Actress Chooses Army Over Hollywood
Actress Carly Schroeder of “Lizzie McGuire” fame has just enlisted in the Army according to a FoxNews article.
“I’ve been considering it for a while and it is a big choice, but thankfully my parents and my little brother were very supportive of me,” Schroeder, 28, told TMZ on Wednesday. “My dad was actually in the Army, he was a Green Beret medic, and my little brother Hunter, he’s in the Marines now.”
The article went on to quote her…
She announced her move in February, writing on Instagram, “For 22 years, I’ve played dress up for a living. As an actress I’ve been kidnapped, gone blind, nearly eaten by lions and murdered on more than one occasion. I tormented Lizzie McGuire’s little brother on the Disney Channel, was a dolphin trainer, the first female soccer player on an all boys team and Harrison Ford once rescued me during an intense home invasion.”
Yeah, how hard can it be? Seriously, I applaud her for doing so.
“Serving my country will give my voice more validity. I can better serve and advocate for veterans once I am a part of their community,” she added. “The military is a family and family always has each others back.”
Category: Politics
“For 22 years, I’ve played dress up for a living. As an actress I’ve been kidnapped, gone blind, nearly eaten by lions and murdered on more than one occasion. I tormented Lizzie McGuire’s little brother on the Disney Channel, was a dolphin trainer, the first female soccer player on an all boys team and Harrison Ford once rescued me during an intense home invasion.”
Yes, and you can do all this and more in the U.S. Army. I can hear the recruiter now.
And when you’re done with all that adventure, they’ll pay you to go to college and help you buy a house!
Dress up! Young lady, you haven’t seen dress up yet, but you will. Good luck to you too!
Complete with makeup. Albeit camo makeup, but makeup none the less.
Good for her. I hope she does well. She can add some sanity to the Hollywood community.
She appears to be a tough young lady. I’ll bet they can throw all they have at her and she can take it.
In fact, I bet she won’t break down and cry… until she gets that first paycheck.
Yeah but everybody cries when they get their first military paycheck.
I didn’t. That first paycheck was more money than I’d ever made digging post-holes, slaughtering hogs and picking up dead chickens on my grandfather’s farm. The military was an escape from hell, and I got paid for it (and I didn’t even have to smell mule farts).
Good for her. A young lady with her head on straight. Good parenting kept the stupidity of Hollywood out her decision-making process
Good move on her part. She’s going to be in for a culture shock for many reasons. For example, the military’s version of “make-believe” involves Situational Training Exercises (STX) and Field Training Exercises (FTX) that involves a script that isn’t given in advance, but is “developed” on the spot as the scenario evolves. When her career gets underway, she would be more susceptible to being “red pilled”, which would be a good thing.
Don’t forget the Practical Exercise Not Involving Soldiers.
F**k yeah, that’s a win. Being a real citizen > Hollyweird.
Just remember, YAAYAS (You Ain’t Airborne…)
Good for her, and I wish her success along with some good, intense and realistic training!
War is not a movie. Hope she gets that.
Well with her Dad being an SF Medic, I’m guessing she’s up on that part.
How unusual for a denizen of Hollywood.
What a good person wanting to serve her country.
There is hope for our young people!
You go girl! Prolly make her Papa proud. I know I am.
*yawn* Someone let the doggies out? Hope they have that chip installed, so they don’t get lost.
Get lost?! Obviously you failed the LandNav course. Or you bent your compass needle.
Maybe you forgot your pace count, or how to count past nine on your pace count beads.
Don’t do a heck of a lot of land Nav in the Navy, Tox. Not many terrain references at sea. *grin* But we seem to get by OK anyway.
We don’t get lost, maybe a mite bewildered. Besides, someone is always telling us where to go.
You can generally find us at the playoff/championship games….Or the Winners Circle.
Good move on her part. I hope she makes it all the way through and past the rough spots ahead.
I want to see the DD 214, or whatever you call the ERB, on her dad…..
I was thinking that myself. Sad to say.
Unfortunately I’m in the same boat here. I know her brother is a marine which is on Instagram. However someone mentioned earlier in the thread that he may have been 18D? Do we know that for sure?
Why don’t the two of you swap DD214s? She’s from a service family, and unless you have something to dispute in her dad’s service record, he doesn’t need someone snipering his history.
What a cutie!
A great young lady and it’s hard to say how proud I am of her. I wish you all the best in your service.
Meanwhile, back in the back rooms of Hollywood, her name is being scratched off the lists of more than she can count. Not just while she is serving but afterward as well. I hope she does well in the Army and in her acting career afterward but I fear she is just too conservative for them now.
Good for her. I will keep an eye out for stuff in the future.
Miley Cyrus’ Dad Billy Ray wants to know where the hell he went wrong…
doubtful. It is fair to say that his umm…example…is the problem
Hahaha the poor marine is n for it now when other marines find out his sister is a babe.
Ole Marine brother LOL Sister a cutie. Blank Billy Ray Cyrus and his total skank family.
Her Instagram >>
Her Wiki >>
She wants to go into Mil-Intel after OCS.
She loves to shoot.
Pretty sure that given her level of publicity, if her bro wasn’t USMC and/or her pops wasn’t S/F medic, she would have been called out on it.
I wish her the absolute best!
OCS into Mil Intel? Damn, I was born too early, that’s my wife you’re talking about /end daydream
Why do some have to be so mean spirited? Here’s a young woman does what 99% of Americans won’t or can’t do, and you want to cast aspersions on her motivation and honesty. Some of you, I’m glad I didn’t have to see your faces and put up with your stuff every day.
What could possibly go wrong? I’ll wait for updates with bated breath.