Daniel A. Bernath; phony CPO

| December 11, 2013

Editor’s Note: Daniel A. Bernath passed away on January 21, 2018

Daniel Bernath

Scotty sent this to us over the weekend and I was holding on to it for a drought, but our own Ex-PH2 was excited that Daniel A. Bernath was a PH2, too. Just by looking at the rank on his sleeve, you can tell he’s a phony since, instead of laying out the bucks for new rank, he had a stripe embroidered on the sleeve. He has service stripes for twenty years of service, but his FOIA tells a different story;

3 years and change in active service, and a couple of years in the Reserves. Now let’s do some math – you’ll need most of your fingers, he’s wearing seven awards in the picture and the FOIA says that he has five. Well, finally we got a Navy phony who is not a SEAL.

Bernath portlandia medals

DSCF0759.jpg~original Bernath Caddy

Bernath portlandia medals close up

Bernath crash

ADDED: Look familiar? Courtesy of Sparks to whom I bow for his superior Google-foo belt.

John SheppardDaniel Bernath

From MCPO;

Bernath photos 3

Category: Phony soldiers

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@99 – Old Sarge, will not stop until this s—st–k ‘fesses up and finds his ‘come to Jesus’ moment.

Go to confession, Bernath. Tell the priest you’re an asshole and you lie like a persian rug. I hear confession is good for the soul.

3/17 air cav

@101… I’ve read some of your posts on this guy. Keep at it, he’s in your neighborhood so too speak. It’s personal and I understand. It’s kind of like Herbert Williamson for me. Same thing it’s personal. When I see that ass wearing that black Stetson and claiming his bullshit I lose it.

Keep fighting the good fight. Stay on him till he squeals like a little piggy.


@102 3/17AirCav – It’s more than personal.

He made a threat of the kind that only a coward would come up with.

Kind of like Mailahn threatening Jonn or wickre doing a denial of service episode.

Cowards, one and all.

3/17 air cav

@103……just so I understand, questioning your service or worse?


I was trolling through Bernasty’s “bio” (that larded-up disorganized mess of onanistic self-congratulation) and I saw something that truly pisses ME off. I won’t share it, but suffice to say, this c-sucker is now personal for me too. I did not serve in our Armed Forces, but I have served the Nation in a much more modest capacity, and Bernasty has sullied my service. With his very existence.

Continue unleashing the bowels of hell on him, PH. Love you lots.


More on E-5 Bernasty, courtesy of The Oregonian:


Looks like Danny boy likes to play the KKK card and show his ass in court… and has liked about not being reprimanded (and having his law license revoked) in California.


And, HMCS(FMF), he “caught the PTSD” somewhere in there too. Guess photography on carriers took a terrible toll on his soul.

2/17 Air Cav

@106. According to the judge referenced in the newspaper article, his license to practice was suspended, not revoked. he contends that it was not suspended. Normally, I wouldn’t quibble but the distinction is something that, in this instance, I think ought to made, for reasons you can probably guess. He certainly has issues in more than one arena and Lady Justice seems to have found him.

Frankly Opinionated

Ex PH2:
Per your e-mail to me; I would forward that info to the judge mentioned in comment #106. He is in a position to do something about it, is a veteran, and already knows of the asshattery that Bernasty is capable of.


And, HMCS(FMF), he “caught the PTSD” somewhere in there too. Guess photography on carriers took a terrible toll on his soul.

Only if he was on the USS Forrestal during the fire, ExHack.


Frankly O, I’m waiting to see if he plants any more such twaddle on my blog. One incident is obnoxious. More than one, with a continued direction like that, is something else.

There is a VAST difference between what HE said and what the rest of us have said. I have NO interest in putting him out of the business of practicing law. He seems to be aiming at doing that to himself.

He seems to think that the title of Honorary CPO is a promotion in rank, which it is NOT. It’s just a title. The most recent recipient of that is a civilian woman who is a tailor for Navy personnel at the Pentagon, and has been doing that for over 35 years.

