Feel Good Stories
There has been a disturbance in The Farce. A coconut stuffed into an empty Jamaican Rum bottle washed up on my shores. In it empty bottle was the following message carved on the coconut:
Due to conditions beyond our control, TAH’s daily FGS articles have not been recently posted.
Your FGS Staff regrets this, and will aim to begin reposting with Friday’s FGS.
Thank you for your patience in the matter.
Signed, FGS Staff
If it was aliens that took the FGS staff hostage, that could explain the Navy’s interest in re-opening the UFO report files. I hope those people surface again very soon.
Category: "The Floggings Will Continue Until Morale Improves", Guns
Glad to see the site back up and running.
Let the PUNS begin
Errr, thanks, Ex. I think…
Glad to see you got past the barrier reed, AW1Ed!
The shakes have finally ebbed. The injections of TAH posts and comments are relieving the DTs. If I find out who pulled the yellow and black handle, Imma gonna make ’em wear a pink fuzzy robe, bike shorts, and “do things!”
If I hadn’t started seeing your feeds on the book of Face, I would not of known the site was down. I just assumed my office started blocking the site.
Glad you are back up and running. We just need a good article on Google to explain the name change!