Salon tries their hand at Stolen Valor

| May 20, 2017

The Leftists at Salon took a very weak shot at “busting” Sheriff David Clarke for stolen valor in their article entitled “Looks like Sheriff David Clarke’s “army” medals might be B.S.” in which they use as a source some guy named Charles Clymer who claims to be an Army veteran as well as a “Genderqueer” whatever that is.

At almost all of his public appearances, Clarke either wears a pristine cowboy hat with a natty suit or, more famously, a uniform festooned with shiny military medals. On Thursday, Twitter user Charles Clymer, an army veteran, pointed out that those military medals might not be all that legit.

Clymer went on to break down each individual medal, their placement and their apparently spurious provenance. Clymer acknowledged that legitimate medals are earned, and should be worn with pride, but accuses Clarke of “stolen valor” and calls Clarke’s collection, “a sloppy assortment of badge replicas arranged neatly, [that] looks imposing.”

Yeah, Clymer did no such thing. He complained that Clarke had too many shiny things on his uniform, none of which are related to military service. It was nothing but a feeble attempt to demean Sheriff Clarke personally, you know, because “Trump!!!”. I’m not familiar with any of the “bling” that Clarke is wearing in that picture, because, like I said, none of it is related to military service. It reminds me of when the Left didn’t like David Petraeus and made fun of the General’s uniform as they speculated about whether he had earned all of the awards on his uniform.

The whole thing is childish and it’s a political attack. We’ve busted phonies here on both sides of the political aisle, irrespective of their politics because that’s the nature of stolen valor. I can’t find any articles on Salon that take The Dick Blumenthal to task on his fake claims that Blumenthal was a Vietnam veteran.

This David Clarke/Charles Clymer thing is like me making a big deal and wondering if Clymer earned his tiara in this picture;

Category: Dumbass Bullshit

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A tiara.

Holy shit.

— sigh —

Well, in my book the wearing of that rather fetching tiara establishes Clymer’s unimpeachable credibility to speak with authority on virtually any issue.

That tiara simply radiates intellectual superiority and infinite wisdom.

As a matter of fact, I wonder if some of the other characters that we are familiar with have one?

Tom Huxton

special snowflake wants to be a princess.

genderqueer. should we call Nellie, Nancy. or Uncle Al??

A Proud Infidel®™

“Genderqueer “, is that another term meaning fanny-puffer?

Bernie Hackett

Mick, thanks for summing up what I was thinking, as well. Brilliantly put! When, oh when are some of these whatevers going back in the closet? And stay there? And STFU.


Queer, perverted piece of shyt! wouldn’t make a wart on the Sheriff’s butt!

Sonny's Mom

“Does this tiara make my face look fat?”

Toasty Coastie

Oh we have a friggin’ Tiara wearing Pop Tart….


Where’s the earrings?

Tom Huxton

you do not want to know,really.


The earring is there….left ear!

MSG Eric

Each police force has their own types of medals and ribbons. Many have absolutely nothing to do with the military. There are, however, police forces that do let you wear “certain” military medals on your police uniform.

As far as Captain Funboy here, why is he wearing a Tiara? I don’t think he was authorized to wear that tiara. Did he marry a Prince to become a Princess? I don’t think so. He’s committing Stolen Royalty. Hurry up fashion police, arrest him!


Sounds like a little cognitive dissonance going on here. He is wearing a uniform. That implys that any adornment is official. Unofficial pins don’t belong on official uniforms. If they have personal significance they may be worn on the lapels of any suit on any day. To pin them to an official uniform serves only one purpose, personal aggrandizement. He cannot be oblivious to the image he presents in a uniform with all those shiny things on it. Third world dictators are also fond of self aggrandizement and uniforms with really big hats and lots of ropes, medals and sashes. They’re not fooling anyone either. Your trivialization of this reeks of partisanship and intellectual dishonesty.

A Proud Infidel®™

A BOY wearing a tiara, that speaks volumes about him in my book, maybe he’ll screech that “He was exploring his feminine side”‘or some candyassed liberal snot-brained bullshit like that, fuckin’ fart booger of a pisspants Swamp Donkey!

MSG Eric

I’d bet Bradlea Manning is his personal hero.

If he’s connected to I wouldn’t be surprised.

