Oh, What a Tangled Web We Weave

| May 25, 2019

Republican U.S. presidential nominee Donald Trump formally accepts the nomination at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland, Ohio, U.S. July 21, 2016. REUTERS/Mike Segar – RTSJ4CL

…when first we practice to deceive. – Sir Walter Scott from “Marmion”

Well, boys and girls, it is the holiday weekend now, and while we have a lot to celebrate, there are certain things that we should all be aware of… so as to not take those things for granted.

This is quite priceless. The Obama admin couldn’t keep Trump from getting elected, so they’ve used every post-election trick in the book to discredit him, including concocting the alleged and non-existent colluding with Russia. And for what? Wasn’t Hillary Clinton involved in those uranium deals with the Russian government not so long ago? Or has that been conveniently forgotten? Unless there is some hard evidence to the contrary, those “collusion” accusations are most likely based on his staging the Miss Universe pageant in Moscow in 2013 and trying to do a real estate deal while he was in Moscow, which same deal fell through.

But now, as with all such things, those who lost in 2016 are starting to turn on each other, like the experiment with rats in a closed environment – plenty of food, water and shelter, but no way out. And former USUN Ambassador Samantha Power has had a great deal to do with this disturbance in The Farce.


There are other links to articles, including one describing Samantha Power’s “unmasking” (ID’ing) people involved with the Trump admin. And like any other chicken shit power groupie, she is now blaming others for doing that. That all happened while she was the USUN ambassador involved in trying to force Israel to return to the 1967 borders.


The original source for this was Trey Gowdy’s response to Fox News:


Yes, it’s that old “not me, not my fault, someone else did it” balderdash.  That old “I didn’t do it! HE did it!” stuff is cute coming from children, but from alleged grown-ups who should know better – not so much.

This just gets better and better all the time.

With elections coming up in the Autumn for the legislature, and with people becoming more and more fed up with being trampled on by the quarrelsome democraps, and amateurs elected to Congress making public asses of themselves every chance they get, things are changing right before our eyes.

No wonder Pres. Trump is so seemingly blasé about the press’s behavior toward his administration. I know there is more to come on this. We all do.

Meantime, a little entertainment for you below. Pop some popcorn, secure some cold beverages, and wait for more stuff to come floating to the surface.

Category: "Teh Stoopid", "The Floggings Will Continue Until Morale Improves", "Your Tax Dollars At Work", Darwin Awards

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A Proud Infidel®™

I’m stocking up on Bratwurst, Nachos and BEER, I’m betting that they’ll go even more batshit crazy and waltz right into the boobytraps that President Trump has already set for them.

A Proud Infidel®™

I truly think that you are right M’Lady. President trump IS NOT a dummy, he knows what he’s doing and IMHO he does not bait his opposition down a path until after he has laid dozens upon dozens of boobytraps upon it!


Waaaaay back when all this “collusion” mess started, some of us were asking, “Hey, Dims, are you really, really, REALLY sure that’s how you want to play this?” The utter stupidity of demanding that others be penalized, when they aren’t actually doing anything illegal, for doing things the accusers themselves have and continue to engage in is hypocrisy taken to a level never seen before in public.

Delusion on steroids among other things.


The Democrats have gone crazy. There is Schiff who has lied to the American people for two years about Russian Collusion and claims that he has seen the proof that Trump colluded, proof that even Robert Mueller hasn’t even seen. That one reminds me of the time Harry Reid claimed that his imaginary friend said that Romney didn’t pay taxes for 10 year and when confronted about it when it turned out to be a lie his response was “well he didn’t win did he?”. Then we have Jerry Nadler trying to coerce the highest Federal law enforcement official in the country to commit a crime by subpoena. Anyone not blinded by left wing partisanship, like someone we know around here, can see what a shit show the Democrats are.


Anyone pretending there aren’t several career Budget Officers with all of the expense records has no idea how ICF works.



If it was done in-house they’re cooked. The only way this goes “well” for them is if the UK incidentally collected the info and passed it to a subservient 3 letter agency.



It’s starting.
blame game


Something to read…


How many others in DC sucked the BARBED COCK OF COMMUNISM?


Yes, Brennan has admitted he voted for Gus Hall for Pres., a guy who infamously said: “The happiest day of my life will be the day I see the last American Congressman strangled to death with the guts of the last priest.”
It is also said that Brennan took the oath of office on a copy of the Constitution with the Bill of Rights omitted.


Brennan is my first pick for the gallows. He has a Frank Marshall Davis look that gives me the creeps.

A Proud Infidel®™

I like popcorn, but I’m a bigger fan of chips or Nachos, something like Beef O’Brady’s Pub Chips with cheese and BACON!!!

