Scranton Man Charged with Stolen Valor
The news organization PAHomePage reports that the District Attorney Mark Powell of Lackawanna County, Pennsylvania announced Friday that charges were filed against 31-year-old Chris Crawford for misrepresenting himself as a member of the military.
The new charges against Crawford of “Misrepresentation of Military Service or Honors” and “Misrepresentation of Decoration or Medal.”
The article says…
In his statement, [District Attorney] Powell said, “The conduct alleged in this case – masquerading as a combat veteran in order to infiltrate and steal funds from an American Legion post – is breathtakingly brazen and unprecedented in my almost 30 years of practicing criminal law in Lackawanna County. It’s an affront to every veteran who has defended our great nation.”
Crawford joined Post 568 under the guise that he was a combat veteran.
After accessing Chris Crawford’s military files, it was revealed that Crawford spent two months and twenty-five days in boot camp starting in April of 2007. Crawford went absent without leave (AWOL) from C Company 2-54th Infantry in Fort Benning, Georgia.
Crawford was “Discharged under Other Than Honorable Conditions” in November 2007 and according to the DA’s office – is not considered to be a member of the military.
Category: Army Poser, Stolen Valor
No time for half measures on this piece of shit, lying, Valor Thieving, Trash from Trailer Park Hell Chris Crawford. Saw his ass on the linky from last night.
Let me be the FIRST to call for an immediate deployment of the Hemisphere of Insults on this mofo. Can I get a SECOND and an AYE?
Affirm! Fire for effect.
Alrighty guys, sorry for the delay. Happy Monday. I hope Christopher is ready, because he’s about to be full up like the cum dumpster that he is. I hope you enjoy this because Chrissy Poo, you certainly deserve this and MORE!!~! “Grab your sicks and hold on to you cocks boys!!!…” The Hemisphere of Insults®™ (aka, “This Ain’t Hell” Thesaurus) FIRE IN THE HOLE!!!! TACTICAL NUCLEAR ROUND OUT!!!! THREE PASS AIRCRAFT BOMB RUN!!!!! DANGER CLOSE!!!! MOPP LEVEL 4!!! TAKE COVER!!!!! … Chris (Piss Lick) Crawford (I wish 1 million Crawfish would invade your asshole, and by the way just FYI, Crayfish and crawfish are both grammatically acceptable, so you learned something today) …HEY DICKLESS WONDER, We all hope you read this and come back here and try to defend your actions, but, you won’t because, YOU’RE A STRAIGHT UP COWARD, vile, flaming piece of skunk shit, ALLEGEDLY, but not confirmed or proven, but in some people’s opinion, works balls, tickles taint and tongue punches hobo’s crusty fart boxes all, I Guess, while being a syphilitic, turd-sucking feces factory, HOLY Baby Ape Shit Breath, Bitch-ass Fuckstick guzzler, pile infested, onion-eyed flapmouthed butt-bailiff, “Fowl” mouthed Chicken Fucking Chickenfucker, You flaccid piece of tofu, Simply a fart in life waiting to be fabreezed away, moral equivalent of pond scum, THIS MOTHERFUCKER IS A WALKING TURD, inflamed, “Towel boy” in a gay bath house, DILLY DILLY!!, Ambulatory verbal dissembling anus, Fucking one cell spermatozoon with a tiny flagella, gaping giant ass walking fungus shit nugget, Bag of seasoned dog shit, Cambodian cunt sauce, he deserves to have his private parts gnawed by angry badgers, Anyone who ever loved you was wrong, bucket of ass chum, Poopy Headed ball working asshole, JERK OFF !!, Soup Sandwich, if you Mom would have known you were going to turn out like this, she’d have prayed for a miscarriage, Diaper-Sniper, you’re such a pussy, when you get a haircut they charge you for a bikini wax, suck a big diseased gorilla dick and open those ass cheeks for the bull elephant that has been eyeing your lying ass,… Read more »
