Our apologies to Dennis Chevalier

| December 8, 2014

Since February, we’ve been riding Dennis Chevalier pretty hard about how he claimed to be a Lieutenant Colonel in the Air Force and his lack of military service. Well, recently we uncovered proof that he really did have military service, in the Texas Army National Guard;

NGB 22

Yes, he served in the Texas Army National Guard for 20 entire days – he got an “Uncharacterized” discharge for an “Erroneous Enlistment” and he was discharged at the rank of E-3, which is almost as good as a Lieutenant Colonel who flies airplanes. So we apologize for doubting his commitment to military service.

I’m just guessing here, but because he entered the Guard as an E-3, he must have told the recruiters something that wasn’t quite true about his experience and the TXNG found out it wasn’t true and decided to divest themselves of his presence. But, like I said, that’s just a guess given what I know about military service and enlistments.

Category: Phony soldiers

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Mark L.

The fact that they even issue DD Form 214s, or in this case an NGB 22 for 20 days of service is an insult and a waste of time. You should get a napkin with a chewed piece of bubblegum signed in crayon by a 10 year old certifying that even HE probably could have made it farther than you did.


True, but without it what would Cheese Boy have to go on, to show his incredible record of service… other than all his blatant falsehoods that is.
20 Days, that is barely enough time to inprocess and get all your shots.


Fat boys need 2X the shots!


Ya just cant make this shit up .. This guy was all about catching Phonies and is one himself.. Now his true illustrious career surfaces ..


Yeah, I’m sorry too, Blobfish.

Sorry my 7-year old would likely show you up. Here, have some cheese with that whine.


I’m at a loss for words.

My apologies Cheese Puff.You wasn’t a complete POSer after all. Just a complete Washout POSer.


Now THAT is a thing of beauty! LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!


Originally posted by Dennis Howard Chevialier, aka Chevy, aka Denny Chevalier

Denny H Chevalier (Chevy)
Read Bible
Listens to Within Reason and A&M Consolidated Choir
Watches The Colbert Report, Archer and Supernatural

BWAAAAAAHAAAAAAAHAAAAAAAHAAAAAA! :mrgreen: We have ourselves a phony bible reader! I didn’t find any statement in the Bible supporting Dennis Howard Chevalier, Denny Chevalier, Denny, Chevy’s actions. 🙄 It should’ve read, “Cheese Slayer,” or “Doughnut Eater,” or something like that in his profile. :mrgreen:


Thanks for helping my boy in his quest for the BF trophy! I had forgot about the lab coat.

And his “fiance” still hasn’t “Googled” him?


Hasn’t googled him, or hasn’t found him because we don’t use his actual name?

Oh, let’s help her.

Dennis Chevalier Dennis Chevalier Dennis Chevalier Dennis Chevalier Dennis Chevalier Dennis Chevalier Dennis Chevalier Dennis Chevalier Dennis Chevalier Dennis Chevalier Dennis Chevalier Dennis Chevalier Dennis Chevalier Dennis Chevalier Dennis Chevalier Dennis Chevalier Dennis Chevalier Dennis Chevalier Dennis Chevalier Dennis Chevalier Dennis Chevalier Dennis Chevalier Dennis Chevalier Dennis Chevalier Dennis Chevalier Dennis Chevalier Dennis Chevalier Dennis Chevalier Dennis Chevalier Dennis Chevalier Dennis Chevalier Dennis Chevalier Dennis Chevalier Dennis Chevalier Dennis Chevalier Dennis Chevalier

How’m I doing so far?


He goes by “Denny Chevalier”.

Mark L.

Usually, when women and men get into relationships like this, they’ve already received warnings from several people about their new companion. Problem is, that they chalk it up to those people being; “jealous” or “haters” or other stupid shit.

The warning signs are usually there, but you have to be smart enough to read them and I highly doubt the 7 or so women he’s married were that smart.

TL/DR: He’s good at finding stupid women.


Another factoid to help my boy to victory: who else has gotten kicked out of both the Texas National Guard AND the Texas State Guard? And, the latter is a volunteer petri dish for pretenders who have to buy their own TA50.


Chevy for the win! I’m right there with ya SJ. The boy’s got depth (and girth). And he’s HUNGRY!