The Old Maj

He earned it all right. Behind the dumpster at Flying J.


Or maybe for servicing the military. I mean military service.

A Proud Infidel®™

Or from blowing winos behind bus stops thinking it’s his way of helping the homeless.


It would be interesting to know where and when this snowflake served since he just loves to shout out and speak for his fellow veterans in a way that runs on a back azimuth from the average person that served.

I’m sure he was a great leader with a long list of accomplishments…or not….yeah…not


I’m not surprised. I don’t see where he says anything beyond simply being an Army Veteran. I saw someone saying they think he may have served about 3 years and been “A Cadet”…but that person offers no reference for that conclusion.

A Proud Infidel®™

Maybe he/she/it took JROTC in high school and considers that to be the same as actual Military Service?


Like one Cody Sterner?

Silentium Est Aureum

Shocked face. This. Mine.

Give him a few years, he might become Ballduster McSoulpatch Junior.

At least the original Ballduster had SOME time in.


“back azimuth” That’s a term that I forgot I knew. Hadn’t heard that in many decades.


I sometimes use that when I teach. I’ll tell a student, you’re not wrong as much as simply on a back azimuth to the truth. lol

Hack Stone

Leave it to the military to come up with “back azimuth” instead of saying “Hey Fuckstick, you’re going the wrong way! Turn around and go in the exact opposite direction.” Maybe Daniel Bernath shot a back azimuth on his fuel gauge when he had that (mis)adventure at Sisters Airport.


I’m familiar with ‘180 out’. ‘Back azimuth’ sounds too much like geometry. (Shudder)

Tom Huxton

“Reciprocal” seems to come to mind.


Back azimuth is what we often used on boat ops..we actually have a back azimuth compass so you can get the bearing quick and get back to sun ops for the optimum look of a Bronze Recon God.

Yes there are synonyms and service speak that mean the same thing.


The look of a Bronze Recon God?


just some feller

Yeah, we were low speed: just turned our compass backwards when vectoring in AC.

But like the earlier response … back azimuth is a term I forgot I knew.

The years… they do accumulate.



Wil Wheaton likes him…yeah, that explains a lot. It’s good intel if you wanna see a bunch of self hating white males set down false equivalencies, repeat lies and to try to understand what a world is like without linear goal oriented thought and critical analysis.

I hope he’s at least slammin some pookie for such stupidity.

Silentium Est Aureum

And kindred spirits who are such pussies they’ll block you for daring to question them.

My favorite Wil Wheaton Tweet/response was when he announced immediate permablock to anyone who Tweeted, “Shut up, Wesley!” to him.

One of the firest to do it after that announcement? Patrick Stewart.

God I love people with a sense of humor making fun of people without one.

Silentium Est Aureum


How the fuck did that happen?


A tiara? Where’s his pink prom dress with a hoop and some feathers?

Toasty Coastie

He needs a peaCock feather boa to really stand out. I think the blues and greens would go well with a pink hoop skirt prom gown lol


Kind of like the ‘girls’ in Priscilla, Queen of the Desert?

The Old Maj

There are so many things wrong with that article it made my head hurt. I especially liked the part where he contacted the police to ask them about it, since you know he isn’t a policeman.

MSG Eric

Its Salon. All you have to do is say you hate the military or police and they’ll suck your wang and let you write an article.


Charles Clymer

14/ Anyway, David Clarke is fucking awful, but his toy uniform, especially, sets my teeth on edge. Rant over. /thread

Well, there’s his problem right there. His teeth are on edge. He needs a night guard so as not to destroy his teeth.

And if the uniform is worn IAW regulations, WTF does he care, other than he gets paid by the word for an article that is poorly written and researched.

Shut up, Climax, your envy is obvious.


Clymer is a dumb ass, he just wants attention, maybe pull his army record to see how long he/it/she was in. Just google him to see how dumb he really is.

A Proud Infidel®™

I doubt the candyassed little shit ever even set foot inside of a Recruiter’s Office.

Silentium Est Aureum

But like Hillary Clinton, he *really* wanted to….


Clymer also tweeted that he reached out to the Milwaukee Police Department, to get a copy of their uniform standards to back up his claims, but has not heard back.

