Yet Another Phony Soldier

| November 30, 2007

In reference to the Hillary Clinton plant, Keith Kerr at the CNN/YouTube Republican debate the other night, David Horowitz received this email (h/t Atlas Shrugs);

In spite of my current distractions at home I am forced to enter the public arena to express my outrage at the current republican debate as managed by CNN. Gay Keith is not a brigadier general. He is not even an active duty retired army officer. He spent his years as a reservist solely in the state of California military bureaucracy. His bio is published in the gay organization dedicated to voiding the “don’t ask don’t tell” policy.

For details. You must note that Kerr was retired from the inactive army reserves in the grade of colonel. With the exception of a few years served on active duty as a lieutenant his entire service was in the reserves in California. He was placed in retired reserve status with the California National Guard reserves and promoted to brigadier general in that federally unrecognized status.

It damn sure is tough to be a lying sack o’shit in the age of the internet, ain’t it? In case you don’t remember who General Kerr was, Michele Malkin can refresh us;

The tallest plant was a retired gay vet, one “Brig. Gen. Keith Kerr,” who questioned – or rather, lectured – the candidates on video and in person about the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy that bans open gays from the military.

Funny. “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” was exactly the policy CNN adopted in not telling viewers that Kerr is a member of Lesbian-Gay-Bisexual- Transgender Americans for Hillary.

Hot Air has “CNN Defending their Vetting Procedures

Category: Media, Phony soldiers, Politics, Society

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There’s some people who don’t think that this kind of “horticulture journalism” is a big deal. It’s dishonest to plant a political operative in the Q&A. All it does is prove just how desperate the Democrats are to slant the tone instead of having an open and free debate across the board. CNN knew exactly who these hacks were, from the gay phony “former General” to the muslim female working for the terrorist front known as CAIR. I haven’t watched the Communist News Network in years, and this only re-affirms my reasons.

Don Carl

This is almost becoming Clintonesque, everyone lies about sex, everyone pads their resume, everyone apparently, now, exaggerates their military service.
Did you all know I was the youngest 7 star general in the navy and flew F75’s for the coast guard and served as a submariner under Captain Nemo himself?
How dare you question my service, Bush didn’t go to Vietnam, Cheney never wore a uniform! Rumsfeld met Saddam! Aliens! Barbara Streisand! Ron Paul for President!


Shame on CNN for not doing the slightest bit of research prior to that silly youtube debate. How are we to believe anything they tell us now? They sure burned Anderson Cooper on this one.

Jonn wrote: Welcome, McShan. Personally, I haven’t trusted CNN since their Tailwind Scam.