About a mile of new wall built each day along Mexico border, Pentagon says

| September 23, 2019

Government contractors erect a section of Pentagon-funded border wall along the Colorado River, Tuesday, Sept. 10, 2019 in Yuma, Ariz. (Matt York/AP)

Still winning, and not tired of it yet.

By: Military Times staff

About a mile of border wall along the border with Mexico is constructed each day, according to the Pentagon.

The Army Corps of Engineers awarded about $2.5 billion in projects in April and May to build 129 miles of the border wall in New Mexico, Arizona and California. With the exception of $3 million, the entire $2.5 billion pool of money is obligated on contract. The remaining chunk will be obligated before the end of September, the Pentagon said.

Jonathan Hoffman, assistant to the secretary of defense for public affairs, said the Department of Homeland Security has the lead on prioritizing which sections of wall get built first.

“We’re working on their priorities,” Hoffman told reporters Thursday. “We’re relying on border patrol agents on the ground, the people who have the most knowledge, to tell us where the border wall should be built.”

Well, damn. What a concept. Read the rest of the article at The Military Times

Category: 2020 Election, Army, Big Pentagon, Border, Feel Good Stories, Politics, Trump!

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Do you really believe that is what is happening right now?

American is returning to “greatness”?

We weren’t great before, but now we are more great?

By what measure?

International influence? Declining.
Alliances? Fracturing.
International reputation? At historic lows.
Trade power? A mess and will not recover for decades if ever?
Confidence in our institutions? Historic lows,
Strength of our democratic institutions? Wet tissue.
Economy? Already in a recession but since we use trailing indicators to define one we won’t officially admit it until a few months before the election *ouch* to the MAGA cult.

Meanwhile the giant power vacuum Trump created by scuttling, undermining, betraying, and pulling back from our international partners has led Germany, Russia, and China to increase their influence, power, and forge new partnerships without our voice at the table moving forward.

Historians may disagree on the date, but the Trump administration is the inflection point of a once great power in decline.

I think it was the day Trump looked like a sniveling too eager to please beta cuck standing next to Putin in Helsinki.

How are we to be regarded as a super power after that shit?

Russia is shackled with a prosperity sucking vampiric kleptocracy and should be regarded as weaker than it has been in a half a century. Yet, Trump has elevated Putin to the point that people are worried about Russia’s ability to dismantle NATO and Western alliances merely through his ability to dominate Trump. Kompromat or not.

Luckily Trump cancelled his plans to surrender to the Taliban the week before 9/11. Talk about the end of an empire.

Slowest Joe


Slow Joe

Hey Lars, why are you talking about Obama?


Post sounds like you wrote it one-handed while strokin’ it with the other.


Notice how he said nothing about this one, hoping we don’t notice?

The Other Whitey

He’s trying to figure out how you knew.


Nothing to hide here, he sounds freaky like that… sorta like Al Gore:


I was holding my MICROPENIS OF TRUTH, which is my talisman in preaching the word of socialism on this blog!!!!


So who rattled their zipper ????


Let’s see if I have this right. Obama was in office when Putin poured billions into upgrading the Russian military. But that is somehow Trump’s fault.

Obama was in office when Russia invaded and annexed Crimea. But that is somehow Trump’s fault.

You poke at trump for Helsinki and completely ignore Obama’s open mic comment to Russian President Medvedev about having “more flexibility” after the election and asking Putin to “give him space.” But Trump is the “beta cuck.”

Western Europe has been growing closer to Putin and Russia due to that county’s stranglehold on natural gas and oil. But that’s Trumps fault.

NATO is growing with US help, especially in Eastern Europe. But somehow we have “no voice” at the table.”

China has been expanding it’s influence throughout the world and, during the Obama administration began building a blue water navy to protect that influence, and even building artificial island military bases in the South China Sea. But somehow that’s Trumps fault.

International influence? Holding steady.
Alliances? Strong and building.
International reputation? Depends on who you ask.
Trade power? Being negotiated.
Confidence in our institutions? Has been very low for decades.
Strength of our democratic institutions? As strong as they’ve ever been.
Economy? Still high.

People have been talking about the decline of the US for decades. Only a true partisan hater would blame a single US administration.

“Luckily Trump cancelled his plans to surrender to the Taliban the week before 9/11.”

Yeah. It couldn’t have had anything to do with the previous occupant of the White House and his plans to “end the war” and the drawdown of US troops. That couldn’t have helped the Taliban to regain strength.


And where did that “surrender to the Taliban” crap come from? Keeping track of what’s on in regard to Trump and the Middle East, I’ve found NOTHING – ZERO, NADA, ZIP – that says Trump “surrendered” to the Taliban, anywhere at all.

He did, in fact, make a sound strategic decision regarding other things in the Middle East, but I don’t expect someone whose brain is as shallow as die commissar’s to understand strategic maneuvers. As a blunt instrument, commissar has no clue about a lot of things.


Hey, the Democrats are all fired up that Trump discovering Joe Biden & Son International Quid Pro Quo Inc isn’t a Joe Biden corruption problem. It’s Trump colluding with the Ukrainians!

He literally is being blamed for Joe Biden being a crooked liar.


He like to vent his Impotent Rage here.

No real contribution to the conversation, just angry noise.




Do you really believe that is what is happening right now? Yes, MAGA!

American is returning to “greatness”? Yes, MAGA!

