Bin Laden to Europe: End the war, I’m getting my ass kicked

| November 30, 2007

Okay, so I made that up. But if you read between the lines of the latest tape from Islamofascist Dead Man Walking, the desperation in his voice is very satisfiying. 

Osama bin Laden called on European powers to end their involvement in the war in Afghanistan and cease military alliances with the U.S., according to an audio tape of what purported to be his voice played on the Al-Jazeera television channel.

Europe “walked behind” the U.S. when it invaded Afghanistan, and “it would be better for you if your politicians who flock to the White House instead worked to end the wrong done to oppressed peoples,” bin Laden said, speaking in Arabic. The recording could not be immediately verified independently.

Those ‘oppressed’ people were far worse off under the thumb of the Taliban, if you count total censorship of media, music, freedom of speech, and the barbaric subjugation of women, that is.  If you know what’s good for you Osama, keep hiding. Once we get you, we’ll put your head on a stick and broadcast it on YouTube.

“The European countries in this war don’t respect the conventions of war and are attacking women and children,” he said, before reiterating that he was responsible for the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks on New York and Washington.

That’s coming from a brutal, souless, piece of shit who uses the conventions of Islam to kill men, women, and children, who are used as human shields in the name of “allah”.

He’s still taking credit for his 9/11 attacks, which the tin-foil hat conspiracy wackjobs will never believe.

The statement is the fourth from bin Laden since September, according to Virginia-based IntelCenter, an organization that monitors extremist Web sites.

……The Washington-based SITE Institute said on Nov. 26 that a message to Europeans from bin Laden would soon be broadcast by the network’s As-Sahab media arm.


I bet they can hardly wait.

Category: Politics

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