What do the Milwaukee Police Department’s uniform standards have to do with anything? Clarke doesn’t work for the Milwaukee Police Department, he is the Sheriff of Milwaukee County.

These idiots can’t get basic facts straight.

A Proud Infidel®™

Farthole Fairy Sparkle Ponies like him are very allergic to facts and logic.

sgt. vaarkman 27-48th TFW

Imagine that ???? a tiara wearing fudgepackin’ wiener eater alphabet freak that shaves with milk and a kitty cat, calling out Stolen valor !! where there is none…..the left wing jerkem’ offs are a regular comedy act on a daily basis, the laughs just keep on coming

unbelievable!! imaginative !!! no one can make this shit up, could they ?


The few actual awards he is wearing are more honorary gifts from other departments. Then there are the blue ribbon and blue line flag pin.


He apparently prefers the personal pronoun they.
Some of his previous writings can be found there.


Miss Chlamydia and ‘IT’ Manning should get together and search for MIA gerbils.


It looks like there have been complaints that Charles is simply a heterosexual male (has a GF)and that he’s pretty much just trolling to benefit himself. lol

A Proud Infidel®™

Ooh, if that’s the case I can’t wait to see him spazz like Lars on LSD as soon as someone publicly accuses him of being a Cisgender Closet Heterosexual!


That one needs a spew warning!


friend of Charles says he (she) was medically discharged from the Army.

Hack Stone

I am more confused about Charles’s sexual identity than he/she is. Is that link above saying that Charles was a female and now a male, or was a male and now a female? Of course, neither of us are as confused as his/her girlfriend, who doesn’t know whether Charles will leave the toilet seat up or down.


kinda makes me think even more he’s just trolling fo dollahz


Chuckles probably like to get “pegged” from Trigglypuff or one of “its” SJW “sisters”… ’cause he’s guilty about being a “white male”

charles w

Wish it would find another name.


I’m guessing that this is how Charles Clymer felt when he got his tiara, after someone popped him in this “back azimuth”:

Hack Stone

He also has what seems to be a never ending twitter thread that all white people are racist, regardless of their economic status, attitudes or action. If so, it must be genetic, so it cannot be changed, so why even bother trying to not be racist? And what about those of us in interracial marriages, are we still racist? He should hook up with that douchebag from Drexel, they both seem to hate Whitey.

Sonny's Mom

Grateful that you read it, so we don’t have to. (Shudder!)


So, how does he explain simple facts like there have been abolitionists trying to do away with racism as long as there has been racism? Or does he think that slavery in this country ended because the slaves successfully revolted and voted in men who made it against the law? Maybe it was women who did that?

As long as there are people around who must look down upon others to feel good about themselves they will find someone to look down upon, and they will use the easiest excuse they can find to do it. The problem is more laziness and ignorance than the -ism of the day. White Americans hardly own exclusive rights to being either lazy or ignorant.

Hack Stone

How come America is always taking the blame for enslaving African Americans? When slavery of those brought from Africa, America was not even an independent country, it was a colony of Great Britain. Shouldn’t the Brits bear some of the blame for slavery here? And what about those Dutch ships that brought them to these shores? And how can we forget the Northern African Muslims that captured and sold the slaves to the slave companies?


None of them are military.

However, he does where a bunch of novelty law enforcement pins to give the appearance that he is highly decorated officer.

It is not stolen valor. But it is the same motivation as those that wear random military awards plastered all over their chest.

I get it, you like sheriff Clark. He is on your team. Big government security state authoritarianism is appealing to some of you guys.

I don’t like him and do not like his self aggrandizing authoritarian behavior as a public servant.

So I am going to find the efforts to give the appearance that he is highly decorated distasteful.

Also, the fact that Corner is genderqueer is pretty damn irrelevant to whether he had a point.


“Also, the fact that Corner is genderqueer is pretty damn irrelevant to whether he had a point.”

Seems overly relevant to him. Still damn funny and makes his opinion seem like taking advice from a circus clown.


You know, when blasting your sex life and your dysphoric mental state stops being a fad, this noise about gender this and that will shut off, too.

MSG Eric

If he received those medals, even in an honorary capacity (as you put it) he was still awarded those medals. It is up to him whether he wants to or not, your opinion of that is irrelevant.

State authoritarian? Which book was that from, Marx or Lenin?

