US-backed force says it captured suspects in bombing that killed 4 Americans

| March 19, 2019

shannon kent
Shannon Kent

BAGHOUZ, Syria — U.S.-backed Syrian forces captured Islamic State fighters believed involved in the January blast that killed four Americans — the deadliest assault on U.S. troops in Syria since American forces entered the country in 2015, a spokesman said.

Navy Chief Petty Officer Shannon M. Kent, 35, of Pine Plains, N.Y., Army Chief Warrant Officer 2 Jonathan R. Farmer, 37, of Boynton Beach, Fla.; Defense Intelligence Agency civilian Scott A. Wirtz, 42, of St. Louis, Mo., and interpreter Ghadir Taher, 27, of East Point, Ga., were among 16 people killed by a suicide bomber at a restaurant in Manbij in northern Syria.

The suspects were captured Tuesday when U.S.-backed forces took control of an ISIS encampment in the village of Baghouz, the last sliver of territory in Syria held by the extremists, Mustafa Bali, the spokesman for the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces, said in a Twitter post.

He said the suspects were captured following technical surveillance by the Kurdish-led group. He did not elaborate on the number of suspects.

Read the rest of the article here: Stars and Stripes

Not a hell of a lot so say, except to wring out every drop of intell before ending them. Hat tip to the Master Chief for the lead.

Category: Guest Link, Isis, Navy, Syria, Terror War

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It’s not waterboarding if you use gasoline. And then light them on fire.

5th/77th FA

Or diesel fuel, or kerosene, or any of the JP fuels, or better yet, my favorite…BACON Grease hot from the skillet.

BZ to the troops that caught this scum.



Bacon grease?

Noooo…please don’t waste it…gotta have bacon drippings/grease for green beans, skillet cornbread, fried corn, etc.etc..




Turkey Bacon Grease.
That shit ain’t real bacon.

5th/77th FA

AnotherPat, it wouldn’t be a waste being as it would be going to a good cause.

‘sides that, I got plenty. Generally keep at least 20 pounds of bacon in inventory of assorted flavors and cuts. We can also fry up a mess of sow belly to make extry drippings. Got a coupla ex-wives I could prolly carve some sow belly off of.

Y’all do realize that of all the food product recalls we’ve seen lately, lettuce, cabbages, fruits ect…There has been not ONE recall of bacon…or chocolate.

What part of the turkey do you carve turkey bacon off of?


“Commanders say they don’t know how many more ISIS fighters may still be left, hiding in tunnels beneath the war-scarred village.”

A few passes with up-armored bulldozers would take care of those tunnels.

If the ear-protection wearing operators hear anybody yelling over the engine noise, they are free to stop and investigate, or not.


Introduce acetylene into one tunnel entrance, with an unattended flame at another.. when it goes boom, the tunnel is clear..


Propane+Oxygen+Spark= no moles.



One word:


It was constructed for a reason.


On a serious note:

Am thankful they have been apprehended.

Hope the families who lost their love ones can find some comfort in this.

Thank You, Ed, for sharing.


Easy day Brother. Shannon I suspect would approve of keeping her legacy going.

I never forget my people.


“Eye For an Eye and a Tooth For a Tooth” Stone ’em to death!


The Syrian Kurds have been good allies of the United States.
They have fought Isis so we don’t have to have our forces occupying Rakka and Baghouz.
We have trained, armed and supplied them and acted as their Air Force and artillery.
They are now excellent motorized light infantry.
They are no match for the Turkish Army, however.
Turkey already has invaded Syria and took Afrin city from the Kurds and is committing all the usual atrocities including pushing out the Kurdish population.
When we pull out, they will immediately attack the Kurds in ManbijCity, Syria.
I want us out of these Middle East wars, but if we abandon the Syrian Kurds, no other indigenous force will ever ally with America