The only thing he doesn’t have is a child to come on here and tell us what a wonderful and amazing father he is. That’s not likely to happen either. He’s a shitass father, but then again, so is Birdbath.


Not-so-curious fact: Dennis “Cheddar-boi” Chevalier has less documented military service than John “Faker 6” Giduck, Melanie “Burnedout” Guttermuth, or Dalton “Bunny Love” Coldiron.

Pretty sure we all suspected that previously, but now we have proof.

Combat Historian

New admiration and respect for Dan Rather? After all, Red Dan did serve longer than chevyboy here before Dan was kicked out of bootcamp for bedwetting…


Admiration? Dan Rather?

Um . . . no. Not at all.

“What’s the frequency, Kenneth?” Danny-boy should have told the guy the frequency.

(Yes, I know the actual quote was a bit different. [smile])


Take that TAH …


Huh….I guess I should apologize, nahhhhhh, who am I kidding!

Go blobfish! You are getting higher in the brackets with this latest find.


Hell. He’s qualified to be a CNN Defense Analyst.

Shit. He’s set.


I’m sure that he was railroaded out. They probably looked at him and said “God damn, this guy is so high speed, low drag that he’s making the rest of us look bad. We need to get rid of him quick!!!”

Yeah, that’s it.

Dave Hardin

Shocking, what a revelation. I was thinking about all the things I have spent more than 20 days doing in the military.
Making a head call
Cleaning my weapon
On the Rifle Range
Standing in some line
On fire watch
Trying to start a Gamma Goat
Looking for duce gear
Finding Irish Pennants
Stamping my name on something
Standing in formation
Doing the MCI courses I should have never ordered
Looking for some Lieutenant
Splainin sumtin to some Lieutenant
Hiding maps from some Lieutenant
Putting the old batteries in a Lieutenant’s radio
Waiting on some Lieutenant
Explaining the term ‘plausible deniability’
Drawing local security diagrams
Revealing the mysteries of a gunners quadrant
Hiding those sub charges that shouldn’t be left over
Playing spades
Oh, and my favorite time. Sitting on the front porch all night because I didn’t tell my wife I went to the gas chamber BEFORE she did laundry.


Or in my case, spending over 17,500 hours on Alert as a B-52 pilot/copilot!


20 days? Standing duty all weekend.

What a wienie.


20 days? Got more time sitting on the shitter at test depth, eating strawberry ice cream, while the throttleman answers a backing bell.


Had more time in the latrine having the squirts at Bagram…


Dave,your entry of “trying to start a Gamma Goat” struck a humorous thought. From 1972 till 1981,I was the motor pool parts clerk in three different outfits that had Gamma Goats as the prime mover for the M167 Towed Vulcan Air Defense System. Somehow the Army parts system got the Goat starter and the 45KW Generator starter mixed up and the starters were only interchangeable after rotating the mounting flange(and sometimes adding shims)to get them to work. But on some of the 45KW starters the flange was a solid casting and couldn’t be rotated. It was FUBAR from the get-go and was still happening even after I stopped being a parts clerk. So,Yeah,trying to get a Gamma Goat “started” at times could be very time consuming. Thanks for the trip down memory lane.


As a side note, firing the M167 Vulcan adds a minimum of four inches to the male appendage, much like driving a 1965 GTO with a 389 Tri-Power adds the same length.


Wasn’t it already established that he had served 20 days in the Texas National Guard? I remember reading that in one of the previous threads so is this just confirmation?


I think you’re right, this is just the first time we’ve seen the document.


Yes, but until now we had no corroborating evidence that Dave Hardin spent more that 20 days hiding maps from LT’s. 🙂


Originally posted by Mustang1LT:

Wasn’t it already established that he had served 20 days in the Texas National Guard? I remember reading that in one of the previous threads so is this just confirmation?

Ses, it was already established that Dennis Howard Chevalier, aka, Denny Chevalier’s, had 20 days in the National Guard… but got kicked out for fraudulant enlistment. I know I put it in the Johannes Hans Fallada interview… mentioned back in April 17, 2014: :mrgreen:



Originally posted by Mustang1LT:

Wasn’t it already established that he had served 20 days in the Texas National Guard? I remember reading that in one of the previous threads so is this just confirmation?

