Army Captain, phony soldier
TSO sends this article from the Virginia-Pilot about a recently-created Captain who figured his 21 years of serv ice wasn’t good enough;
Fort Monroe’s commanding officer Col. Anthony Reyes has dismissed all charges against Capt. Jose J. Huertas, who agreed to retire as a staff sergeant, base spokesman Mike Hodson said Tuesday.
A veteran of 21 years in the military, Huertas did not have enough time in grade to retire as an officer, said Greg McCormack, Huertas’ attorney.
Huertas was charged in December with unauthorized wearing of multiple medals, including the 3rd Infantry Division combat patch and two Kuwait Liberation Medals. Huertas had served in the 1991 Persian Gulf War.
Pretty damned sad. It seems that he earned many of the medals he was wearing, but he didn’t have any time in combat.
Huertas was also charged with fraud for filing a false claim for lodging expenses, being absent without leave for five days, and repeatedly being late to work. The charge of conduct unbecoming an officer stemmed from emergency leave Huertas requested to visit a sick brother in Kentucky. He was granted the leave but did not actually go on the trip.
[Huerta’s bonehead lawyer, Greg] McCormack contended that Huertas was the target of an overzealous boss intent on driving him out of the Army.
Yeah, Huertas applied for emergency leave to visit a sick brother and never left his home. here’s a hint; if your boss is out to get you, don’t give him cause to put the screws to you. Ya know there are thousands of people who are in the service and haven’t gone to the war – they’re not pinning on stuff they didn’t earn. If Huertas wanted to wear that stuff, he could have volunteered to do the tough stuff those awards require instead of doing the criminal thing.
Back in January, the Virginia-Pilot wrote that he was innocent.
The case against an Army captain accused of wearing more than a dozen unauthorized medals hit a snag this week when the soldier’s lawyer produced military records showing he is entitled to wear most of the decorations – and two of his superiors conceded they had never checked those forms, known as DD-214s.
“I cannot believe the Army would accuse an officer of wearing ribbons and awards he was not entitled to wear without checking his DD-214s,” Greg McCormack, the lawyer representing Jose J. Huertas, said during closing arguments in a preliminary hearing.
Well, that was pretty stupid of the Army, too. But truth prevailed.
I hate me some phonies.
Category: Phony soldiers
I remember it like it was yesterday, man. We was performing recons on this little ‘ville about 4 klicks outside of this grove of orange trees. We’d been ordered to take out one of them palaces like you see on the tv, but I know’d that there was more to this shit, man. We got through the front gates without too much trouble, and all the locals was all smiles and shit to our faces, but you can tell man…they hated our guts and wanted us dead. We worked our way through the crowds, kids poining at us and shit, adults giving us dirty looks…that’s when we ran into a pack of characters like I ain’t never seen before or since. There was this goofy looking fucker and this dude (clearly the leader of their club) who I can only describe as a giant rat. They were waving at us and taunting us like we was in some kind of parade down Main Street. I couldn’t take no more, man…I hauled off and jacked that goofy ‘effer right in the mouth. Kids were screaming, people were yelling…these guys with walkie-talkies started running at us, so we bolted most riki-tik. I got past the turnstyles and ducked into this train thing that dumped me off in what looked like a polynesian hotel…I blended in and just acted natural man, until I could regroup with my unit. It’s a small world, man…small world.
SGT Jesse Joshua McDisney
110th Mountain Division Brigade
Or’Lando, Iraq 2006-2007
I find it curious as to why he didn’t have ‘time in grade’ to retire as a Captain. I know that several years ago, you needed 2 yrs as an O-5/LTC to retire as one, but never realized there was a TiG component to O-3.
He wasn’t given chance to retire as an LT? So he got an appt as an officer from E-6? Or they just stripped him of his commission?
Either way, he’s still lucky with what he ended up with..
Mr Wolf
Jonn wrote: I’m no expert on the subject, but in the 80s when the Army was running short of officers, I remember they promoted one of our E-6s who had a National Guard commission for years straight to Captain.
Consider this, he’s still qualifies for a year’s free membership in Veterans For Peace.
Don’t forget his membership to IVAW.
BTW- A commissioned officer must serve ten yrs as a commissioned officer to retire as same. Otherwise, the individual will retire at the highest enlisted grade they held.