The Old Maj

Yeah he is really a big nazi cuz you know he won’t support rioters destroying his county and looting all the pharmacies for drug fueled orgies of crime. He big dum-dum head no fun allowed General Order #1 type guy. Mayor Rawlings the anarchist is way better. Let people have their space. Burn down old parts of city no one wants to live. Take drugs from the pharmacy and have good time.





“On Thursday, Twitter user Charles Clymer, an army veteran, pointed out that those military medals might not be all that legit.”

Seems to me that Chuck has about as much credibility as Bradley.

By the way, did everyone see Bradley’s post prison picture? Frightening stuff.


aauuugh….we’ve seen that. now stop it.




This little twerp of a faggot calling out bullshit, is bullshit.

Who the phuk cares what a grade A pillow biter thinks.


Apparently you guys do since there is a blog post and dozens of comments on it.

And the fact that Clymer is gay does not mean he doesn’t have a point.

A Proud Infidel®™

Clymer DOES have a point, it he/she/it is using a tiara for concealment. Do you really have to run around shitting flaming squirrels every time someone dissents with your views?


Yes, he does, API. It’s the only thing he has going for him.

Sonny's Mom

“Born to troll”?


As a t-shirt blazon, I like that.


So, his being gay is relevant why exactly?


Where does it say that he’s gay?

He has a girlfriend.

What part of that do you NOT get?

Are you completely blind, Commissar?


Clymer never once says they are military medals or badges.

The author of the Salon article does. The author probably does not know a damn thing about the military and interpreted Clymer’s rant to be about military medals.

Clymer never said they were. Only that military(and police) awards must be earned. He put police in quotes.

His point was that Clarke stick a bunch of novelty and commemorative stuff on his uniform to make him look highly decorated.

It looks ridiculous and Clymer has a point.

If it were a prominent liberal sheriff on the national stage with a uniform like that I know some if you would be wondering “what hell is up with his uniform?”.

Which is exactly what Clymer is wondering and what I wonder whenever I see his junta looking random ass arrangement of badges and commemorative pins.


“Yeah, Clymer did no such thing. He complained that Clarke had too many shiny things on his uniform, none of which are related to military service.”

Jonn pointed that out above.


Damn…sucked that one down ballz deep without hesitation. Impressive even for you.


“Which is exactly what Clymer is wondering”

Yeah…if you can completely ignore other contextual realities of his comments and reason for existence. Completely valid question. lol


Yeah, like all those police chiefs who wear three or four stars as their rank, as if they earned the rank of general. That really chaps my ass when they are Democrats or Liberals. NOT!
No matter what you post as a comment, even when you support the views of Jonn and the majority here, you can’t help disparaging our views and values. So, you really do deserve to reap here what you sow.

A Proud Infidel®™

What’s next Babbles McButthead, are you going to run around shitting flaming squirrels over other Sherrifs and Police Chiefs that wear five star rank on their collars?

The Other Whitey

Coming late to this thread. My respect for Sheriff Clarke remains undiminished, because this Clymer…thing’s complaint is chickenshit.

As for Clymer he/itself…Jesus H. Christ, words fail me, as natural selection has clearly failed humanity.

A Proud Infidel®™

I’m sure that Clymer only has two brain cells, one sits in a tiny wheelchair inside his/her/its skull while the other perpetually pushes it around in circles.


and the two cells are synapsed by a spirochete


I am actually curious, do you guys really look at Clarke’s uniform and think “Yeah, that looks legit”?

I know as sheriff he can set whatever badge policies he wants and wear as many commemorative and novelty badges and pins he wants. And since none of them are the kind you have to “earn” he is not technically stealing valor.

However since it gives the misleading appearance of being a highly decorated officer to civilians, and that appears to be his intent; do you guys really look at that uniform and think “legit”?


I’ve seen Chicago cops with more junk on their uniforms than this.

He has three metal law enforcement badges, which have to do with his job. I don’t know what the others are on the left side of his jacket, but they are not military by any stretch of the imagination, and those on the right are an American flag ribbon – so what’s wrong with that? – and a brass bar with stars, which may have to do with his length of service as a cop.

So what was your beef again?

Oh, nothing, right?