Yes, it was already established that Dennis Howard Chevalier, aka, Denny Chevalier’s, had 20 days in the National Guard… but got kicked out for fraudulant enlistment. I know I put it in the Johannes Hans Fallada interview… mentioned back in April 17, 2014: :mrgreen:


OIF '06-'07-'08

I also remember Chevy stating that he had served just 20 some odd days, but if I am correct he did insinuate that his short service was after 9/11. I will try to find his post, but I could be wrong, but he never stated his service was back in 1984.


The Blobfish sayeth: “13. What YOU never asked was why I never served federally. I tried but after I had surgery on my gut I was permanently disqualified. I applied for 8 waivers but all were denied. Below is my NGB22 for the ARMY. I was sworn and served 2 drills before I exhausted my waivers so it was characterized as an erroneous enlistment (meaning they shouldn’t of sworn me in).
I did EVERYTHING I could to serve my country. When I couldn’t in that capacity, I did it in other ways.
As a COP, an an officer/pilot in CAP, and now the state guard.”

This, along with a copy of his NGB22 can be found about 3/4 down the page here: http://evidence1234.blogspot.com/2014_03_16_archive.html

Vote for Chevy!

OIF '06-'07-'08

Well, for the second and last time, I went to the link of the blobfish’s evedence page and I saw his NGB-22 copy that also states 1984.

jedipsycho (Certified Space Shuttle Door Gunner)

Hey, at least he isn’t addicted to catheters, like someone else we know around here. Although, I do appreciate Dennis Howard Chevalier’s efforts to finish higher in the annual stolen valor tourney.

But said individual is a one trick pony when it comes to Stolen Valor in comparison to Chevy. Chevy’s history is one SV incident after the other. The other gent wins on asshattery but even there, Chevy is close on his heels. Chevy is the entire enchilada.

jedipsycho (Certified Space Shuttle Door Gunner)

Oh, Dennis Howard Chevalier will give “Emptytanks” Bernath a run for his money in the tournament, don’t get me wrong. 🙂

jedipsycho (Certified Space Shuttle Door Gunner)…”at least he isn’t addicted to catheters”. Agreed but I’m SURE he’s addicted to enemas.

Green Thumb

And balls.


Tube steaks. Hot beef injections.


I got 5 bucks says The Father of Blobfish was not Lt. Col. USAF Ret. either.

Remember when he got caught posting on togetherweserved.com or some similar site(s)? His excuse was, “The Korean War project entry was in search of the records of Howard Chevalier, USAF my father”. I have not written to “PERSCO” for a FOIA, but short of that, I find no mention of a Retired USAF LT. COL. by the name of Howard Louis Chevalier. Mr. Chevalier does not lay under a veteran’s gravestone.

And Chevy, before you go into a flat spin tantrum about bullies attacking your father. The only person to bring shame on him is YOU. Good luck in the tourney. Where do I send my wedding gift? How’s your valve? GO MESNA!


Wish I had an intern slave to compile a chronological bullet list of Chevy’s doings. There are so many that it is easy to forget. E.g., I had forgot about the lab coat and fake PhD.


Im not going down that Road.

From what I found out about his father he was an honorable man who worked tirelessly to advance airplane and rocket design. He was from what I could find an Air force Officer.

Dennis from my understanding was adopted.


To clarify, the only road I was going down was the well traveled road that Dennis Chevalier is a liar of convenience. In no way am I disparaging the professional accomplishments and/or reputation Mr. Chevalier Sr., other than to point out he has an adopted son who is a liar. Dennis is the one that introduced his father into the conversation. I agree that Mr. Chevalier Sr. seems to have been a well respected author and professor at TAMU. Evidence of him retiring from the USAF with the rank of LT. COL. is, at this point, not extant and therefore circumspect. I only throw the word “circumspect” in there because of the actions of the son, not the father. If I am wrong I will send Denny 5 bucks via cashiers check.


“Unchracterized”. I love that word, it’s like they just could have put “shitbag” in that block and it would have been about the same thing.


Wow, He even has less time in than what he claims of me going AWOL in a combat zone in Europe during 1982–83.