“Grab your socks and hold on to your cocks boys!!!…” GODDAMN IT CHIP, GET. IT. RIGHT….. OK, that being said, and we continue…. “… Mayor Grundle Butter of Scrotumburg and Anusville, waste of oxygen, Grandstanding cunt, prickwrinkler, Holy cupcake munching monkeys, clitwart, cuntscab, Fuck you, you nutless chickenfuck cocksucking rat-bastard piece of roach shit! Eat a whole fucking ConEx full of dicks!, anal sphincter canyon yodeling phallic squeezer, numbnuts, malodorous odiferous felonious fido fucker, snowball, Coprophagous fop, Gonorrhea breath, swizzle tits, giggling beerflecked canker blossom, how did you survive infancy, rectal rapee, Dude looks like he smells like hot dog water, GonnoSyphaHerpaClapAIDS Patient Zero monkey buggerer, ball-tickling & ball gargling bullshiat artist, R2-Dildo, You suck dick for beer money and you don’t even drink beer, secret squirrel masturbation specialist, hand in your badge, Adolf, you fart repeatedly just to make yourself smell better, spunk-trumpet, Bakrauf, face down ass up weak kneed pillow biter, maybe this hero could strap a suicide vest to himself, go out in the open desert and make people confetti out of himself, Wait, of all the lucky sperms that came outta your daddy, you’re the one that WON??, He’s so much of a dickhead he takes Viagra thru a nasal spray, and he’s still limp, How I the fuck do assholes like this sleep at night? With one hand on their tiny dick and the other thumb in their ass, Holy shit, maybe a “buggerer of little boys”, rottencrotched, rump wrangling, colostomy bag curator, A butter knife amongst razor blades, Rusty Trombone Virtuoso, he is the kinda guy who likes meeting up with two strange men so they can sword fight in his mouth, he’s the kind of guy you’d find hanging out around highway rest areas because he’s frequenting the public bathrooms trying to gargle marbles for change, culo de chongo, booger eating fuckbucket, Lemon Party-lusting, Pissflap, fucknuckles, is about as real as a Civil War Issue polyester blanket, Menstrual quimsquirt, you’re as useful as Anne Frank’s Drum Set, overzealous polyp burglar, poser quim squirt, bed wetting, follows in Victorious Felder’s bovine excrement -filled boots,… Read more »
….Cryptosporidium-ridden tire tosser, fudgepacker, turbo douche & enema nozzle, mental midget, likes to molest small farm animals, dead and alive, is a hemorrhoid, 100 retarded monkeys could jerk off in a stagnant swamp and generate a better life form than you, You are about as useful as a knitted condom, if I had the taste of you in my mouth, I’d lick the taint of a dead rotting water buffalo in the Vietnamese jungle just to get the taste out, just to fix your shit, you could make a Jew deny the Holocaust, consuming connoisseur of the chocolate starfish, Cocksucking Catfish, anal & vaginal prolapse, giant anal Q-Tip, this freak fancies himself performing fellatio on a variety of pinnapeds, He went all vaginal. You *never* go all vaginal, fucked himself faster than a horny chihuahua by lying about his Military Service, you are the reason Jesus can’t play peek-a-boo, he has holes in his hands, you are a 0 EPR/OPR, you are worse than a Dishonorable Discharge….from your Mom’s vagina, Massive, back alley, bucket of schlong fuck juice, cockalorum cum-guzzling gutter slut, Dalton Coldiron’s bunny-butt buddy atomic sphincter goblin, If you stuck your brain up a gnat’s ass, it would look like a BB in a boxcar, Jackanape, Fuck Tart, Sitzpinkler, lispian, pussytits, Milksop, you’re such an embarrassment to your family and your father is so ashamed of you, he’d refuse a free blowjob out of fear of further spilling his seed, Forrest Gump points and laughs at you, you suck so bad, AIDS and Cancer have nightmares about you, your shit is about as funny as Anne Frank, Helen Keller and Terri Schiavo having an orgy in the showers at Auschwitz, you suck so bad, puppies, kittens and babies hate you, you are so loathsome, looks like the kind of guy who lets his wife gets her shit pushed in by Mr. Ouch while he watches, Gandhi would ass rape you for giggles, you are about as welcome as a yeast infection, hemorrhoids, gonorrhea, syphilis, chlamydia, genital wards and herpes, you’re one of the reasons Trump is President, you… Read more »
