Wokeness… or something

| February 2, 2020

New names have cropped up for political animals who pander to the lowest common denominators to get voted into office:  dribblefeisters; gassnorkles; Cockwombles; Wankspanners. I’m sure there are more to come and you can, of course, contribute your own.

And then there’s “woke” capitalism, meaning advertising your company’s “wokeness” but going on the same old way:  https://www.breitbart.com/tech/2017/11/14/welcome-to-the-corporate-culture-wars/ It’s no way to run a company and stay in business, and kowtowing to people who threaten you if  you don’t knuckle under will put you out of business.

“Now, even YouTube’s politest fast food reviewer is having trouble keeping his ad revenue, as the platform introduces ever-stricter language codes. One tantrum from corporations was all it took for free speech on one of the web’s most promising platforms to be all but snuffed out. “ – 2017 article – good reason to not use YouTube as your outsourcing platform.

Remember what Rep. Kathy Castor wants to do? Snuffing out opposing speech violates the 1st Amendment, doesn’t it?

I know that there are other examples, and I’m sure you all have some of your own to contribute to the current level of silliness enjoyed by those spoiled brats. The pot is boiling under the lid, and eventually will spill over onto the stovetop.

Category: "The Floggings Will Continue Until Morale Improves", Politics

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Demonization on YouTube is not a first amendment issue. It is a private platform. Nobody has a constitutional right to make money on it.

If she was proposing legislation forcing YouTube to do it, which she isn’t, then it would be a first amendment issue.




You are correct, demonetization of you tube is not a first amendment issue. However, when political wannabe dictators decide that speech they disagree with should be squelched, we have a problem. The medium does not matter. Focus on the topic, it’s not that difficult.


If they’re editorializing, then they are not a public forum, they are a platform. They are no longer to be exempt under Section 230 (47 U.S.C. § 230).

That Congress hasn’t pushed this harder (or really at all) just shows how much they are all in the pocket of the big tech and media corporations.

Doc Savage

Nice job Lars…….Stay on target, Red Leader.

A Proud Infidel®™

We can ALWAYS count on you to be a shithead, Lars!


You thought it was the weekend open thread? You went so fast trying to get “first” that you fucked up your spellin’ you dumbass. Your elitist teachers would be very ashamed of you poodle.

5th/77th FA

Seagull/cleanup on Thread 4.

Was it API or 11B that FIRST said on this site “Get Woke, Go Broke”?

FIRST rule of Marketing 101? Don’t pi$$of 90% of your potential customers trying to pander to a potential 10% of which 90% of that 10% ain’t gonna buy your stuff anyhow. There is a very long laundry list of people/companies that I don’t do trade and commerce with BECAUSE of their wokeness.

My favorite way of getting woke is by the smell of a orasting beast that’s been a crockett pot all night.


Couple slices toasted wheat bread with Navy SOS and a couple fried eggs on top, cracked pepper and a dash or three of Tabasco, coffee. NOW I’m ready to kill commies.


Good stuff Ed.. reminds me of one of the few superbowl commercials that were truly funny..


Thanks, Fyr!


Very welcome! I hope Budwiser hasn’t gone woke, because IMHO this is the best superbowl or otherwise commercial EVER!!! To this day it gets damn dusty in here when i watch it…
RIP brothers


Someone must be serving Crow again.

Hack Stone

Hack Stone makes a conscious effort to avoid product with the Heinz label, as John Kerry, AKA The Man Who Married inTo The Heinz Franchise, has enough money. The tentacle of Heinz are far and wide, to include but not limited to Kraft Food, Oscar Mayer, Maxwell House Coffee, Ore-Ida, and what seems appropriate, Kool-Aid. It’s a Hunt’s Ketchup house at Stately Stone Manor.


Slow Joe

So, do you guys still buy Gillette?

My point is that there is no way I can keep up with the large list of companies that I despise because of their wokeness, therefore I keep buying their products because I forget and because I got more important issues in my life.

I guess that’s why the left successfully boycott conservative companies while the right always fails in their boycotts.


I know folks that still won’t buy S&W because of their enabling antics back in the 90s.

Conservatives tend to be far more forgiving. Perhaps for higher reasons?

The Left owns “hysterical irrational mob” and “poo flinging howler monkeys”. Those are both PR influencers. They do “lynch mob” when they have enough power to get away with it.

Hmm. Haven’t bought from Dicks in quite a while. Used to buy a bunch of shells there. Hmm. Nor any of the other stuff they used to sell to me.


One of my firefighters works at Dicks part time. Said they’re getting rid of their gun / hunting / ammo section completely..


“Conservatives tend to be far more forgiving.”

That’s an understatement. “Come out” as pro-life or really just conservative on any topic to a group of liberals and you’ll be dead to them. Espouse some liberal ideas in front of conservatives? We’ll argue you’re wrong, but I’m not losing friends and family over it.


I haven’t set foot in Dick’s since they went all anti 2nd. Used to buy ammo there and some other sporting goods. Not any more.

A Proud Infidel®™

So says the mangy rodent who thought he was somebody.

Cameron Kingsley

Keep pissing everyone off.

Cameron Kingsley

It’s your arrogance that’s turning people off. If this were a bar, you would be thrown out of it.

A Proud Infidel®™️

Wingman68, you’re not unlike an unwanted rodent.


Thank you, wingman68 Johnson, for that wonderful example of authentic Western gibberish!


Damn AW1, you’re too fast. I’m not catching any of it!

I’ll probably be ok. I’m sure There’re not life changing comments I keep missing!

A Proud Infidel®™

Hey, wingnut68: