The Democrats in 2020, will they once again snatch Defeat from the Jaws of Victory?

| April 29, 2019

batshit bernie

Our friend Veritas Omnia Vincit is back, this time with an essay that doesn’t require Venn charts. He opines that even though Trump is vulnerable for re-election, the odds are pretty good the Dems will dick-step their way to defeat in 2020. See what you think:

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Beating Trump in 2020 should be a gimme for the Democrats, Trump’s narrow margins in a couple of states only need to be turned around and his four years in the Oval Office will be over as quickly as they started. You might think differently about his chances, but if the Democrats mount any sort of real campaign in depth instead of the superficial nonsense that the Clinton crowd did in 2016 Trump’s chances drop dramatically.

Having said that, the Democrats seem more than capable of sabotaging themselves with their own general election voters without any outside influence, Russian or Republican.

As most of you know by now I’m not one to keep my oddball perspectives to myself nor am I afraid to be criticized for having those perspectives. The current huge Democratic field is a motley group of people all trying to grab some headlines to create a little “buzz” around themselves to grab a few percentage points and make some headway against the current presumptive leaders in the Democratic race. Those two leaders are a couple of old white guys who could not be more different with respect to their vision for America or their personalities. One of them isn’t even really a Democrat he just has no viable third or fourth party option a campaign vehicle to challenge the two sides of the same coin politics we currently possess here in the United States.

Biden is a Hillary Clinton style corporatist hack of the right of center perspective in practice if not in how he expresses himself. Obama wasn’t a progressive either, no matter how revisionists try to paint his presidency for good or ill. When Forbes indicates you did more for the 1% than the Republicans before you it’s a safe bet you’re not really a proletariat progressive representative of the people. He’s being touted by the Democrats as the guy to defeat Trump largely because the one thing the Democratic leadership might hate more than Trump is being labeled a bunch of socialists, or worse commies. Biden is a known entity who says the right words but can be counted on to support the right businesses and their ownership should he get elected to 1600 PA Avenue in 2020. Biden is the presumptive front runner to date largely due to name recognition not because he engenders any sort of grass roots excitement across the country. Biden also eases the concerns of the DNC leadership that they have surrounding the electability of the 18 other candidates who most people don’t know and don’t much care to know even among Democrats. He is their tried and true status quo candidate and his record shows that they can trust him to carry the water in not only the approved containers but also the approved fashion.

The other true Democrats in the race (I’ll get to Sanders in a moment) are a collection of has-beens or never weres all hoping to distinguish themselves somehow as having a unique voice. Consequently they all need to voice something different than their DNC leadership, and in so doing they are all voicing a uniquely, albeit collective, progressive set of unrealistic ideals that are in fact nothing more than Bernie Sanders’ 2016 (and to be fair to Bernie, his whole life’s) perspectives and positions. I’ve never heard Democrats so uniformly in a primary season voicing support for a narrow “progressive” platform of free shit for everyone. Free college, free debt forgiveness, free health care, guaranteed minimum wages for every entry level no skill position across the nation, and best of all some sort of basic income guarantee for every American who is willing (or even unwilling if the Green New Deal’s original bullet points are to be believed…) to work.

None of them has any actual idea how to pay for this beyond increasing taxes on the rich, no one knows how they’ll get such measures through a largely corporately owned Congress but hey those are only minor details as none of these people really believe their own bullshit they are just saying the things they hope the progressives who turnout to primary elections want to hear. Their general election positions will be slightly different, tamped down by a National Convention that is designed to water down just about everything the left side of the Party ever says or does.

Consequently, unless something dramatic happens with one of the 18-20 other unknowns, I don’t see a lot of upward mobility today for any of them. Kamala Harris, Pete Buttigieg, and Liz Warren and Robert Francis (“Beto”) O’Rourke are polling between 6-9% well behind the top two contenders. At this time they aren’t really serious contenders. That could change certainly as the weaker elements fade away and you whittle the group down to six or fewer finalists.