Is that BOLO still active on him with his local LEO’s ? He even gives Mall cops a bad name.


Paul Blart is very angry about this guy’s shenanigans.


A little musical interlude dedicated to everyone’s favorite cheese eating Blobfish….

Nirvana – All Apologies: http://youtu.be/0LFVQpDKHk4

Now, I was never too much of a Nirvana fan and felt that Kurt Cobain was an overrated hack. I do like punk rock, which some have equated with Cobain’s music due to similarities in terms of being raw and not concerned with instrumental talent, but at least punkers sounded like they were having fun up there, unlike Cobain. Being miserable and sucking as a guitar player, songwriter, and singer plus being married to Courtney Love….aarrrghh.


No apology needed for Dennis Howard Chevalier, his 20 days in the National Guard was brought up in the Johannes Hans Fallada interview in one of the Dennis Howard Chevalier threads. :mrgreen:

The fact that he got kicked out for fraudulent enlistment is consistent with his character. This guy lies to everybody, including his soon to be wife number 8. 🙄


At issue were his claims about being a retired USAF LTC, about flying C130s, about deploying to the Gulf War, about being “SWAT,” etc.

His claims about being in CAP, the Texas State Guard, and his 20 days in the guard wasn’t the issue as Dennis Howard Chevalier tried to make them.


True, true.

Dennis is an asshole who just can’t tell the truth.


Time to google hit enhance his new name… Denny Chevalier Denny Chevalier Denny Chevalier Denny Chevalier Denny Chevalier


20 days? Likely not even enough to have a single paid day of duty. He probably showed up at a recruiters office, signed up and was found lacking the bare minimum requirements to join before a drill weekend.

Oh, that is just priceless. And it explains a lot.

Pineywoods NCO

Well, I must admit, Dennis did serve…for a grand total of twenty days.

Still doesn’t free him from the hell that shall be delivered on him.


With all due respect to Guardsmen and Reservists who serve honorably…20 days of Guard or Reserve service is equivalent to what, 30 minutes of AD time?


JohnE: depends. I kinda doubt the NOK of those Reserve and Guard troops that didn’t make it home from Desert Storm, Iraq, and Afghanistan during the last 23 years would agree.


Excellent point, but in Chevy’s case it’s probably true.


No asshole. Its equivalent to at least 20 days of AD time. Fuck off


Been nursing that one for a while, have you?


Nope, just pisses me off when someone who apparently isn’t familiar with the Guard or Reserve decides to post idiotic comments.


OK, I hear ya. As a longtime reservist I’ve heard many comments over the years, but more recently I think they’re more good-natured kidding than anything else. These days I think most AC folks understand and value what the RC does, but I can remember when it was more lip service than true appreciation.


That pretty much changed after Desert Shield /Desert Storm when the Guard and Reserve started pulling MAJOR duty along side and even ahead of the Active Duty. At one point, Reserve and Guards slots in some AFSCs were up to 70% of some career fields manning slots.


He may or may not have had any actual duty days among those 20 days, so he may have never received any pay. Depends upon when and where he “enlisted.” If he saw a recruiter, filled out the paperwork and was found to be unqualified, he may have been “discharged” without ever reporting in to the unit. Just one of several possible scenarios, but 20 days doesn’t necessarily include a paid day.

Rhonda Lankston

You guys are so full of shit!

Currahee John

Ah, bride number 8 appears.

Or is it #9?


Actually, “Rhonda”, it’s pretty clear that it’s Dennis “7 Pounds of Cheddar” Chevalier who’s full of it – and after eating that much cheese in one night, maybe literally.

If you’re soon-to-be spouse number 8, I predict you’ve got one helluva unpleasant surprise in your future.


Yup, this is Dennis Howard Chevalier, also known as “Denny H Chevalier,” google hit for the new name. :mrgreen:

This goes in line with his, “Fuck off” comment the other month. So much for his, “My last word on This Aint Hell” comment.

As for his soon to be wife number 8, it’s Andra Lorenz. She shows a status of “got engaged” featuring Denny H Chevalier (google hit for the new name) on her wall.



Wow The Texas Stateguard washout really wants this award doesn’t he?