The Other Whitey

Are the US Flag pin, Emerald Society pin, and Wildland Firefighter Foundation pin on my dress uniform “stolen valor?” How about the service stars on my left sleeve?

The complaint continues to be chickenshit.


Exactly. I found an article about NYC’s most decorated cop, EVER. See below.


And here’s a link to the max number of awards (indicated by ribbons) a Chicago cop can get. Almost as many as a bunch of military awards.


Jonn, I am no bling police. More than once on this board I have defended someone from false accusations of stolen valor when your regulars attacked like jackals when they perceived stolen valor.

Webb for instance. Chief Clark a few days ago.

Hell, I think the very first post I ever made was on the facebook side of your site defending an SF sergeant major that the board was calling out for stolen valor. And it turned out he was legit.

There are bling police on this board. I am not one of them.

I do not look at his uniform and doubt his authority. Though a badge by itself does not give someone credibility to me, so saying that a badge is all that should matter is nonsense. One of the most corrupt thugs I personally have ever met wore a badge.

When I see Clarke’s uniform I question his sanity. Reinforced by his comments about suspending habeas corpus, or rounding up protesters and removing them from society.

The guy has a screw loose.

His uniform is just an outward manifestation of the clusterfuck going on in his head.


“His uniform is just an outward manifestation of the clusterfuck going on in his head.

Do you have any statistics on his performance or his department’s performance that supports such a leap from the superficial appearance of his uniform? Any instances of off duty behaviors that support such a conclusion?

A Proud Infidel®™

Sherrif Clarke supports President Trump thus lefties, especially TARDOs, shit flaming squirrels and gerbils over him whenever his name is mentioned. Look at how the left degraded Colin Powell, but as soon as he switched sides his shit ceased to stink.


I used to like Clarke a lot but my opinion of him has gotten lower over time. Some of these incidents are trivial but there’s enough there to entertain doubts about the man.


Wow! That’s certainly an unbiased, objective source you’re referencing there, Bill.

C Tucker

81% disapproval rating in his county.
Prisoner death from seven days of dehydration in one of his jails.

O, I love his store bought Israeli traffic cop pin beneath his badge. Nice touch.

A Proud Infidel®™

*YAWN*, what’s your source, The Village Voice?


Lars – this isn’t the first time you’ve made the statement about questioning someone’s “sanity” (you did the same thing when SECDEF Mattis was nominated). Again, as I stated to you before in that same thread, you don’t have either the license or clinical experience to make any diagnosis on anyone’s “sanity”.

Stop playing “doctor”… you’re not qualified and it makes you look like an ass.


I never said Mattis was crazy. Only that he is a but of a sociopath.

Sociopaths are not necessarily crazy. Most are highly rational. And they make up a decent-sized chunk of our officer Corp.

I like Mattis and think he was a good choice.

I said that then too.


Sociopath? On what authority besides your personal opinion, do you base your hypothesis that Mattis is a sociopath? I don’t care if you like him or not, honestly. I’m just curious. Did you have daily interactions with him? If not, and if you are not a qualified mental health professional at the post doctoral level, I’m at a loss as how your opinion is worth a glass of warm piss.

For the record, I was a company First Sergeant in Iraq when Mattis was the MEF CG.

Funny enough, Mattis, McMaster, and Al Gray are easily my favorite Generals of my time.


“Screw loose” is not a diagnosis either.

Why are you not complaining about all the amateur diagnosticians speculating on Clymer’s mental capacity?

A Proud Infidel®™

Funny that YOU accuse others of having loose nuts and bolts while you show beyond a doubt that your gearbox is stripped out!


Agreed. “He” is a prime example of someone who brings absolutely nothing of value to having a podium (I suspect this trend continues into every aspect of “his” life given what we have seen as well).

It would be impossible to quantify but I would feel very confident in concluding “he” has damaged some people massively by his poisoning of the well and slanted/deranged mentality.

People such as “him” should have absolutely zero access to people who are either experiencing or trying to get over mental issues. I would be utterly shocked if the clown ever actually served in the military. I don’t buy it for one second.


There is a “clusterfuck” going on in someone’s head who is referenced on this forum, but it isn’t Sheriff Clarke.



Personally, I have no care about what a cop puts on his/her uniform if it is within the policy of the department. If he is committing no fraud, I do not care if the intent is to look intimidating or not. I will judge the Sheriff on his policies and execution of his duties to keep the public safe.

