Friday Feel Good Stories

| March 15, 2019

Magazine envy.

Winchester stabbing believed to be an incident of self-defense

By Blake Schnitker
The stabbing incident in Winchester last week has been preliminarily defined as an act of self-defense by the Scott County State’s Attorney.

Illinois State Police have been investigating an alleged stabbing incident that took place last Tuesday, March 5th, at the Pitt Stop restaurant in Winchester. According to a press release, Scott County State’s Attorney Michael Hill has made a preliminary determination that the act was the result of self-defense.

As a result of the investigation, police arrested 39-year old Matthew Richardson, of Springfield, for alleged domestic battery and violating an order of protection. Richardson was arrested Friday after being released from the hospital after undergoing treatment for injuries he sustained during the course of the alleged stabbing incident.

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Read the rest of the article here: WLDS

One dead in Tannersville shooting

By Brian Myszkowski
TANNERSVILLE — A Pocono Township woman allegedly shot and killed her husband in self defense on Wednesday afternoon.

Shortly after 1:30 p.m., police responded to an incident at a home on Timberlane Drive. A delivery driver initially saw the unidentified woman run out onto the lawn and cry for help, saying that she had shot her husband in self defense when he attempted to attack her with a knife. The driver and his partner called 911.

Pocono Township Police, Pennsylvania State Police, PSP’s Forensic Services Unit and Monroe County Coroner Tom Yanac responded to the scene. Police blocked access to Timberlane Drive for several hours.

“There was a deceased male at the scene inside the residence,” Yanac said. “We are going to go forward with the autopsy (Thursday).”

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The rest of the article my be viewed here: Pocono Record

Guard won’t be charged in shooting outside LA synagogue

LOS ANGELES (AP) — Los Angeles prosecutors say they won’t charge a synagogue security guard accused of shooting a person who was recording video of the building.

Edduin Zelayagrunfeld was arrested last month after the shooting outside the Etz Jacob Congregation/Ohel Chana High School.

Prosecutors said they wouldn’t be able to prove he wasn’t acting in self-defense.

The victim described the wound as deep graze to one leg. She is Zhoie Perez, a self-described First Amendment “auditor” who pushes the bounds of her rights in public spaces and posts videos to YouTube

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Read the rest of the article here: SF Gate

An adequate score of 1 / 2 / 0, Delta Whiskies and Whiskettes. One who has left this vale of tears, two receiving treatment for being stupid, and again no leakers. This time, anyway.

To atone for the errors yesterday..
mil gal

For Hondo.
knuckle zip gon

Category: Feel Good Stories

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(sigh) When ya gonna learn that “pr0n” is ugly, AW1Ed? Here’s some real “gun pr0n”:

No, that’s not some old early-20th-century revolver. It’s a post-WWII Rohm RG-10. If I recall correctly, it’s chambered in .22Short. Good luck with that.

But at least the grips appear to be ones Patton might have liked. Unless they’re cheap off-white plastic. (smile)


And just why would you be perusing pix of Chelsea Clinton in scanty attire, AW1Ed? Inquiring minds want to know! (smile)


So I guess you remove the muzzle cap before firing?


What is it with the IDF? Do they only draft nice looking women? Or are Israelis women all good looking? Must just take pictures of the most photogenic.


Atone accepted here but please do not stop fouling up in the future as your atonement goes exceptionally good with morning coffee. besides I for one realize when one passes to 21 mark in life things start going down hill. As to the grips, that depends on whether the revolver is Govt issue or personal and who pays for them, of course in Patton’s case I’d imagine the Govt would have given some leniency. Rifle, canteen, ammo pouches look full, small backpack, 5th I hope you have Jeff with large backpack full of supply’s so you are able to prepare gourmet meal as she looks like she is anticipating a fun time. 1/2/0, looks better as to pot of cash, snow pretty well gone so will get shopping carts ready as 5th and Jeff look like they have a party in the woods planned. Knife in the abdomen, kinda weak defense but gave gurney ride and 3 hots and a cot for ignoramus. Shot and killed husband and no report as to evidence of personal abuse (bruises, taken to hosp for anything), has a little fishy odor here. Suing because of wound that was received by perceived threat due to filming of Synagogue, with all the attacks recently to places of worship what does one expect. Flakette (is it just me or does it seem that Cal is a magnet for flake’s of all types) found out things that can happen when you push the limits too far. News, 2 Mosques (first report was Mosques and now am waiting as seems are a lot of conflicting reports as to all facts) attacked in New Zealand, 49 dead, 47 to hospital, conflicting reports 3 or 4 in custody. 1 attacker video taped while he or she was attacking.


I thought that firearms were not permitted in New Zealand. Somebody is gonna be in big trouble.

As to shooting up Islams in a mosque? That is just fucking ignorant and has everything to do with the mental defectiveness of the murdering lunatic.


It seems that the Israeli army only has supermodels as female soldiers!
Are they still using M 16’s with triangle hand guards?
That would make the rifle older than the soldier!


Uhm, if someone has been to the hospital, why is it an “alleged” stabbing? Could the perforated have fallen onto a rake or something?

MI Ranger

It could still have just been an accident where the knife fell off the counter and he slipped and fell on the spilled ice cube that melted and the knife landed pointy end first in his chest!
So we don’t know if it was a “Stabbing” or just a weird set of odd circumstances.

5th/77th FA

We’ll take these winnings all the way to the Class VI Annex. We’ll also take AW1Ed’s atonement. “…..All alone along the Watchtower.” We will also apologize in advance for any transgressions we’ve had that will keep his threatened bikini pictures off this blog. Shudder…..the horror. I wouldn’t hit that with IDC SARC’s junk and somebody pushing. ewwwww!!!

Claw’s gun pr0n? It’s so fugly it’s cute. You’d do more damage throwing it v firing a 22 short, unless, maybe, you were at Jack Ruby range. Do believe that is off white plastic. No way George Smith Patton would have had or admired cheap plastic or pimp pearl. Nothing but the finest ivory handles for him. But then, again, he could afford it.

Good to see that these domestic cases are resulting in the girls getting safe. True domestic violence does happen more than you would think. And it can go either way. And it can be trumped up by one party or the other and can be false accusations.

FIRST Amendment “Auditor.” ‘Dahell? Your FIRST A rights end where my personal space begins. Shove a camera in my face you subject to get shot.

And yes, to those inquiring minds, all the girl IDF forces we had contact with back yonder were semi super model drop dead gorgeous. And they would whip your azz if you got out of line. Guess that hasn’t changed.