Originally posted by Dennis Howard Chevalier, AKA Denny Chevalier while using Andra Lorenz’s profile:

Well “She”, i.e., ME….didn’t need to Google him, he was very upfront with this page. My Dad, who served 7 years in the Air Force, would shoot him, himself, if he did something wrong to me…. I am also not stupid, my IQ is 136, I think I can figure out the difference. I just don’t understand why you all don’t have anything better to do with your time. or why I am having to write this post…other than defending someone I love. Denny, makes me very happy, that is all that matters to me. Have an awesome evening and I will pray for you all….because I do read my Bible, Love thy neighbor as thyself…don’t see a lot of love here. My Best, Andra

In line with Dora Lee’s statements on the other threads about Dennis Howard Chevalier, aka Denny Chevalier, Blobfish has smooth talked… or pressured… Andra Lorenz into allowing him access into her profile. He’s got this profile liking a couple of his posts, and now he’s using this profile to respond to her.

That’s Dennis/Denny Chevalier speaking, not Andra, as that post is inconsistent with the other posts that she has made, both in structure and demeanor. I know that for a fact, as she hasn’t viewed the PM that I sent her facebook page. Dennis/Denny Chevalier, despite saying, “My last word on those terrorists,” or something like that, still monitors This Aint Hell. He’s a control freak with anger problems.

That post above is him, not Andra. She probably fell for his BS story on why he wanted access to her account… or she may have left her account open when Dennis/Denny Chevalier swooped in to make that post.

I recognize Dennis/Denny Chevalier’s writing and demeanor throughout that above post. 🙄


I believe you are right, Hans. What tipped me off was the misuse/overuse of commas along with the compulsive need to mention IQ. This clown is really stepping up his game during the tournament.

Green Thumb

Chevy takes it in the ass.


Originally posted by Andra Lorenz:

sending me a text message stating that he was going to put a bullet in my head, is very concerning….

There’s an investigation on this guy, an ongoing one. Hopefully, the investigator sees this page. 😯

Andra Lorenz

I hope so….


Originally posted by Andra Lorenz:

I hope so….

Andra, please check your messages, under “other” on Facebook. In one of the messages, there’s a link there to Dora Lee’s Facebook.

She’s been in contact with this investigator. Dennis Howard Chevalier lobbed multiple complaints about us, with the local police, that he’s now under investigation.

This happened around August 2014. That’s part of the reason he stopped ranting against us.

The threat that Denny Howard Chevalier made, about putting a round in your head, is something this investigator needs to know. In fact, it’s something that your local police needs to know.

If someone doesn’t stop Dennis (Denny) Howard Chevalier, he could end up releasing a round when he’s waving a loaded weapon in anger.

I don’t know if you’ve had a chance to read all of these threads on Dennis (Denny) Howard Chevalier or not. If you do, you’ll see a trend in his demeanor that shows that someone is getting more unstable.

Dora Lee has posted some horror stories from when she was living with Dennis (Denny) Howard Chevalier.

Multiple mentions for Google hits. :mrgreen:

Andra Lorenz

I have, and I did


The blobfish, Dennis Howard Chevalier, Denny/Denney, (Google Hit) is about to get “netted” and sent somewhere where he won’t be doing the kind of bottom feeding he normally does. :mrgreen:

Close to the 1 year anniversary of his getting his first mention here? That’s awesome. :mrgreen: This guy is having Dean Koontz bad guy like thoughts right now, seeing these posts.

He’s probably waving his guns around, loaded, as he reads this. 🙄

Bubba and Thor are going to interupt this cheese monster’s cheese cutting streak.



Chevy put out a BOLO on his latest ex-fiancée. Wonder where he got that idea? Must have been that PA training with the TSG, huh Lt.CPL? I bet they thank the Gods every day that they unloaded his fat dumb dramatic ass.

Green Thumb

To even mention this fat ass by name will afflict you with a disease.


Poor Chevy. Heh!


What?? Oh well, too bad, so sad.

And here all this time I thought she was going to be the one, the only one, the last one.


And one more thing, Chevy. There is no need to specify a 1987 2DR Camaro. There has never been a 4DR version ever made.