We weren’t great before, but now we are more great? Yes, MAGA!

By what measure? Yes, MAGA!

International influence? Yes, MAGA!

Alliances? Yes, MAGA!

International reputation? Yes, MAGA!

Trade power? Yes, MAGA!

A mess and will not recover for decades if ever? Yes, MAGA!

Confidence in our institutions? Yes, MAGA!

Strength of our democratic institutions? Yes, MAGA!

Economy? Yes, MAGA!

How are we to be regarded as a super power after that shit? Yes, MAGA!

You drink your kool-aid and I will drink mine. We’ll see who dies first.

A Proud Infidel®™

I am absolutely sure of two things. One, I already make more money than Lars and two, Lars will never hold a job for very long in the Private Sector for very long with his mouth and attitude, he’ll be some Bureaucrat in a cubicle if even that.

Wilted Willy

What about all the money that was raised with the Go Fund Me tin cup. Last I heard there was several million bucks in there!! Build the fucking wall now!!!


Why? We don’t need it and Americans don’t want it.


Lars, you need to get out of your echo chamber and intermingle with real Americans, who think for themselves and do not mindlessly accept the pap you think of as “being woke” – you poor, willingly deceived child.


You are the one in the bubble.

Voter opposition to the wall is over 65%.

Which is why Trump could not get it funded even when republicans controlled both houses of Congress and the White

Even republicans refused to support it.

Opposition has even increased since then.

Which is why he has to essentially ignore the will of Congress and take money from the defense budget,

A decision that should be unconstitutional since it essentially ignores the constitutional authority of congress to determine the budget,

We will see how uncomfortable you feel about the precedent when a liberal president start taking money earmarked for other purposes for their progressive pet projects.


“We will see how uncomfortable you feel about the precedent when a liberal president start taking money earmarked for other purposes for their progressive pet projects.”

You mean like when Obama diverted defense funds to implement the ACA?


“Even republicans refused to support it.”

Which is why Trump is President and JEB! et al. are Trivial Pursuit candidates..


Over 65% hunh???

Can you. It’d a reputable source for that?


That was supposed to say cite


Time to lessen the amount of ‘work’ Visas and kick out the overstayers!
America first, damnit!
Build the wall!
Hurt feelings 2020!!!!


When does your Call of Duty deployment end? When your mom yells down that your Hot Pockets are ready?


They still make Hot Pockets? Where do you get them? I could really use those on some cold winter days. Nothing like shoveling five tons of snow off the front steps and then spending about 3 minutes waiting for a Hot Pocket to warm up. Good times!!!

The Other Whitey

So where are you, exactly?


You know that’s classified. His IP knows, though.

Bruno Stachel

He’s on his “10th combat deployment”.


If he didn’t get his free Whooper at BK from AAFES I’d call BS…


“10th combat deployment”? I’m guessing he’s a regular at a certain bath house mentioned here and is employed as a “towel fluffer”…


It’s not enumerated but I believe it’s a right to be a fat ass.
That being said, what would you like to do, declare ‘War of Obesity’? Didn’t Mooshell Obama try that with the chilluns, wasting a bunch of money to no effect?
Look at the correlation of poverty vs obesity… Democrat voters buying their own rope.
Parting shot: government ain’t the solution…, but you know this and don’t care, which is an evil all to itself.

A Proud Infidel®™️

I dare everyone here to tell me of an urban hellhole that isn’t someplace that has been lorded over by D-rats for decades!

Slow Joe

Helpful Medal,

Why are you always so wrong?

The US is number 16 in world obesity according with http://worldpopulationreview.com/countries/most-obese-countries/

1- Nauru (Average BMI: 32.5)
2- Tonga (Average BMI: 31.9)
3- Samoa (Average BMI: 31.7)
4- Kuwait (Average BMI: 30)
5- Saint Kitts and Nevis (Average BMI: 29.7)
6- Saint Lucia (Average BMI: 29.6)
7- Kiribati (Average BMI: 29.6)
8- Palau (Average BMI: 29.4)
9- Micronesia (Average BMI: 29.4)
10- Tuvalu (Average BMI: 29.3)
11- Qatar (Average BMI: 29.2)
12- Marshall Islands (Average BMI: 29.2)
13- Egypt (Average BMI: 29.2)
14- Jordan (Average BMI: 28.9)
15- Belize (Average BMI: 28.9)
16- United States of America(Average BMI:28.8)
17- United Arab Emirates (Average BMI: 28.7)
18- Trinidad and Tobago (Average BMI: 28.7)
19- Barbados (Average BMI: 28.6)
20- Saudi Arabia (Average BMI: 28.5)
21- Bahamas (Average BMI: 28.4)
22- Bahrain (Average BMI: 28.2)
23- Mexico (Average BMI: 28.1)
24- Antigua and Barbuda (Average BMI: 28.1)
25- Syria (Average BMI: 28.1)

The Other Whitey

Did you see Bill Burr’s New special? The first thing he says to his London-based audience is, “Ya know, you’re pretty fuckin’ fat, too!”


We ordinarily compare ourselves to other industrial democracies,

But a nation in decline has to find some way to feel better about their declining ranking in nearly every measure of quality of life,

Hey, but we are first in e world in in-prisoning our own citizens,

No chance anyone if going to beat us in that metric anytime soon,

Slow Joe

Oh, no Lars, you can’t pull that one on me. We are a 1st world country with many non-1st world country people, that have moved here bringing their bad habits, er, culture, with them.

