Russian Probe Transcripts: No Collusion

| May 8, 2020

Hillary loses one more time. (r/The_Donald)

Remember when Adam Schiff insisted that there was evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russians? Well, transcripts related to the Russian probe have gone through the process to be released. These transcripts cover the Russian collusion investigation done in the House of Representatives.

The Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) completed the process of redaction and declassification. The transcripts are ready to be released. The acting director indicated that he was willing to release them directly from ODNI.

From Fox News:

Another source familiar with the transcripts told Fox News that the people interviewed by the House Intelligence Committee during its Russia probe were asked whether they had evidence that Trump, himself, or the Trump campaign conspired, colluded or coordinated with Russia during the 2016 election.

Two sources familiar with the transcripts told Fox News that not one of the 53 witnesses could provide evidence of collusion.

“The transcripts show a total lack of evidence, despite Schiff personally going out saying he had more than circumstantial evidence that there was collusion,” one source involved in House Russia investigations told Fox News.

Mueller, similarly, at the conclusion of his nearly two-year-long investigation, said he and his team found no evidence of criminal conspiracy or coordination between the Trump campaign and Russia, but did not reach a conclusion on obstruction of justice, which current Attorney General Bill Barr ultimately decided not to pursue.

The Fox News article is a good read. It lists who was interviewed as well as additional links to related articles.

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Saw this headline on Fox News this morning:

“House intel transcripts show top Obama officials had no ’empirical evidence’ of Trump-Russia collusion”

’empirical evidence’……now where have I heard that term before (as he strokes his chin gazing into the sky)? (grin)


When an event did not occur it is impossible for any empirical evidence to exist to support it. That is a simple fact of life. Too many Americans refuse to accept it, preferring to delude themselves that the lies are true just because that is what they want to hear.

Sad people. I would pity them if their delusions weren’t so dangerous. And expensive.

5th/77th FA


It should, by now, be fully evident to ANY and ALL poodle dicked seagulls that there has been a concentrated effort to overthrow the duly elected President of these United States by a group of domestic enemies colluding to destroy our Republic. All of this simply because the murderous trash from hell, dasHitlerbeast, THE Bitch of Benghazi didn’t get her turn. And that Trump was out to drain the swamp.

Now, let us start locking these mofos up, or better yet trying them for treason and hanging them by the neck until dead.

Larsie showing up to screech “ORANGE MAN BAD” in

Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH B Woodman

“Now, let us start locking these mofos up, or better yet trying them for treason and hanging them by the neck until dead.”

Or – rejoice when they “happen” to have a series of unfortunate lethal accidents……….


You will have to wait a while for Larsie’s comment; he is likely still in bed.


I’m unsure if you intended it this way or not, but I would like to point out this applies broadly across the political spectrum.

How many Republicans refused to accept that Obama was an American citizen? Or that Seth Rich wasn’t killed by Clinton? And who can forget when a large percentage of Republicans surveyed long after the fact blamed Obama for a poor response to Katrina, back when nobody even knew who he was?

Yes, people against Trump want to believe the worst possible ideas about him, and need to let that go when the facts don’t support it. Equally, people against Clinton need to do the same. Generally speaking, there’s enough valid reasons to dislike each of those idiots -and plenty of their colleagues- that we needn’t make shit up.

We could all use a little more skepticism of the worst characterizations of the people across the aisle.


“How many Republicans refused to accept that Obama was an American citizen?”

Not nearly as many as you and the media would like to believe. The only people I ever heard or read that talked about it were Dems/media. It seemed to be a very popular idea in those circles.

Set Rich?
I had to Google that name–I am a very bad Rep.

And anyway, so what?


Here’s a clue, LC: I don’t see the world thru a political prism. Doesn’t matter to me who is lying or being a hypocrite. If they are, they aren’t worth a moment of my time. Too many good people out there to waste time on liars and hypocrites.

I don’t personally know anyone who claims to both be a Republican and deny the citizenship of Obama. I do know some folks from both parties who saw forged docs published to “prove” his citizenship. Bottom line being that none of us knows to this day if the appropriate forms were filed by his mother to make him a citizen. “I dunno” is neither accepting nor rejecting his citizenship. I don’t know because the entire subject was so obfuscated that it is unlikely that any of us will ever know the truth.

Never heard anyone I know in any political party discuss Seth Rich. And never heard anyone blame Katrina on Obama. Where are those people? They certainly don’t live around me.

Many of us around here have about as much skepticism as one can display without being diagnosed with a personality disorder. You may not have noticed, but the reason so many of us agree that the swamp needs to be drained is because neither party could have gotten us into such a mess without the cooperation of the other party. I have yet to hear anyone say to only drain part of the swamp, or to expose only one party, or anything that can possibly be interpreted to put it in political terms. My Dem neighbor and my Rep neighbor both want the swamp to be drained, as do I. None of us care the party of the critters being exposed.


Between this and Flynn having the charges dropped, Schiff is flailing.


Actually, the charges against LTG Flynn haven’t been dismissed because the federal judge, Sullivan, hasn’t signed the order dismissing the case. Many of the progs and deep state rat lawers in D.C. are hoping he will find some excuse to refuse to sign off on the dismissal of the information (like a criminal complaint). But if he does refuse, it won’t last long because federal Article III judges only have jurisdiction over actual cases and controversies. (It is in the Constitution.) Contrary to what progs think, there is no case as there never was any valid basis for a counter-intelligence investigation of Flynn. His whole case was a massive fraud perpetrated on the courts by crooked FBI agents and DOJ prosecutors. Maybe the deep state Lawfare lawyers and pols have something on the judge, but refusal to dismiss will never survive appellate scrutiny.

