Milblog Conference online registration is open

| March 9, 2009

Some of you may have noticed the Milblog Conference button in the sidebar. Clicking it will take you to the links where you can register for attendance at the conference (online registration just opened last night) and to get your hotel room (at the stinkin’ non-smokin’ hotel which I’ve already complained about). It’s all first come, first served – so sign up early.

Category: Bloggers

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just registered…
Jonn, I hate to say this because I am all for smokers’ right (smoked myself for 15 years), but I am glad it is a non-smoking place – my throats hurts like hell for the next several days after any smoked-filled bar hopping in VA, MD or PA…


Just booked my room today! It might be a good thing so I won’t be begging for a smoke off some random stranger after a few too many cocktails.


I just registered too!

Jamie- Yeah right, you’d make me ask for you!


I’ve officially given Jamie and Caro my “proxy” for whatever need they may have. Sure gonna miss being there this year but…sending a VERY SPECIAL Soldier off on deployment comes first.


I’m in too. Finally get it see if ‘Caroline’ is a figment of TSO’s fevered imagination.