Which brings me to everybody’s favorite old socialist Bernie Sanders. I’m going to posit a theory here that may or may not sit well with some folks, but it seems to have some merit in my view. It’s my opinion that Bernie is the Democrats version of Trump. Not in their political affiliations of course but in their ability to come in as outsiders to the status quo and create a buzz and some loyal base of voters. The difference between them is that the Republicans held a far more equitable and fair primary which makes it possible for outsiders to win than the Democrats do. Bernie was starting to build some serious momentum with voters, but not with the Democratic Super Delegates who actually control 40% of the votes that matter at the Convention. The DNC screwed Bernie so dishonestly that Wasserman-Schultz had to resign in disgrace after being exposed for being a liar and a co-conspirator in derailing Bernie’s primary run. Those actions by the DNC affected the Bernie voters to negatively they stayed home and refused to vote for Ms. Clinton and Trump reaped that benefit.

Whether you love or hate Sanders one thing is still true about his candidacy. He’s an outsider to the mainstream Democrats, he’s an outsider to their leadership and he’s viewed nationally as someone who is not part of the Democratic Party but represents the best version of their progressive wing. His consistency over the decades is well known and it makes those who supported Hillary four years ago now seem like pale imitations of Sanders as they mouth rather insincerely his positions from the last four years and his entire life. Bernie is quite possible far more electable than Biden because of the simple fact he energizes younger voters. The Democrats in the boomer generation will vote for whatever candidate the Democrats put out there, not so their younger counterparts. If Biden or any of the others actually defeats Sanders in what is perceived to be a fair process this time around, the Democrats might retain some of those young voters. If there is a hint of the same nonsense as last time those voters will once again pack it up and watch the Democrats fulfill my headline.

The only real thing I see today that can hurt Sanders is Sanders himself and his idiotic views on who should be allowed to vote. Thinking that Tsarnaev should be allowed to vote after purposely putting a bomb next to a child will be an albatross he’ll be unable to rid himself of during the general campaign should he win the nomination and the Republicans will pound him on it at every turn knowing middle America won’t tolerate such stupidity.

I really think as I did four years ago, that defeating Trump isn’t that hard. I also firmly believe that the Democrats still don’t understand why Trump won and what they could do to change the narrative this time out.

Buckle up because I believe it’s going to be rather interesting over the next 18 months or so leading up to the 2020 national.

Thanks for reading,

Thank, V, another great post from a different angle. I predict it’s going to get bloody as the Dems winnow their field of candidates for 2020, and one wonders what their platform will be besides pandering to the Free Shit Army (now officially the FSA) and “Orange man bad!” Trump will be out for blood as well*, now the two year debacle has ended, and he has quite the laundry list of successes to point to.
Not a popcorn fan, but nachos and beer…

*Heh. Hell hath no fury like a billionaire scorned.

Category: 2020 Election, Geezer Alert!, Guest Post, Politics, Trump!

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Watching these Dem pretenders to the throne thrash around in the pool is going to be interesting. The rush to buy off voters with FREE, FREE, FREE, UBI, and REPARATIONS! should be interesting. And there isn’t even any blood in the water yet.

A Proud Infidel®™️

I’ve already stocked up on beer, preto, popcorn and nachos in anticipation of the show to come. Beto was being hyped as one who could beat President Trump when he can barely draw dozens to an appearance while President Trump always has Standing Room Only in everyplace he appears with thousands still wanting in!

Just An Old Dog

The last sitting President to lose re-election in a non split vote ( Bush was fucked by Perot in 92′) was Jimmuh Cartuh in 1980.
Incumbents tend to do well in all levels politically.
Democrats are eating their young. Biden is the only one not bat shit crazy, but that’s just in comparision.


oh yea, about that whole Perot thing….18y/o me might have had something to do with that. I remember getting my absentee ballot in basic and I was shocked at how many names were on the ballot for President. I don’t even remember hearing about 3rd party candidates before Perot, then nothing until the last two presidential elections. Did any 3rd party candidates score enough votes to be able to get matching federal funds this next election cycle?

Just An Old Dog

As far as matching funds the bar is pretty low. All they need to do is get 5,000 dollars through the IRS Tax form contribution from 20 different states OR 5% of the popular vote. The Libertarian and Green Party both qualified in 2012, The Green Party Qualified for 2016, I think the Libertarians are debating to accept it


I did not know any of that. Thanks.


