Obscuring the facts

| March 19, 2009

Wondering what I’d write to you about this morning, I opened my inbox and found this little nugget awaiting my attention;

name = amerifag
email = amerifag@osamaisgreat.com
comments = dude you need to devote a homage to Osama on your site… 9/11 was FRICKIN SWEET… i was laughing the whole morning… fuckin americans jumping to their deaths…what could be sweeter (and funnier)???

good times, good times…. cant wait for round 2

have a nice day

I shrugged and deleted it, because I often get little things like that in the morning from the meth-crazed freaks who can’t get to sleep. Then, I found more that had been sent to the spam folder – I deleted them as well, since it’s a fairly common occurrence, too. Then I saw jeffersonlives‘ comment. I wondered why the sudden surge, until I looked at incoming links, and I knew right away where the mental midgets were coming from.

Yesterday, I referenced Brandon Friedman’s post at VetsVoice in one of my posts about the President’s attempt to charge vets for their service-connected treatment and Freidman tracked the link back here and wrote another Obama tongue bath and linked here. The Obama-bots and border-line psychopaths at VetVoice dutifully flocked over here to spam this blog with their immature and vile comments.

But here’s a post TSO did on VoteVets in July which includes a debate he had with Friedman and here’s one I did on Soltz and Vote Vets after the election when Soltz emailed Melanie Morgan and called her a “stinky hag” keeping the debate civil. So now we’ve established a baseline on what I think about VoteVets, let’s look at Friedman’s post.

Right in the title of his post, Friedman lies. “Administration Listens to Vets; Backs Off VA Insurance Plan”. Now if it was a timeline, it’s accurate because the Administration did back off after they listened to veterans – but they didn’t back off BECAUSE they they listened to the VSOs. Before the 1PM meeting yesterday, the last time the President had listened to VSOs, the meeting ended with him, in effect, telling the VSOs “pound sand, I’m doing it anyway”. He wasn’t even at the meeting yesterday, according to The Hill;

Jim King, the national executive director for American Veterans (AMVETS), said that the meeting with Rahm Emanuel lasted all of 15 minutes and that the health insurance issue was the only topic discussed. The representatives of the 11 veterans organizations told Emanuel they were not willing to back down, and the chief of staff told them that he thought the issue was “off the table,” but that he needed to talk to Obama.

Something that had happened between the end of the Monday meeting and the Wednesday meeting changed his mind. Nothing he “heard” from VSOs changed his mind – except that he was facing another Bonus March.

The Administration was dictating to the VSOs what policy was going to be in regards to this issue. I have a theory as to why the Obama Adminsitration thought they could get away with it, and it’s related to the Salute to Heroes Ball dust up in January, but I can’t say anything about that. Yet.

The only organization which took immediate action was the American Legion. The Legion had the good sense to make an issue of it, instead of taking the VoteVets approach of bending over for Obama (from here forward referred to as “BOFO”) and spreading their cheeks. While VoteVets was telling everyone to not worry, the American Legion mobilized the troops. That’s what changed minds. It wasn’t the media, either – it took two days for for the media to notice, well, except for McClatchy and no one reads them anyway.

So Friedman is just wrong that we should just assume Obama has our best interests in his heart – the VSOs need to be vigilant, not BOFO like VoteVets.

By the way, I have this picture so I’m using it;
Perry Soltz
It’s VV’s Jon Soltz meeting on a runway somewhere with VFP/VVAW member and IVAW advisor Bill Perry.
And here they are inside the airport with more VFP/VVAW/IVAW members;
VV IVAW VVAW VFP group hug

Don’t tell me you have veterans’ interests in mind when you cavort with the mindless drones of IVAW who care about nothing except where they can score some pot and babe-age. VoteVets is a partisan organization that falls under aegis of MoveOn.org. Even John Bruhns, the former soldier – turned anti-war activist, left VoteVets because they were too much in the pocket of the Democrat party.

And, Friedman, this isn’t an anti-Obama blog. I started this blog before Obama started running for President, so it can’t be an anti-Obama blog. I’m against his policies but mostly I’m against buffoons and charlatans who are climbing over the bodies of their former comrades using their motor pool dispatch credentials to lead this country down the road to ruin.

