No, Beauchamp is still a liar (Updated with DU quotes)

| April 18, 2009

Some of you may have heard that Scott Thomas Beauchamp’s former First Sergeant, turned Master Sergeant, John E. Hatley was convicted yesterday of the murder of four Iraqis and sentenced to life in prison with the possibility of parole. Some on the Left are calling this a vindication of Beauchamp’s faerie tales – like Susie Mandrak at Crooks and Liars who writes;

If you cannot place the name, Master Sgt. Hatley was the direct superior of Pvt. Scott Beauchamp and the person most used to discredit (along with the gay porn star) the New Republic diary of the life of a soldier in Iraq and the ways they dealt with the pressures of Operation Clusterf*ck. All of which Hatley said was absolutely not what his ever virtuous soldiers did.

In February, another military jury convicted the unit’s medic, Sgt. Michael Leahy Jr., 28, of premeditated murder and sentenced him to life in prison. On March 30, Sgt. First Class Joseph P. Mayo, 27, pleaded guilty to murder and received a 35-year sentence.

Military legal experts said the soldiers’ rank showed the frustration of fighting insurgents who blended in with the locals.

Which was exactly the subject Scott Beauchamp was writing about.

First of all, Susie, the First Sergeant isn’t a direct supervisor of a soldier on the line – in fact he isn’t even in the soldiers’ chain of command. 1SG Hatley wasn’t “the person most used to discredit” Beauchamp. Beauchamp was the person most used to discredit himself, along with all of the members of his unit. I’m not lessening the effect that SFC Cheryl McElroy (your friend and my drinking buddy, GI Jane) at The Foxhole who scooped the whole internet by getting a statement from 1SG Hatley in the beginning, but the stories that Beauchamp told were obviously false – completely. So obvious, that even a dumbass like me could see the BS for what it was.

MSG Hatley wasn’t convicted of picking on deformed women, wearing a child’s skull on his head or running over dogs with a Bradley – THAT was what Beauchamps was writing about.

The faux-Conservative Andrew Sullivan also sees this as some sort of vindication for Beauchamp;

One of [Michael Goldfarb’s] key sources, Beauchamp’s own First Sergeant, was critical in rebutting Beauchamp’s charges. Goldfarb’s source for defending the honor of his men and himself was just convicted “of executing four handcuffed, blindfolded Iraqi men by shooting them in the backs of their heads.” Goldfarb’s kinda guy. But who looks more credible now? Goldfarb or Beauchamp?

Um, Beauchamp is an admitted liar – so who looks more credible to you?

Brad Delong says; It Looks Like Scott Beauchamp’s Pieces for the New Republic Were Accurate. Sure, if you look at it through your own jaundiced political biases.

Nearly everyone on the Left begins their posts with something about the “right wing blogs being silent on the Hatley conviction. That’s funny, but I found post on Blackfive and Confederate Yankee on the subject. Even if there weren’t any other posts about the conviction or it’s connection to Beauchamp, so what? What does one have to do with other? Beauchamp admitted he lied – so what does Hatley doing nothing related to the Beauchamp faerie tales negate Beauchamp’s admission that he lied?

So I went over to DU to see what the progressive rocket scientists were saying about this devepoment. I could’ve saved myself a trip, because I knew what I’d find;

But, some were supportive of the Army’s decision, because those danged Marines won’t help Murtha out by convicting a few of them;

These are folks who really support the troops – by using Hatley’s crimes to paint with a broad brush allof the troops and all of the people who join the military;

Yup, let’s pull those troops out of Afghanistan and put them in jail. That way we know where they are when we need meals delivered in Kosovo again.

Category: Politics

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Based on the facts of the incident:
1SG Hatley and his squad were attacked by a group of enemy terrorist combatants. They fired back, chased them down, captured them, and found their weapons cache. They should have killed them on the spot, instead of taking them to the base camp. As for the Courts Martial decision, justice isn’t always “just”.

Idiots like Mandrak dance a jig over a rare (albeit trumped up) conviction, when 99.9% of the accusations leveled against American troops fall flat either before they get to trial, or as a result of acquitals.

Oh yeah, and fabulist Beauchamp is still a liar.


Unless he murdered a disfigured woman by running her over with a Bradley while wearing a childs skull as a headpiece, I don’t see how this has any bearing.


Beauchamp’s behavior was a disgrace and in no way reflected on the bravery, dedication, and honor of his unit. Beauchamp was and is a punk.

Remember the accusations by John “the troops are cold-blooded murderers” Murtha made against the marines who fought at Haditha. They were exonerated.

I bet we will see a flurry of ‘justifications’ for Janet Napolitano’s moronic “threat assessment” on returning war veterans.

The thing that bothers me the most about this is that American troops who fought so valiantly in the region of the world that breeds the terrorists who attacked this country, will now have worry about doing what it takes to accomplish the mission and prosecuted for doing so.

The consequences of releasing Islamic terrorist combatants from GITMO and other points of custody, is that they pick up where they left off. The Left has more of a problem with fighting Islamofascists hellbent on a world Caliphate than they do what it takes to stop them.

Whether the Left likes it or not, 1SG Hatley’s actions saved the lives of Soldiers by stopping those terrorists dead in their tracks.


[…] Hat tip to Jonn at This Aint Hell: […]