Book review for the most ridiculous piece of shite ever written [TSO]

| January 4, 2009

Cpl Jason Washburn, Hero of the Battle of Grocery Bag Knoll

“I remember one woman walking by,” said Jason Washburn, a corporal in the US Marines who served three tours in Iraq. “She was carrying a huge bag, and she looked like she was heading toward us, so we lit her up with the Mark 19, which is an automatic grenade launcher, and when the dust settled, we realized that the bag was full of groceries. She had been trying to bring us food and we blew her to pieces.” 

If I need to even tell you how ridiculous the story is above, you probably shouldn’t be here. Hey Jason, if you blew up the woman, and her groceries, who is the guy who did the post mortem and figured out she was delivering them to you? And if she was bringing it to you, why was she walking “by”? What day did this happen on? Who else was there? AND WHY THE F WOULD YOU USE A MK19 ON AN UNARMED LADY?

Washburn is full of crap, and so is the rest of this book, WINTER SOLDIER: Eyewitness Accounts of the Occupations. But, I went through it. I laughed, I cried, and I felt my brain melt that people would believe this crap.

I’m going to do a full review over a few posts. Today though, I want to just discuss the Author, Aaron Glantz, the guy who did the forward, Anthony Swofford, and the publisher, Haymarket Books. Trust me when I tell you that despite getting the book at a rebate from Amazon because no one has bought it, this book was the worst waste of money EVEH.

Here is Glatz’s bio, go read it for yourself. I actually work in Veterans Issues, and I have yet to ever see him involved in any of it, so not sure where that crap comes from. He wrote some other piece of crap book I am not linking to, but this was how it was billed on his website:

A brutally honest account of a reporter who discovered how popular the U.S. presence was in Iraq-and who then watched this popularity disappear as the Bush administration mishandled the war, leaving us with the intractable conflict we face today.

Really? How does that jibe with the IVAW belief that we were never popular there? That seems odd, no? I mean, all the guys that went in and testified at WSI said that they were told we would be liberators, and that they were lied to etc. So, when is it we were so popular? Or does that fit the Bush Lied People Died mantra as a better narrative?

I read constantly, and there’s only been one book I hated so much that I actually tore it apart so no one would inadvertently stumble upon it and read it. And that was Swofford’s asinine book Jarhead. And I destroyed it on page 2. On that page, he talks about how he stole unsecured stuff from fellow troops to sell at a surplus store. I don’t know what unit this clown served in, but in mine, that’s the sign of a blue falcon. If an NCO sees something unsecured, you jack the troop up, you don’t take his stuff and sell it so some asshat can have extra gear to play paintball.

But in terms of writing sheer hyperbole, you can’t beat this guy. He begins the WS book by discussing the actions of Specialist Ross McGinnis who leapt on a grenade and saved the lives of those around him. For that action, he received the Medal of Honor. Go read what Blackfive has on this hero. Why does he honor this great American and his sacrifice? Why, to compare IVAW favorably to him:

The men and women who testified at Winter Soldier Iraq and Afghanistan in March of 2008 displayed the same kind of courage that Specialist McGinnis did: they took individual action and great risk to honor the men and women, American troops and Iraqi civilians, who have died in this misbegotten and often criminally executed war. They didn’t use their bodies; they used their narratives, the bare-knuckle stories that tell us the truth about what happens at the other end of the rifle, the missile, the bomb.

What a load of shit.

It should be noted that in relaying McGinnis’ heroism, Swofford stated that:

Early in June of 2008, President Bush awarded [McGinnis] the Bronze Star posthumously.

This moron doesn’t know the difference between a Bronze Star and the Medal of Honor, and he presumes to tell us that McGinnis’ and IVAW’s acts are equivalent?

So, I made it from the cover all the way to page ix on this book before I got pissed off. Only this time, I didn’t destroy it. Because someone has to call these asshats on their lies.

Oh, and the Publisher, Haymarket Books, that’s a socialist publisher, named after an anarchist:

Haymarket Books is a non-profit left-wing book publisher and distributor. It is the publishing house of the Center for Economic Research and Social Change. It was founded in 2000, and named in memory of the “Haymarket Martyrs” – five anarchist labor activists given the death penalty after the Haymarket Riot and now generally believed to have been innocent.

Haymarket publishes nonfiction from a left-wing or socialist perspective, with subjects focusing primarily on history and politics. It publishes both original work and out-of-print “classics.” In addition to books, it publishes a magazine, International Socialist Review, audio tapes, and political buttons.

Welcome Ace of Spades morons.


Category: Antiwar crowd, Iraq Veterans Against the War, Politics

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And somebody remind me again, how IVAW has nothing to do with Communist/Socialist ideals/agendas?


They just keep coming out of the woodwork like cockroaches. But Jonn and others are fumigating them pretty damn good. But like cockroachs and rats…it’s a constant process. How to stop the breeding?


OK, I’m so disgusted by this book so far I’m not sure I want to read additional reviews on it. I’m trying to figure out a way to cleanse my eyes and brain from what the douCHE bag wrote. I’m thinkin’ your gonna needs lots of adult beverages to get through the rest of it TSO. You’re definitely a better man that I could be.


Oh….and I totally agree with what 1stCavRVN11B said, too. Keep fumigating guys!


“and now generally believed to have been innocent”

By other leftists. Considering how many bombs leftists threw back in the first decades of the 20th Century, it’s impressive how good a job liberals have done covering up the left’s murderous past.

Mr Wolf

If someone will send me a copy of this (I can’t bring myself to do it) will read it for you and get it out in the media as to its ‘veracity’. Having served where this douche did, and covered these ‘atrocities’ I can assure you that had this happened, my in-box would have been overflowing and a ‘tiger team’ activated to investigate (to see about paying reparations to the family).

Gawd how disgusting. I’ve been reading nearly every book written on the war, and I’ve yet to get to this trash pile.



This reminds of the stories in those “True Confessions” type magazines from years ago. All it took was a vivid imagination and an ability to write a full sentence correctly.
Are this people so filled with angst and pissiness that real life holds no appeal, so they have to make bad stuff up? WTF?!


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Paul Couturier - OIF Vet

Yankeemom, the answer to your question is…YES!

Perpetual anger MUST be the 1st requirement to be an ivaw member! (DD214 is second!)


More like perpetual foaming at the mouth


This weekend while browsing the military history section at Barnes & Nobles, I saw this book. I was amazed they would place it in the military section instead of the fairy tales section. I can believe Swofford did the forward for it. As soon as you start reading his book, Jarhead, it is apparent what a shitebird he is and spinner of fairy tales.


What I can see is an open freely given admission of theft of government property. Why does someone not prosecute him, he will have to admit that is is either a thief or a liar. Problem solved.


**Having served where this douche did, and covered these ‘atrocities’ I can assure you that had this happened, my in-box would have been overflowing and a ‘tiger team’ activated to investigate (to see about paying reparations to the family).**

I’m glad this was mentioned. I came here from a non-military site, and would not know from reading the original post why the author was so sure the account was fake.


Can the cover be used as a barf bag?


Where is John Kerry? This sounds like something that he’d do.