In addition, he used my old division officer’s name on one of his phony LORs, and seems to think that I can’t prove that the many was my DO for three years, AND he’s nicked someone else’s image, stuck his own head on it, done a crapass sloppy job of ‘shopping it.

All you get when you are given the HCPO title is a CPO pin, a CPO’s cover and a certificate and it’s handed to you by the MCPO of the Navy. It is NOT a promotion in rank, simply an honorary TITLE.

What he said is a lot nastier than anything anyone has said here, including me. So let’s see if he comes up with more stuff like that and throws it at me. 🙂


Here’s an interesting piece of litigation by Our Boy Bernath.


Considering his history, the way he likes to attack people, and that there was no fire in that crash, this is an interesting byproduct from a crash landing. Almost looks intentional.

La-de-da indeed

Isn’t this just special? Even if it’s a while back, it tells you something.


Chief Daniel A. Bernath (Hon)

I was honored by the US Navy Photographers Association in 2006 as a Chief Petty Officer. and you?
I have served clients in California, Oregon, Washington, Idaho for 30 years as a lawyer.
I have been a newscaster on the biggest stations in LA, Detroit, NYC. and you?
I have had hundreds of clients, with tears in their eyes hug me for saving them and their families. and you?
I have earned my pilots license at age 62.
Every ribbon and medal I wear is because the Navy told me to do so on the DD214 and DD215 form.
As you have pissed away your life and are waiting around for which cancer is finally going to kill you, think about how happy I am, all the honors I have received and how crumbly your life has been.
Daniel A. Bernath, Chief Petty Officer (Hon).
ps. I don’t post anonymously because unlike you, I am not a coward. Call me! 503 367 4204


@115 Liar and Fraud.
Here comes the Ex-PH2icane or is that Ex-PH2ornado? How about the TAH Pain Train?

/ducks and runs for shitstorm shelter.

Chief Daniel A. Bernath (Hon)

who post under anonymous names but actually are wearing women’s underwear, are overweight, sexually frusted, have been convicted and on the registered sex offender list for child molestation.

La-de-da indeed
2/17 Air Cav
Green Thumb
A Proud Infidel
Green Thumb
Don H
CTRC (not a fake)
Combat Historian
Pinto Nag

again, I am Daniel A. Bernath, attorney at law, Chief Petty Officer (Hon) and my phone number is 503 367 4204. Call me up and lets discuss whatever you like. But no. You are there in the women’s underware, in front of your computer, taking a moment out from viewing your child porn to anonomous comment on a real American who has served his country in both the USN and the Dept of Homeland Security.
(by the way, I also drive a new Caddy, have a pretty wife, all my kids have graduated from college and I’m overweight, so I eat well too. and you? Frustrated with all you failures in life and attack the people who actually succeeded at everything he has attempted.) The US Navy Photography Association honored me with the title of Chief Photographers Mate in 2006. I took my head from pic and put it over both the pic of the other Chief and another barrister. I get a real kick out of people saying that the uniform is fake, the crow is fake, fake fake fake! You are a great source of amusement to me as you live in your trailer home-so close to your neighbor you can hear him take a shit and smell it afterwards. I live on a 5 acre oceanfront property so I can go to my 50 foot sailboat when the mood strikes me, or fly off on my Beech Bonanza on my private air strip).

Retired Master

#56, Brings back a lot of memories when I was an Air Force Photograher. Suprisingly I can still answer some of those questions. Some did stump me, if I remember the only film you can process in safelight is either infrared or Hi contrast. Please refresh my memory on that one. Speed Graphic used 4x 5 sheets or a polaroid back.