I guess you can say I’m anti-dipshit.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Bloggers, Liberals suck, Media, Phony soldiers

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Heh, I like the way Freidman proves that Bush doesn’t listen to veterans by linking a VoteVets commercial with Eaton and Batiste about Iraq. All I can say is thank God that Bush didn’t follow the advice of those two chuckleheads.


Around a year ago or so, I was in a running battle with the lefties on the Rochester D&C discussion forum about the Iraq War and they would not only trot out members of IVAW, but also VoteVets as “proof” that the war was all wrong and a repeat of Vietnam. I stuck to my convictions and it’s good to see that IVAW and VoteVets was all wrong about it!


[It’s VV’s Jon Soltz meeting on a runway somewhere with VFP/VVAW member and IVAW advisor Bill Perry.]



Did you see where the Obama adminstration gave Murtha an awards last week?

Murtha Awarded the Department of the Navy ‘Distinguished Public Service Award’

You can sign an online protest here


Do you think this is the war that Brandon wants?


Votevets truly has some of the most ridiculous people over there (and I’m not even talking about Nixon.)

This one is my personal favorite:http://www.vetvoice.com/showDiary.do?diaryId=2579

It literally is wrong on almost every single count. If I wasn’t fighting with the DMV all day I would write something up, but Colonel Joe clearly doesn’t know what in the hell he is talking about.

Oh, and hey Joe, the VA can’t seek reimbursements from Medicare, that is why the Legion was clamoring for it. And, if they charged my private insurance for injuries I got in Afghanistan, then I would have to pay my deductible yearly ($500 I believe) for an injury I got while in a combat zone. Do I actually hear you right that you think this is a dandy idea?


Oh, and make sure you start distinguishing between Service Connected and Non Service Connected, because that is where you are screwing up. Non-Service connected CAN be billed back, this plan of the Presidents was for SERVICE CONNECTED.


amerifag…now that’s a moniker that fits the writer. As for Brandon and comapny, he needs to get a job and get off the Obama man-crush/I’m a victim of ‘Bush’s war’ shit.

As an Iraq war vet, I’m sick to death of assholes like the IVAW,VFP,and VVAW pissing and moaning about being expected to live up to the obligations and duties they VOLUNTARILY enlisted to do.

Last I checked, the muslims fired the first volley in this war, and it ain’t over by a long shot. Anyone with a couple of brain cells who spent time over there, and understands the history and objectives of Islamic extremists throughout the Middle East, should know better.

Their “vietnam” comparisons, salivating over the possibility of a ‘civil war’ in Iraq, and desire for defeat in Afghanistan, didn’t quite work out to their (or the Democratic Party’s) expectations.

Sucks to be them.


Great article, and so typical of the deserter / gutless wonder crowd to see their best efforts at ‘communicating’. Oh and btw – I love the new BOFO acronym, but may I suggest it has another interpretation? As far as I – and much of the USA is concerned – BO can indeed FO.


Can;t you guys play nice?


TSO sayeth:

“Oh, and make sure you start distinguishing between Service Connected and Non Service Connected, because that is where you are screwing up. Non-Service connected CAN be billed back, this plan of the Presidents was for SERVICE CONNECTED.”

I wonder TSO….Might this apply to Mr. Bill “THE ASSASSIN” Perry?

Do understand via the grapevine he’s paid 100% disability by us er the VA for a PTSD claim (something about shooting a erm….non-combatant)and earns a very handsome salary for being a professional anti-war protestor by those eh, Foundations.

Kind of along the lines of the IVAW…..since they are the puppets of the VVAW erm VFP.



I hear Hackett is trying to teach Soltz some manners…



Bill perry is Bill Bug Out” Perry.

It’s Scott “Assasin” Camil you’re thinking of under that alias.

Having been at an IVAW sleepover at Camil’s, A/S will defend him.


“Having been at an IVAW sleepover at Camil’s, A/S will defend him.”

*shock* *shock*

Look out, Raoul. She’ll get her dented halo routine up n running…..
