Jussie Smollett Charges Dropped-Record to be Expunged

| March 26, 2019

Jussie Smollett (Charlie De Mar/CBS Chicago)

Jussie Smollett paid Ola Osundairo, and Abel Osundairo to help stage an attack that could’ve been leveraged against conservatives. You guys read, and commented, on his phony claims that he was attacked by a couple of folks, got a substance thrown on him, got a noose placed on him, then had to listen to them tell him that this was MAGA country.

The trend, here on TAH, was that there was something fishy about this attack, and that it was staged. Critical thinking people across the country shared these suspicions. This was verified when the news announced that Jussie, Ola, and Abel staged the attack. Jussie Smollett eventually plead not guilty to 16 counts to include lying to the police.

Now, the charges are being dropped, and a judge has granted a motion to have this expunged.

From Chicago (CBS):

Smollett’s spokesperson said his record would be “fully expunged.”

A judge also granted a motion to seal the case.

Also from CBS Chicago:

“After reviewing all of the facts and circumstances of the case, including Mr. Smollett’s volunteer service in the community and agreement to forfeit his bond to the City of Chicago, we believe this outcome is a just disposition and appropriate resolution to this case,” the Cook County State’s Attorney’s office stated in an email.

Sources tell CBS 2 that CPD Superintendent Eddie Johnson is furious and that he received no notification about the charges being dropped. CBS 2 is told that he will speak after the police graduation taking place.

One of the intentions of the hoax was to “substantiate” claims of conservative “racism” and “bigotry”. He would’ve been seen as the victim, something he could’ve leveraged to his advantage. Had enough people been successfully fooled, we could’ve had protests… Some of which could’ve became violent.

As the story of this hoax was developing, he went to the station to identify the folk suspected of attacking him. One question that we could raise? What if the line up consisted of all Caucasian men. Would he have built his narrative, or claim that they weren’t in the line up?

Or, better yet, what really motivated the move to drop the charges in this case, as well as the approval to clear this from his record?

More details will be coming out. You can read more here:

Category: Politics

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He’s the victim, got it? Nothing to see here, citizen. Move along.


The best part of this whole episode is that he ultimately had the same goal as the NZ shooter—a race war.

But we aren’t banning his videos are we?

Take the violence out of these hoaxes and it turns out, the supposed “left” vs “right” aspect can be dispensed with to reveal that both “far right” and “far left” racial identitarians are just socialists looking for a free ride at someone else’s expense.

Below standard genetic material in all cases.


At what point do we recognize that Chicago is in a state of insurrection against the US Governemnt, and constitutional law?


“…..State’s Attorney, Kim Foxx, told Chicago police she was dropping the case because Jussie would have only gotten community service if convicted.”

Say what??

Damn light penalties in Chicago-land for the 16 felony charges brought against him.



It’s the Chicago way, baybee….


No, it’s true. Like it or not, that’s the ruling that little snot would have been given.

Don’t worry. Karma is a harsh mistress with a long memory and sharp teeth. That little twatwaffle will get what he has coming to him, down the road.

MSG Eric

Well, if he were the one wearing the MAGA Hat, could you say the same thing?

Chicago is one of those places I’m more than happy to never be within sight of.

Peter the Bubblehead

I probably shouldn’t type this, but my hope is someday soon he finds himself in the exact situation he tried to stage, gets beaten to within an inch of his life, and no one believes him because he already cried Wolf!

Cameron Kingsley

That is my exact line of thinking. And if it does happen, he will have no one else to blame but himself (or hisself).


The dirtbag who recently murdered an off-duty CPD officer had been previously been convicted of armed home invasion. The judge really showed him, and his homies, he gave the POS probation. That’s why he was on the street and able to kill that officer and wound two other people.
That city is a lost cause.

BlueCord Dad

What a load of bullshit. He forfeited his $10k bond has the case sealed and his record expunged. But hey, Chicago, ya dig?


It’s Crook County; ‘nuf said. Also, Moochele’s chief of staff told the DA Juicy’s family wanted the case dropped ricky tic. It was making your black homos look bad.


Comment from someone that posted this from CNN (?)
“After reviewing all of the facts and circumstances of the case, including Mr. Smollett’s volunteer service in the community and agreement to forfeit his bond to the City of Chicago, we believe this outcome is a just disposition and appropriate resolution to this case.”


This is fucking bullshit.

