President Trump’s “Go back” Tweet in Context

| July 15, 2019

President Trump’s tweets regarding fixing the place of origin first. (r/The_Donald and realdonaldtrump on Twitter )

In three tweets, President Trump slammed four Congresswomen that keep criticizing “USA first” policies and the President. You guys are familiar with these four freshman congresswomen, and their comments regarding the United States and how this country should do things.

Well, President Trump fired back, even taking aim at the foreign-born among them:


So interesting to see “Progressive” Democrat Congresswomen, who originally came from countries whose governments are a complete and total catastrophe, the worst, most corrupt and inept anywhere in the world (if they even have a functioning government at all), now loudly……

….and viciously telling the people of the United States, the greatest and most powerful Nation on earth, how our government is to be run. Why don’t they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came. Then come back and show us how….

….it is done. These places need your help badly, you can’t leave fast enough. I’m sure that Nancy Pelosi would be very happy to quickly work out free travel arrangements!

This is basically a sentiment that most of us feel. However, the media wants to spin this as if he simply told them to “go back to where they came from”.

“Think about how other countries would see us”. This is one of the argument points that I get from the left when explaining President Trump’s policies in context.

I usually respond by saying something to the effect that until those other countries do [list of US accomplishments], I could care less about what those other people think.

There are reasons why there is a massive flood of people coming from certain countries to the US. However, there is no matching massive migration of people from the US to these same countries. There is something that we are doing right that those other countries aren’t.

This is the same media that insists that “context matters” when referencing the last president.

Category: Politics

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“Think about how other countries would see us”

As a free ride. Not an opportunity to succeed at hard work but a “FREE RIDE”.

I understand exactly what Trump was saying and it had nothing to do with racism, xenophobia or anything else other than calling out the “hate America (and Israel) crowd.
Love it, support it and defend it or get the fuck out.

5th/77th FA

“Free Ride” That is exactly what they are wanting. And even sadder is all of the people that were born here are wanting the same thing.

“Love it, support it, and defend it or get the f^ck out.” That goes, in my opinion, for immigrant or born here. We have an old saying down here in the Southland. If you don’t like it here, Delta is ready when you are.

I don’t agree with everything President does, and I surely don’t agree with the way he presents himself at times. I DO agree with him putting America and American Citizens FIRST. We don’t owe anybody anything and I, for one, am sick of seeing 40% + of my earnings being used to support deadbeats, ne’er do wells, and corrupt congress critters.

Slow Joe

What does FA stands for?
Fabulous Ass?

I am getting slightly tired of the “I don’t agree with everything the President does, but…”

Name ONE single thing President Trump has done that you don’t agree with.

I am scratching my ass trying to think of one thing he has ever done that was anti-American or against the benefit of the American people in general, and I can’t think of any.

What? Trump is not Presidential? The last thing I want is a “Presidential” President that keep his mouth shut when the libs assault him with libel, like the Bushies and candidate Romney did.

I want a fighter that is not afraid of the libs. That’s what I wanted, what America needed, and we have it right effing now.

So stop wishing for unicorns and Bushies, and support the bullfighter we have.


A wise man once said “If two people agree one hundred percent of the time, one of them is not thinking for their self.”


Name ONE single thing President Trump has done that you don’t agree with.

The tweet above. Its wording is counterproductive and detracts from his intended message. And, unfortunately, he does stuff like that fairly often on Twitter.

He really does need someone to act as a sounding board/filter for his Twitter account.

USMC Steve

Not necessarily. Trump lets folks know in an unpolished way what is what. I prefer that even if I don’t always like it or agree with the way he says it. It also keeps the libtards, dems, and establishment republicans guessing, as they cannot muzzle him, nor control him.


Unfortunately, being a career businessman vice a career politician the POTUS doesn’t necessarily always have a good “gut feel” regarding how the media will play something he says. And things you might say during private business negotiations sometimes aren’t suitable as public statements.

Speaking plainly in public is fine, so long as it’s done carefully. Speaking plainly and carelessly – say, by using language that can be easily misinterpreted – in public when the press is hostile is handing them a club and telling them to swing away.

Trump IMO could benefit from running his tweets by someone with media savvy and getting their “take” on them prior to hitting send. He’d still have the option to send them, but he also might be able to change a few words here and there before doing so and save himself a ton of pushback. This incident is a prime example.

Bill R.

Actually, he knows for a fact that the media will spin anything he says in the worst way possible. But right now, he has got San Fran Nan defending the same four women she is feuding with and personally, I think that’s great for a laugh.


More concentration camps. Gas kids. It’s all great gas when you launder for the Russian mob, sell yr country down the swanee and destroy democracy n the goons will love you. There ain’t no thick like a trump supporting thick.


And when the ducks cross other sides that ruskies gal wanna swim like fishys.


Tell me – is that Progressive Communion Kool-Aid grape, mixed berry, orange, or some other flavor?

I’ve never drunk it, but you obviously have.


There’s a glut of people trying to join the winning team at the same time the co-captains are undermining the successful playbook.
It’s almost like the freshman congresscritters want us to lose…


Now now… wait one.

Lars will be here on the double to ‘splain us all.

A Proud Infidel®™

Normally I would ask one to NOT conjure the goblin, but this time I look forward to it, I could use a good laugh right now!