Have you seen how fat most immigrants get the moment they get here from whatever shithole, er, country, they come from?

Have you seen how fat the first generation born here is?

Believe me, I know, because I came to the US through Miami FL. The schools are full of 1st GEN kids raised in the bad habits of 3rd world countries. Lots of fatty diet and no exercise.

So, according to Reuters, we have 44.5 millions citizens born outside the US. About 13.7 percent.
You do the rest of the math.



It didn’t help that the FDA (during the Obama administration) reclassified high fructose corn syrup as sugar. Unlike cane sugar, high fructose corn syrup stores in fatty tissue. It’s found in many, perhaps most, processed foods. That’s helped lead to the “epidemic” of obesity.


Hey Lars… just implement what your heroes in Sweden did. It’s what you really want, isn’t it?



Oh, snap!

We were not supposed to notice the Fascist-like eugenics folks sterilizing about 1 percent of their population.

Just as we are not supposed to notice the violent black-clad “don’t call them Fascist” stormtroops a bit closer to home.

A Proud Infidel®™️

Not to mention their espousal of euthanasia like in Nazi Germany.


I eat a lot of Mexican food here in Texas….
I have yet to meet a skinny old Mexican, male or female….
And there is nothing wrong with being fat.
America started getting fat when the FDA outlawed diet pills in the 1970’s.
I grew up in a drug store and I remember my old man telling me that America could now get fat when it happened…
He was right and I have enjoyed being fat when I got to my old age !!!


Trump has made it clear he is against almost all forms of immigration. He has advocated closing pretty much every legal method of immigration except those used by rich investors and those used by mail order brides,

And that is not even hyperbole,

He literally has.


Oh bull shit….
He has called out IT firms, like the ones that infest Austin, that hire all kinds of HB-1-3 work visas that hire people out of India and Malaysia and other areas and bring them to America.
These tech companies hire those people and pay them less than they would pay Americans for doing the same work.
That is what he is against you moron…
They discriminate against foreigners and Trump called them out for doing it.
Only someone as dumb as you could find something wrong with it…


From US Customs and Immigration Services, latest entry on September 22:

Sept. 23, 2019Re-Registration Period Now Open for Individuals with TPS under Syria’s Designation https://www.uscis.gov/news/news-releases/re-registration-period-now-open-individuals-tps-under-syrias-designation

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) announced today that current beneficiaries of Temporary Protected Status (TPS) under Syria’s designation who want to maintain their status through M…

Sept. 13, 2019USCIS to Welcome More Than 34,000 New Citizens in Celebration of Constitution Day and Citizenship Day


USCIS announced today that it will celebrate Constitution Day and Citizenship Day by welcoming nearly 34,300 new U.S. citizens during 316 naturalization ceremonies across the nation between Sept. 13 a…

Hmmmm…. 34,000 NEW U.S. CITIZENS doesn’t sound like anyone’s objecting to “all forms of immigration” to me.

Commissar keeps tripping over his own stupid feet and idiot rambling statements that have ZERO BASIS in reality. He’s wrong again and again and again. Maybe he’ll learn WHEN to shut up and go sit in the corner and learn to deal with reality.


And yet he married two immigrants! Your comment doesn’t pass the most basic of sniff tests. Like when you guys claim he’s anti-Semitic when his daughter, son-in-law, and grandchildren are Jews.


“And that is not even hyperbole,”

No, that’s just a flat out lie.


Bullshit Lars

Your such a fucking troll…and liar

A Proud Infidel®™️

Hey Seagull, you really made me LAUGH today, do you truly believe the Effluvia that you spew?


Scroll down. Videos to the left.

5th/77th FA

Throw the illegals out as we’re building would be a nice piece of winning too. The savings from what they’re costing us would build a buncha walls. I’m with Roh-Dog all the way here.

“Hurt feelings 2020!!” Bwaaahahahahahahahaha

Helpful Medal

Notice that they didn’t take any legal action against anyone who was actually EMPLOYING all the people they rounded up a few months ago.

Tell me what you think is more effective: arresting people who are working or actually penalizing the people hiring them?

Add to that the fact that a vast majority of people are here on overstayed VISAs, which they aren’t cracking down on, and you’ll realize that nothing is going to change.

Also, wasn’t Mexico supposed to be paying for that wall? I wasn’t aware the Pentagon and American taxpayers were Mexico.


I don’t know about your area, but I know of several businesses in SE AZ that no longer exist because of their practice of hiring illegals. Sounds like a penalty to me.

Perry Gaskill

If you’re talking about the ICE immigration raids in Mississippi, those happened early last month.

While it’s true that apparently none of the employers involved has been arrested so far, there have been indications that some were flagrant enough about violations to wind up being the target of a federal indictment. Sometimes the law moves slowly, but grinds exceedingly fine. One thing that makes it difficult to prosecute employers is that even if they use E-verify, such as in Mississippi, those seeking work can still often pass by using false documents, and it’s hard to prove the employer knew the documents were phony.

President Trump’s comment about Mexico paying for the wall has evidently been a difficult concept to grasp by the stubbornly literal minded; it’s not as if Mexico is going to cut a check.