Just like Hillary. Fuck her too.

Not even with IDC SARC’s dick.


“A judge also granted a motion to seal the case”

I’ll bet Obama can unseal it.
He good at that.

The Other Whitey

According to Chicago PD’s union, the Obamas were leaning on the prosecutor to drop charges. The cops are pissed about it, too.


Nice touch! I like it.

Combat Historian

Pretty much like how the Jeffrey Epstein pedo case was “handled”. It helps to have friends in high places…

jim h

on that, whaddaya wanna bet his connections to horizontal harris and spartacus booker are being considered in this arrangement? can’t have any more boat rocking with them so close to the nomination…


This whole business was corrupt from start to now. Piss off Eddie Johnson and you may just become toast.

jim h

we’ll see. having people closely connected to The Great One asking for the FBI to take over….not sure about that. of course, that’s not exactly what the FBI needs right now either – more potentially negative publicity due to their orbit around We Are The Ones We’ve Been Waiting For.

Comm Center Rat

Jessie makes at least $60K per episode of Empire so he can afford to buy a lot of justice. Nothing surprising here. And there will be nothing surprising when the charges against billionaire Patriots owner Robert Kraft are dropped. Justice in America is a business similar to health care – those who can afford to pay the most usually get the best outcomes.


Bet he will make more than $60K per episode since “justice has now been served”. /sarc

5th/77th FA

I need to borry a shocked faced….again!!!

You may recall when this FIRST came I bet heavy that he would walk? Winner winner, chicken dinner.

The winnings from that bet will more than make up the low balling from the latest FGS bets.


Chip’s post “Not even with IDC SARK’s….” with some one else pushing!!!




Chicago police union wants federal investigation into Kim Foxx’s handling of Jussie Smollett case

Yup…shiatstorm a coming



Popcorn ready?


I have two extra cartons of it in the cupboard.


No matter what, his career is toast. He made a LOT of people in Hollywood look bad. We know that Image is more important than reality.


He was a victim of a rush to judgement. Just like Trump.


And Hillary Clinton.


You are a victim of not enough parental hugs during your early years.

Just like Obama.


CLICK orange man bad CLICK orange man bad.

You’re a victim of your own “education”.


No he wasn’t. He’s gotten away with this because of his race,sexuality and political leanings.

The Other Whitey

He’s a victim of his own stupidity, self-righteousness, and assholery. He had some highly-placed friends (including former White House occupants) lean on the Cook County prosecutor to let him walk, though he still faces fed charges. He’s a lying sack of shit. No wonder you like him, Taylor.


My sentiments, exactly.


Rush to judgement? Just how fucking stupid are you? Don’t answer, I know.

They investigated this (with up to 15 detectives at one point) for 𝑤𝑒𝑒𝑘𝑠 before filing charges against him. This was a criminal conspiracy to make him out to be the victim of a hate crime. Plain and simple.

Just Lurkin

The criminal conspiracy that is the Democrat party pulls another fast one and along comes Lars to flak for them.

A Proud Infidel®™

And Kavanaugh? Rush to judgement MY ASS, Jussie Smollett LIED like Kavanaugh’s accusers.


Everyone I listed lied you dimwit.

A Proud Infidel®™️

HEY Babbles McButthead, they found NO EVIDENCE of Russian Collusion in Mullet’s (*OOPS!*, Mueller’s) investigation, try again! 😀😀



Just Lurkin

Is that the sound you hear as the wind passes through your ears?

Jeffery D Monroe

How Please explain Comrade Emmanuel? He damn well sure did it got that?


hahahahahahahaha……hahahahahahahaha….you kill me, you really do.

Let me counter your programming: Imagine a photo of Jussie Smollett, the prosecutor, and King Ding a Ling (Obama)…here is the meme magic:

this is what collusion looks like.

This is what obstruction looks like.

See you later…have to get over to 4chan and make a meme…


You are a victim of not enough parental hugs during your early years.


Ugh. Comment meant for Lars.


No worries. I think it applies to most of the regulars.

Or too many uncle hugs for some.


Or maybe you’re just an abominably stupid ass with a brain the size of a little black ant. (No offense meant to the LBAs, they’re actually smarter than Il Comissario.)


Are you still in the Anal stage or have you finally progressed to the Phallic stage of Psychosexual Development, Commissar?

Gotta still be in that anal stage, ’cause he loves smearing shit all over the place, like his Antifa buddies do.

