Little help?
We’re trying to ID the girl in this picture from the McHenry County College Student Peace Action Network IVAW event last night (in the blog post below);
The reason we’re trying to ID her is explained in this email I got a little while ago;
On Tuesday, March 10, our local college’s (McHenry County College) group called McHenry County College Student Peace Action Network presented this group of cowards on a panel. There were four so called veterans:
• Peter Sullivan a 31 year old Army Nat’l Guard (12 years) did not serve in Iraq or Afghanistan
• Alex Villatoro, 27, Army – served in Iraq but was upset because civilian contractors were getting paid more than he was
• David Van Dam, 20, went AWOL and received a OTH discharge and here’s the mystery one: (and I have a serious issue with her)
• Sarah – didn’t give her last name – was in the Air Force for 6 years, and complained because she was sent to Afghanistan not being trained to use the $%#&ing gun, said she was sexually assaulted, and the men she served with said “uncomfortable things” to her … when questioned about how the military DOES train you, she recanted and said, yes she was trained, but she “forgot” how to use the gun. THIS WOMAN IS A FRAUD. Everything she said did not make sense. I would like to expose this group of cowards/frauds. Before they started speaking she was covering her face; as you can see in this photo she hides her shirt and what it says with a scarf; and hides her face with her long hair. I want to find out who this woman is who said the military didn’t train her how to use her weapon. I don’t think she spent one day in the Air Force, seriously. Also, in my opinion, having a son who served — these cowards should have been weeded out during boot camp! Their drill sergeant didn’t do his job!
Now, I’m pretty sure she’s a fake. All four sound pretty stupid, phony and cowardly, but she interests me most of all. If anyone out there knows her or knows her name, email us.
Category: Politics
I am not in the Air Force, but I believe they do not have weapons assigned to every single Airman. Also, their basic training has a weapons familiarization portion, but there is no actual marksmanship requirement. I am curious if her job required her to carry a weapon or even go outside the wire.
Jonn wrote: My son is in the Air Force – a medic. He’s going to Iraq this year and he has to qualify before he goes. He admits that it’s been a few years since he’s had to shoot, but it doesn’t sound like the AF sends them over with reminding them how to shoot.
Looks like Cousin It from that shot, although It has more hair.
I don’t think I’d worry too much about this little whining malcontent. I did send an email to Brett Rowland who wrpte the article for the NW Herald asking him to ID the missing 4th panelist.
I doubt if I’ll get a response and frankly could care less.
She was certainly a “fobbit” and probably was never issued ammunition so I don’t think her complaint holds much water.
The sexual harrassment claim with no further info makes me suspect fraud as well.
I am retired USAF. And when Desert Shield happenned, they took all of us out to make sure we knew what we were doing with a gun just prior to hopping on the C141. And we were a bunch of fighter Crew Chiefs. So I am sure she was at least taken through a refresher course before she deployed. If in fact she did deploy if in fact she was ever in the AF.
From what I’ve been told with Air Force I’ve served with, they get one day with the gun in basic training. That’s it. It’s not like the Army at all and they don’t have yearly requirements.
I thought they changed that a few years ago to where they have training more like the army where you have to carry your M-16 around. I know a guy that was once Air Force, I will go ask him some questions about that.
I’ll vouch for the AF Security Police….they do carry sidearm, an M-16 and proficient with them.
Everyone really seems to be fixating on the smallest part of this issue…..
The SPs definitely carry weapons and are trained on how to use them. But I’ve never seen anyone else in the AF (save FACs) carry one. Almost everyone in the Air Force, by nature, is a fobbit, with no real reason to go outside the wire. I am sure that the AF trains people who venture outside the protection of the SPs how to fight, but I wouldn’t be suprised if the admin clerks, weather technicians, etc. at Bagram AB don’t have assigned weapons.
Jonn…Could she be Janus Joplin’s evil twin sister or her zombie?
just wondering…
No idea, but I’d hit it…
So–wow, where does one start?–I think the comment by ‘fat man’ is probably a good place to jump in, here. It always strikes me as insane that a group of people can base their entire attempt to discredit an anti-war veteran with such circumstantial evidence. Some of you ignorant bastards tried to do it to me one time, but then somehow a couple of brain cells connected and someone did a GOOGLE SEARCH–that how easy it would have been to find out!–and found out that I had in fact served, had in fact been deployed, and did in fact know what I’m talking about. You losers obviously have no idea how nervous these people could possibly be up there, but I don’t even need to hear what she said to realize–from what you have all posted here–that you’re the bunch of “whining malcontents” that need to look in the mirror and try to explain to yourselves how you can judge someone without having any f—ing clue what you’re talking about. This is made all the more important by how extremely serious the topics of military sexual trauma (and other forms of sexual trauma, alike) and foreign troop deployments are to our country. Shame on all of you; take logic classes; seek professional help. But since I found this refuge of cowards through a google alert, and am only now seeing the racist nature of its name (if in fact the reference is to Mexico), I’m not sure if any of this will be posted or if it will fall on the ears of anyone that doesn’t live willingly in the Twilight Zone. Remember: patriotism is the last refuge of scoundrels, and the underside of some rock somewhere will be the last refuge for those that attempt to discredit and malign those who are trying find some way that they can be proud of a nation that very possibly failed them on a number of fronts. In this young woman’s case, fielded a military that doesn’t take sexual assault and harassment serious enough to bring the levels of these crimes anywhere… Read more »
Booya, a–holes. There it is. I encourage responses.
