Clark, VoteVets, and the Obama Campaign

| July 1, 2008

What I love most about this whole General Clark debacle is what is not being talked about, his ties to the VoteVets Political Action Committee.

First, a little background. I hate VoteVets more even than I hate IVAW. IVAW members tend to exaggerate their stories, or lie about things they’ve done. VoteVets is more insidious, because they run television ads that are completely bogus. For instance, there was their attack on Jim Talent during his Senate Campaign. VoteVets had this guy Josh Lansdale telling his tale of woe. Turns out most of his story was made up, and the vast bulk of his combat experience was from fighting at Mahogeny Ridge to get another beer or bowl of pretzels.

Next they went after George Allen in Virginia, over his desire to outfit the entire military in Viet Nam issue body armor. Which of course was ridiculous. When the non-partisan group stated that the ads contained numerous inconsistencies and false statements, VoteVets went after them. As FactCheck notes on their site about the ads: disputes our analysis and accuses us of “muddying the waters.” We have posted their memo at right, as a courtesy to VoteVets and so our readers may judge for themselves. We find that it – like the VoteVets ad – contains factual inaccuracies, which we discuss at the end of the “Analysis” section.

We also note that VoteVets accuses of showing too little respect for “the sacrifice the fallen made” while body armor was in short supply. We find that offensive. We wish that partisans on both sides would show more respect for facts, and we believe that false political ads are a poor way to honor the dead.

So, needless to say, I’ve always been a huge fan of these guys.

In particular, I love the name, “Vote Vets.” I mean it really conveys something doesn’t it? Which explains why they are supporting Non-Vet Obama over Vet-McCain. It also explains why even though Obama has stepped away from Clark’s statements demeaning an actual vet, Vote Vets is currently running a campaign in support of what General Clark said. Good thing there’s no collusion between the Obama Campaign (w/ Wesley Clark) and the Vote Vets PAC (w/ Wesley Clark).

Now, VetsForFreedom had a similiar issue a few months ago when McCain won the primary, and VFF had Senators Lieberman and Graham on their Board. So, Liebs and Graham resigned those positions. I have yet to see anyone calling on Clark to do the same, and frankly, I won’t be holding my breath.

Anyway, if you want a chuckle, watch my buddy David Bellavia debating Jon Stoltz last night on Fox News:

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And if you are REALLY, REALLY, REALLY bored, this is TSO debating Brandon Friedman of Vote Vets regarding comments made by Rush Limbaugh.

ARVE Error: need id and provider

(And yes, I know I look like a clown, and the Red Sox reference was for my Dad, who unfortunately would side with Brandon on any issue dealing with politics.)

UPDATED: “More on odious WesleyClark” from Michelle Malkin.

Category: Politics

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Had I known about that spot you did,I would have posted it on this blog I wrote at TH. I f-ing hate VV. I had it out with a poster at TH, and the basturd is a VV shill.
I am a Vice Commander at my Legion Post and I tried to do something about the guy’s conduct online (in reference the AL COnstitution), because he does not respectably represent the AL or our mission. Anyway, if you are interested, here’s my link:

I don’t like Avorosis…he’s a sh*tbird, too.

TSO: Thanks commander. For the comments and for staying active in veterans issues. Appreciate all the hard work of the blue cappers out there. If you are going to convention, look me up for a few adult beverages.


While I respect Soltz service, I think he’s a jerk. I love the way Laura handled his filibustering. He’s a KOS kid and a democratic operative. BTW I thought you did great in your debate with “The Angry Rakkasan” (Friedman’s KOS handle until he started trying to sell books)

Raoul Deming

Is Wesley still on the masthead at the Vote vets site?

TSO: Ask, and ye shall receive.

LT Nixon

Laura Ingraham is just pitting Bellavia and Soltz against each other like gladiatorial combatants for her own sadistic amusement. I ain’t buying this nonsense.

However, I would take a job as her palm fronde fan boy if the benefits were good.


who unfortunately would side with Brandon on any issue dealing with politics.

So would my EX-boyfriend.

TSO: Are you suggesting I break up with my Dad? I know a would-be future ex-boyfriend of yours who wouldn’t disagree on anything. Except going to the Museum of Art in Philly. A man has to stick to his principle. (note the singular)

Raoul Deming

Lets Play, “This or that…”

Soltz or Hackett

Which one is first on COPS in the back of a police cruiser?

(They’re both wound a bit too tight, so I figure that Special Guest Appearance can’t be too far off.)


TSO – I didn’t realize you were a Red Sox fan! Now you can do no wrong in my eyes.


Jimmy Massey? He is best friends with John Grant. Interesting.


Except going to the Museum of Art in Philly.

You are going to PMA. It is not an option, it is compulsory.


So Clark has added being on the board of an anti-american organization to his list of life’s failures.