The Other Whitey

Lars, how many times do you have to be told to stop projecting your fantasies on others? Fucking lackwit.

A Proud Infidel®™

Lars, weren’t you telling us in the past ALL ABOUT the Great Zika Epidemic that was about to wipe us all out along with your assurance that the conclusion of the Mueller Investigation was going to be doomsday for President Trump and his Administration?


Its just progressive dems protecting a protected species. Nothing to see here, move on.

RGR 4-78

File a false police report, go to jail.

File a fantasy police report, walk free with your record expunged.


Young Jussie was just speaking truth to power, sticking it to “da man”, and exercising his black privilege / Hollywood exemption.


Hizzonor Rham-bo just gave a presser and even he’s pissed off.


Why? because this makes Chi-raq look bad?
Oh, please, someone get me mah fainting couch.
*clutches mah pearls*


Be quick wif dat fainting couch; ah feels a case of de vapors comin’ on!

Black + actor + homo= Nothin’ bout nothin’. He could have killed any cracker and still be found not guilty. Especially when BIG $ from George Soros played a role.

Lars has no doubt had an orgasm over all this involvement by Soros.


That is a serious giggle snort, right there.

It will be truly interesting to find out just what was blown into Kim Foxx’s left ear over this.

‘Dis goan be good….!


I think the Foxx got a party line call from the Obama machine and Kamal-toe Harris. Just read today that Foxx and Kamal-toe are best buds.
There’s a pic in that Twitchy article. https://twitchy.com/brettt-3136/2019/03/26/enjoy-this-throwback-photo-of-states-attorney-kim-foxx-with-her-mentor-kamala-harris/


Rham-butt all pissed off? Say it ain’t so!


Yep- pretty humorous. Don’t miss his crocodile tears at the podium.


Hey, he was just trying to start a conversation. Now he can turn his life around.

Herbert J Messkit

GEN Flynn is bankrupt and unemployable, for a bs process crime. How does his 33 years of service stack up against smutletts community service.


^This guy gets it.
A two-tiered justice system ain’t justice.

The Other Whitey

I think there’s more than just two. We indisputably occupy the bottom tier, though.


It looks like Mister Smollett set himself up for a terminal case of arkancide, maybe twice in the back of the head while sitting on a riverbank or once before his plane crashes or the victim of a robbery where the thief takes nothing…
At this point what difference DOES it make?

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel stood shoulder-to-shoulder with his city’s police force Tuesday afternoon, denouncing prosecutors for dropping charges against “Empire” star Jussie Smollett and slamming the episode as a “whitewash of justice.” Chicago Police Superintendent Eddie Johnson and Emanuel said they were not only furious with the outcome of Tuesday’s surprise hearing but also blindsided by the decision itself, with the officials only learning Smollett wouldn’t face charges for allegedly faking a hate crime at the same time the public found out. A Message from accenture.com Sponsored Video Watch to learn more “Where is the accountability in the system? You cannot have – because of a person’s position – one set of rules applies to them and another set of rules apply to everyone else,” Emanuel said. “Our officers did hard work day in and day out, countless hours working to unwind what actually happened that night. The city saw its reputation dragged through the mud…It’s not just the officers’ work, but the work of the grand jury that made a decision based on only a sliver of the evidence [presented]. Because of the judge’s decision, none of that evidence will ever be made public.” Meantime, First Assistant State’s Attorney Joseph Magats told reporters he still believed Smollett filed a false police report. He said prosecutors “stand behind the investigation and the facts,” adding, “this was not an exoneration.” JUSSIE SMOLLETT’S ALLEGED HATE CRIME ATTACK: A TIMELINE OF EVENTS Emanuel also said: “[This case] sends a clear message that if you’re in a position of influence and power you’ll be treated one way and if you’re not you’ll be treated another way.” Johnson blasted the prosecution for not consulting with cops and hinted the episode could further strain the relationship between the department and prosecutors. “I don’t know what’s unusual for the state’s attorney but we found out about when you all did,” Johnson said. “Prosecutors have their discretion of course, we still have to work with the state’s attorneys office — We’ll have conversations after this.” But Johnson made sure to add, unequivocally: “At the end of the day… Read more »


Wow, you know you’ve jumped the shark of dirty politics when deep, deep players in the seedy world of Chitcago politics like Rahm are upset with you.

