he always seemed to me more of a rapee. With luck, his doping habit could still get him government housing and a chance for non-therapeutic prostate massage to fulfill his karma.

The Sniper

I would love to have him stumble out in front of my SUV in a drug-fueled haze so I could have the pleasure of watching his eyes go wide just before he went under the chasis. Oh, and after a half mile or so I would hit the brakes if he were still attached.


It sounds like you need three things.
1) Jagged pieces of Rebar.
2) Floor Jack.
3) Welding equipment.


And for those who haven’t requested Matthis’ facebook friendship in fear of ruining your keyboard with vomit, his status is:

“Oh the fates are twisted! 8)8) Forgive the liars and the lame of heart. They know not what they do. Oh the splendid peace I feel; it shall not be moved from me. More to follow from Winter Soldier yesterday!”

Thought you guys might like that, how he’s projecting this bible-speak at all the sheep who can’t see that the crown of thorns on his head is made of compressed feces.


WTF was this Cadamite smoking when he wrote that? When are the groupies gonna figure it out that he is bad news and desert him like rats from a sinking ship?


[…] Read the whole thing here! […]


One third of women leaving the United States Military report being raped or sexually assaulted by a fellow soldier. They are raping their own coworkers, what on earth made anyone thing they were doing anything different to women and girls in occupied lands? You went to the right with this Kris. They are interested only in demonizing a particular soldier. They don’t care about the raped, sodomized, brutalized, beaten and murdered girls that the US military leave behind them wherever they occupy a land.

If you are going to tell the truth Kris, tell the whole truth.


Anyone who supports Kris in this should be honest. If you actually care that people are raped, say so.

If your intent is only to demonize IVAW while you yourself have been to prostitutes or in general disrespect them, say that as well.


Aaaand of course Cordelia doesn’t have any real evidence, forensic, scientific, or statistical to prove a valid point other than moonbatery…………….. I believe in the power of evidence, and not words, words can be false, evidence, not so much. And when it comes to words, IVAW doesn’t have a leg to stand on!


But, yet, somehow, I BELIEVE Kris, maybe because he truly loves his Country, not Socialism……


Kris has felt what happens when you disagree with Matthis. The peace Matthis feels is the con he has pulled off on the anti-war movement. He is living very well on his donations for his legal defense. Kris woke up but no one else is really listening or investigating. Matthis background in the army and back into Auburn, Alabama simply does not pass the sniff test. If there was a con in switching to a pro-war stance Matthis would toss the IVAW under the bus in a heartbeat. Matthis is like a Jim Jones, he really does get people around him to start drinking his Cool-Aid while he empties their wallet.


Exactly why i said I don’t like hi eyes in the FOX affiliate interview. They are shifty, spooky, and downright EVIL. I think he was searching for an angle on the newsteam in some way.


You believe Kris because it is convenient for you to believe Kris. You’re a right wing keyboard warrior who doesn’t give a rat’s ass about the women and girls our military rape and sometimes kill. If it were not convenient for you to believe Kris, and one day soon it again will not be, then you won’t believe Kris. You have no morals. You need only look to the comments on Matthis’ “confession” page to see that both left wing males, and right wing male war bloggers like yourself, refuse to call what Matthis did to that young, suspected victim of human trafficking, rape. They both keep calling her a “hooker”.

Misogyny and the rape culture is one thing that binds both right wing males and left wing males together. Of course, right wing males are also racist, whereas a left wing male searches out racism as if it were a cancer, and then loudly points to it whenever he catches even a sniff of it. “Racist, racist!” he will scream and then look around for his approval from all of the other liberal white males, who will line up to pat him on the back. But misogyny? Oh, that are as good at recognizing as your average right wing fuck, like you guys here. For the most visible example of this particulary breed of white liberal male, look to Markos Moulitsas – the daily Kos. He excels at such sanctimoniousness.

I guess the question is; who cares if who a shitstain like you believes? I believe Kris. It is not convenient for me to believe him.

See, that means something.


So the IVAW wants to talk about listening to only what is convenient? Do you really want to go down that road?

You falsely assumes that our military does not care about those that have been affected by rape. I can say this because we had a rape case a few months before we left and I promise you that the entire Battalion got involved. Even after another rape case came up that turned out to be false, at no time did anyone suggest that any further claims of rape would not be taken seriously. Nor at any time was it said that rape is allowed or tolerated. On AFN there is segments on where to get help if this happened to you and explicitly tells that if you do this crime you WILL be caught and punished. Regardless if you are overseas.

Now about the red light districts are a off-limits zone in Korea and in Germany. So I would ask why are they even there to begin with? Also do not assume that the victim is always female.

The more I read this the more I think that is trolling for knee jerk replies. So we are going with a pretty big brush to generalize people with now?



Thank you from the bottom of my heart for standing up against Matthis Chiroux. I’ve felt the brunt of his backstabbing, buddy-fucking tactics as well. There are more people in our position than you can imagine. This guy is by far the lowest, most degrading, disgusting and sinister individual I have ever come across. I sincerely hope it won’t be too long before other people realize, for their own well-being, the manipulative maneuvers he uses to get his way.

Former Soldier

I just forwarded this to the press!

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