New Servers
Lets make some comments and make sure I have not screwed the whole thing up.
The Security Certs will take a while to propagate keep me informed if you get the “unsecure” msg. The site is secure its just an administrative thing.
Category: Administrative
Everything looks to be up and running!
A real FIRST!
Well, it was first when I posted. Comments seem to take longer.
Will this be the new URL?
One of them. I will eventually point the old domain here as well.
Those domains that end in “.us” are a pain in the ass.
Compliance wants me to confirm that Jonn is a real American before they will unlock the domain.
They seem to have a hard time understanding that he is a dead American and can not speak at the moment.
Somewhere out there in the hereafter … Lilyea is having a cigar and laughing at my ass.
You just know Jonn is enjoying the entire fustercluck.
Keep up the good work, Dave.
This is exactly something Jonn (and all of us by the way) can see a lot of humor in your frustrations.
Thanks for the work, no matter how infuriating.
Happy to see it’s up and running.
Yeah I bet he’s having a giggle.
You tell those godless commies that Jonn’s a Goddam American!
PS: Chevy hates it when you move his cheese.
This reminds me of Doc Daneka from Catch 22. if you remember, he was the flight surgeon that put himself on the flight manifest on a local flight by Capt McWatt who crashed into a mountain and killed everyone on board. He was declared dead and nobody would change that finding even as he was standing in front of them protesting that he was alive. This is the inverse of that, Jonn can’t prove he is an American because he is dead and can’t testify in person. Are these people run by the Army?
Well, this sucks. I was expecting personal greetings, salutes, flags, music, fireworks, and titties.
You are only one of the chosen few who know where to find the damn thing so far.
When I can see others making a few new posts and everything working as it should we can inform the world.
I found it because of the Book of the Face post. Many of the Dickweeds are luddites so they’ll wander aimlessly for awhile.
Had to do a search for thisainthell and linked to whao posted this URL.
Mmm, good. Ogg like titties!
Okay, I got in, logged into the articles section with no trouble. Are we going through valorguardians for a while and then switch to a different domain?
Just want to be sure I understand how this works.
Once we get the old domain fully compliant I will just point it here.
Then you will get the same site regardless of which one you enter.
As I have been saying, those “.us” domains are a pain in the ass for this kind of thing.
Thank you! I feel like I should send you a cigar or something. That’s what I wanted to know.
Here’s a problem: I can’t get to TAH by any route other than the link in the e-mail. Typing it into a search block took me to the old dead stuff and backup files. The “www dot” route takes you elsewhere, not here.
If i have to go through e-mail, okay, but in the headline up above, the link is as follows:
Is that what I should type in?
This works if I type it into the site line above the regular search block at the top of the screen.
Yep, you got it. I just deleted the files from the site we used for testing on the server.
You will no longer see that either. I wanted to make sure this copy was running before I deleted the test site.
Anyone who enters will be automaticlly forwarded to
Thank you.
I don’t understand how computers think. Never have. I did a ’99 bottles of beer’ program in a C Basic class and it worked fine until it got down to the ‘0 bottles of beer’ line and then it couldn’t figure out what to say next.
It’s nice to find someone who can get them to speak clearly.
Got sent here with no problem.
Did you go through your e-mail? I got here quickly through e-mail but in going through the internet block, typing it in, not so much.
I typed in and came right here.
Something to do with land nav skilz that Navy types don’t have?
::ducks and covers::
Maybe it’s Giggles. I didn’t try Bing yet.
Bing no good, either. Internet not like me. 😛
All good here!
Missed ya for 2 days. Didn’t know about the server swap and address change. Bing search kept sending me to old location. Went to facebook and didn’t see any notice there for change either. Ya might want to put a notice there to direct folks lookin for ya.
I got here via a post on my FB feed. Clicked on a couple stories, I can’t believe it took 4 visits for the CIA to realize Hernandez was a ding-a-king.
Isn’t exterior security provided by the lowest bidder?
Suggestion – for those of us who send links to articles, feel good stories, etc. please post a central email address to use?
Despite all the problems (1 week at black box doctor), new innards, windows whatsits and such, finally get back somewhat to normal (if there is such a thing) and find the other problems here and get back in, I read you loud and clear. Now that some sanity is achieved (not me but black box), I shall again retreat to side lines until personal problems get settled here. Oh Dave I only have the e-mail address that is listed and usually have very little stuff of importance to send.
Huge sigh of relief here, life is good again!
Testing, Testing, Present For Duty?
I half expected to be greeted by a flashlight shining in my eyes and a voice saying ” Wake the fuck up, you got firewatch, bitch”
Testing to see if Canadian posts still count
S/F Brother
Really glad your site is back up! Semper Fi
It’s working here at Hollman AFB
Commenting for commenting’s sake.
Well, that was a boring couple of days. Nice to see everyone back!
Dave, I thought I’d ask this question here instead of on the thread due to it’s lack of traffic.
Will you have the “Donate” buttons up soon, so we can toss some coin your way for the rent?
Asking for a friend. (smile)
We missed everyone. Willie says he can’t get here but he thinks it’s his company blocking the site.
We’ll just pass the word and maybe some folks will just have to check with phones or home computers.
*twitch twitch*
Is it possible to have TAH DTs??
(asking for a friend)
😀 😀
Seems to be working in Maine.
Kudos to the wrench turners.
The latest Fat Phoney SEAL musta thought he caught a break with site down. Not happening Keith.
Working. Not bad for a crayon eater…hehehe
Fire Mission…Fire Mission…Fire Mission…Fire Base Magnolia is in a good copy mode again! (He Hopes and He Prays) Took me awhile, had to go thru the MP website to get to a clickie thingie that brought me here.
You can hide but you can’t run you old fart. I found your ass and will be posting with a vengeance. Hope I can get back in when I have to click off. My TAH book markie doohickie still reads a negative linkie.
Was jonesing and DTing like a a pot head with no brownies, cookies, or Snickers bars.
Welcome Home!
Was already taken?
I was able to copy and paste and the site came on and I clicked the little star on top pf the border on the right which was the favorite list and now have it in.
Forgot to add this question on my above comment. Where is the donate button or is it going to be there when the site is 100% ready to go????
Yay! Thanks to Animal, I found you again! I wondered why I kept getting “server not found” errors at the old URL when I had just visited a couple of days before.
Like WW, I’m blocked at work, which is actually a good thing. I was able to contact most of the authors I host with the good news, and there’s a Friday FGS scheduled for tomorrow.
Bravo Zulu, Dave! This part of my multiverse is now back in order.
Glad y’all are back online.
Present yet unaccounted for.
Nice to see the site back up and running – BZ to Dave
How are all you dickweeds doin?
I usually use the Opera browser “Speed Dial” feature, but that link was broken. Got here via a Facebook post in my feed. May get around to changing the Speed Dial link; or not.
Some folks will eventually track you down in spite of yourselves. So there. Hah.
I was going through some serious TAH withdrawal … but I’m here! Trivia column posted in WOT … all seems to be right with the world once again.
My book mark just kept saying not found. I posted on gunfighters and lifesavers of 2/4 asking if anyone knew where this ain’t hell went to and received an e-mail directing me here. I was beginning to think we were banned by google or something.Happy to be back in contact.