One way to look at things is like this: there are currently an estimated 10-20 million illegal residents in the U.S. To those are added about one million who cross the border from Mexico each year. Last year, Mexico’s economy benefited to the tune of $33 Billion due to remittances sent back home by Mexicans living in the U.S. If those remittances are cut back, the money stays in the U.S. and gets put back into our own economy.

During the last funding squabble with congress, the one that resulted in a shutdown, Trump was asking for $5.8 Billion.

A Proud Infidel®™️

Let’s not forget that many illegal aliens send money back to their home countries while their kids get a free public education on our tax dollars among other things!


Cut off Dinero Serguro via Walmart!


Feel free to use it EVERYWHERE!
Our fellow countrymen(?) could use a couple of calluses.


So roughly 5 more years if they keep this pace to have it completed. Well within Trump’s second term.

More promises kept. It’s no wonder the establishment politicians (on both sides) hate him so much. He does what he says he’s going to do. The gall!

A Proud Infidel®™️

Bawling liberals 2020!!!



Where did you find the vid of “Hempfull”?


Search “trump screaming inauguration” on YouTube… she’s the second result


Man! I watched that once and it scared the cat in the other room right out of a perfectly good nap!!!


I find myself strangely aroused every time I see that video.


Liberal tears are wonderful. A couple drops in a glass of Jameson’s is a delight. They also make a very good AR-15 lubricant.

The Other Whitey

I’ve been seeing the wall progress along the border around here. Of course the Otay Mountains present a major engineering challenge, but the same topography that prevents wall construction also makes foot traffic slow and difficult, and each of those canyons have good vantage points on our side, so Border Patrol can keep those covered while also monitoring the wall. All I can say is that it’s about damn time. I’ve spent much of my career on the border, worked lots of border fires, and worked alongside USBP quite a bit. Build, baby, build!


Damn it must be tough to be a Trump supporter. Close your eyes, clear your mind, focus on anything remotely or tangentially positive you can find to justify your support, and don’t forget to chant “MAGA” repeatedly in order to drown out any awareness of all the insanity, incompetence, corruption, self dealing, and a compromised relationship with a hostile foreign power.

Of all the things going on this week the four days old pentagon announcement of building border wall (more accurately REPLACING border fencing) is the best you can come up with to justify the fact that you support Trump despite the fact that he is committing impeachable offenses daily.

Also, go ahead and ignore the fact that he diverted money from DoD schools, day cares, base improvements, training facilities, and general service member and service family quality of life.


Do you ever get sick of pissing into the wind?


He has nothing to do, anywhere else, so he does nothing here.


It is obvious he doesn’t have a JOB, unless being a Soros funded internet troll can be called a job.


Hey, it keeps his Pornhub bill paid…


I make these posts because I happen to care about this country and its future. What are you doing here? Besides virtue signaling to your in-group.

Wilted Willy

Lars, go back to wetting your bed and sucking your mama’a tit! You just can’t stand the fact that Trump will be re-elected by a landslide! Sucks to be you. Loser!!


Trump is not getting reelected.

I don’t try to pretend I said something like that in 2016. Quite the opposite, I said Hillary nomination risked a Trump presidency but in the long run he would do more harm to the Republican Party and cause a huge progressive swing for our country .

That is what is going to happen. Republican got their asses kicked in 2018 because of Trump and he was not even on the ticket,

Though I still doubt he completes his term. I am surprised he has lasted this long. Show what spineless cowards republicans are and how feckless The democratic establishment is.

By the way, besides predicting that Hillary might cost dems the White House if she is nominated I also predicted Trump would destroy the political careers of Paul Ryan (done), and Mitch McConnell.

When the shit hit the fan because of Trump it is going to splash all over McConnell, end his career and permanently cement his legacy as one of the worst senators in American history.

Also, brush up on your understanding of using real estate and media productions as a means of money laundering public funds stolen from nations around the world.

It is going to be a frequent topic of discussion for the next decade after Trump is removed and a lot of very well established personal wealth and power structures are going to crumble.

A Proud Infidel®™️

Keep it coming, I cannot stop LMAO at your regurgitated propaganda, you’ve like the kindergartener who won’t stop eating glue and peeing his pants!


” I also predicted Trump would destroy the political careers of Paul Ryan (done), and Mitch McConnell.”

All the more reason for me to support Trump.

A Proud Infidel®™️

You’re full of shit and you prove it with each of your rants!


You lack even the most rudimentary understanding of history, government, and international affairs sufficient to make an assessment.

I find it no surprise your command felt it necessary to remove you from the decision cycle concerning anything that might effect the battle space.

The Sergeant Major and supply sergeant keeping an eye on you was the best way to mitigate your impact on the mission.

A Proud Infidel®™️

You’re SO full of propaganda that it’s unreal! Take a look at how many times over past decades that alarmists have screeched that we only have ten years left and none of their predictions have come true. Keep the laughs a-coming!!!


if you are talking about climate change, nobody said “ten years left”.

Scientist have always talked in terms of climate timelines that take decades.

Your side keeps repeating that “10 years left” straw man.

It is not nor has it ever been what climate scientists have said.

There has been some timelines regarding reaching goals to mitigate FUTURE impact. Such as “we have 10 years to reduce emissions by X amount to prevent average temperature increases from exceeding 2% by 2050” etc.

But those are goals created by modeling LONG TERM climate impact.

Not alarmist claims that the climate will destroy us in ten years.

