Daily malcontent news

| March 18, 2009

Someone sends this video from France24 of Andre Shepherd, our favorite refugee awaiting the decision of the German government on his status. The French are probably just glad he didn’t seek refugee status with them.

Tankerbabe got rambunctious last night and sent us two tips, one about a derelict in Washington state who the judge wouldn’t bring himself to put in jail, despite the fact that the boy seriously needed it;

A former Pacific reserve police officer was sentenced Tuesday to probation and morality counseling for false claims of military honors.

U.S. Magistrate Judge Brian A. Tsuchida in Seattle told 57-year-old Steve A. Bennest of Sumner that his actions were demeaning to veterans.

Documents filed in court show Bennest repeatedly claimed orally and in writing that he had been awarded the Purple Heart and Bronze Star for military heroism. Records show he served in the Army in 1969-72 but was not awarded those medals.

They need to turn Bennest over to a group of veterans for his “counseling”. Some of those guys from the Patriot Guard Riders would probably take the job.

A group of legislators from Canada made the trip to San Diego to visit Robin Long in the brig;

Parliamentarians Olivia Chow and Borys Wrzesnewskyj traveled to the Naval Consolidated Brig Miramar in San Diego, where Long was serving a 15-month sentence after pleading guilty last August to a reduced charge of desertion.

During the 45-minute meeting, the government officials were not allowed to take notes or record the interview. Chow said Long appeared in good spirits and did not complain, but told them that he missed his young son in Canada.

“My heart sank, it was very heavy,” Chow said after the meeting. “I was angry that Canada deported him.”

I’m angry that you deported the loser, too. You should have kept him and tried to get him to work off the money he cost the Canadian tax payers. Now he’s down here suckin’ off our wallets.

Category: Antiwar crowd, Iraq Veterans Against the War, Liberals suck, Usual Suspects

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I particularly like the judge’s comment for the identify thief – “Instead he was sentenced to two years on probation, community service and “moral reconation therapy,” a federal probation program for those who have trouble recognizing right from wrong.”


Gene Callahan

Deserters from the illegal and immoral war in Iraq are heroes — their ‘responsibility’ is to God’s commandments, not to the insane orders of Dubya.


Care to prove how it is illegal? I do not see how these people’s actions are justified considering that they are not being asked to do anything that violates the Geneva convention.


BBC says:

“This is just Shepherd’s way of avoiding his responsibilities completely – not going to Iraq and not willing to go to jail for breaking his promises and forcing his duties on his comrades,” writes Desert Storm veteran and blogger, Jonn Lilyea.

What an Orwellian word we live in where a deserter is blamed for what the government forces the remaining soldiers to do. Yet, they have the same choice, and are complicit in their own usage. If their consciences allow them to remain and prosecute an unjust military adventure, the fault is theirs, not Shepherd’s.

What a brainless shill you are, Lilyea.


Actually, no. When you enlist you kinda accept that you have to do what you’re told even if you don’t like it or disagree. That’s why it’s the MILITARY and not a normal civilian job. There is a separate set of laws that applies.

Is the stupid bug going around tonight, or something?


“Is the stupid bug going around tonight, or something?”



Gene Callahan sayeth:

“Deserters from the illegal and immoral war in Iraq are heroes — their ‘responsibility’ is to God’s commandments, not to the insane orders of Dubya.”

Pst, Gene? Democrat’s are in charge now. Why don’t you go explain it to them instead of preaching to the choir. Then come back and put up exactly which United States Code that’s being violated.

You do know what the United States Code is, right?


Gene Gene the Dancing Machine. Ain’t you heard? Dubya’s retired now… it’s B.O. Diddlysquat in charge now.


And now for our next contestant…


Uh…Gene…Bush is no longer in charge. Maybe you should fly to Baghdad and ask around, according to ABC news over 60% of Iraqis believe their lives are better, they’ve got freedom and democracy.