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

Holy Moley, what a Foxxy way to get the guy off the hook. The city got out foxed on this one and I’ll be hogs whistled on this one.


The answer is the Obama’s and their relationships.


This just proves that the justice system is color blind. It’s not about your race, color, or creed. It’s all about your money and political connections. Which we rational minded people have been saying for years.


It also proves that Smollet is nothing but a no-talent attention addict, not willing to work his way up BUT quite willing to blame everyone else for his own failures.

Now he’s just a crashing bore. He’ll turn up again, just to bore the crap out of us.


I don’t think this one is over…



A Proud Infidel®™

No wait,Jussie Smollett is not only a proven 24K attention whore, he has screwed the pooch heavily enough to piss the deep swamp critters of Chicongo off, I don’t think we’ve seen the last of this. IMHO what this has also done is to prove what a WHOREHOUSE our Justice System is in certain places. Smollett waves his skin color and sexual preference like a banner to promote himself and claims double victim status in the name of political correctness. I hope that his stunts bite him in the ass to the point where no Studio would even remotely think of casting him!

Daisy Cutter

If you watched the statement to the press from Smollett and his attorney, I found it very telling that he did not have any outrage that the police are not focusing on his story and trying to find the white guys that jumped him. Also, his “outrage” that he was falsely accused was subdued, to say the least. He just wants to get back to work.

This is probably because he knows he got a good deal and doesn’t want to fan the flames.

He did say he was telling the truth from the beginning – which I guess if he is claiming two guys jumped him and shouted “This is MAGA country” then that would be the truth. He just leaves out the part that Jussie paid them to do it.

Synloy un



Don’t get our hopes up, Big Guy.

Jeffery D Monroe

Our Resident/Communist Socialist Lars has spoken so it means nothing!! Why Is Commissar On here If He Is Such A Dang Democrat Socialist/Marxist?


He’s here because he never wants to miss an opportunity to lecture us peones on our unwillingness to knuckle under to his self-declared superiority, whatever that is.

Of course, that goes along with having zero to below zero respect for the service other people here have put in over decades past, because we’re all obviously inferior to his vaingloriousness.

It also gives us an opportunity to point out his blindness to his mistakes, which are many, and his frequently ridiculous manifestations of an extremely weak ego and a brain the size of a pea.

Something like that, anyway.

5th/77th FA

Or he’s just a dick….or something like that. FIFY


Best justice system money can buy…


Damn shame, if after all of this drama, Smollet gets his ass jumped for real. I bet Chitown cops will respond quickly to his cries for help. He’ll probably get lots of sympathy.


I used to live about 2 blocks from the local precinct station. There was a fistfight out in front of my building one night, so I called 911. It took two fat, slow-moving cops 30 minutes to get to the fight, and it was nearly over by that time.

Yes, I think in this case, the time to arrive would be at least 30 minutes and possibly 45, depending, of course, on who wanted to be bothered with it.


Next person prattles on about “white privilege” is getting dickpunched.


“Black gay actor” privilege is pretty much the royal flush of privilege.


And he just may get flushed, too.


Awww give him a break you bunch of meanies! He did “community service” and that makes it all better. 18 hours with the right reverend, probably drinkin Hennessy and lookin at ho’s ain’t no joke! 🙂


Well, that’s just fucking stupid in every way imaginable. Can we have some accountability, please?


I’m still betting on the Kamala Harris connection to her anti lynching legislation efforts. Jussie was put up to this. Follow the money.

The Other Whitey

She already fucked her way into politics, so why not? I propose that her enmity towards Trump is due to her having approached the Prez offering sex in exchange for a cabinet appointment, and Trump—for once in his life—declined.


There is a bright spot in all this – Jussie has proven that it is still possible for folks with divergent political views to find common ground upon which to stand. When people on the far left, the far right and all along the continuum are equally outraged over this injustice, then perhaps there is hope that we can find others things to agree upon.

Way to go, Jussie.


Is Kim FOXX her stage name?
She’s made a real donkey show of this case.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Once again proving you get better “justice” if you have a better income in the United States.

Private attorneys keep you out of jail, public defenders negotiate your jail time.


Things for which you pay generally ARE better than what you get for free. It’s the American way.

Cameron Kingsley

You know you have screwed up royally when the police go right on ahead and release every single file on your case. He better watch his back. Because I don’t think the Chicago Police Department will.

USMCMSgt (Ret)

Jussie made the cut:
