Save the Planet…. Please!!!

| February 6, 2019

Photo by Ex-PH2

This follows the fuel tax protests in France which started back in November last year, and continued into December. Macron finally dropped the proposed tax from his budget for 2019. The move was announced by Prime Minister Edouard Philippe, who a day earlier had only promised to postpone them for six months.

President Macron, who had said the measures were necessary to combat climate change and meet budget deficit reduction targets. And there is that  phony-baloney nattering about “climate change” still rambling out of his mouth.

The nonsense about “going totally green” for energy is, simply put, not a feasible plan. Partial, yes, but not totally. On a house-by-house basis, individual installation on private dwellings works well enough to send power back into the grid, but the homeowner still requires battery storage for days and nights when a high demand is placed on the household installation.  On my house, it simply would not work and during the power outage in November, in the middle of a slop storm, when the lines were so bogged down with ice that 380,000 people/customers lost power for 36 hours (trust me, it was cold), the so-called green energy crap would have broken down first, simply because being coated in ice does that to mechanical stuff. A gas-powered generator is a much better choice. Solar and wind power are, in fact, more effective when the power generated is on an individual basis, house by house, and the power is fed back into the grid.

I have no issues with using less carbon-based fuel for power generation, because, despite advances in drilling and recovery, there is a limited supply to it and once it’s gone, it’s gone. Finding ways to conserve our resources for future use is always a good idea.

But the more sensible thing to do would be to step away from carbon-based platforms and go with nuclear-generated power. If the French people get the bulk of their electricity from nuclear plants, why are we lagging behind in this?  Even China is bumping up construction of new nuclear plants.

The objection to nuclear power is created by the Hysterical Greens in the Outer Circles of intelligence who see every nuclear plant as threat-laden potential explosions, followed by meltdowns. They don’t bother to research the very few incidents of such things. Chernobyl, for instance, was inattentive operators failing to heed warnings from the reactor itself. The Fukushima meltdown happened because the spent control rods were in a pool too close to the ocean, whereas another reactor a few miles away was in a less vulnerable spot and did not have the same kind of accident. Three Mile Island was stopped before anything really bad happened. What escaped was only steam. There was no meltdown.

In the history of using nuclear reactors to generate power, three episodes, one of which was stopped cold, make it more of a threat than being without heat and electricity in an ice storm or a half-week of subzero temperatures???? Please – GIVE ME A BREAK!!!

China and India are both ignoring the demand from IPCC that they pay a carbon tax and reduce emissions, and dTrump has already withdrawn from the silly Paris Accord.

The failures of Merkel’s green energy plans resulted in the deaths per year of close to 150,000 people who simply could not afford to pay the utility bills, or lost power because of breakdowns in bad weather, with no repairs coming quickly, and froze to death when winter came. The same thing happened in Scotland, several years running. That’s not something to be proud of.

As an assist in power supply, fine, but as a sole source of it for public use, not so much. Merkel is still hawking it, but after several winters of power-loss related deaths by the thousands, she is backing off, however slowly. Her party lost the last election, and she is not as popular as she used to be, for various reasons.

The false assumption is that the planet is going to go into a Ceti Alpha VI desertification and we’ll all be fried. This is baloney. It has never happened in the geological history of this planet, and never will. In fact, the only way the Earth can be desertified will happen some 4.7 billion years or more from now, when we are long gone, and the Sun is starting to slowly swell into its red giant stage before it explodes and becomes a white dwarf or a pulsar.  Will we see climate change? Of course, we will, but probably not until 2500 to 3000 years from now. The climate always changes in recurring cycles on this planet and always will. The COLD periods, however, always last longer than the WARM periods. All geological evidence points to that.

The point to this is to remind everyone that Ojos Locos’s Green New Deal includes taking the entire country off carbon and nuclear-based utilities and going entirely GREEN. Her ignorance of the cost of something like that is not just appalling, but profoundly disturbing. I doubt that she has ever suffered through 36 hours of no heat in the middle of a pre-winter ice storm.

It is even more disturbing that she is ignorant of, or maybe unwilling to listen to, the facts that the Aubudon Society has provided on the decimation by solar furnaces and wind farms of bats and migrating birds that devour the insects that carry some very serious diseases such as encephalitis, hanta fever and Rocky Mountain spotted fever. Those are only a few disease examples. Wind turbines and solar farms do more damage that way than anything else.

I know that Ojos Locos is slowly being given set-downs but I’m not sure that she’s being squelched enough. She still seems to have  boundless energy. Was that white cape she wore for the SOTU supposed to tell us that she’s some Caped Crusader?

Category: "Your Tax Dollars At Work", Dumbass Bullshit, Global Warming

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Veritas Omnia Vincit

I have no issues with using less carbon-based fuel for power generation, because, despite advances in drilling and recovery, there is a limited supply to it and once it’s gone, it’s gone. Finding ways to conserve our resources for future use is always a good idea.

This is the best reason for finding alternative options. Fossil fuel is cheap and easy, which is why it became the fuel of capitalist economies, but it also came with a heavy price. That price of course is the Middle East and the attendant problems that part of the world creates due to the presence of those reserves.

It’s always been in our best interests to limit our dependence on such an unreliable part of the world, even if we’ve been unable to manage that over the last 50 years.

House by house is definitely a good way to start, and in some areas supplementation of the existing grid with alternate sources keeps the overall fossil fuel consumption down.

Nuclear options should be discussed, locating them in swampy land just off the shore in New Hampshire might not be our brightest option but there are definitely many areas where nuclear can be constructed with some relative safety of operation for the public.

We should always consider our options, and not just from a cost/benefit ratio but also from a national security benefit position. Corporations need to make a profit, we all understand their addiction to fossil fuel as it keeps cost down. Government has never made a profit, consequently it’s a great place to research security options.


“Addiction to fossil fuels” implies that it is a choice. I can’t see how Alcoa runs their furnaces on solar or wind.


We are now a net energy exporter thanks to Texas & North Dakota and the fracking boom that has opened up tons of new opportunities and there have been discoveries of new oil and gas fields around the globe that dwarf anything in the Middle East.
Israel is also looking for and has found deep oil fields that only a few years ago would have been unreacheable with the old technology.
Same as in the Arctic where the new oil and gas fields there dwarf anything that was found prior to the new technology coming online.
Pound for pound nothing has the energy that can compete with hydrocarbons.
The energy contained in a gallon of standard crude oil or natural gas also dwarfs anything that can be pushed as an energy source with the exception of nuclear generation of electricity.
I am really surprised that nobody else here hasn’t kept up on the Arab oil situation and the fracking boom moving them to second fiddle on the world stage.
They called it peak oil and then sounded the alarms about it and now we are sitting on, in just the one discovery in West Texas and Eastern New Mexico, a 50 year supply of oil alone for the United States.
This is old news, way old news.


Hey, T! Many of us are probably aware of all that. But, speaking only for myself, of course, I still want to be frugal with resources both for personal economic reasons and just because not wasting stuff seems like the right thing to do.

That said, there are a lot of things which make sense on a local or individual level which cannot be translated to the masses. And silly things like jet aircraft aren’t likely to ever run “green.”


Only you can prevent wacky left/libtard enviro-crazes that just make everything worse…

A Proud Infidel®™

I’m sure that by now, Wind Turbines have killed more Birds that DDT, especially Predatory Species. I have lost all faith in those damned Unicorn Shit-fueled fantasies after just thinking what it costs to build and maintain one of those things versus their power output and that doesn’t take into account how much money is thrown down the proverbial shitpipe every time one of those damned things crashes and burns.


Everytime I look at the couple a four dozen of these 450 foot monsters one mile from my home I envision seeing them toppled over and in flames. They rumble the ground as if the school bus were coming down a dirt road.
It goes on and on but the bus never arrives.
The red strobes light up the area and penetrate the darkest of curtains. They all fire in unison. I swear to God I can hear them fire like a giant fence charger.
Please God. Burn a few for me. I will get on my knees and praise Jesus.


Ojos Locos touches herself every time she hears the names Marx and Lenin.

5th/77th FA

Just ….. damn! You owe me a screen cleaning!