Chief Daniel A. Bernath (Hon)

Anonymous Coward Someone too cowardly to post their real name next to what they write. — AnonymousCoward SlashDot uses AnonymousCoward as a social device to encourage – but not require – that posters identify themselves. The result (at SlashDot) is a mixed bag: the level of immature flaming is considerably higher among the AnonymousCoward set, but it also provides a means for some people to provide information or opinions without fear of reprisal from their company. It is also used on occasion by people who can’t remember their damn password. — DaveSmith Actually, AnonymousCoward used to be a specific user on SlashDot before they had accounts. Now since they didn’t have accounts, there really wasn’t anything to keep anyone from posting as AnonymousCoward, but there wasn’t anything to keep people from posting as DaveSmith either. To my knowledge, at this point on Wiki, AnonymousCoward only refers to one person, who would generally prefer to remain anonymous. I’m not the original SlashDot AnonymousCoward, but I haven’t seen anyone other than me post here using that name. –AnonymousCoward I have, too! — AnonymousCoward Don’t think of AnonymousCoward being used in the SlashDot sense (i.e., to encourage people to use their real names), but rather as someone here who wishes to create an AnonymousIdentity. — AnonymousCoward Of course, RecentChangesJunkies can track anonymous postings by frequent posters. Sometimes I have the urge to reply directly to the person’s identity even if the post was anonymous. I hold back because that would violate their intent. — a rhetorical AnonymousCoward Well, that works, to an extent. But it is imperfect if that person jumps from internet connection to internet connection frequently. Actually, the reason I first used it was to differentiate my entry in a discussion from the surrounding ones without leaving a name. Otherwise I wouldn’t have put anything at all. Then, the idea of continuing to use it other places stuck. I make revisions with out signing (usually), but new comments on discussions, or new topics I sign. This way people will be able to decide if they think I’m an idiot or not… Read more »


@115, call you? so you can file charges of phone harassment you shyster? no thank you.
@ 114, and 113, nice finds. Again, proof that faking is a symptom of a much larger character problem(s)

HS Sophomore

@117-This HAS TO BE a troll. No way somebody could mimic Paul Wickre that closely. Caddy instead of jaguars, accusations of perversions/cowardice, bragging about nonexistent wealth.

Retired Master

#117: I’m insulted, you left me out and I agree with the postings of these earlier listed veterans who served with honor.


@121, it could be a troll, or it could be that the faker in question has snapped just like a few other fakers have because when Jonn and his crew have the truth on their side and don’t back down, it can make posers act a little squirrelly.

HS Sophomore

@119-CPO Bernath, what you’ve just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I’ve ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response was there anything that could even be considered a rational thought. Everyone on this blog is dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

HS Sophomore

@123-Yes. We won’t know for sure until the IP address is checked. Somebody with admin privileges, could you indulge my curiosity?

2/17 Air Cav

Easy, kid, lest you get your knickers sued off.

Now, here is his personal and professional history, as to;ld by him. Included are all sorts of servoce-related goodies. If you are going to read through it, get yourself a drink first.



I made the List! I made the List! I made the List! Hey, folks I have ever made a list before! I am pleased and honored to accept this award. I thank my parents for having me and my producers and directors and all the little people who made this possible. 😀

HS Sophomore

@126-I went cross-eyed trying to read all that engineering and legalese. Basically what I derived is that he did something unbelievably stupid (starving the engine of fuel) while having very little in the first place, crashed, and is suing the company. True?


I just called him and he did not pick up! 503 367 4204


Whoop whoop, I made it onto Daniel “the Barnacle” Bernath’s list of wrath! After almost three years of reading TAH threads – finally, an embellisher/poser acknowledged my existence.

2/17 Air Cav

@128. His claim, in part, is that a manufacturing defect, of which he had no prior notice, caused fuel starvation when, he contends, one tank had fuel in quantity sufficient for him to complete the flight. It’s not interesting reading. Scroll down and read the stuff below.


I think our phony CPO is trying for a higher seed in the next stolen valor tourney


And for the last time, he is not an Honorary CPO.