Slow Joe

Major Snickerdick will be here soon with empirical evidence of how the Orange man is bad.


As the unofficial “thought police” of this blog and holder of my talisman of truth (my flaccid, soy infused micropenis) that ORANGE. MAN. BAD.


Just be aware, there’s an official thought police who likes to delete comments. 😘


Wouldn’t that demonstrate an issue with control?


I doubt if Donald gives half a flyingfuckingdamn what any of them think, so long as it he got’em stirred up.

Trump and Coulter can play the libs like puppets, for their own amusement, anytime they feel like it.

Ilhan reminds me of Kenny from South Park while the rest of her clique are mere transient derelicts and one-term-turds.


Trump is playing them like a fine instrument, and these are just the opening notes. Been watching this cat for two years now, and he never does anything without a reason.

A Proud Infidel®™

The D-rats are scurrying around with their coloring books playing novice Checkers while President Trump is playing multi-level Chess like you see Spock playing in the original “Star Trek” series!

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Oddly enough the president doesn’t seem to know that three of them are native born Americans, so going back to where they came from is exactly where they are…the fourth is naturalized and according to our laws is as American as I am.

Since when do suggest that a disagreement over the course of the nation’s politics is grounds for being told to get the fuck out?

I know the Democrats seem eager to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory again, but sometimes it seems like Trump wants to spot them a few points.

Just once I’d like to hear a speech of this nature from this fucking president instead of the dumb shit he puts out day after day…

America represents something universal in the human spirit. I received a letter not long ago from a man who said, ‘You can go to Japan to live, but you cannot become Japanese. You can go to France to live and not become a Frenchman. You can go to live in Germany or Turkey, and you won’t become a German or a Turk.’ But then he added, ‘Anybody from any corner of the world can come to America to live and become an American’ …

This I believe is one of the most important sources of America’s greatness. We lead the world because unique among nations, we draw our people, our strength, from every country and every corner of the world … Thanks to each wave of new arrivals to this land of opportunity, we’re a nation forever young, forever bursting with energy and new ideas, and always on the cutting edge; always leading the world to the next frontier …


VoV, you nailed it.


Oh boy. Queue the blue font and prepare to be diagnosed as a narcissist with anger and control issues.


VOV, I too wish that Trump was Reaganesque.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

I voted for Trump, it appalls me when he puts out bullshit like this and I can’t unequivocally support this nonsense.

I’m in agreement with the wall, but suggesting that four American citizens elected to Congress should get out of the country because their voices in dissent piss you off is about as fucking Un-American as I can imagine.


It’s essentially the same thing he told the NFL players. There is no doubt in my mind that Reagan would have wished that the players stand. There is also no doubt in my mind that he would have expressed that wish without the use of the words “deportable offense”. Trump is no Reagan.

But, I question if “a Reagan” could get elected in these modern times.


Ah yes. The familiar sound of one hand clapping.

Some Guy

VoV, good on you for putting your principles above party loyalty, unlike certain other individuals here. I don’t always agree with your opinions or views, but I respect your writing and arguments more than anyone else’s here.

A Proud Infidel®™

I received a letter just before I left office from a man. I don’t know why he chose to write it, but I’m glad he did. He wrote that you can go to live in France, but you can’t become a Frenchman. You can go to live in Germany or Italy, but you can’t become a German, an Italian. He went through Turkey, Greece, Japan and other countries. But he said anyone, from any corner of the world, can come to live in the United States and become an American.
Ronald Reagan


Intelligence alert

USMC Steve

I think your never Trumper attitude is coloring your perception. Omar committed known immigration fraud to get here. If the gov would get off their asses and make it happen, she would be gone. She as well as the Palestinian terrorist are both criminals who if prosecuted would not be a problem. But no one does anything about the obvious crimes involved. Tlaib committed known election fraud, as she ain’t from the district she ran in, never lived there yet. And since Omar isn’t actually a citizen due to the aforementioned fraud, she cannot hold an office. Add to that the known tax offenses and campaign finance issues, and she would at least be in prision. Two down right there if someone would grow balls and take them down. And if you had actually listened to what he said, rather than doing the orange man bad bit, he did not specifically call them out and say get out. He was referring to ANYONE using those defective thought processes. And anything Trump says will never meet with your approval, even if he parroted your little speech there.

Some Guy

I think your pro-Trump attitude is coloring your perception. I think Trump could eat a live puppy in public and people like you would still make excuses for him. Is mental gymnastics an Olympic sport yet? If so, I have no doubt we will take home all the gold next year.
As for your conspiratorial nonsense, if those accusations had any merit, appropriate action would have been taken by now. If not, why don’t you call up the appropriate DA or at least report their crimes to the police or ICE? Nobody in this country is above the law. I’m sure any ambitious lawyer would just love the chance to boost their career and publicity by being the one to take down an elected official.

A Proud Infidel®™️

You sound like you attend UC Berzerkely. “Nobody in this country is above the law.” You mean like the Clintons?

Some Guy

Careful, strawmen easily catch fire in the summer heat. 😉
I neither attended Berkeley nor am I a fan of the Clintons (How one manages to be a fan of ANY politician is beyond me. They are here to serve US, not become pop stars). I have absolutely no problem with locking them or anyone else up, if they are guilty of any crime. But AFAIK, nothing has ever come of the numerous rumors, even though Trump said he’d have her locked up after being elected. Weird, it’s almost like you need evidence to do that.

A Proud Infidel®™️

You sound like a devout Bernie-head to me.

“No amount of proof will ever convince an idiot.” – Samuel Clemens (Mark Twain)



The outrage on these tweets is not his sentiment toward other countries. The outrage is that he told congress members who were born and raised in the United States to “go back to the countries you came from and fix them”.

He assumed because of their ethnicity that they were not born in America. Only one of the congress members he targeted was naturalized. The rest were born and raised here. Americans by birth.

That is the equivalent of telling a black person to “go back to Africa”.

The “go back to where you came from” racist meme is such a blatant and ridiculous display of racism that it is literally used as an example of how absurd, ignorant, and outright stupid American racists can be.

And he did it and then doubled down.

It is not merely racist it is clownishly stupid racism.

The pathetic mental gymnastics I see some of you twist yourselves into to defend and justify Trump is an embarrassment to veterans.

Do you all stand for anything at this point? Are you just going to continue to accept and defend everything this guy does? He has already violated deeply held Republican values and positions and has never in his life lived up to any of the values republicans claim to represent.

The constant feckless acquiescence to idiocy and enthusiastic gullibility of the Republican Party proves that a con man does not have to be smart if the people he is conning are sufficiently stupid.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

I’m in agreement on this one, it’s more than a bit beyond the pale. It’s simply disgusting and discouraging for me.


There are things I will defend Trump on, and things I won’t. This is one that I won’t. As much as I dislike all four of these women and question the legitimacy of Ilhan Omar’s citizenship, this went too far.


The argument she is making is fine. The way she said it is fucked up. It would be racist for a congress person to say “we don’t need any more white faces that don’t want to be a white voice” so it should be regarded as racist to say “ we don’t need any more brown faces that don’t want to be a brown voice.” What she is trying to argue is that our country has deeply intrenched and intransigent institutional prejudice against brown people, black people, Muslims, and the queer community. Minorities, Muslims, and the queer community are also significantly underrepresented in all the institutions of political power in this country. So, therefore, If you are black, brown, Muslim, or queer you have an ethical responsibility to be a voice for your community. If you are unwilling to do that we, as democrats, don’t need you taking a seat in power from someone that would be a voice for underrepresented communities. That is the argument she is making and has been making. That argument is fine. The way she presented that argument is not OK. It is fair to call it “racist” for her to say what she said. There is a intellectual argument being made in sociology and political science that minority groups can never be racist because racism is about power and they do not hold the power in this country. I do not agree with that school of thought and have lost a friend over it. I believe racism, ethic prejudice, religious bigotry… any identity based prejudice is well understood and documented in-group/out-group behavior and power and thus racism can be localized and even individualized. If you see someone as an “other” because of their race, then you are choosing to view the world through a racist perspective. Whether you have power over them or not. Now if they forced you into being the “other” and you were forced to accept their label as an “other” due to their power over the institutions and rules in your community/society then your viewing the world through the racist… Read more »

Just Lurkin

That was better than I expected Lars, though I notice that you were careful not to explicitly say “what she said was racist”. But I understand that your orthodox prog faith makes it difficult for you to criticize a “woman of color” in any way. Still, baby steps, so good for you. I do wonder though what “brown voice” those “brown faces” are supposed to speak with, and if that voice is the same for South Asians as it is for South Americans (substitute “brown face” group as you like).


The argument she is making is fine.

The way she said it is fucked up.

So, pray tell: what is the essential difference between her p!ss-poor choice of words in making her argument and the POTUS doing the same here?

IMO the POTUS screwed the pooch in his choice of language in the tweets in question. But rather than being racist, I see his argument as being, “Go prove you can create Socialist Utopia elsewhere before you expect anyone in America to take your proposals seriously.” I’d love to hear your justification for excusing one while hammering the other.


C’mon Hondo, don’t you know that when she said it, it was (D)ifferent.


If you choose to view society through a racist lense; choose to see people as “others” based on their race then you are a racist.

If you forced to view the world through a racist lens; forced to see people as “others” because of the power they have to shape the institutions and rules of our society then you are not racist.

I do not think a sitting member of congress is powerless but she represents people who are because people are still subjected to institutional racism. She also had to overcome institutional racism throughout her life.

I think it is justified to say what she said is racist. But I also think that we need to look at how much she is choosing to view society through a racist lens and how much she feels forced to do so or ethically responsible to represent those that are still forced to do so.


“If you choose to view society through a racist lense; choose to see people as “others” based on their race then you are a racist”

You just described the Democrat party.

Just Lurkin

“…how much she is choosing…” and “….how much she feels forced…”. Is this like “how many angels can dance on the head of a pin” amongst the prog faithful? And you accuse others here of mental gymnastics, tsk.


I said twice in the above posts that it is fair to say what she said is “racist”.

That is more ground some of these asshats have given on Trump’s blatantly racist comments.

Just Lurkin

Yes, and you also tried to contextualize what she said.

Now I’ll just tell you that I wish Trump had expressed himself differently, but I also understand how we got Trump. If you would like to explore how we have come to a less refined discourse (I mean, we don’t have Buckley vs Schlesinger in a formal debate on TV anymore), I think you honestly have to point to some of the “street theater” tactics that the left has employed for at least 50 years.

Now the truth is, that those tactics were effective, so he right went and found their own street fighter.

Hubris brings rise to Nemesis.


Racism of Trump’s statement was the assumption they were not natural born American because of their ethnicity.

It was not that they could “go somewhere else” it was that he assumed they were FROM somewhere else.

You are not a stupid man, Hondo. How stupid are you willing to pretend to be to justify your position?


I’m not the one viewing the world through race-tinted glasses, Poodle. That would be you.

Wearing those race-tinted glasses guarantees you’ll find racist statements, intent, and even (gasp) racists everywhere – including a ton places where they don’t exist. But hey: if that’s the way you want to view the world, have at it.

But while you’re seeing many things that are not there – then wondering why the world doesn’t take you seriously, or why you can’t seem to “fit in” – you just might want to reflect on what I said above. Because just maybe that’s why.

But hey: maybe I’m just pretending to be “stupid” here, too.


Now, regarding the question I asked that you tried to side-step: you actually gave us enough info to discern your position. Let me summarize what I’ve gotten from your previous comments here.

You find the minority Congresswoman’s statements blatantly racist. But you’re giving the minority Congresswoman a pass because although her statements were blatantly racist, she’s acting as a spokesperson for other minorities.

However, Trump is white, and is thus part of the “institutional elite” responsible for what the Left calls “institutional racism”. So Trump gets no pass for statements you assume (without proof) were motivated by what were possibly subconscious racist assumptions on his part.

Short version: you’re treating people grossly differently based solely on their skin color.

There’s a name for such behavior. I’ll let you figure out the name.

And the really sad part is you probably think you’re fully justified in doing that because, well, “Trump . . . baaaaaaaaaaaaad!”


Hondo – they way Lars looks at things, people of color CAN’T be racists… only whites can. People of color speak truth to power.

The only way that whites can not be racist is if they check their white privilege… and then, it’s “conditional”.


“therefore, If you are black, brown, Muslim, or queer you have an ethical responsibility to be a voice for your community. If you are unwilling to do that we, as democrats, don’t need you taking a seat in power”

Well now that’s pretty racist. You only seeing a candidate as a race, religion, or sexual preference. Like Dr. King, I prefer to view people by the content of their character. Unfortunately your view is the shared by most Democrats, seeing people only as their race, gender, religion, or sexual preference.

If you’re going to get upset at Trump saying something you think is racist, you then shouldn’t be a cheerleader for only electing black, muslim, or gay people only to boost their representation.

A Terminal Lance Coolie

While I normally disagree with what you say, Commissar, this time I have to agree with you.

They’re as American as we are, whether we like it or not. What Trump wrote there is beyond the pale. I find it rather worrisome that there are people, on both sides of this fence, who will support anything their chosen people say, regardless of how wrong it is, just to support their person.

A Terminal Lance Coolie

Thebesig: I’m punching this up on my phone, so I apologize for the lack of formatting compared to your response. Should we really be demanding that people leave this country just because we don’t like their politics? The entire point of the First Amendment is that people have the right to speak their minds. I’d argue that removing them, or calling for them to leave, would be a form of censorship, just disguised as something else. If they’re not here, does their opinion influence our politics anymore? It’s not a strawman, it’s a statement of fact. They are American citizens. They’re here legally (maybe not Omar, in which case she shouldn’t be here. If the case can be made for immigration fraud, she can and should be deported. Period. Dot. End discussion.) I wholeheartedly understand what his playbook is. I’m just not a fan of it. I have a problem with American politics, as a whole. The American people have swallowed these divide and conquer tactics wholly, allowing themselves to be set against each other. Framing his argument, in the light he did, is where I have a problem. He knew it would have racist undertones, and it does. While it benefits him to have the left focus on that, it actually defeats the intent of his message, which should be directed at the left. If he wants them to “walk the walk”, it would help to have them focus on that, instead of racist undertones. Both sides are taking pages from the same disgusting playbook, here. We shouldn’t drag someone’s race into something, overtly or otherwise. That’s wrong, whether it’s the left or the right doing so. That’s something that we all should stand up against, regardless of political affiliation. I’d encourage AOC et al to visit Vietnam or Venezuela, and witness firsthand the end results of their policies. I’ve had the honor of speaking to a man who escaped Vietnam on a raft. He could tell them a thing or three about why these ideas are bad. We should encourage people to have their opinions, then challenge them… Read more »

USMC Steve

Not so. There is a distinct difference between living in America and being an American. Three meet the technical requirements for citizenship, the fourth does not, but no one will bust her for her fraud. That by itself does not make them Americans. There is a lot more to actually being an American than that. TLaib for one is constantly talking up her Palestinian terrorist heritage. They are racists and anti-Americans of the worst stripe. Being an American is both a spiritual as well as a demographic or geographic thing, and not one of them has any of that in them.


You -epic- hypocrite.

Trump is playing Politics by the rules used by Democrats, including saying outrageous things.

Day in and day out, you folks falsely call people “racist” or “fascist” or some other bullshit, then whine like bitches when someone on your side gets a dose of their own medicine.

You yourself got your ass banned for saying outrageously false bullshit, to the point where an -infantry platoon sergeant- thought your name calling was excessive. Wow.

Due to your hypocritical antics, -you- haven’t the moral authority to call anyone on anything.


Trump is mouthy? Punched back? Said nasty bullshit about folks slandering folks constantly? How -dare- he play by your rules! How dare he hit back in kind!

How dare he give others the idea they can also win by playing by your rules.

Why if that catches on, if that reality sinks in, the Left might have to, you know, stop. Or, not stopping, suffer the consequences of flaming hypocrisy.

Face it. He is playing you fools, by exposing your hypocrisy, and forcing your moderates to embrace your radioactive lunatics. Ugly? Sure. Go look in a mirror. Look hard.

-you- threw away any moral authority when you went off the deep end with extra-broad-brush name calling here, especially demonstrable falsehoods that got you banned.


even if you manage a stopped-clock moment.


Not too late to mend your ways. But your ego and anger won’t let you take that long hard inward gaze.

But, you -could-


Mental gymnastics.

Except you didn’t even bother to defend what he said. You just claimed racism is ok as long as both parties do it.

A Proud Infidel®™

Eat shit and bark at the moon DIPSHIT, Ilhan Omar CHEATED on her immigration by coming here married to her BROTHER.


Lied at least two years on her income taxes and lied in sworn court documents to secure her divorce from her legal husband/brother.

Anyone that hitches their wagon to that racist, anti-Semitic, America-hating piece of trash deserves to go down with her. So maybe we’ll lose AOC and Tlaib with her.

A Proud Infidel®™

So mote it be.


So, you ignored the “stopped clock moment” line? That was hung out there where you couldn’t miss it?

That is also why you have zero moral authority.


What, you expected Poodle to read your entire comment before making up his mind?

You should know better. He doesn’t have time for that – or for doing due diligence or for getting his facts straight, for that matter – when it comes to dealing with others here at TAH.


Exactly what about his “stopped clock” moment was of reasonable merit to respond to, Hondo?

Or are you just mindlessly virtue signaling that you agree with this blog’s in-group of regulars?


Nope. Just pointing out the fact that you’d missed that, almost certainly because you failed to notice it the first time around. I say that because you have a demonstrated track record of missing the obvious in other people’s comments.

Thanks for playing – and for being played.


You really like to use the words “racism” and “racist” when commenting about, well, anything. You throw them around like they’re words du jour. Seeing as not one person has stated or implied their superiority or others inferiority over another based on ethnicity, your usage of these words is unfounded. If somehow these words have been bastardized to meet your needs then that’s on you. I’m guessing you’re not as ‘woke” as you think you are.


No. I don’t. The vast majority of my comments do not mention and have nothing to do with racism.

I use the term when I am calling out racism. What Trump said was racist.

And you don’t have a clue what racism is. It is usually but not always about superiority. For example: some people hold the view that all races/ethnicities are completely equal but ALSO are against “race mixing”. They are still racist.

A Proud Infidel®™



The Commissar, like most Democrats, believes it’s only racist when a Republican says something racist. When he or his party say something racist, then he’s got a long explanation for why it’s not racist.

Then he complains about our mental gymnastics.


Der Commissar is a bigot… he’s proved it time and time again here at TAH with his pontifications and postulations.



Apparently I have a far superior knowledge of what racism is than you. And the example you provided has nothing to do with what is being discussed here. “Race mixing” – Seriously?

What Trump said wasn’t the best choice of words, but had nothing to do with race. The fact that you’re bringing race into it is, once again, on you and everyone else playing that hand.

I suggest that you go brush up on the definitions of race and racism again. Just because those with today’s “progressive” values like to call everything they don’t agree with racist doesn’t make it so.


The fact that you try to claim that being prejudice against ethnicity is not racism shows that you do not understand what racism is.

Racism is about race AND ethnicity.
Which is why you have never in your life heard the term “ethnicityism”.

What Trump said was blatant racism. Period.

It is absurd you are trying to claim you have a “superior” understanding of racism because you don’t think was he said is racist.


I see that reading comprehension isn’t your strong suit either. I used the terms ethnicity and race synonymously in this case. You absolute tard. I can see why you’re such a hit here. You seem to confuse nationality with ethnicity/race. It’s entertaining.

A Proud Infidel®™

As I see it, Commissar has Trump Acceptance Resistance Disorder (TARD) to the point where he lets it run his life thus making him a Trump Acceptance resistance Disorder Operative, a TARDO.

IMHO Commissar is a 24K TARDO!


This coming from a guy who once wrote on a post here:

“I date Asian women…” as your proof that you didn’t have a racist bone in your body.

Do you also “have a black friend”?


I never said that, asshole.

I said my recent girlfriends (at the time) were Chinese and Syrian.

And I did not mention it to show I was not racist. It had nothing to do with that.


But I thought words mattered?

Is it possible Trumps words “had nothing to do with that”?



I read your entire response looking for something of merit to respond to on this issue.

I didn’t find anything.

I stand by most post and your response pretty much proves my point about the mental gymnastics.

Using my name just makes you an asshole to boot.

Slow Joe

I thought your name was Snickerdick…

A Proud Infidel®™

I gave him the name “Poodledick”!

Slow Joe

Ah, that’s what I was going for…

USMC Steve

Lars, that is because you are fucking stupid. Simple as that. Bla bla bla orange man bad, communism good. Does your CO know you are a socialist and communist sympathizer? I believe that would fall under Article 134 at a minimum.