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

Hey shifty schiff, it seems that your under the delusion that there was a collusion, so the collusion was that there was no collusion while you are under a delusion that there was a collusion so my point in commenting was that there was no collusion.


Aha! There was collusion! Schiff for brains and other Democrats colluded to overthrow a duly elected president.


Skippy sends us a link to all the transcripts here:


Reading through these are making me sick
Schiff should be in prison


It’s hard to rectify that sometimes people you disagree with aren’t just misinformed, they are genuinely evil people.

Unfortunately, the DNC has been infested at the highest levels for three decades now with people who are just not good people. The trail of bodies behind the Clintons, the number of big time lefties who associate with the Epsteins, Weinsteins, and Ed Bucks of the world, and their now open support of infanticide and racists is disturbing to say the least.

Really if you look at history, the DNC has Tammany Hall, secession from the north to maintain slavery, instituted Jim Crow laws once they got power back in their states after the war, developed the KKK to be the militant arm of the party in the south.


I’d be careful with that, Republicans have not ben saints either. Ultimately there is little difference.


The magnitude of Donk crimes, and shredding of the Constitution, is huge. The Repubs are rank amateurs compared to the Donks, and certainly show some promising signs of salvageability, Trump being exhibit one.

So, Nope. Donks are clearly the greater of two evils.


“The trail of bodies behind the Clintons”

Really? Did you have to make LC look good with that conspiracy BS?


Well, if you think there wasn’t a criminal conspiracy to take down Trump, both before and after he was elected, you are totally clueless. And, there is nothing Mason could say to make any of our resident Progs “look good.”


Learn to read. And learn to read only what is written.


You prefer “trail of really weird purely coincidental suicides” ?

Terror does drive suicide.

Inside info: when one has had several acquaintances, over several decades, who worked directly for one or the other Clinton, and “scary” and “vindictive” are a common comments…

Calling them “vipers” is a slur on serpents.


“trail of really weird purely coincidental suicides”

How many suicides?

‘ “scary” and “vindictive” are a common comments’

Probably true, but those are not synonyms for ‘murderous’.

Oh dear. People I have known have died. Does that make me a murderer too? If I had known more people, more of them would be dead! Stop me before I kill again!

Like the man said, sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.

Slow Joe

As expected. Democrats are full of shite.


They don’t know Shiite from Sunnola?


There is definitely more coming out
Obama and Biden were the center of the circus
I hope this isn’t too little to late
I’ve said it on here for years this is BAD
Why the hell has it taken so long ???
The fact that Biden is running is crazy


This should have been dealt with last year at the latest. Nothing will happen this year. Not just the coronavirus, but laying any of the well deserved criminal charges to this organized criminal syndicate will just look like partisan politics in an election year. Then doing it next year will be 3-4 years past the acts, and as Hilary said, “What difference at this point does it make?”

WO Bob_B

Schiff the CNN stooly (he or his office have maintained for three years there’s definitive evidence and he’s promised it to CNN et al) should be shitting blue bricks. He is a liar and a proven liar. He is lower than snake shit. His whole narrative, along with the “Orange man bad” media who peddled this horseshit are left with some serious egg on their faces.
Barry Muhammad Banana Wheelie-bin has been shown to be nothing but a complicit liar; Joe the Rapist is dead in the water.
Flynn is about to get his entire pension and honour reinstated, and will get an 8 figure payout from all the leftard freakshow media (ala Nick Sandmann).
We should rejoice and celebrate Schiffty for single handedly handing Orangeman bad a second term on a platter.


First comment or long time lurker? If you’re new here, good info under the TAH FNG tab at the top of the site.

WO Bob B

Thank you – a bit of column A and a bit of column B.
I’ve posted before, and a looooong time lurker (Back when Jonn and Hondo ran a tight ship – may Jonn RIP in Valhalla)
I apologise for the colourful language, but a lot of us knew for the last three years that the unrelenting witch hunt would play out this way, and this is just the beginning of all those chickens coming home to roost.
Oh – I normally sign off as Bobby B. WO RAN ret.
Cheers from down under (time zone Kilo – UTC+10)


Explains why I had to approve your comment. You didn’t come off as an FNG, but I try to greet first commenters and direct them to the TAH FNG tab.

Now quit lurking and comment up.

E4 Mafia '83-'87

I just have 2 questions for the “squeaky” clean Barry from Honolulu. What did he know, and when did he know it? The FBI was just short steps away from becoming The Committee for State Security if Hildabeast had become prez.


He knew all about the entire plot to take down Trump. Remember that email from Page to her lover boy that POTUS wants to know about everything we are doing. Also 0bama expressly told Trump not to hire Flynn because he was as dangerous as the Norks.


Per yahoo news look who’s running his mouth
Obama says in private call that ‘rule of law is at risk’ in Michael Flynn case
I’d would be a little nervous if I was him


The 0bama gang will try to perpetuate this massive fraud on our legal system no matter what. They are convinced they can get away with anything because they have Progda (the MSM) doing their bidding.