He is a fraud …





@ #115 – Why didn’t you list the fact that you are a (TaDa!!!) Oregon Public Notary along with all your other accomplishments? Gosh, I was your biggest fan and you repay me by accusing me of child molestation and wearing women’s clothing? Simultaneously?


@130 Brownwolf I am feelin’ it with you man! I made the list. However, this year I will not be accepting the award personally. In recognition of my protest over the treatment the American Indians, Indian Maiden Cumsalot will be accepting on my behalf. 😀

HS Sophomore

“Although a holder of an Oregon Driver License, Daniel Bernath is not an illegal alien…”

Thanks for warning me about that drink, 2/17th. That is a scream.

Just An Old Dog

Wow he is one of those bottom feeding Social Security lawyers, apparently he was practicing illegally in the State of Oregon and got his flacid pee pee wacked.

“The facts are these: In 1998, Bernath was denied membership in the Oregon Bar for “lack of good moral character.” The Oregon decision pointed to Bernath’s one-year suspension from the California Bar in 1995 for failure to pay child support and cashing a client’s settlement check without her permission. Bernath, according to the decision, also failed to report a $34,000 judgment against him for malicious prosecution and destroyed all his case files from California when he moved to Oregon in the late 1990s.”

Dipshit, you aren’t special or even talented. I personally have did a Social Security Appeal for someone by writing a simple hand written paragraph. They got 23,000 bucks.

Put me on your hate-list too, you bloviating cock-monger.


What a douche. Hey Bernath, you are a fake and a bad one at that.

2/17 Air Cav

Yeah, he is a walking, talking, chest bumping legend. I have seen embellishments, hyperbole, and outright flights of fancy many times, but this guy takes the cake. He is so far ahead of the pack, I need the Hubble telescope to see who is running second.


@117- And I thought nobody was paying attention…

I merely pointed out the silver(pewter) buttons.

Are you claiming those are standard on a Chief’s jacket?

BTW, I’m an actual MCPO (though honored to be one).

Just An Old Dog

Looks like he took offence to a judge calling him out on being a lying sack of shit too. He went full Wickre, posting crap about the judge on his website, then filing several complaints against him. He was able to get the judge suspended for 4 days on one account, disclosing a clients SSN to another lawyer.
Phony Chief Bernath got a slap on the wrist and made to attend anger management, but from the comments of the judge who sentenced him his reputation is shit.

“Papak dressed Bernath down for his behavior — such as lampooning Hyatt on his website as a Ku Klux Klansman and behaving like a preschooler fighting for a swing — and said officers of the court are expected to treat judges with respect.

“This trial,” Papak said, “is an embarrassment, in my mind.”

The tiff on the lift climaxed a three-year war of words between Bernath, a Tigard attorney who represents clients in disability cases, and Hyatt, one of the judges who hears those claims at the Portland hearing office. Their squabbles — which include dueling state bar complaints, claims of slander and a $10 million lawsuit — were chronicled in a July story in The Oregonian.

The spat began in 2007, when Hyatt questioned Bernath’s honesty in a disability hearing. The judge felt Bernath lied when he said he’d never been suspended by bar officials in California, where he holds a law license; Hyatt turned over an audio recording of the hearing to an Oregon State Bar investigator.

Bernath filed six bar complaints against the judge, all dismissed. He also sent letters to tax officials that suggested Hyatt had cheated on his taxes. Bernath mailed letters to a slew of lawyers asking for dirt on Hyatt. He posted accusations against the judge — including claims of cruelty, dishonesty and racism -”

Full Wickre.


What? In some circles I am considered worthy of at least an honorable mention on such an august list of notables. Therefore, I am highly miffed and hereby and forthwith put this snub-nosed idiot on notice that any further slings which are slung generally at posters here which do not include myself may result in an as to reference from legal counsel, aka a lawer.

This may be a good time to clarify a thing or three for posterity. I am not sexually frusted but am indeed sitting here in women’s underwear. What? You would prefer that I wear boxers? Not gonna happen.

So you finally got that pilot’s license? Some of us grew up with airplanes all around us and find you to be quite an underachiever in that regard. Bless your heart.

Silly boy – you really are in the wrong crowd to be looking down that pug nose of yours. But you are amusing, in a sick sort of way. Oh, well, gallows humor comes with the territory among veterans. Thanks for volunteering to be the object of our laughter this week.


@136 Sparks,

I live on an Indian Reservation. Indian Maiden Cumsalot is currently unavailable; however, I’ll send Juanita and her five sisters as part of an entourage to pelt Daniel “the Barnacle” Bernath with rotten fruit and castrate him like the bad sheep that he has been towards others.

Hondo should be pleased that he was also listed twice on that list of lists.

Chief Daniel A. Bernath (Hon)

The Commanding Officer of the USS Yorktown, Captain William L. Bennett, regarding the Yorktown’s last combat deployment stated,

“Petty Officer Daniel Bernath frequently volunteered to be the combat photographer on day or night helicopter missions over enemy territory and waters and as the rescue aircrewman on these dangerous flights for which he had been trained.

He taught many of the new recruits to the photography field the fine art of taking an outstanding picture and was an idol for them.

Dan Bernath is the kind of sailor, petty officer and shipmate that every commanding officer hopes to have in his organization, especially in the combat zone.”

Capt. Bill Bennett, USN

Chief Daniel A. Bernath (Hon)

Nomination of Daniel A. Bernath to Honorary Chief Photographer’s Mate By PHC Milt Putnam I nominate Daniel Alan Bernath because of all he has done to support and honor the Photographer’s Mates and for all he has done so that the world can know of the accomplishments and sacrifices of the US Navy sailors. There is no person more deserving of this honor because he contributed more and done more to support US Naval Photography throughout the 38 years I have known him.. I served with him in the combat zone in Vietnamese waters. Dan Bernath was a Photographers Mate on the USS Kearsarge and USS Yorktown. During his service time, he photographed sea air rescues of downed pilots in the Tonkin Gulf, the shipping going into and heading toward the communist ports or assisted and his photographs and assistance aided the intelligence community as they planned out future bombing missions. He was so committed to our country, the US Navy and the war that when his fellow shipmates on the USS Kearsarge were looking forward to returning to the US, Bernath volunteered to transfer to the USS Yorktown for another combat zone deployment. The first time I saw Daniel Bernath I was standing on the rolling deck of USS Hassayampa AO-145 waiting for my turn to be highlined to USS Yorktown and report to Helicopter Antisubmarine Squadron Four. (Yorktown had just returned to operations in Vietnam waters from the Sea of Japan and I had flown to Hassayampa from Da Nang a week before.) Dan Bernath was photographing the refueling and highlining of personnel. I was able to observe him for quite a while and enjoyed seeing how he covered the event. I don’t remember how many fuel lines or stations there were on Yorktown that day, but Daniel Bernath was running from station to station getting pictures of all the men connecting lines and securing them into place. Upon my arriving on Yorktown, Dan was standing nearby and I asked where the photo lab and HS-4 offices were. He pointed toward the hanger bay and said, photo lab… Read more »

Chief Daniel A. Bernath (Hon)

