More (good) bad news for IVAW

| April 21, 2009

Aaron Glantz is a Berkely grad who claims to be a journalist. He co-founded Pacifica Radio and he has written two books.

When the war against terror began, he decided he’d become a propagandist focused on returning veterans. One book was entitled “How America Lost Iraq”. It was wildly popular for about a minute. The last time I looked for the book, it was selling for a penney on Amazon;

Well, he went on to write “Winter Soldier; Iraq and Afghanistan” about IVAW members and their stories of the war. TSO reviewed some the book back in January. It’s not in Amazon’s bargain bin yet, but it’s headed there.

One of the reasons it’s such a poor seller, aside from the ridiculous stories in it, is because Glantz excluded many of the stories that were half-way true. The reason he did that was for strictly political reasons. Some of the IVAW members actually think they’re doing the whole IVAW thing for their country – those aren’t the people Glantz included in the book.

I get to talk to a few IVAW members in the course of my business and they tell me stuff – one told me that he was upset that Glantz left him right of the book after all this particular member had done for IVAW. In fact, he wasn’t allowed to partake in the bounty of speaking tours and book royalties and he was bitter about it. He was also really pissed off that moocher Matthis Chiroux, who isn’t an Iraq or Afghanistan veteran, was draining the coffers of IVAW while people who needed the money and were real Iraq or Afghanistan veterans were hung out to dry – in some cases they were denied help in securing their earned benefits from the VA by their IVAW/VFP/VVAW mentors.

Glantz had a litmus test for including stories in his book – a political litmus test. He included only IVAW members who were pledged to the International Socialist Organization – like in the email that TSO published yesterday.

Well, let’s look at how that’s paying off for Glantz;

Well, no one ever accused socialists and communists of have much business sense, I suppose.

Category: Antiwar crowd, Iraq Veterans Against the War, Phony soldiers, Usual Suspects

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That is too funny. I wonder how long it will take before IVAW goes belly under?


“He was also really pissed off that moocher Matthis Chiroux, who isn’t an Iraq or Afghanistan veteran, was draining the coffers of IVAW while people who needed the money and were real Iraq or Afghanistan veterans were hung out to dry.”

The unkindest cut of all. I can comprende why Soldiers have a beef with how the war should/shouldn’t be waged & where we ought to fight it, but don’t take up with the commies, they are the most deceitful jackals on the planet & see you as a “useful idiot” if you don’t toe the party line.