A Proud Infidel®™️


Yeah, right…


Nobody said ‘ten years left’?
Wrong again, Commissar. Beto said it in one of those debates. Really, you need to start paying attention to what these people are saying.

“First it was socialist Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez! She says we have 12 years left to save the Earth! That would be 11 now I guess as she said that last year.

Last night however, time got shorter as Presidential Candidate Robert O’Rourke (he likes you to call him Beto so you might think he’s Hispanic) says it’s down to just a Decade!”

He was very specific! Civilization has only “ten years left on Earth” if no action is taken on global warming!”

Likewise, WaPo said it last year: Most strikingly, the document says the world’s annual carbon dioxide emissions, which amount to more than 40 billion tons per year, would have to be on an extremely steep downward path by 2030 to either hold the world entirely below 1.5 degrees Celsius, or allow only a brief “overshoot” in temperatures. As of 2018, emissions appeared to be still rising, not yet showing the clear peak that would need to occur before any decline.

2030 is GOLLY Moses! TEN YEARS FROM NOW!!!

Try reading that article in WaPo. You might learn something. In this case, since YOU snooze, YOU lose.


You’re a dumbass Lars…


But according to you, we are a “declining empire.” Why would you care? The only thing I’ve seen you care about is “rah rahing” and defending Democrats. You are such a hypocrite.

A Proud Infidel®™

IMHO if the US of A was truly going downhill as that poodledick says, both he and his side would be cheering like there’s no tomorrow.


OH, look at that! комиссар марксист wants us to believe that he rilly, rilly cares about this country, at the same time he embraces the dogma of the аппаратчики! Ain’t that just like him – we don’t support a Communist wipeass like ol’ Bernie the Burnout, or A the Occasionally-Conscious mental midget whose Green Nude Eall isn’t really about climate change – it’s about destroying the USofA from within. Her “chief of staff” said so in plain English.

Oh, please, комиссар марксист, please rattle on. I’m sure you need to blow the cobwebs out of your head to do so, but we’ll wait breathlessly for your versions of Pravda and Isvestia!!!


Again. Not a communist.

Did you pickle your brain in 1960.

You seem to have learned nothing since then. Economics is.not divided into two theories. Never really was but a soft mind influenced by red scare Cold War propaganda can be excused for thinking economics is about capitalism vs communism, good vs evil.

But there are countless theories, some even newer than the 17th century theories you think a modern society should be run by or the 19th century theories you seem to think is the only alternative,

A century of tax, payroll. Banking, and budget records along with a century of painstakingly recorded national economic data for 26 industrial democracies led to modern economic theories. 21st century theories. Or at least in some cases 20th century theories.

We don’t have a 17th century government, we don’t have a 17th century society, and we should not be trying to shoehorn an archaic economic theory just because the propaganda that shaped you soft schoolgirl mind says we should.

Capitalism is a failed theory, empirically. The only thing keeping it from collapsing is stealing trillions of future wealth and prosperity from future generations to keep the engines running until even that is no longer sustainable and it sputters and collapses.

A global economic collapse that will have less impact on countries that paid attention to the economic data and shifted away from capitalism theory decades ago.


“Capitalism is a failed theory, empirically. The only thing keeping it from collapsing is stealing trillions of future wealth and prosperity from future generations to keep the engines running until even that is no longer sustainable and it sputters and collapses.

“A global economic collapse that will have less impact on countries that paid attention to the economic data and shifted away from capitalism theory decades ago.”

A – No, pendejo, capitalism is what gives people a chance to rise out of poverty by getting out of their way and allowing profits to be kept instead of “shared” with or stolen by The State in the form of phony taxes. Profits are the byproduct of capitalism, which allow companies to grow and expand and hire more people.

Not once in the entire time Mao Tse-Tung ran China did anything – ANY BUSINESS AT ALL – grow into what China is now. However (as stupid as you are, you still won’t get it), while the business owners are allowed to keep the profits of their business, China’s government is still a COMMUNIST GOVERNMENT.

The second part that I pulled out of your response is not a complete sentence. It is, in fact, a demonstration of a complete failure on your part to create and produce coherent complete thoughts. Learn some grammar, willya? You keep letting us ALL know that, despite your alleged education, you are still subliterate and ungrammatical, as well as just plain blind.


Again. Not a communist,

Communism is a failed economic theory as well.

I was never a communist. The theory was always obviously bullshit. As bullshit as anarchism or pure libertarianism. In fact libertarianism and communism are parallel theories.

Libertarianism argues government would not be necessary if we all took responsibility for ourselves and respected others,

Communism argues government would not be necessary if we all took responsibility for each other and cared for others.

Anarchism is really just libertarianism except it has a greater faith in the intrinsic goodness of humanity, libertarians on the other hand think that sometimes bad people need to be shot in the face.


