Jon Soltz, the steaming turd

| November 6, 2008

Ya’all might remember the incident last year when a soldier in Class A uniform addressed the panel at a Yearly Kos convention and he was attacked by a little mealy-mouthed former Army officer by the name of Jon Soltz who spewed shit-house rules at the young sergeant about wearing his uniform while making “political” statements. Well, here’s a picture of that Army officer named Jon Soltz;

And here he is, as Uncle Jimbo wrote at the time, “in the tone of anal-retentive pissant officers round the world tried to shut [SGT David Aquina] down.”

Soltz runs VoteVets, which is probably a fine organization except for the fact that they allow Soltz in their ranks. First understand that the top picture was taken during Jon Soltz’ lengthy tour of nearly four months in Iraq as a motor officer. My guess is that the photo was taken during one of Soltz’ coutless breaks from filing 2404s in his air conditioned trailer. Somehow, Soltz figures that gives him the authority to speak for hundreds of thousands of veterans of that conflict.

Last month, Soltz wrote a lengthy missive trying to link John McCain to al Qaeda using some al Qaeda dingleberry’s faux endorsement with this brilliant bit of language;

Of course, this “endorsement” shouldn’t itself influence voters, as Hamas’ statement on Obama shouldn’t.  The American people shouldn’t base their votes on the basis of what maniacs say.

But it once again underscores the question of who would be stronger in the fight against al Qaeda, which candidate is proposing a stronger plan to go after those who attacked us on 9/11, and which is for continuing the policy that has allowed al Qaeda to gain recruits and regain strength.

Soltz, in his partisan, bitter and inexperienced mind, makes the olympian stretch that Barack Obama would be tougher on terrorists than McCain would have been. Outside of DKos it would be difficult to find anyone else with half-a-brain that would give the al Qaeda reverse endorsement so much ink.

But today Soltz stepped way over the line. He sent an email to Melanie Morgan of Move America Forward, in his usual cowardly manner;

Dear Stinky Hagg

Well, it was a long campaign season, and there was a lot of work to be done.  I wanted to first thank you for everything you have given us and our endorsed candidates.  I’m very excited to report to you that all the work has paid off, and we’ll be sending a new crop of veterans to Congress, to join those we currently have there……..

Thanks for all of your support.


Jon Soltz
Iraq War Veteran

I’m fairly sure Soltz learned a different way for an officer Commissioned by Congress to address ladies while he was a cadet at the University of Pittsburgh.

But that’s what Soltz relishes – picking on people who can’t fight back. He became a slobbering cartoon character when he confronted SGT David Aquina at the Yearly Kos because he knew the young buck sergeant wouldn’t knock the little sissy out and he calls girls names by email.

Hat tip to Skye.

Category: Politics

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Whatever else might be true, she’s no stinky hag! I’ve met her twice. She looks great and smells fine.

If that sorry POS can’t even get that bit right I have little interest in anything else he might offer.


Soltz is Hackett without the good manners…


When Morgan and Friends hit Philly last Holiday season, they had to make an unscheduled stop at the Main Post Office at Phgiladelphia to drop off all the cards and goodies because the tour bus was full.

It took two postal clerks three hours to take in all that mail. The tour made several previous stops across the USA.

In my estimation, with that alone, she’s done a lot more for the troops than a partisan hack like Soltz has.

OK, Soltz, time to lay yours one the table and compare or are you afraid that a chick has one bigger than yours?


Boy that just reeks of “awesomeness”… I’d love to say what I really feel but I just can’t take having my mouth washed out with soap again today…


Soltz is a douche-nozzle of the highest order.

I wish you would post his email address, so I can tell him what I think of him.


The only hag in these here parts is the SheHag.

A Turd

I resent being compared to Jon Soltz.

TSO: Now that right there is teh funney.


Poor guy, guess he knows that Mel wouldn’t give him a second glance.


He’s got momma issues. Only time I think abortion would have been appropriate.


“TSO: Now that right there is teh funney.”

True. Good job Turd.