Accurate information on a BOLO is your friend. I thought they taught you that in cop school.


Ahem, The Cheesegobbler never went to cop school. He TAUGHT cop school! Go MESNA!


Chevy has reached rock bottom and broke his shovel in an attempt to keep digging.

A Proud Infidel®™

After looking at that, I’m assuming that ‘ol Dennis “Blobfish” Chevalier is also a graduate of the Daniel A. Bernath School of libel and Slander!


I’m no lawyer but there would seem to be a lot of libel in the BOLO’s?

How many FB pages does Chevy have?


I bet he had either Bernath or Visconi review it before posting… so it’s ok in tehir book.


Bumping this just to make sure that all who need to read it see his facebook post above. Classic stuff, that, and a criminal act in some/many/most states.


wait a minute: didnt Doc Chevy brag about being a skilled profiler and super dooper detective? If so, how’d Andra hoodwink him easily?


No shit! That’s what I have always wondered, about his characterization of all his exes. He’s still trolling for love on DFW Craigslist BTW. Just do a search in “personals” for the term “Mensa”. His ad is the only one that comes up. Go figure. Looks like he just reposted his ad yesterday.

Toasty Coastie

Oh My Darling Sparkle Pony Dennis Howard Chevelier/LIAR aka Denny H Blobfish Chevylier/LIAR aka Chevy H Chevelier/Liar Dr. Fromage!!!!

I have missed you sooooooooo….Welcome back!

I see your life is as chaotic as a stampeding horse with no hand on the reins still…Might I recommend that you read “The Healing Power of Pebbles” and “How to Ask the Universe for a Pony”? They just might help stop you from continuing to blow around like a tumbleweed.

Good to see you still have no wife, no job, probably no car, and no house — it’s like there’s a country song sleeping on your couch.

Don’t you just get so darn tired of being a bucket of toad snot?

Well my rather large Swamp Donkey…would love to stay and chat, but I have to finish cooking dinner…Its your favorite…Mac ‘n Cheese…

Too bad there’s none for you 😈

Green Thumb

Mac and Cheese, huh?

For Chevy-lair, its more like “Mac and Sleaze”.

Hack Stone

Chevy ordered super sized Mac & Cheese, hold the Mac.


A Proud Infidel®™

TC, you just HAD to mention cheese, didn’t you? I’m betting that got him slobbering and drooling like one of Pavlov’s dogs!! 😈


Reminds me of a joke:

Pavlov Is sitting at a pub enjoying a pint, the phone rings and he jumps up shouting “Oh shit, I forgot to feed the dog!”


Ya know who else I miss around here… Insipid. Now he was world class stupid.

A Proud Infidel®™

Meh, for right now we have Civvychauvy, another glitter-farting tinsel mouse of a shit-for-brained, buck-toothed Swamp Donkey HAPPY STOMPING!!


Dennis Howard Chevalier, aka Denny Howard Chevalier, (Google Hit) :mrgreen: 💡 is out playing his old games. He didn’t get the help that we recommended he get. Consequently, he’s making the same mistakes, and saying the same things, towards his most recent ex-girlfriend. 😯

He sent her an email asking for an apology, and suggesting that she accepts that “she’s” a little “nuts”. 🙄 He has had a “man looking for woman” profile up on craigslist for days now. Seems like he’s dry on luck. I wonder why. :mrgreen:


the Al



Note he says he has “advanced degrees”. Guess he means the fake doctorate?

BTW…never been on that part of Craig’s List. YGBSM! Wow.


The deception continues. :mrgreen: I know that he gets boiling mad when his claims and deception attempts get destroyed. I fact check one of his posts. :mrgreen:

He posts his photos in one of his advertisements on that forum to. :mrgreen:

The fact check:


Andra Lorenz


It has taken a while but all the fingernail biting, and staying up all night to see if he shows played off. Denney H. Chevalier has called my Dad (a former air force pilot) my job (trying to get me fired) and my ex-husband…. He has posted craigslist ads (which I have never had) putting my picture, DL, SS, address and phone number….