Geezo Pete, he can’t even get that right. Anarchy: no government, period. Libertarianism: limited government, period. Anarchism | Definition of Anarchism at Dictionary.com https://www.dictionary.com › browse › anarchism Anarchism definition, a doctrine urging the abolition of government or governmental restraint as the indispensable condition for full social and political liberty. https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/281399-5-things-the-libertarian-party-stands-for Individual freedom The idea of individual freedom defines the libertarian movement—it’s the party of limited government, in all forms. “We are the only political party that stands for your right to pursue happiness in any way you choose as long as you don’t hurt anyone else and as long as you don’t take their stuff,” party chairman Nicholas Sarwark told The Hill. This year, the party’s platform committee is looking to highlight how that differs with the two main parties with a new addition to the platform preamble: “Our aim is to keep the Republicans out of your bedroom and the Democrats out of your pockets, so that you can make your own choices and live your life as you choose.” That push for individual freedom colors the views of the party on just about every issue—including drug legalization, free trade, and free-market health care, as well as the elimination of campaign finance and gun control laws. Social liberals The push for individual freedom puts libertarians toward the left side of the political spectrum on many of the major social issues. The 2014 platform argues that “government does not have the authority to define, license or restrict personal relationships,” adding that “consenting adults” should have freedom to chose what makes them happy. The same goes for drug legalization—the party considers drug use and possession as victimless crimes that should be fair game unless the user hurts someone else in the process. The platform does not currently address the death penalty, but the platform committee has proposed an indefinite suspension of the practice, noting the number of exonerations since 1973 and the disproportional use of the death penalty based on race. Economic conservatives Libertarians have faith in the free market and believe that there’s little the government can do to… Read more »

Perry Gaskill

Dunno, Lars. Somehow hearing you say that you’re not a Communist strikes me as a lot like the chick in the tight mini-skirt down on the corner saying she’s in the “adult entertainment business”…


Ya know, Perry, you could have posted a spew alert on that, just as a warning!


No, “crony” capitalism and bloated, corrupt government are the problem, not capitalism itself.

“A global economic collapse that will have less impact on countries that paid attention to the economic data and shifted away from capitalism theory decades ago.”

You mean like the old Soviet Union?


Ah, yes. Those old, discredited economic theories like supply and demand, opportunity costs, diminishing returns, etc. And what about all those old mathematical theories? Surely someone has discovered an alternative to that tired old A= Pi * r^2 thing. They must have found a definite value for Pi by now.


Don’t you find it strange that you all are political allies with Putin, fascists, white supremacists, religious dominionists? Not to mention lawless authoritarian kleptocrats who are literally arguing in written court filings that they can’t be held accountable for their criminal activity as long as they are in power?

I wouldn’t be pissing into the wind if your side was not blowing a hurricane out of your ideological asses to justify the vile stain on our history modern American conservatism has become.

A Proud Infidel®™️

You really make me LAUGH sometimes, MAGA 2020!!!

The Other Whitey

You advocate fascism and fascists all the time, Lars. You just pretend they’re not fascist. It’s like you’re standing on the platform at an SS rally in 1937 and saying, “Nazis? Here? I don’t know what you’re talking about!”


Like who? Which fascists do I advocate?

The Other Whitey

Any of a long list of asswipes who advocate stripping We The People of religious, economic, and civil liberties in the name of some “Greater Good” that always seems to disproportionately benefit those at the top, and will lie and propagandize shamelessly to achieve that end. People like your hero Bernie the Freeze-Dried Commie Sanders. Or your beatoff-fantasy girl Ojos-Locos (and the fact that you seem to like dumb skanks says a lot about you; personally, I prefer a woman who can at least walk and chew gum simultaneously) and her antisemite slootsquad BFFs. Or your Anqueefa fellow travelers who are in the news every other day for acting EXACTLY like Hitler’s SA brownshirts (do they also do teambuilding buttsex like the SA did? Morbid curiosity).

We’ve been over this before, dipshit. Either you’re too stupid to see that the sky is blue, or you’re a liar. Which is it?


Those are not mutually exclusive possibilities. My vote is that he is both stupid AND a liar. He is very likely willfully ignorant. That is a choice on his part, a terrible choice. Being stupid is a condition over which he has no real choice.


True, his only real beef with them is envy.


It’s amazing, isn’t it? He just described everyone on the leftist side of the political coin. Political allies with Putin – no, Sport, that would be you and others of your ilk. Fascists – not only don’t know any, but haven’t run into any in my neck of the woods – none, not even Chicago Nazis, and I hate Chicago Nazis White supremacists – all that racist diatribe is coming from YOUR side of the fence, Sport. Doesn’t come from us. And Beto isn’t Latin, not Chicano, not Mexicano. He’s Irish, so if you support that pendejo puto puta, you’re as bad as he is. Religious dominionists – You must be referring to the IPCC and Greta Thunberg, the Swidish teen who says she can see carbon dioxide, and invisible gas that only SHE can see. Climatology is being turned into a corruption of science faking it as a New Religion, along the lines of the Children’s Crusade in the Middle Ages, and all her followers do imbecilic things like glue themselves to moving doors and sewer covers. And they wonder why no one takes them seriously. It’s the New Religion, you know – hop on board like the rest of the herd, or you’re DOOMED! DOOMED, I tell you!!!! Gee, even the no longer esteemed James Hansen (retired from NASA) has said the Bernie Sanders needs to shut up and retired. And while I’m at it, your neck of the woods will have a cooler (but dried) than normal winter, spring and summer on into fall. Not to mention lawless authoritarian kleptocrats – that’s coming from YOUR side of the political fence, you mordant idiot. All of it is the chant of the GND/ecohippies/IPCC, etc. – ALL of it. Every single bit of it. Your precious dwelling, even your vehicle, will be ripped out of your possession by thugs and you’ll get a broken-down bike to use (or maybe roller skates) and you’ll have to live where THEY tell you, in some sort of communal housing like Cabrini Green and the Projects in Chicago – the most wretched examples… Read more »


Holy crap. It is like you were farted out of a worm whole from 1960.