That image is a great appetite suppressant!
I’m all outta brain bleach though

2/17 Air Cav

You know, that that you raised the issue, she does have the look of an incessant diddler.


That’s because even the snowflakes couldn’t stand watching her run her diarrhea mouth incessantly while they screwed and then had to wake up next to that jackass faced harpy…



“Marx and Lenin”

Well, she does have two hands.

George V

I spent 19 hours over the past Sunday-Tuesday on the Ohio and Pennsylvania Turnpikes, hauling a small trailer full of household stuff. For much of the trip I was surrounded by semi-trucks hauling tons of who knows what. Darn things kept me awake all night too as the hotel room had a great view of the turnpike. Thousands of heavy trucks use that turnpike. Hundreds of thousands if not millions of them spread out on the interstates, along with how many folks like me taking their own belongings several hundred miles for some reason. And Ms. Ocasio-Cortez is gonna replace all those trucks and cars hauling all that stuff, with electric vehicles in 10 years? Riiiight. And if, for some reason, God Himself said “Let there be electric cars, and trucks, and all manner of transportation vehicles driven by high capacity batteries”, where would all those electrons from renewable sources come from to power these heaven sent vehicles? In 10 years? Do you think that in 10 years you could dig up enough iron ore and rare earth and other minerals, smelt and refine them to make enough steel, neodynium magnets and copper wire, and make composite materials, concrete, or whatever else goes into a wind turbine or solar panel to make enough gigawatts and transmit it over wires to power all those cars and trucks and all the other electrical needs in the country as well? OK, I’ll make it simpler – just tell me how you will “refuel” all those cars and trucks that are filling up on the highway filling stations? How big of a wire will you need to push that many electrons into that many vehicles in the course of a day. You can presume the range of the God-engineered electric truck hauling tons of cargo is the same as the diesel powered vehicle (which in reality, it won’t be.) Oh, and push those electrons fast enough so the truck only takes maybe 15 minutes to recharge. Call me when you’ve figured out just this part. Save the planet??!??? Save us all from this total… Read more »


I laugh when I see Tesla wants to build electric semis. They just might, maybe, work for local traffic, but even that only allows a single shift to use it for a couple hundred miles. They will never be viable for OTR trucking.


Battery swapout stations make them viable.

Now, will that be cheap enough to be used? Who knows. But you could swap a power pack in 30 minutes with the right design of truck and station.


Like a battery module? Pull up, drop it, then pick up another one?

Seems like more trouble than it’s worth. Those packs are not light, especially if you’re going to be using it to haul 80k pounds. However, you might be onto something, that could be the future.


“They will never be viable for OTR trucking”

Half the GVWR would be the battery.
The other half would be the solar panels.

The old Detroit 6-71 and a Road Ranger is the most eco friendly setup. Especially with Sulpher. Lots of Sulpher.
Man, I loved the smell of Viet of the Nam diesel.

5th/77th FA

If we could magically harness all of the hot air coming from the pie holes of all of the politicians we could take every coal fired plant in the country off line. Since that is not going to happen, we will continue to use what we have. Most of us remember the “gas wars” of the 60s. We also remember the “energy crisis” of the 70s when gasoline was. gasp!, approaching $1.00 per gallon. We have rolled over for decades and let the Arabs tickle our belly while they robbed our wallet. When the price of oil got up to where it was profitable to extract it, then and only then, did we start looking closer to home for our energy needs. Reading back thru 50s and 60s literature, all of the talk was how nuclear was going to take the place of all other forms of power generation. Well the Green Peace folks squashed that. I “Liked” (+_+) the way you pointed out how safe the nukes have been, and the FACT that the biggest problems with nukes have been human error, one way or another. We do have the problem with the radioactive wastes that needs to be addressed sooner rather than latter. Again, congress critters have drug their feet and keep kicking that can down the road too. The higher price of energy in other countries is not so much the supply and demand, but rather the taxes that are imposed. Where’s that money going? In the general fund for their congress type critters to piss away. The German War Machine ran for several years on a preponderance of synthetic fuels. Dust off some of those formulas, clean up the residual by products and stay warm. We have, in this country and world wide, billions of tons of coal. Some of the very FIRST gas lights and gas heat was powered by gas made from coal. The nuke plants in GA are safe; the one near Augusta that is being added on to is billions of $ over budget and still years from coming on line. Quit… Read more »


AOC and the other commie sh*tstains ain’t about green anything, it’s about control.
My opinion is burn all the uraniums!!!
The death count for non-techs from nuclear power in the United States is holding at zero.
Deaths from actual accidents is zero (or as close as you can get. If people would just FREAKIN obey safety protocols!!)
Largest killer in the nuclear power industry is driving to work, hands down and away.