Cock-juggling *Pussy* thundercunt, And a new addition thanks to Sarge I hereby introduce you to the ALPHABET ASSAULT: Annoying asinine Ampharos asshole assistant to APL; bulimic ballsack biting butt buddy at Brucie’s Bathhouse (entrance in the rear); chronic cocksucking clymidiacic chickenfucking cretin; dumbass dumbshit dickguzzling dimwitted douchebag; erratic earwax eating enema expert; fowl felching monkeyfucking ferret fluffing Uncle Fester look-alike; gregarious gangrene carrying Grinch; hypocrtical hippo humping hackeysack full of horse shit; idiotic inbred imbecile with a low IQ and impotence issues; jumping jackass with jockey shorts full of jellyfish jism; kooky kommunistic klown kitty fucking knave; lying loathsome limpdick lillylivered lazyass llama blowing loser; manmeat mooching meatslapping moosecock muncher; no good ninja nippled needlenutted nobody; obsolete overfucked octopus orgy observer; penis pumping pee filled poster child for proper prophelactic usage; queasy queef quaffing quantum horsesqueeze; ratt fucking rump ranger who plays the rusty trombone; Shit surping semen burping dick sucking sorry sonavabitch with syphilis; taint ticking test subject for tits on men at Tiny’s Truck Stop; unclefucking ugly ass unborn umbilical discharge; valor Vulture and volunteer for vile vaginal discharge vacuum duty, wanks to blue waffle porn while waiting for winos to blow at the aforemention truck stop; useful as an upset ugly unicorn uterus; yodleing yellowbellied yak yanker; zipper gazing zealot with zits on his zero inch dick. Fuck off, eat shit, die in a fire. If any of this offends you, I’m sorry. If something here *doesn’t* offend you, I’m not trying hard enough! We now include the NEW & IMPROVED OFFICIAL TAH BINGO CARD®™ /FREE with every deployment of an equal or greater value The Hemisphere of Insults®™ FUCK YOU, ASS HAMSTER!!! Can I get an AMEN?! (Or your choice of exclamation/interjection.) Here endeth the lesson. Oh and one time Blake Morgan said: “ I swear I was hearing “O Beautiful for spacious skies… For amber waves of grain” playing as I was reading this…. “ So without further ado, here is a link to the New York Orchestra performing America the Beautiful, at Carnegie Hall, for your listening pleasure, if you want a musical… Read more »
AMEN!!!! It was worth the wait. All Hail ChipNASA and the Hemisphere of Insults! All Hail!!!
Didn’t even make the Gunga Dan line.
Change your name to Cindy to match your new role as prison bitch.
Well he already has grown a nice wild and woolly prison pussy.
Some more interesting tidbts on this Dude:
(1) American Legion Officers at Post 568 in Minooka, PA said Crawford joined under the guise of being a Combat Veteran. He wore a hat displaying a Combat Infantry Badge, which is awarded only to Infantrymen who have engaged in active ground combat and held himself out to be a Veteran of War.
(2) He declared Veterans status on his application to the state Department of Transportation for a Nondriver’s photo identification card. He is NOT considered to be a Veteran because of his Other Than Honorable Discharge.
(3) He was originally arrested last Summer and accused of stealing more than $16,700 from American Legion Post 568 by using Post Debit Cards to make unauthorized cash withdrawals and purchases between March and August.
(4) He served as Post 568’s Executive Officer in Charge of Memberships and Recruitment after transferring from a Post in Pittsburgh, PA (Which means he conned that Post as well).
(5) He went AWOL in June 2007 from Fort Benning, GA while attending Infantry Basic Training. He finally surrendered after 4 months at Fort Drum, NY in November 2007 and was transferred to Fort Knox, KY to face possible Court-Martial charges. In December 2007, he received a Discharge Under Other Than Honorable Conditions in lieu of a Trial by Court-Martial.
No telling what else he claimed or did. Suspect he may have altered his original DD214 or created a new one to be accepted into two (2) American Legion Posts.
Sadly, he is NOT the FIRST Dude who has pulled this stunt. Unfortunately, there may be more out there.
IMO, it looks like two AL posts didn’t do diligence and ask Chris “shitbag” Crawford to fill out a SF-180 to verify his service.
This is interesting.
Unless this is old, Facebook for the American Legion Post 568 still identifies Crawford as their Adjutant.
It also looks as if there is a picture of him shaking hands with another individual at a Legion event.
Am pretty sure the Dude was also the Business Manager and Chief Strategy Officer of this Company in Stranton, PA (one can see his picture at the link):
This is why every vet org should do two (3) basic things.