After reading, the intent of the Salon article is to pick apart the Sheriff based upon nothing factual. Furthermore, your claims of misleading appearance of a highly decorated officer is your opinion without knowing the reason as to why he wears the “flare”. Sadly, the political divide has swayed many on both aisles to find whatever faults, no matter how minor/incorrect, to dismiss any legitimate business/policy changes. It is seeing the trees and not the forest. However, since I do not have time to research Sheriff Clarke’s actual record, I cannot comment further as to how I feel the Sheriff has performed. I do not subscribe to the fact that since X person vouches of him politically, that he must be great.

Perry Gaskill

An alternate explanation is that Clarke is actually entitled to wear the various pins according to Milwaukee County SO regulations. The mini badges, for example, might represent former departments Clarke served in, or awards for joint projects the Sheriff’s Office was involved in. It’s been my experience that people in public life are often awarded tokens of recognition. The plaque, the golden gavel, and so forth.

The bigger problem here is that apparently nobody involved in putting the story together had the stones to contact either Clarke or the Sheriff’s Office, and ask in a non-confrontational manner: What’s the deal with all the bling?

This is the kind of physical and moral cowardice becoming endemic in the current news media.


Meaningless response since as the Sheriff he gets to set policy and decide what is and is not authorized for him to wear.


While contemplating someone’s mental status, you would pass up the chance to get a response directly from them about something you have assessed as a measure of his mental processes?

That makes no sense. That’s like trying to understand schizophrenia and never actually talking to someone with the disorder.


Der Commissar pontificates often upon subjects about which his actual knowledge or experience appears sadly lacking.

A Proud Infidel®™

Babbles McButthead almost NEVER passes up the chance to make a complete and total DUMKOPF of himself in front of God and everyone.


Maybe he just can’t help himself because he has a “screw loose” and there is a “clusterfuck” going on in his head.

Just An Old Dog

Lars says “I am actually curious, do you guys really look at Clarke’s uniform and think “Yeah, that looks legit”?”

Actually what I see is a VERY high profile LEO getting interviewed in public wearing his uniform.
As far as all the awards, this same LEO has gotten honorary awards from many different organizations that he can wear with his uniform.
If he chose NOT to wear these awards, which were given to him with much pomp and ceremony by those groups or cities he would be disrespecting them.


Here’s a NYPost article about Robert DiMartini, New York’s most decorated cop with 476 awards. There’s a nice shot of him, looking grumpy, with a photo of some of his awards made into a clock. Helluva guy, per the report, with good cop instincts.

Cops do get awards for doing their jobs.


Nobody is saying cops don’t.

Just An Old Dog

I think we need to have google translate put Larspoodlese into the mix

Green Thumb

Queef with a tiara.

Nothing new here.


No earrings, Green Thumb. Ya gotta have earrings to go with the tiara.

A Proud Infidel®™

So you say he/she/it forgot to wear pearls and heels with the tiara?


Probably has a guiche.


A guiche? The guiche of the 1960s? Or the other – oh, never mind.

just some feller

Jeeeez …. I had to look that up.



lol….my work is done here.


Dunno about that, IDC SARC. There’s a question about missing earrings above that I don’t think was ever answered. (smile)

A Proud Infidel®™

You saying he put his pearl earrings in his pecker piercings?


What bling? There is very little hanging on Sheriff Clarke’s uniform.

What is the complaint again?


Um… it is much ado about nothing, OWB.


Really? Surely lefties would not do that.


Silentium Est Aureum

Lars, is Sheriff Clarke bound by AR670-1?


Take a knee, drink some water, have a Motrin, use the remaining water to rinse your sandy vagina, change your socks, and drive on.

Hope this covers it.




Goddamnit, used to know Clymer in DC. Only kid I knew that had pics of MLK and Bill Clinton in his barracks room. He went to West Point but had some kind of medical issue. Got out and went on a feminist binge. Now this?!

A Proud Infidel®™

What was his medical issue, Sandinmanginitis?


Medical issue? Hmm.