5th/77th FA

I eagerly await the dismantling of the deep state. Those of us who have watched the prostitution of themselves by the politicians of this country over the last 40 years are totally fed up. We on this site, with the exception of a certain seagull (apologies to seagulls), know that the Obama Admin was filled with corrupt self serving CRIMINALS, and that the Clinton Crime Syndicate has been an albatross around the neck of the Country for DECADES. Both organizations are guilty of everything from treason and subversion to out and out looting of the National Treasury. And even possibly, Violations of the Mann Act. The corruption of the Demon crap party goes all the way back to before the War Between The States, with the Dens of Iniquity headquartered in NYC and Chicago.

Each political party has enabled the other over the years and has traded off from election cycles who going to be in charge the next time around. Anybody else notice how cozy the Bushes and the Clintons became. The Bitch of Benghazi aka das hildabeast was told in 08 that her baggage would prevent her being elected and she had to bow down to the Cool Black Guy, her turn would come in 2016. If the Repubs had of had a real candidate in either 08 or 12 oblowme would have lost. Thank God, Trump came along and helped awaken enough people to be elected in ’16. We may just have slowed down the decline of this Country enough to save it. 2020 will tell the tale.

Drain the Swamp. Have a National Vote on term limits for Congress. Really pisses me off to here congress critters that have been up there for 40 plus years, blaming the problems on a man that has only been there for a little over two.

Good Post Mi’Lady! Keep ’em coming!


When Hildie had that big meet with 0bama and withdrew, giving him her support, it is obvious that he promised her Secretary of State. She likely viewed this as a great position for graft. She only secured over 500 million plus in contributions to the Clinton Foundation; 165 million just from the Russians who were investors and principals in the Uranium One deal. And for empiric data, I cite “Clinton Cash.” The facts of which are yet to be refuted.


Can’t refute what’s true, so they just ignore it. The media, being complicit in the Democrat agenda, also ignores it. Simultaneously they paint anyone who does read it or spread the news as a fringe lunatic.

It’s been a successful racket for them for several decades now.

My, My, My

Someone needs to teach Ms. Powers and the rest of the unmasking chain gang the difference between Responsible and Accountable.


AOC can. After all, AOC knows the difference between “Climate” and “Weather …




She just hates cauliflower because it is that evil non-color, white.


Another great post, Ex-PH2.

Thank You.

“…people becoming more and more fed up with being trampled on by the quarrelsome democraps, and amateurs elected to Congress making public asses of themselves every chance they get, things are changing right before our eyes.”

And all God’s Children say “AMEN”.

Let the Democrats continue with their childish behavior. As far as I’m concerned, it’s gonna bACkfIRe On ThEm (as we have seen with other childish behavior fRoM OtHeR FoLks)..

Keep em, coming, Ex.



Don’t forget to get the best popping corn on the planet for consumption as you watch the events unfold right before your eyes !!!
Orville Redenbacher !!!


Jolly Time White Popcorn using Buttered Popcorn Oil…popped in a large kettle versus microwave popcorn or Jiffy Pop.

Use melted butter and popcorn salt after popping.



For that movie theater-style popcorn, I like white kernels popped in yellow coconut oil. Salt with Gold Medal’s Flavacol, and dowse with O’Dells Supur-Kist “butter”.


One quart Revereware pan, Redenbacher, safflower oil, and use butter salt instead of butter. Non greasy and tastes just right.


The folks who so grotesquely abused out Intelligence and Law Enforcement agencies assumed that their “classified” shenanigans would stay hidden for decades.

As a certain Gomer used to say, “Surprise! Surprise! Surprise!”

There will be those in the agencies who defy Trump’s lawful authority to declassify. There will be judges who order it halted. And when the criminal and actionable crap comes to light anyway, those folks should face obstruction charges. Along with whatever else results from their misdeeds.

They project. Want to know their guilt? Look at what they accuse. They are seeking to prep the field for “well, those folks did it too, so you can’t charge -us-.”



I can’t wait for the spin on why activist judges need to be read-on to SAP w/o oversight. Watching them stroke out on camera will make it all worth it:

comment image


It’s impossible to guesstimate how many dozens, hundreds, or even thousands of files were quietly copied by true American patriots in the past decade or so just waiting for the right time for them to be presented to someone conducting a real investigation into the crimes of the previous administration. Or the Clintons. Or any number of others intent upon destroying this country.

Doesn’t matter how many hard drives are destroyed, damning files are out there.


I am reasonably certain that files on a thumb drive is the means by which those DNC emails were copied from its server and conveyed to Wikileaks.

Just Lurkin

This is almost certainly the case (and I suspect that poor Seth Rich was the one who copied those files).


You all should watch the Papadopulos interviews on video on Mark Steyn’s website if you want to see the level of criminality and depravity of 0’s deep-staters in their efforts to take down Trump.

LCpl Rhodes

Aw, you guys deleted all my comments? Gotta keep that safe space!