1. Vet every new member. DD-214, FOIA, etc… If something is hinky no membership until it is cleared up.
2. The books should be open to every member at any time for any reason.
3. Periodic 3rd party audits.
My VFW post instituted all three (3) of these rules after some shenanigans a number of years ago (prior to my joining). It has been smooth sailing ever since.
Agreed; and it’s not that hard. I’ve had to tell a few applicants at my local VSO they were not eligible. I just said that I was sorry and it wasn’t personal. I then steer them to other groups for which they may be eligible. Only once did it almost get physical, the applicant started in about his Bronze Star, Navy Cross, and Silver Star. I pegged him as a phony, not just because of the order in which he named them, but he resembled a walrus more than a SEAL. I told him to come back with his 214 and be welcomed aboard – I haven’t seen him since.
Getting back to the point; every VSO needs to take the minute it takes to verify and kick out everyone who is not eligible.
Five years ago, I sent letters to the leadership of the AL, VFW and DAV asking each organization what they are going to vet current and new members.
As of today, none of them have answered.
Leadership doesn’t care, all they see is membership dues flowing in.
Don’t forget the beer sales.
Shit bag
Wash out
Was it even worth it
Enjoy your google fame
It should be quite obvious by now, but LsoS Valor Thieves usually aren’t the sharpest tools in the shed- don’t put yourselves in a position where TAH’s ninjas take an interest in you.
Your every sin will be exposed, and the interwebs are forever. We have the best ninjas. Right, Christopher Michael Crawford?
Here’s hoping that the Judge throws the book at him as soon as he gets convicted and he has plenty of warm dates with Bubba, Thor, Julio and “Tiny Tyrone” before they pimp him out to the rest of the cell block!
MORE Tidbits on the Dude and how he did it (Conned the Legion and Steal $$$$):
(1) Dude used an American Legion Post 658 Debit Card to make unauthorized cash withdrawals as well as purchases at Bars, Fast Food Restaurants and Pharmacies.
(2) Reports indicate that he was very knowledgable about Legions and how they operate. He told the Legion that their Books were very messy and their money handling needed to be revamped because it was being handled “old school” and not documented properly.
(3) In February 2019, he became the Executive Officer in Charge of Membership and Recruitment. Since the Members were told by Crawford that the Post Accounts were “messy”, all new Officers to the Legion to include Crawford closed the Old accounts and opened New Accounts, which means Crawford had access to the New Accounts and a Legion Debit Card.
(4) In August 2019, the Bar Administrator noticed discrepancies in the Balance of their Accounts.
(5) The Treasurer reviewed the Legions Bank Statements and found unauthorized purchases and cash withdrawals from Crawford’s Legions Debit Card. Crawford had stolen over $10,000 from June-August 2019 for his own personal use.
You would imagine they would have
Vetted this prick
VFW 803. Seems to get around.
Yep. He was a member of that Post before he joined 658.
Too Funny that he is credited himself with the 10th Mountain Division at Fort Drum, NY (the Patch is in the picture My, My, My provided). That is where he turned himself in after going AWOL from Fort Benning.
Gee Whiz.
This Dude has a History.
And now it looks as if he was also arrested in PA in 2016 AND 2017 as well as 2019. Possibly 2008.
Name is Christopher Michael Crawford, age 31. DOB is listed in this link as well as the information provided above. All Public information.
For those who use Facebook:
My, My, My provided the link to his Photo and Crawford’s Facebook account:
He said he joined the Army in 2007 and left in 2009 and was an 11B, Infantry.
He also states ” I have a particular set of skills”.
He sure does. Can you guess what those skills are?
Are those skills administering happy endings?
Him and bubba are going to be good buddy’s
I like his motto there….
Stay humble or be humbled….
Spoken like a true shitbag pulling some shit out of his pants !!!
Oh yeah, he’s gonna be popular in the prison beauty contest every Saturday night !!!
Like the sisters in Shawshank, “It’s always nice to have friends ” !!!!!
I haven’t posted on here for a while, but when an idiot sports the 10th Mountain patch in dishonor, I gotta sound off.
Wilted Willy, how are you doing?
I would never join an org. that did not require
a background check. Just sayin.
I would never sport a CIB because I didn’t earn it and my Infantry buds would beat me to death said the Armor soldier.
No sockpuppets in quite a while, they don’t make posers like they used to!!!