The CNN video

| April 19, 2009

I’m sure you’ve all seen this video of CNN reporter Susan Roesgen confronting some poor unprepared guy in Chicago;

According to doupleplusundead, CNN tried to put a copyright on the video, but them damn bloggers won’t let this be buried.

But here’s what I heard in Roesgen’s responses to this guy; “Obama gave you a four hundred dollar tax credit and $50 billion to Illinois, so what’s you beef? Just shut up, take your crumbs and go home.”

Because CNN hadn’t approved the tea parties, the Tea Partyers are fueled by “Right wing conservative network Fox” and they’re “Anti-government. Anti-CNN.” Lady, most of us have been anti-CNN since 1992. Haven’t you been paying attention? If you think Fox is “right wing conservative” you’ve never watched the day time news programs. The anti-government part is ensconced in the Bill of Rights which was written to protect Americans from the government not to protect Americans from their own choices.

Did Obama really think we’d shut up if he gave us a $400 tax cut, for Pete’s sake?

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Media, Politics

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Been anti-CNN since Turner & Fonda decided to inhabit the area of Montana I grew up in….


I think Obama gave me the damn flu, and that sure made me shut up. 🙁


I just posted our video of the Chicago Tea Party on Youtube. If you go to Founding Bloggers, they have their video of another suburban housewife giving that twit what for. Norman, the man she left high and dry was interviewed by Neil Cavuto and you can view that on Founding Bloggers, too. My son was right there and they were all chanting at her “CNN go Home!”

I was enraged when initially saw this on RedState, cause, you know, who the fuck are we not to be grateful to be handed 50 billion in the state of IL. There is also a clip somewhere of her basically fawning over the 6 protesters in Hyde Park for Obama, yet she purposefully denigrated us, again, cause you know, what the fuck balls do we have to stand up for what WE believe!!!? Only the left gets to do that!


Oops, my bad…you’ve got it here already.

Dave Thul

I’ve been anti-CNN ever since they aired insurgent sniper videos as ‘news’ while I was in Iraq.


The brain dead zombie’s are out and we call them democrats or reporters. O’Dumbo ‘gave’ us a $400 tax cut, anyone seen a reduction in taxes withheld or a rebate check? Working people will get the shaft and welfare riders, aka democrats, will get a check.
O’Dumbo gave away a Billion dollars in Europe and god knows how many billions in South America, yet he is a pi** poor human when it comes to donating his own (stolen) money.

Confused NCO

Hey guys, seems that reporter applied at Fox TWICE in 2005.

Jonn wrote: Thanks for the tip, CNCO. Wikipedia says she used to work in radio – with good reason;


Susan Roesgen is the “reporter” who stirred up the racial tensions in Louisiana with the “Jena 6” misinformation.
