California Fills Skate Parks with Sand, Californians Respond with Dirt Bikes

| April 23, 2020

Jesse Schwartz, 33, from Santa Rosa protests the closure of parks in California by digging sand out of the closed Venice Beach skate park, as the global outbreak of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) continues, on Venice Beach in Los Angeles, California, U.S., April 20, 2020. REUTERS/Lucy Nicholson

Then the dirt bikers helped get the sand out so kids could skateboard again. So that went well.

California skate park filled with sand to enforce social distancing backfires as dirt bikers show up

By Greg Norman

California officials who closed a popular skate park and filled it with 37 tons of sand in hopes of keeping residents away during the coronavirus outbreak have inadvertently turned the recreational site into a dirt biker’s paradise.

A video posted on Instagram this week shows riders catching air at Ralph’s Skate Court in San Clemente despite the city’s effort to enforce social distancing.

“The fact the city put the sand in there to try to social distance everyone – I think it’s a big joke,” Connor Ericsson, who posted the video, told KSUI News. “These kids are cooped up inside their houses, they just want to go to the skate park and have some fun.”

Another video on his account shows locals shoveling up the sand and placing it into buckets.

“As soon as the skaters showed up, we got a broom and a shovel and we helped them sweep that thing out, get the sand out there so they could do a little social shredding themselves,” Ericsson added.

Yeah yeah, it’s thoughtless and foolish, and while kids don’t seem to be much affected by the virus, they could pick it up and bring it home. So let ’em out and quarantine them when they come back. As a parent who has been stranded with two rambunctious teen boys, I can empathize with both sides here. Read the rest of the article: Fox News

Category: America, Breaking News

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A Proud Infidel®™

Oh GOD how I love this Country and many of her people, I just hope that they were all riding dirt bikes with 2-stroke engines to give the tree-huggers a big middle finger as well!!!

Slow Joe

You do realize all those are Bernie Sanders supporters, right?

A Proud Infidel®™

I’m sure that many are now EX-Bernie-heads now that they have sampled what Big Government socialism will be like!


Funny how people know what to do.
It’s like a hereditary thing in America.

The Other Whitey

This happened in a couple of places, including at least one that was privately owned and operated, and you know the state and municipalities won’t lift a finger to clean any of it up afterwards, clearly intending to dump the cleanup on owners who were not consulted before their property was buried at taxpayer expense. Gavin “I’ll Bang Anyone’s Wife Except My Own” Newsom’s popularity is in freefall in places that ostensibly favored him in the election. The number of previously anti-2A folks who went to purchase weapons for defense when the panic kicked in and found they had been lied to by democrats/leftists about the process is also contributing to this effect. He’s not in as much trouble as Frau Führer Whitmer in Michigan, but his team is undoubtedly working overtime to get those fake ballots made up well in advance just in case.

I’d like to see another recall initiative go forward now. Probably because Newsom is scared of it right now.


If the municipal workers leave it to the public to clean it up… doesn’t California list silica as a hazardous material?
I smell a lawsuit!

A Proud Infidel®™

I can hear the ad in my head right now, “HAVE YOU come across silica in a Skate Park? YOU MIGHT BE entitled to compensation, call Dewey, Cheatem & Howe RIGHT NOW AT…”

5th/77th FA

Gives a whole new meaning to the term, “go pound sand”? or something? 😆


This egregious waste of the people’s hard-earned money by pettifogging diktats needs to be addressed.
Someone should open a Torch & Pitchfork store there in San Clemente.
Good on those citizens for throwing off the yoke, sometimes it’s the small victories.

Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH B Woodman

Now THERE is the “Feel Good Story” of the week!
And nobody died, nobody fired a shot – yet you can bet this is being heard ’round the world.


I use to be a skater boi
We didn’t have skate parks
I’m not surprised at the response here it’s funny as hell


1963…small red plywood board with steel wheels …. that would stop on a grain of sand and throw you flying through the air.

The hill on Military Drive in Seaside, just outside Ft. Ord — that was a killer!

Slow Joe

Hahaha, Skippy listens to Avril Lavigne!!??

5th/77th FA


Prolly the same kids that were skateboarding just went home and grabbed their dirtbikes and went back. Looks like the kids I saw had on gloves…and masks.


A Proud Infidel®™

HEY now that you mention it, THEY ARE keeping social distance while wearing gloves, helmets and masks, thus I say PARTY ON and have fun, Dirt Bikers!!!

Comm Center Rat

Vote Tony Hawk for Governor of California!!


Im just saying…this ‘rona is pissing me off. We haven’t had a poser in weeks. WEEKS I say!



Oh I know. I saw. It’s just….the busting of posers brightened my day, ya know? It was always good to open up first thing in the morning and get my little ‘charge of hate’ reading about some shitbag.


Somebody ‘splain it to me. Are skateboarders in the habit of being in proximity closer than any of us might have passing an idiot in a grocery store who refuses to conform to the one-way aisle sign?

Are they making tandem skateboards now?

Of all the things to be concerned with, the guv picks this? What an idiot. But we already knew that.


And grocery stores? Why are they not viral killing fields? Everyone goes there, touches stuff, shares carts, talks to checkout folks.

Maybe folks exaggerated both infectiousness and lethality?

And if not there, why all the other closings?

Who the frak gets to call American people non-essential? Because that is what they meant.


When they came for the skateboarders I was silent….




Were I one of the protesters wanting to make a statement, now would be the time for someone ((maybe Ex-PH2) to visit each one of the filled-in skate parks and drop off dozens of recently well-fed cats. Big ‘ol cat turds, yeh, that’s the way to say, “Neighbors are going to LOVE the result of your genius idea!””

Boiling Mad CPO

To hell w/the one way aisle. Had to put up with at naval exchanges because the aisles were about 12″ wide. Civil liberties and all that.

Saw this video a couple of days ago and it appears one of the kids is playing while others are sweeping. To give him the benefit of the doubt, perhaps he got there earlier and did his share, but I doubt it. BZ