Oh, yeah, and one other thing I wanted to say: does anyone else here smell a rat? If they were so goddamn eager to ID this woman, what the fuck is up with the photo they got of her?! THINK THINK THINK THINK!!!
Jonn wrote: Yeah, I smell a rat and it’s you, Critchfield.
Selena, what are you doing associating with these Jerks?
“Remember: patriotism is the last refuge of scoundrels, and the underside of some rock somewhere will be the last refuge for those that attempt to discredit and malign those who are trying find some way that they can be proud of a nation that very possibly failed them on a number of fronts.”
Actually liberal pacifism and the cowardace that goes along with it is the last refuge of scoundrels and the ignorant. Its the place that people can go when they want to make accusations about institutions like the U.S Military and then refuse to provide details about those accusations. I served in the Air Force for 8 years. Sexual harassment is serious business especially after the scandals at the Academy. If it happened it needs to be said. Then you better be prepared to name names and provide evidence. Otherwise, people such as myself will consider it nothing more than a sympathy play by ungrateful, ignorant whiners such as this young woman. Booya d*ckhead. I encourage you to go f*ck a goat.
“Boyah?” Is that what they taught you to yell in File Clerk typing school right before you hit the enter button? You plan on pointing an M-16 at anybody, you best be wearing your Kevlar. I remember all the parts too ya little Mary.
“It always strikes me as insane that a group of people can base their entire attempt to discredit an anti-war veteran with such circumstantial evidence.” yet you and the entire I Vas A Whiner cadre are willing to trash the whole military on hearsay bullshit. I think the only popping sound you will be hearing is the sound of your own head hitting your appendix.
Hey Sheisskopf, all we can discredit is circumstancial evidence because that is all you anti-war douchebags ever bring to the table. Your whole Winter Soldier farce was one sniveling anecdotal story after another. If any of your rejects had truly seen or experienced something wrong while deployed, and had one iota of courage or honor, you should have reported it when it would have made a difference. Instead you held your collective tongues until you can make your baseless accusations without consequence for your exaggerations or lies. So forgive me if I take every word you say at face value. I know a dirtbag when I see one. Not a single one of you have earned my respect yet.
So, I was a clerk. Is that the best you losers can do? I was also Soldier of the Cycle of my basic training company (Fort Knox, Abrams Award, 2001), was offered a trip to West Point shortly before the end of my contract, and easily, several times over, qualified for the CAB during my deployment while accompanying a variety of units into a variety of sometimes shall I say interesting situations on a mission-by-mission basis. I saw and did a little of everything. To sum things up: I have more talent and ability for critical thought in my nut sack than any of you shit bags will ever be able to birth into this crazy, crazy world we live in–or so it would be suggested by your responses and previous commentary (please, please, please prove me wrong by stepping from behind the stinking pile of horseshit that just came out of your mouth, and up to the keyboard with a well-reasoned argument). The Army would be lucky to get me back, and if we (none of you are included in this group–only real people) can put a foreign policy together that I can get behind, maybe that will be possible. (But I’ve learned my lesson, if you aren’t going to give your best shot at SF qual it’s probably not a good idea–something to keep in mind if you’re planning on joining, kiddies.) One of the only reasons I say this at this point in my life is that I think there needs to be a major culture shift in the ranks if we’re going to tackle the very real issues like sexual assault/harassment and the way that it affects operational effectiveness–but I’m more than willing to work from the outside in the same capacity as someone that wants to see his country take better care of its service members. Booya again, you hair-lipped accidents. But enough about my astonishingly talented self–that wasn’t the subject, unless we’re going to all be honest and let each other know if we’ve been deployed before. My guess is that the majority of… Read more »
Yossarian….That’s so catch 22 of you!
All you need is a GREAT BIG OL’HUG and some STOOL SOFTENER and you’ll be just right as rain my little one….
PS…I’ll be more than happy to compare DD214’s
PPS…Keep your POS M-16 or 9mm,I personally prefer a knife!
Considering that was your job, what makes you qualified to judge? What level of interaction did you have with the locals, Iraqi army , police and government?
The reason that there is doubt about her case is if she reported it or not. If not then why bring it up in a press conference rather then CID? I have seen people use the accusation of rape to get back at people. There was a case where there was a real case that was reported and to be found true. Shortly after another person came up and tried to used the sympathy of the first case to claim that she was raped too. But that turned out to be false. She was having a affair with a married solider and claimed rape when he would leave his wife for her. I am sure that there are similar cases in which is why there is doubt here. Also the IVAW never seems to be as honest at it likes to believe.
Wow… ol Jan’s a legend in his own mind. You rarely get to see anybody take that long to say nothing. 🙂
Is that dude for real?
An E4 photographer is busting on 3 dudes with CIBS, 2 of whom served in Special Ops units and one (me) who tried like hell and still failed out. (That was my first herniated disc.)
What a ‘tard.