Congress on the 3rd party insurance plan

| March 17, 2009

Congress is wasting no time in distancing themselves from the Obama/Emanuel/Shinseki plot to force third party insurance on service members with service-connected injuries. Chairman of the House Committee on Veteran Affairs and California Democrat Bob Filner issued this statement;

The Obama Administration’s proposal to charge ‘third-party’ insurance companies for service-connected medical treatment will not be taken up by the Veterans’ Affairs Committee. Our budget cannot be balanced on the backs (or legs, or kidneys, or hearts) of our nation’s combat-wounded heroes. We believe we can achieve the Administration’s budget request (the first in history to actually exceed the recommendation of the veterans’ Independent Budget) in other ways.

Senator from Hawaii and Chairman of the Senate Veterans Affairs Committee Daniel Akaka is quoted;

VA’s sacred duty is to care for veterans injured in honorable service to our nation, and the department should not turn to wounded warriors’ private insurance to pay for combat injures. Under my Chairmanship, the Veterans’ Affairs Committee will not advance any such legislation.

Looks like it might be an uphill struggle for the Obama/Emanuel/Shinseki cabal to even get this into committee.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Liberals suck, Support the troops

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Obama is a Fraud. We have a bunch of Clowns in the White House. Immoral, tax cheats. thusgs and disrepectful or our wonderful men and women in the military. He should go. Bring back Bush!!!!

airborne injun

The solution is simple…Congress can ONLY receive the exact same treatment\insurance\health care that veterans receive!PROBLEM SOLVED!!!

Adirondack Patriot

So, under Obama, veterans who suffered injuries fighting for their country will have to use third-party insurance to treat thier lifelong wounds.

On the other hand, according to Obama, illegal aliens and shiftless malingerers should be entitled to free national health care.

Brilliant! Clearly, the smartest President evuh!


Forgiveness? Gen Shinseki selected to head the VA….

One of the few things about the Obama Administration I am happy to see is that he’s selecting his appointees early. I am less happy about many of his selections but few will get the disdain I have for his……


Thank God there is some patriotic sense somewhere in the Democratic fog. Obama has shown his true colors by sponsoring this bill. As if we didn’t know, anyway. Medical care for those who sponge off America, social security for illegal aliens, but the shaft for heroes. Man, it’s going to be a long two years, at best.

The Sniper

Did you know that if you rearrange the letters in the words “Barack Obama” you can spell out the words “retarded communist douchebag”?


I had to go to the VA to get an MRI for the back injury that resulted in my discharge from the army imagine my suprise when I got a bill for $500 from blue cross for it. I am considered 60% so even if this appointment wasnt required by the VA I think I should have been ok. Also I never told the VA I had health insurance. I asked around at work and everyone has had the same problem and its been going on for the past year.


is this going to be a problem with the VA and my health insurance fighting over who should pay? and is blue cross going to call future problems “pre-existing conditions” now that they are hand and hand with the VA?