Woman Drives Over Graves at Veterans Cemetery
Memorial Day Flags
A woman didn’t want to get caught in the exit traffic from the veterans cemetery. Those that were there just watched a commemorative flyover for the 75th Anniversary of the end of World War II in Europe.
Witnesses said that this woman, not finding a quick way out, ended up driving over graves. As of the time that Fox News posted this article, no police report had been filed.
Text from the video (approximation):
Man: This is on video you can’t say that!
Other Man: They just drove over the headstone!
Man: Yeah! The hell!
Distant Woman: You gotta pullover! (?)
Man: What the hell!
Woman: Oh my God! I can’t…
Man: Ooooohhh This is so disrespectful!
Woman: Bill! (?) You should know!
Distant Woman: Please turn around and go that way! (?)
Woman: Oh no!
Man: Alright… Time to hide the phone.
Man: Unbelievable now they gotta go to the wrong way and they’re probably…
Distant Man: Stupid…
Fox News has the story and video here. Some of the comments are funny. Newsweek also has a link to this story, with more information.
Category: "Teh Stoopid"
This…..”womyn”, this “Karen” (and you can just bet that’s how she’ll act once caught and confronted)…… needs to be laid out and run over for every gravesite she ran over.
I say we drive over her sorry ass with a half-track for each grave she ran over?
How about for “community service” we assign the crabbiest retired Infantry combat-vet SGM we can find to supervise her mowing the cemetery with an old fashioned human-powered push-mower. Give her hand-clippers for the trim around the headstones.
I have spare time…
Call me if you need an OPS NCO
I’m no SGM but I’m a retired NCO that would give her the treatment she deserves!
Just kinda thinking out loud here… but this Karen can’t be the only one doing this sort of thing… so if we got a few cranky old NCO’s and started a landscaping company, specializing in veteran’s cemetery maintenance … we could get an obscenely yuge government contract to supervise the aforementioned desecrating dipshits…
Are you following me here?
I have spare rope…and know how to tie a thirteen knot lasso.
Sure do hope somebody got the license number. Can’t imagine that many vets would understand her poor planning (“needing” to get out of there) being more important than the sanctity of graves.
Yeah. I’ll volunteer to help explain it to her.
I hope she gets her ass worn out with a nightstick. And pays for all damages.
Where ignorance meets arrogance. She needs a vivid learning experience.
I just watched this again, with my delicate and well mannered baby girl who has spent much time placing flags at the Ft Snelling Nation Cemetary…our short conversation:
Baby girl Savage: “Wait…is she?”
Dad Savage:..”Yup”
Baby girl Savage:”No F*cking way!”
Dad Savage: -_-
Baby girl Savage: Daddy, she needs a c*nt punt wakeup call!”
Dad Savage: O.O
Mopping coffee off my screen as I type this….
They grow up so fast…
Her mothers influence, I suspect.
THAT is one self-entitled TWUNT in need of a wakeup call!
I can see where a moron could drive over headstones and not
realize it. While driving through Bourne National Cemetary
the flat stones are not visible. Just a beautiful lawn.
When you stop, get out of your car and stand up an Oh my God
moment makes it difficult to remain standing.
Like I said, you would have to be moron.
Effing Skrunt. May the Spirits of each person’s grave she drove over haunt her into all eternity. According to the linkys and comments, she is of that specific entitled demographic that seems to have taken over Houston. She was even approached by others, told of what she was doing, was attempted to be stopped, and drove around the ones trying to stop her.
I’m sure that any number of us would volunteer to have a little chat with her behind the maintenance shed.
What a fucking cunt. No respect, no consideration, no decorum, no decency, just “ME ME ME!!!!”
Frikkin Karen… I hope EVERY veteran whose grave she drove over visits her nightmares, night after night…
A disgrace to Karens everywhere.
Surprised at the number of people doing nothing but bitch about what was going on. It’s like taking video and muttering “OMG!” is the same as stepping in. Guarantee I would have hobbled over and whupped me some car with my cane.
I have FAMILY FRIENDS interred in that cemetery. I hope she rots in the hot place downstairs.
No charges filed, claimed Veteran Husband was feeling I’ll due to diabeties.