So Finally,

The Irving PD sent my file to the city atty. for prosecution. They are going to charge him with terror threats and stalking and harassment…

and nothing he said is true…


Wow… so hope they put his psychotic ass away. He is the kind of guy I absolutely have no problem seeing a SWAT team stack up outside their door to confiscate any and all firearms he may have in his possession.
I do hope this saga ends well for you.

Toasty Coastie

@Andra Lorenz

Good luck!

I would advice that you and Dora copy all the threads here and at Scottie’s place and give it to the city attorney. Also contact the Police Chief at the Wilmer PD and get a copy of their files as well….

This cheese pony needs to be in jail for a very long time…I wish you the best.

A Proud Infidel®™

I hope this ends with you being safe, sound, and happy while Dennis “Blobfish ” Chevalier ends up the “property ” of Bubba & Thor for some time! Can one be denied the right to own or possess firearms for a stalking conviction? That would be a fitting end as well.


Bumping Ms. Lorenz’s news re Chevy so the Cadre latecomers will see it.


Double Bumping. Any new news? I can’t find anything.
All I want to hear is the beginning of the end of the DRC start with slamming jail cell doors.


Bumping the Double bump.


Triple Bumping this into the next week.
Sadly no new news.


Here’s a couple of links for when the big cheese gets his 15 seconds of fame:




And a check of the jail sites shows that he’s….NOT in custody…YET

Don’t worry Chevy, when the knock at your door finally comes, there will be real people, law enforcement types actually, to greet you. No rustling bushes for you.


Looks like Denny is no longer a licensed Texas Private Investigator either. Just a mall cop. So sad. http://tinyurl.com/ChevyLiar

The address he uses for his FFL is a freakin mail drop next to a Asian Nail Shop. According to one of his ex’s, he keeps his gun inventory in a storage unit. Fatboy should have been locked up a long time ago.

To Andra, I think you a lucky… but WE DID TRY TO WARN YOU. IQ of 136? Better have that checked. 😉

A Proud Infidel®™

The Blobfish chronicles continue!! :mrgreen:

Jordan Rott

I think you guys are being a little unfair to this guy, 20 days as a PFC Cav Scout is basically like a LTC Pilot, they are pretty much the same job as far as I’m concerned.


Well, a Cav Scout and a pilot are both in squadrons so there’s that……

Jordan Rott

Exactly, I mean if you’re a Cav Scout in a Stryker it’s basically a F-15


Bumper numbers don’t denote the type of vehicle you’re in. Sorry Chevy.

A Proud Infidel®™

20 days and he rocketed up to Lieutenant Corporal!!

Jordan Rott

We shouldn’t be mad at the guy for being so high-speed and fast tracking

Jordan Rott

Haha I just noticed that said Lieutenant Corporal the guy was so good they gave him that rank that is like the new SPC-5


Is that like a Corporal Captain? I heard they had those once in Kimpo back during the Korean war.




Germans? Go with it he’s on a roll………


Some real nuggets on his FB page. Still filled with pix of him and his heavy buddies in military uniforms (that they had to buy because it is the Tx STATE Guard…that obviously doesn’t have a PT program or weight standards).

Note he went to a shooting contest and writes: “Orders are in hand, ammo ready, backup weapons stored and safe, gear packed and ready for the trip AND in case we get deployed while down range….”. Yeah, they might get deployed to help in a football game parking lot.

He says his brother is a US Army Sergeant Major. I hadn’t seen that before. He must be proud of LtCpl.

“Today the strangest thing happened…I was asked if I were a Navy SEAL.”

And….he “Traveled to Kuwait” in 1990.


Well duh SJ. How else could he have gotten the cancer flying the EC130-H Compass Call over the oil fires if he did not travel to Kuwait in 1990? He’d show you his orders but he would have to go back into that moldy room to get them. You’ll know his orders are real when you see that they are written in 4 different colors of ink. Go MESNA!


You know the cheese-eating blobfish is reading this page. Look up above in the Facebook comment section. The LTCPL. paid us a visit. Too bad his timing sucks. You lost the tourney Chevy, no do-overs.

Guard Bum

I thought most militias were rank heavy and you pretty much just settled in to at least SNCO territory …..best he can do is CPL?