The Other Whitey

Refute it, dickhead. Oh, wait, I forgot. You can’t. Jesus Christ, I pray the Army never put you in charge of anyone’s health or safety.

A Proud Infidel®™️

Ex-PH2 used to live in Chicongo and saw it firsthand.

You lose yet again, seagull.


Yes, and when Jeff Fort, who ran the El Rukns, was jailed for life down in Texas, the gangs were no longer under control of one person, but that was before the projects housing was all demolished.

It’s evem worse now than it was 20 years ago. Anyone can find out what it’s really like by keying in WGN News online. Gets worse every month.


Wow. That is even dumber than anything else you’ve posted so far. Is that the best you can do?

Obviously, you only scanned it and because you are functionally illiterate, you failed to grasp the significant parts. They just don’t fit your “meme”, which is your misfortune, Tootsie.


Hold on a minute—I ran out of popcorn.

The Other Whitey

It’s how he takes a shower.


Spew warning on that one, buddy!


“Damn it must be tough to be a Trump supporter.”

Not after looking at the alternatives.


Trump will win because he has 20/20 vision.


Where is the border NOT fenced? Believe the old three-strand barbed wire was strung along almost all of it. So saying he is ‘just replacing fence’ is like saying there is not difference between a cheesy tin cash box and a giant bank vault.


Me thinks this post got hijacked.

Perhaps we need a separate post titled “Why I Detest Trump VS Why I Like Trump”.

Just a suggestion from the Peanut Gallery.



Well, the Local Village Idjit does bump up the count, but yes, he hijacks the post any time he thinks he can get away with it. He just does it to get attention, nothing else.




Am waiting for Commissar to hijack your “Thursdays Are For Cooking” post.

Wanna hear from him about POTUS and recipes/food.



I don’t read those. It is like a weekly family dinner I don’t feel invited to,



I knew it, I knew it!

You DO have a sense of humor!

Recommend you do read the Cooking post. You may have a recipe to share.

Who knows. Some may like your recipes.

A Proud Infidel®™

I DOUBT THAT anyone would like his recipe of ramen noodles mixed with “Beanies and Weenies”!


More like tofu grape nuts…


Not many people care for borscht.

A Proud Infidel®™️

You’d only go there to bitch about President Trump and that we don’t eat the same ramen noodles or beanies and weenies that you do!


I would be curious to know why people like a Trump. Instead of the empty platitudes, performative patriotism, MAGA!, and “Yay, wall!” that passes for conservative thought today.


The left is really better? How can you side with their ideas and ideals? Any of them?! Like that oxygen thief who went from bartender to congresswoman and has some of the most moronic ideas in history? Come on man…

The Other Whitey

The same bitch who cried about her “economic hardship” when she had forty grand in her checking account? The same one who was accustomed to such a level of privilege that she didn’t know what a sink garbage disposal is? Who spouts her “po’ black chil’” (apologies to the great Steve Martin) story when she grew up in a rich gated community? Who takes SJW shit to new heights most likely to overcompensate for the fact that, cultural posturing aside, she doesn’t actually speak a lick of Spanish (I have personal experience with this type)?

That bitch is a living, breathing “Family Guy” caricature, but not one of the clever ones.


I will try not to be a hypocrite by hijacking this post.

Just a recommendation that Admin does post the topic “Why I Detest/Am Against Trump VS Why I Like/Support Trump.”

If Admin does post, just be careful what you comment, Commissar. thebesig may eat you alive unless you think you are a better debater.


thebesig will create an encyclopedia-length manuscript by dissecting every line Commissar posts. It’s cute the first time, then it gets repetitive.


Deckie, those aren’t really HER ideas. It is doubtful she’s ever had an original thought in her life. Her Green Nude Eel bill was cooked up by her “chief of staff” Chakrabharti and spoonfed to her. He’s already admitted to being a Communist and he and his group follow Alinsky’s ideas. He’s said publicly that their entire intention is to destroy America as it is now, and the GND has far less to do with climate-anything than it does with destroying America from within.

A Proud Infidel®™

AOC has a Credit Rating of about 430, yet she is on the US Congress Budget Committee, doesn’t that give anyone a warm fuzzy about the competence of the US Government?


The Left, summed up in one quip. Nice.


He’s not a politician or a Socialist, and he says (and delivers on) stuff like this:


…unlike, of course, Obama on all three counts.


So you’d like to know why people like Trump, but then immediately dismiss every reason.

What’s hard with you is that you seem to be intentionally dense. I can understand why people like Bernie. I can put myself in the shoes of a college kid mortgaging their future on the hope an education will one day make them comfortable. I was there. So I can at least academically understand why Bernie is popular and why the DNC has taken such a massive shift towards open socialism (they were always closet socialists).

You pretend like for the life of you that you can’t understand why anyone would like Trump? Come on. I couldn’t stand Obama for a variety of reasons, but I can come up with nice things to say about him.

You are totally emblematic of the left today, Commissar. You disagree with me, I chalk it up to a difference of opinion. I disagree with you, you think I’m evil and sub-human.


I did not dismiss anything. I just did not reply.

I was hoping for a thread specific to the question.


You specifically said you didn’t want “performative patriotism, MAGA!, and ‘Yay, wall!'”