As far as I am aware the only “medical issues” that could get someone dropped from an officer training program are those that are serious enough to preclude commissioning. I have a hard time believing that such a medical condition wouldn’t in general also be serious enough to preclude continued service. But I could be wrong. I’ll defer to our med types here for confirmation/correction.

However, failing out of a Service Academy – or quitting after a certain point – can get an individual ordered to active duty. Knew two people personally who did that, one who failed out and one who quit. Both were ordered to active duty afterwards.

I’d be quite curious to know the complete backstory of his time at West Point. Something here doesn’t seem to quite “add up”.


Maybe they objected to the wearing f a tiara with a cadet uniform.


Martin Luther King plagiarized his doctoral dissertation …if y’all really want to go there.

Anybody can look at a paper and going full format nazi, find impropriety.


“Clarke appears to have attributed sources in footnotes but failed to use quotation marks around language that was lifted verbatim or partially verbatim.”

Lol…that’s the best they can come up with?

Damn…don’t anybody dig up any of my theses for post mortem


If that’s all they found, they “ain’t got squat”.

Omitted quotation marks on a footnoted quote is a format error, not plagiarism. If the quote is properly footnoted, it’s rather obvious to anyone who’s not a moron that there isn’t any attempt to use the work of others without attribution.

Omit the footnote AND the quotes, very different story.


The author is citing partial verbatim phrases, which skirts the need for actual quotations anyway.

Had the paper not cited the author, yes, that would be plagiarism. When rephrasing the idea, even when there is partial verbatim wording, then quotation marks are not necessarily indicated.

Some schools may say something like three words in a row or more need quotations, but others IME can be more relaxed.


After extensive contemplation of all this I have determined that the underlying issue is that most of us don’t seem to give a flip what Sheriff Clarke wears for a uniform, displays on his uniform, or perhaps if he wears a uniform or civvies, with or without a cowboy hat. Kinda like I don’t care at all what the chiefs of police or sheriffs around San Fran, DC, or Chicago wear as uniforms. They only need to please their bosses, and I ain’t one of those.

The secondary issue here is that the lefty in residence can’t stand it that most of us apply the same standards to everyone instead of applying some degree of lack thereof depending upon so many factors that no sane person could sort it out. (Or even want to sort it out, unless we are exceedingly bored, stopped in traffic, or needing a brief break from reality.)

News Release to Lefties: Having the same standards for lefties, righties, middsies, political agnostics, et al without regard for their age, ethnicity, eye color, or any other factor is not being hypocritical. In fact, it is exactly the opposite. We who do not practice situational relativism tend to live happily because we aren’t constantly wondering which of those multiple standards to apply.

Yeah, “principled realism” might even apply here. Right is right and wrong is wrong no matter who does it.


OWB, I think you should crank out a longer article on this subject and forward it to Our Glorious Leaders, either Hondo or Jonn Whatshisname. You’ve made several good points. Please expand on them. An op-ed on the subject matter here present is a good idea.


Funny you should mention that:


I like that. Ask Jonn to repost it here. Good op-ed piece.


Knowing that many police departments use ribbon colors identical to military awards, even if for different purposes, it would seem logical that someone maybe actually verify what is authorized for wear and whether his uniform actually conforms to that? Or is that too freakin’ difficult?


[…] directed us to a blog post he had written on the topic (categorized under “Dumbass Bullshit”) in which he characterized […]

2/17 Air Cav

“Sociopaths are not necessarily crazy. Most are highly rational. And they make up a decent-sized chunk of our officer Corp.” A restatement of that, which gets to the heart of the matter: a decent-sized chunk of our officer Corp is comprised of sociopaths. And there you have it, the essence of Commissar. He pretends a lot around here but, if you pay attention, you see that he drops the veil now and then and reveals himself.


Oh, well, the Piuperdink’s statement is incorrect. According to Psychology Today, “…psychopathy and sociopathy are terms with an intertwined clinical history, and they are now largely used interchangeably.”

I found it interesting that the following two characteristics, among others, show up in the Piuperdink’s rambling discourses.
Sex life impersonal, trivial, and poorly integrated
Failure to follow any life plan

Still don’t have a job yet, huh, Commissar?

Seriously, find something useful to do with your silly life. Go build houses for poor people in Guatemala or something.


Anyone know the clinical definition of “crazy?” Seems like Psych 101 avoided the term back in the day.