Being a socialist is constitutionally protected you fmoron.

It is not a violation of Article 134.

Remember the first amendment?

The kind of world some you “patriots” want to live in is horrific. You think the government should be able to decide which economic theories Americans are allowed to support.

That is not a free country you faux-patriot.

A Proud Infidel®™

What about Article 88, SCHMUCK?


I have to have been subject to the UCMJ at the time of the comments.


I seem to remember you indicating that you’re retired from the USAR vice separated.

If you’re retired, you are. The SCOTUS has recently ruled that military retirees are in fact still subject to the UCMJ and can be court-martialed for crimes committed after retirement.


Commissar violates Article 88 just about every single time he posts here.


Good thing I was not subject to the UCMJ.


See above. If you’re retired, you are.


How come you were not whining about Article 88 during the eight years the members of this blog ripped Obama apart on a daily basis? Were you concerned about disparaging comments about PRESIDENT Obama?


Article 88 only applies to commissioned officers. The majority of the people here were/are NCOs. Of the officers we do have, you’re the only one I can recall saying/admitting they’re still in. The rest are separated or retired.


That would be correct, most of us left the service, including the reserve components long ago. Plus, I suspect he is no longer serving in a reserve unit, otherwise he might be a little more circumspect in his support of those who wish to overthrow the government.

5th/77th FA

He’s prolly still serving behind the dumpsters @ The Flying J.


Fuck it, Trump said what needed to be said, he fired up his fan base that are sick and tired of those 4 asswipes. Maybe some of you are offended, I could care less.


Only the Orangeman Bad gang are faux-outraged, brought to you here by the letters “V” and “C”. The solution is don’t read their blithering, bloviating blather. It means naught.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Nah, as usual you got it wrong…he’s put out a clearly racist bullshit tweet and the right who support him have no answer.

Suggesting that four duly elected representatives should get out of the country is wrong, period. The fact he’s your guy so you don’t want to criticize him over it doesn’t make it right it just reveals your own personal lack of integrity.

I criticized Obama for eight years and was called a racist for it, being called a faux outrage member of the OMB by the right today is fine with me.

I’m not interested in “sides” right or left.

If you make a racist comment I’ll call you out on it, regardless of whether or not I voted for you.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

I love your replies, so serious…it makes me wonder whether you know you’re being trolled or if you’re just trolling me right back…

Either way it’s most enjoyable.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Of course you didn’t reply until after I did, that’s how trolling works…I cast a wide net and see who responds. This being your post I figured I’d get a rise.

If you recall, or even if you don’t, I wrote a post specifically DEFENDING Trump from charges of personal racism on this very site, back in February or March…that’s how you know you were trolled my friend.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

God I do so love this, thank you again.

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

Remember that Trump is not a politician and doesn’t really care about dissing peeps that he doesn’t like. Why he shouldn’t have the dissed the 4 demorat squad peeps is that the fire burning between pelousy and the squad 4 demorats are now K/D (knocked down) over the twitttts and they are all now united with each other instead of fighting with each other. One of the younger residents living with his mother was born in Israel and came to the States when he was a baby and he used to tell me about why we shouldn’t own fire arms and I told him that I was sick and tired about peeps coming here from other countries and trying to change our Constitution. Told him this a couple of times then he stopped talking to me for a year and a half or so until our clubhouse burnt down last Dec 14. After that, he was back to talking to me. Strange that an anti 2A is against the open borders and immigration problem.


May I remind those of you renting your garments and gnashing your teeth over Trump’s questioning the origins and loyalties of these four, thoroughly dreadful Democrats, that for the past two-plus years, these same four have been the loudest in their party with denunciations of Trump as a totally vile, treasonous agent of the Russian state worthy only of prolonged imprisonment if not summary execution? Seems to me you’ve lost sight of that reality while obviously our president has not.

You remind me of the folks who write the Rules of Engagement for our troops.




I’m not defending the 4 women in question, I despise them. And I understand and agree with Trump’s sentiment, I just don’t like the way he expressed it. YMMV. You’re all welcome to your own views.

Slow Joe

Poetrooper is an sniper with words.

Every time he shoots, he hits the target, center mass.

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

With you 100% Poetrooper, seems like it’s a double standard depending what party that one is in. And like I said in my above comment, Trump isn’t a politician and talks the street way. I wonder how Gen. Patton would have handled this back in his time???

A Proud Infidel®™

“I wonder how Gen. Patton would have handled this back in his time???”

Probably much like how President Trump is doing so right now.

Slow Joe

Well, as a naturalized citizen of a religious and ethnic minority, I didn’t see anything racist in what the President said.

As a matter of fact, I wholeheartedly agree with his comments.

Naturalized citizens and their children should know better than anyone else how great America is and how much more freedom and liberty we have here than anywhere else.

Like a good friend of mine likes to say, you don’t see Americans building rafts to escape America.

The Stranger

When you’re right, you’re right. As one of those “oppressed” brown people, I will happily tell the “Socialist Spice Girls” to fuck off.

Soy más cabron que mi padre!


“I didn’t see anything racist in what the President said”


Still waiting for some one to point out the actual words of racism. They are not there.
Read what he actually said, not what the media is saying he said.
Then read it again.

charles w

If you want to know how Trump thinks, read his books.


He didn’t write them. He didn’t read them.