You’re explicitly dismissing the America first agenda, the whole Make America Great Again agenda (which includes many things, most noteworthy here an increase in military spending), and the border wall as reasons you would not accept for anyone liking Trump.

So your position is that you’ll listen to reasons why people like Trump, except you’ll stick your fingers in your ears for any of his most popular policies that people like him for.

You don’t see how much of an asshole that makes you?


Do you mean “like” or support? I don’t particularly “like” Trump, and I didn’t plan on voting for him. One of the reasons I did was because of people like you, who constantly called me racist, bigot, greedy, homophobic, ill-educated, etc. It’s my way of saying “Fuck You!” (you can take that personally, too). I am also big into Schadenfreude.


Let’s see Lars – some of us didn’t want to see Hillary in the White House (Trump was the lesser of two evils). And you candidates (Balls Deep for Bernie Da Commie and Jill Stein) were not real options for the masses to vote for (unless you’re a member of the Free Shit Army).

5th/77th FA

yep! The seagull showed up again, why am I not surprised. Done spewed his empirical data all over hell and half of Missouri. I don’t waste keyboard ribbon ink on his aggravating, self centered, egotistical opinionated azz. We had a nice few days without having to put up with him. sigh All good things must come to an end.


Afe you saying, AW1Ed, that they’ll be chewing on The Wall Bidness instead of regurgitating stuff about what’s on in the Middle East?

Gee, that seems like another move in Chinese checkers to me. And I haven’t played that since my grandma passed. She used to challenge me to beat her. Wasn’t easy, either. I miss those days.


You nailed it, AW1Ed when you wrote “It’s about all they have left.”

Thank You.


For a laugh, look up “Impotent Rage” from the Grand Theft Auto game.

Bruno Stachel

Here’s a thought:

If we simply ignore Der Kommissar whenever he turns up here, perhaps he will finally go away and stay away.

We should stop indulging Der Kommissar’s penchant for coming in here and hijacking every damn thread that he comments on. It’s becoming ridiculous.

The Other Whitey

Ignoring the noise is one thing. Ignoring the smell is something else.


You don’t like the smell of patchouli and pumpkin spice latte?

Wilted Willy

Please, just ban this asshole and be done with it, we have wasted enough computer ink on this slug already!


Patchouli? Never liked it. I literally and truly prefer the smell of skunk, or barn, or cow pasture.

A Proud Infidel®™

I prefer the aroma of roadkill over that of Pathcouli and/or pumpkin spice, both of which are the choice of hippies and metrosexuals.


He wears “Eau de Gulag” in the big Red bottle.


Had to look that one up, 11B-Mailclerk.

“Eau De Gulag, combining the delicate smell of despair with a touch of fear & soiled overalls.”

“While not promising to attract the opposite sex, or any other sex for that matter, this novelty cologne will surely complement and enhance your existing CCCP-themed wardrobe.”

“A cologne for the discerning supporter of international socialism who wants something more than just the iconic “Che” T-shirt.”

Yup, describes the “Seagull” perfectly…..and he doesn’t have to shower. (grin)


The Peoples Cube -rocks!



My Dad (a wise old WWII morterman) once told me these words of wisdom:

A) Know the difference between scheisse and Shinola.

B) Never eat anything bigger than your face.


C) Never, never trust a guy who drinks a apatchouli and pumpkin spice latte.


Patchouli – that is SOOOOOO early 1970s San Francrappo!


Also 2019 Bisbee. Yuck.


Question for Commissar (Just curious):

Do YOU have any better ideas of keeping folks coming into the United States ILLEGALLY?

Do YOU have any better ideas of keeping illegal drugs from coming into the United States?

Do you believe fences as a whole should be banned?

When you were a Civil Affairs Officer, did you use $$$ to help the local populace?

Just Curious.


No, he doesn’t. In fact, in previous comments here a few years ago he advocated a “right to migrate” that overrode national sovereignty.

Logically, that means he rejects the notion that a nation has any right to control its borders. From that and other comments he’s made, one could easily think he advocates international control of, well, everything.

As I recall, there was an organization from 1919 to 1943 that had a similar aim. I believe it was called “Comintern” – AKA the “Third International”.

Looks to me like the shoe fits, ‘Roo (AKA Commissar AKA Poodle AKA other post-ban screen names). Deny it all you like, but it’s fairly obvious that you wear that internationalist jackboot with pride.


I’m sure Commietsar keeps his doors unlocked on the off-chance somebody wants to migrate into his hovel. Whether they knock or not.

If a nation can’t control it’s borders what gives him the right to control his own property.

Slow Joe

This thread is……AWESOME!!!!111


Thanks, Joe! Thank AW1Ed for putting it together.


It could be more awesome if:

1. It pisses off Lars
2. It makes Lars wet his pants
3. It makes Lars cry

Get my point?

A Proud Infidel®™

3 for 3!!! 😀


I know, It’s like Lars is a human algorithm.
And he is programed to keep the shit sirred.


He’s the perfect NPC meme. He cannot hold back his “Orange Man Bad” rants any time there’s something even remotely positive about the Trump Administration. He’s a caricature. It’d be more funny if it wasn’t so sad.

A Proud Infidel®™

Just do like me, I laugh at what he says!



Ahhh. Army engineers building barriers to secure the country. It seems so terribly appropriate.