True dat especially since he was an Air Force Compass Call Lt Col pilot and holder of a Doctorate, complete with Lab Coat (from a diploma mill). But then, he was also SWAT in a PD that never had a SWAT unit and now he is a rent-a-cop with a pretend police car.


Boot to the head! :mrgreen: It’s the one year anniversary of our hammering Dennis (Denny) Howard Chevalier. :mrgreen:

The blobfish is hovering at the lowest levels of Craigslist and other dating sites trying to find himself another punching bag, ahem, woman to date.

The cheese monster was hoping that we’d stop, and has even claimed that we stop, but the saga continues… hammer the blobfish/cheese monster. :mrgreen:


Last time I checked, he zapped the page that was slandering the most recent ex-fiance, Ms. Lorenz, but there was some real nasty stuff on Dallas Craig’s list that he posted openly and obviously sock puppeted pile on’s. I like how his site never has any responses from all of his “friends”. Wonder who he’s writing to? Oh, us, The Cadre.

By the way BESIG, you bought his new book yet? Sure you bought the first one 🙂


I took the wind out of Dennis (Denny) Howard Chevalier’s sails: :mrgreen:


As far as buying books, it’s hard to purchase something that exists in the blobfish’s head. :mrgreen:

A Proud Infidel®™

*WHAP!* OOOOoooh, that’s gonna leave a mark! Yeah, I think you took a big-time POOP in his Cheerios with extra cheese! :mrgreen: 😀


He pooped in his own cheereos, I was just the writer that put it together into a post. :mrgreen: His reply to me via PM: “Who gives a fuck, you’re all crazy!” in all caps. 🙄

A Proud Infidel®™

Yeah, he DID poop in his own Cheerios, but you did a great job of putting it in a pie tin and mashing it in his face like any of The Three Stooges with a custard pie! 😀

Green Thumb

Heavy Chevy gets no trim.


He’s Bald, GT. No need for a hairsdoo.

OIF '06-'07-'08

‘Ol blobfish is back at his childish games with Craig’s List,http://dallas.craigslist.org/dal/rnr/4899542634.html

Does he realize that he is describing himself in the R&R post, and in doing so, he is only drawing more negative attention.


What a nice guy. What a wonderful human being.
Here’s a nice big bowl of warm soup and a sincere pat on the back.

A Proud Infidel®™

Hey Dennis Chevalier aka “Blobfish”, GOOGLE YOU!!! 😀 :mrgreen:


Didya notice the last sentence of the rant?

•do NOT contact me with unsolicited services or offers



I did NOT know that you could write books** on Craigslist. I have been enlightened. He just doens’t get paid for that mind-numbing drivel.

Stay stupid, cheesefish mcblobeater. You have a long way to go. Loooooong way.

**’books’ is used loosely to describe his collected lack of thoughts.

Green Thumb

Chevy is in to dudes.


Hai Guize,
Waht’s Up?

/The price of cheeze.


Green Thumb, I have a small edit for your thoughts.

Shouldn’t that sentence be rendered thus? ‘Chevy is in two dudes.’

It speaks to — well, just EVERYTHING.



Lovely. Just lovely.
Hand it to you to kick it up a notch and require Brain Bleach.

/ewwwwwwww 😀 😀


ChipNASA, I am honored. 😉


/can’t wait to hear the jail cell door slam behind YOU.





Happy Farking Friday Fuckstain.


Hey dickbag. You’re buddies are making you look bad. You’re SLACKING. Come hang out in Sunny Florida!!

Green Thumb

I doubt Commander Phil Monkress, Bernath and the rest of those clowns down that way would like that.

I can only imagine that Heavy Chevy can and will suck up some resources for which those other maggots are in competition.


When you see “stabbin” in the URL, you know it has to be good!


There are definitely times I’d have stabbed a Ho’ over Mac & Cheese.
Specially if it had good hot dogs cut up in it.

/channeling my inner 6 year old.


Could this be Chevy’s slightly less corpulent cousin? The resemblance is unmistakable; he’s from Texas; and he’s on his fifth wife:



Hey Denny Poo. I see that you’re still on the outside of the Texas penal system. Don’t wait. Get your reservation confirmed now. That way you get a good seat.




Now, en Español:
*El Bumpo*


Now, a Francaise:
*Le Bump*