He played no role in writing the book. It was credited to him to use the Trump brand to make a buck back in the 80s. Just like a builder buying the right to slap Trump’s name on a building.

He was, and has always been, more brand than substance. He is a successful con-artist, he is NOT a successful business man.


Do you have proof of this claim?


I’m pretty sure you already know the answer.

And don’t hold your breath waiting for proof, either. It isn’t worth Poodle’s time to prove his baseless unsupported assertions to those who doubt his omniscience and infallibility.


Your passive aggressive response took more words than a google search would have.


Your reply took far longer to compose than copying and pasting a URL would have.


Just google it. Both the author and the publisher are on record saying Trump has nothing to do with writing the book.


So an unproven claim by the co-author who is very anti Trump is your “proof”?


I wear socks smarter than you.

A Proud Infidel®™

SO you’re also gonna say that President Trump gets NO credit whatsoever for the personal fortune he made himself as well?


Some Guy

If he does, does he also get credit for going bankrupt four times?

A Proud Infidel®™️

He had a few of the 500+ businesses he owns go bankrupt thus giving him a 95+% success rate!


The President also spelled Al Qaeda as ‘Alcaida’ in his notes – which I’m sure thebesig will now tell me was part of a ten-moves-ahead plan whereby he let the press photograph supposedly private notes, thereby triggering a crisis of faith among the jihadists, leading them to replace their suicide bombs with red, white and blue fireworks.

Alternatively, maybe the President is just a moron sometimes?


Alternatively, maybe the President is just a moron sometimes?

Or, perhaps misspelling Al Qaeda simply means the POTUS is a “terribul spellar”. As I recall, SF author and former tech columnist Jeffery Pournelle was once told the same in writing by none other than Robert A. Heinlein after sending Heinlein private correspondence containing spelling errors.

Regarding the tweet in question: yeah, the wording was IMO hugely ill-advised. It’s yet another case where I wish the POTUS would use someone else as a sounding board or filter prior ro using Twitter.

Slow Joe

Alcaida is the pronunciation in Spanish of Al Qaeda.

So yes, the President knows exactly what he is doing.

The Stranger

That’s right. Those of us who “habla” are happy to see a cross on top of the church in Toledo, España. Fuck them “Musalmanes”, que vivan los Reyes Cristianos.


Yeah! It’s that 4D chess! The same chess that Gen. Mattis was too stoopid to play! More BRAWNDO, please!


it’s got electrolytes!

A Proud Infidel®™

It’s got what plants want!!!


LC curls his lip, “Alternatively, maybe the President is just a moron sometimes?”

When Harvard granted an LL.D. to Andrew Jackson in 1833, John Quincy Adams boycotted the graduation ceremonies, calling Jackson ”a barbarian who could not write a sentence of grammar.” To which Jackson replied: ”It is a damn poor mind indeed which can’t think of at least two ways to spell any word.”


It’s refreshing to see a POTUS call out these morons
I personally don’t like him but you have to give him credit
For standing his ground
Unlike the RINOs who bow to these lunatics
It seems like yesterday pelosi was talking non stop about impeachment of bush
The crazy thing is nothing he said was “Racist” but again the true face of the media
Has been exposed. Last week crazy pelosi was accused of being racist
This week trump where does it stop

chooee lee

When Charlottesville happened some of the regulars on this blog defended BOTH Donald Trump for saying “good people on both sides” and they also defended James Alex Fields Jr. by claiming it was self defense.

This was a Nazi/White Nationalist protest literally organized by groups that are openly and explicitly white nationalist and white nationalist leaders that were openly white nationalists leaders.

There was absolutely zero doubt that it was a white nationalist protest. It was advertised and organized as one by prominent white nationalist groups.

The protest they organized STARTED with them filing off buses, buses that were chartered by the white nationalist organizers, then lighting torches and marching to the statue while chanting “Jews will not replace us”.

The next day one of their members drove into a crowd with the INTENTION of murdering counter-protesters.

And some of the regulars on this board choose to ally with and defend their actions.

And Trump called them “good people”.

That was the first impulse of Trump and some of the regulars in the wake of a white nationalist intentionally driving a crowd into people and killing Heather Heyer.

I am not surprised some of you are still defending Trump and his racism.

You still see yourselves as allies with the white nationalist movement.


Not everyone there was a Nazi.
Not everyone there was AntiFa.
There were good, non-violent people on both sides.
And at the time, with the knowledge available, the driver might have been telling the truth. We now know differently.
Context is your friend.


When has context ever been Lars’ friend? It’s all about what conforms to the far left’s narrative to him.


Read the thread. It was the first instinct of many of the members to defend the white nationalist and make excuses.

Yeah, I am sure some “good people” saw the white nationalist call for protest then showed up and when they saw the Nazi flags and heard the “Jew will not replace us” chants they decided that because they shared the same view on the statue there was enough common ground to stick around and join the protest.

Those “good people” are what Trump was talking about.


He was talking about normal people who were there demonstrating against removing statues not the white nationalists. He has disavowed white nationalists several time. If you were actually honest you would admit that, but hey orange man bad.

It’s to the point that you guys see white nationalists behind every bush to the extent that it would make even McCarthy blush. I’m not denying that there were a whole lot of them at Charlottesville, but they have become the boogey man to the left to the point that they call anyone who disagrees with them white nationalists.