Is Angela Davis still running around? She used to run for President, too. If Bernie took up with her and her big mouth, they’d have it (er, something) nailed down tight!

She’s black, she’s female, she’s got a good education, she’s pretty straightforward, and she is what probably inspired Bernie in the first place.

DOUG out

She was also awarded a prize from the MLK Jr foundation this year, despite her “ends justify means” ethic was in the complete opposite direction of the civil rights hero’s own ethos. ANY Communist that doesn’t have blood on their hands hasn’t been in power yet.
DOUG out

DOUG out

What about a Sanders/Fonda ticket?
DOUG out

5th/77th FA

Very good points made and spot on VoV. When I add the ramped deck to Firebase Magnolia, you’ll be part of the crew cause you really hit the nail on the head. Keep up the good work.

I am totally amazed at the lack of thought processing going on with some people. “…just saying the things….they want to hear.” The demon rats have a pack of known liars, cheats, fakers, an admitted socialist, and the “front runner” is someone who has been a part of the problems with this Country for decades. The FSA doesn’t realize that you will eventually run out of other people’s money. If you took all of the “rich folks money” how long could you actually run the Nation? Not too long.

For decades the Deep South was yellow dog democrat country. As more and more tax and spend politicians were siphoning off the earnings of working folk, they started to wake up. Many current repubs WERE demon rats. Some even waited till they got re-elected then switched parties, knowing the incumbent was the shoo in for re-election. Most of the pols in office now are only concerned about getting re-elected, the people be damned They will not change the status quo because they want to remain in power.

FIRE THEM ALL AND HIRE NEW ONES. And if they don’t work for the people, fire them too.


Cameron Kingsley

I would say limit Congress to two terms, six years each to make it even across the board. After those two terms are over, that’s it. No more running. Maybe add a provision wear they can be removed from office if the people feel like they are not doing their job. I would also like for things like welfare and health care to be given to the states and let them implement programs as they see fit or not. Maybe shrink or get rid of certain departments like the EPA (have it suggest regulations to Congress and have Congress vote on it rather than it making the regulations itself or better yet just turn environmental protection over to the states and junk the EPA altogether) or the Department of Education (turn that over to the states).


If Bernie wins, H Clinton is again rejected and repudiated. I predict she will see to it he does not win.

There will be unpleasant surprise revelations about Bernie. Dirt will leak, and there may be Grand Juries and even an indictment.

There will be an astroturf effort to convince gullible young dems to cross register to “primary” Trump. There were a bunch of kids around here crossed over in the 2016 primary. Those were not likely HRC voters. Four years pass. A new crop of much-needed Snowflakes, and campuses will ring with cries of “trash their Primary! Vote to out Trump from his own ticket!” Media will be silent on this.

HRC is capable of worse. What does she have to lose? She could lose what is left of her pride, and what is left of her mind.

A Proud Infidel®™

“HRC is capable of worse. What does she have to lose? She could lose what is left of her pride, and what is left of her mind.”

IMHO you are ABSOLUTELY right. She is pure hate, bile and venom and now that she has LOST her Presidential Bid I’m sure she’ll do all she can to sabotage anyone she wants to, that’s why I’m all stocked up on beer, pretzels, nachos and popcorn in anticipation of the show to come!


Well, vote GOP (Trump 2020, baby!) or we’ll be stuck with what Pat Condell describes in the UK now:


Jimmy Carter was a horrible president. I had a cousin that was the owner of a small Ford dealership. I asked him before the election (I knew he was an old yellow dog democrap) who he was voting for. He quickly stated Ronald Reagan – Jesse Helms and every other G-D Republican on the ticket, Jimmy Carter has just about bankrupt me! Noe with the economy going great and Trump trying to keep campaign promises (what a concept!) I don’t see how he could lose. What are the dem-wits going to say? Elect me and I’l reverse all the progress we’ve made? Lets’ go back to slow to no growth? Daddy Bush lost big time because he thought he knew more than Reagan about economics and he handed Saddam a slap on the wrist instead of finishing the job.


you are forgetting that half the country does not pay any taxes.
If you just want free stuff, then Bernie is your man