National Association of Naval Photography 03 MAY 2006 Honorary Chief Photographer’s Mate Nomination Daniel A. Bernath Dan Bernath Daniel Alan Bernath By Dale Potts, Captain, United States Navy (Reserve, Ret.) Thomas Gardner 1978 Butternut Street Charleston SC 29414 Gentlemen, I am honored to nominate my former shipmate, Photographer’s Mate 2nd Class Daniel A. Bernath for Honorary Chief status in your organization. I have known Dan Bernath since our days serving together on the carrier USS Yorktown in the Gulf of Tonkin off the coast of Vietnam in 1967, through the cruise around South American and the NATO North Atlantic cruise to Europe in 1969. I was the Public Information Officer on the USS Yorktown and worked closely together with Photographers Mate Bernath on many projects. I remember that he always presented a good image with his trim squared-away military appearance and easy going manner. One of his quarterly reports states that, “he adds much to the moral of the division” and I can see why that was so because as he arrived on the scene of a photographic assignment, he put the participants at ease even though they might initially be intimidated by the large camera and flash equipment. He was good at directing all US Navy personnel for the photographs whether they were seaman or the Commanding Officer and thereby presented a good image for all Navy Photographers. Photographers Mate Bernath left the US Navy and entered a journalism career that had him move constantly from NYC to Los Angeles, Milwaukee, New Orleans, back to New York City and because of that his wish to remain in the US Navy Reserve could not be fulfilled. Bernath’s attitude however is “I was a part of the US Navy. The US Navy will always be a part of me.“ Bernath‘s leadership abilities were recognized by the Navy and he was promoted to Petty Officer 2nd Class in three years. I’ve heard him say, “My greatest regret in life is that I didn’t get promoted to Chief Petty Officer. If I could have stayed in the Navy I would have done it.… Read more »

Chief Daniel A. Bernath (Hon)

Steven K. Freund Concurring in the Nomination of Daniel Alan Bernath Dan Bernath Daniel Alan Bernath As Honorary Photographer’s Mate Chief Petty Officer, US Navy April 30, 2006 I served with Photographers Mate 2nd Class Daniel Bernath aboard the USS Yorktown CVS-10 on her last cruise to the North Atlantic in her hunt for Soviet subs and during her de-commissioning. During that cruise we were often times flown over by Russian Bear bombers and the entire photo lab crew worked to record those events for the Pentagon and other intelligence agencies. Bernath served aboard the USS Yorktown during her last combat cruise off the coast of North Vietnam and South Vietnam in 1968. He was also a Photographers Mate, recording the recovery of the first men to travel to the Moon, the Astronauts of Apollo 8 and has written extensively, along with his US Navy photographs and the photographs of other US Navy photographers at http://www.aspecialdayguide.com/yorktown/apollofirst.htm Bernath has exposed over 2,400,000 people to US Navy Photography on the website http://www.USSYorktown.com giving great visibility and honor to all US Navy Photographers. Photographers Mate Bernath also inspiring hundreds, if not thousands of young Americans to join the US Navy after viewing the photographs that we, the US Navy Photographers through the decades have created. I was a Photographers Mate at the US Navy base at Cam Rahn Bay, South Vietnam, aboard the USS Essex and the USS Yorktown. In my opinion Photographers Mate Bernath was one of the best training Petty Officers in the Navy. He constantly was monitoring the young sailors who were assigned to the photo lab and giving them real-Navy pointers on how to accomplish their tasks in the darkroom, when photographing the change of command ceremonies and turning routine promotions and “shipping-over” ceremonies into artistic works of art. He always tried to find the art in the even the routine photo assignments, he always unleashed the creativity in the new Photographers Mates and that inspiration he provided has no doubt reverberated in the Navy, long after Bernath put down his Navy Speed Graphic and began work as a… Read more »

Chief Daniel A. Bernath (Hon)

From: Lt. Commander Ralph Lewis USN (Ret.)

To: Chief Petty Officer Roundup Membership Committee

At the request of PHC Milt Putnam I heartily second Daniel Bernath’s nomination as Honorary Chief Photographers Mate.

I have received Daniel A. Bernath’s distinguished career and his many accomplishments since leaving the US Navy as detailed in his nomination by Chief Petty Officer Putnam.

In addition to an outstanding US Naval Career, his contributions to the USS Yorktown and other web sites with their many displays of Naval Photography have put the contributions of our rate in the public eye and given well-deserved credit to the photographers who did the work.

He is a very accomplished and I am sure, if he had been able to continue his Naval career he would have attained Chief Petty Officer status.

Ralph Lewis LCDR, USN (Ret.)