Yeah, the “normal” people who joined the mass of protestors waving Nazi flags and chanting “Jews will not replace us.”


Wow, you are a fact bender. What’s worse is that you actually feel you’re correct.

A Proud Infidel®™

The usual, huh?



Trump specifically, and repeatedly, has condemned white supremacists, the Klan, and Neo-Nazis. Repeatedly!

You are taking a statement out of context, as your favorite fake news media sources have done. Get your head out of your ass you pitiful boob.


After pressure from his advisors and the GOP donor community and it is like pulling teeth for him to do that and usually after a day or two of negative optics. Then within 48 hours he tweets something to appease the white nationalists or retweets something from one of their members/groups to virtue signal that he is still an ally.


He denounced them in the “good people” message itself you useless, regressive fuckwit.

He specifically condemns the neo-Nazis. He also condemns the violence of the alt-left and Antifa, which he points to as being the ones who instigated the violence there.

All he was saying is that not everybody there was a person with evil intent. Some were proud Southerners who wanted to protest taking down their history. Some were people who don’t like Nazis and wanted to shout at the bigots.


You are correct.

I was wrong.

He condemned the Nazis. At the time.

He was calling he pro-confederacy southerners who were walking and standing amongst the bro-Nazis, Nazi flags, and Jews will not replace us chants at “very fine people”.

Not the Nazis. Trump did not say the Nazis were “very fine people”. Just the pro-confederacy “heritage” defenders who allied themselves with the Nazis that day.

They were the ones Trump called very fine people.

I stand corrected.


I am against the removal of confederate statues, in fact I am against the removal of any monument of significant historical value.

I am not a white supremacist, nor a Nazi, nor even a southerner. Just a guy that believes that the history of our nation is preserved, both the good and bad parts.

But by your logic, I would have been standing shoulder to shoulder with the skinheads and klansmen.

You are a sad little man.


Nice try.

That protest was organized by white nationalist and Nazi groups. When you showed up you would have seen Nazi flags and white nationalist signs and shirts throughout the groups of protestors.

Would you have sticks around and joined the protest alongside these asshats?


And he would have seen Tiki Torches! OMG THE TIKI TORCHES! Only a Nazi would have a Tiki torch! It’s the symbol of racism!

A Proud Infidel®™️

I see that you still go to The Fountain of Stupid and guzzle to your heart’s content, Commissar!


So in your mind anyone who shares any singular opinion on any topic with Neo-Nazis is themselves a Nazi?

So if you showed up there to protest against the Neo-Nazis and saw the domestic terrorists Antifa there to protest them as well, you’d surely leave. Because by your reasoning, you are also an anti-White, America-hating domestic terrorist for sharing a single idea with Antifa.


Logical consistency has never been Commissar’s long suit.


Yeah, up above he says that Socialists are protected under the Constitution “fmoron”. Newsflash, so are Nazis.

…unless National Socialist Party of America v. Village of Skokie, 432 U.S. 43 has been overturned….


Delusional doesn’t even begin to describe what you are. Then again, what can one expect from someone who continues to ascribe wishful thinking upon not only individuals but entire groups of people?


Recent polls showed members of the “Squad” to be dropping dramatically in popularity among less radical Democrats who realize the threat these women represent to Democrat election successes in 2020.

With a couple of quick Tweets, DJT has these same less radical Democrats solidly realigning themselves with and loudly, publicly defending the four unpopular radicals who are likely to cost the Democrats election victories in 2020.

Every time the Democrat mutts begin to reconsider the effects their rabid craziness is having on the voters and try to get things under control, Trump tosses another half-dead cat over the fence and, in the name of party solidarity, they ALL go froth-mouthed, bat-shit crazy once again, on camera for the voters to see.

What’s not to like?

A Proud Infidel®™

I wonder if the D-rats will A) thrust them upon the same ash heap they did Cindyndt Sheehag and B. Manning or B) Jettison tham just long enough to fleece enough voters this election and dive right back into loony far left politics?


Lars dates Asian women. That was his self claimed proof that he is not a racist.


I am pretty equal opportunity when it comes to dating women. Not just Asian women.


Chelsea Manning maybe? Just asking.

A Proud Infidel®™️

I bet you haven’t gotten laid in so long that your virginity has been certified as restored!


Here are some folks who share my thinking:

“Were Trump’s Controversial Tweets a Trap That Democrats Walked Right Into?”


I kept thinking of that scene in Star Wars where the fish-headed general, screams: “Go back, it’s a trap!”

Slow Joe

This thread is EPIC…!!!111


It needs more memes, photos and perhaps some Sousa music.

Maybe a steam calliope:

Some Guy

Have to agree. If nothing else, Commissar/Cthulu/LT vs. thebesig always generates walls of text. 🙂


“Love it or leave it” bumper stickers.
They will sell like Betsy Ross flag T-shirts.


You mean Trump coined that phrase, too? Well, gollee, Sgt. Carter! Quick call the MSM, cuz I never heard that phrase before the Trump (Muh Russia) Fascist dictatorship. Where’s that tweet on Twatter?


Trump said no names, yet the 4 jihadis jumped up. Hmmmm. Vov no names were named. Ever. Oh and Lars, suck an Antifa dick, you said they are your friends. Vov shame on you.