Terrorist Chavez meets the black ignoramus

| April 18, 2009
The ignoramus meets the terrorist

The ignoramus meets the terrorist

Look at these two buddies clasping hands as if they’re old friends. I guess Obama forgot already that Hugo called him an ignoramus and refers to him as “the black man”, something that would probably get me a Secret Service visit if I said it. It was less than a month ago that Chavez called President Obama an ignoramus for mentioning that Chavez exports terrorism;

That’s how we treat tin pot dictators these days, though. It’s been proven that this sort of treatment never comes back to bite us in the ass, hasn’t it? Look at the time we helped Saddam…oh, never mind. And when we gave the Canal to Panama…forget I said that. OK, all the help we supplied Stalin during WWII…oh, wait. Well, we helped the Afghans boot the Soviets…damn. Hmmm, well there must be an incident that proves stroking our enemy paid off. Isn’t there?
Well, I’m sure Chavez will rethink his support of regional terrorist groups after that dap with Obama. If he doesn’t, Obama can do what seems to be the popular solution in Latin America among it’s leaders these days; go on a hunger strike like Chavez’ acolyte Evo Morales, the cocaine farmer turned President of Bolivia;

Or Obama could hold his breath and stomp his feet – Chavez understands that, too.

I guess we’ve gone from “You’re either with or you’re with the terrorists” to “You’re either with us or whatever.”

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Foreign Policy, Hugo Chavez, Usual Suspects

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Jungle Mom



What Jungle Mom said. but totally not surprised by what this poseur does, at all!!!


Wait one! Did anyone here not expect this?

Can Putin be far behind? Sorry folks, nothing new here… move on.

Southern Democrat

Why not be friendly with the President of a country that has millions of barrels of oil?? Maybe we won’t have to go to war for the stuff…


Unh, SD, did you bother to read the above post?

“That’s how we treat tin pot dictators these days, though. It’s been proven that this sort of treatment never comes back to bite us in the ass, hasn’t it? Look at the time we helped Saddam…oh, never mind. And when we gave the Canal to Panama…forget I said that. OK, all the help we supplied Stalin during WWII…oh, wait. Well, we helped the Afghans boot the Soviets…damn. Hmmm, well there must be an incident that proves stroking our enemy paid off. Isn’t there?”

Chavez is an admirer of Castro, that charming fellow who kills or jails political dissidents, oppresses & imprisons gays, and curtails what we consider basic liberties and freedoms. Chavez is doing the same in Venezuela. Perhaps we should drill for & produce our own oil instead of buying it from a tin-pot dictator.


Junior AG, well said, but it won’t get through. Let’s see, if we drilled for OUR oil, on our land that would make it unnecessary for the TOTUS to bow and scrape to every tin pot ruler in the world, but we might inconvenience an owl or mouse or polar bear, so we’ll just leave the oil in the ground.
As for SD, I hate to repeat my self, but don’t feed the troll. Maybe it’ll crawl back under it’s bridge and go away.


[…] by Jonn Lilyea on September 8, 2009 Just a few months ago, Hugo Chavez called Barrack Obama a “black ignoramus”. Today Venezuelan newpaper El Universal reports that Chavez is now eager to help Obama; […]