Roger in Republic

More people have died in the back of Ted Kennedy’s car than have been killed in nuclear accidents in this country.


If it is good enough to power Navy Ships and Boats then what’s the problem?
I had a retired Enterprise power guy for a prof in my Nuke Power EE course.
Another Power Engineering prof used to say he would have no problem living next door to one.

Look at this fuel mix graph, left side midway down page. Nuke is dead flat steady while NG is throttled up as needed.
Nuke rules. NG is nice for peak. Hydro is also on demand and “elegant”.
But nuke is big, stable and reliable.

Poke around the site. It is fascinating.


SL-1 is exactly the incident I was thinking about.
$2 of angled steel and a bit of welding would have saved those poor souls.
They pulled a control rod out too far.
Then you have dumbass scientists playing with plutonium… humans gonna human.

The Other Whitey

Ojos-Locos is a silver-spooned rich bitch who just likes to claim that she was “born a po’ black chil’” while wearing outfits that cost more than my truck. And for all her posturing about being Puerto Rican, I will bet serious money that a) she can’t speak a lick of Spanish, and b) she desperately refuses to admit it and thus pronounces the handful of Spanish loanwords in her vocabulary with an offensively-exaggerated accent to overcompensate. I get this feeling because I have experience with the type.

Perry Gaskill

I’ve been following the engineering aspect of solar technologies, both passive and active, going back probably 30 years. My current view is that although aspects of it are complicated, they’re not unknowable. A ton of research on climate patterns, including things like solar-degree days, has already been done. In residential construction now there are realistic expectations, which means it’s not like shooting in the dark.

For example, some of the cutting-edge stuff where people have taken, say, remote cabins off the grid has shown that although solar panels with battery storage arrays might indeed provide for low-watt lighting, air circulation, or intermittent appliances, they are almost never able to provide a 100 percent source for high-watt usage such as heat. The BTUs simply aren’t there when you start running the numbers.

It also seems to me the current political hysteria over things like a Green New Deal is more of a distraction than a useful part of the engineering discussion. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez probably knows as much about solar engineering as my dog does about ballroom dancing.

One of the key points of discussion now is that a lot of the ROI term for a solar panel installation is dependent on the ability of a residence to sell power back to the utility company, and at what rate. Here’s a recent link that goes into that part of the discussion in more detail:

Still another aspect is that nuclear power should still be considered an option. As it happens, Microsoft founder Bill Gates, for example, has been involved with a company called Terra Power which has run into some regulatory snags, but shouldn’t be rejected out-of-hand. Terra Power’s approach is to build smaller municipal-sized nuclear plants using a safer reactor technology powered by the spent fuel from last-generation nuclear plants.

A Proud Infidel®™

IMHO Ocrazy-Cortex is stupid enough to FLUNK both a blood and/or DNA test!


“Green Energy”, where useful, provides only a small fraction of our total energy needs. If we got rid of non green energy sources, our civilization would collapse and the majority of the population would starve/die. Add a cold snap to the mix, plus lack of energy to deal with it, and the ramifications get worse.

Comm Center Rat

Beautiful picture Ex-PH2! I like how you framed the cardinal next to the snow piled on the fence post. Looks like you haven’t forgotten any of your Navy photography training. I always enjoy nature shots and hope you post more of them.

Cameron Kingsley

I’m all for nuclear power as you can’t get anything cleaner or anything that lasts quite as long as nuclear energy. We do need to make sure we can find a replacement fuel in case the uranium runs out as it is a finite fuel (I’m sure there are suitable substitute fuels). If we could get nuclear fusion then that would be even better as that will really last a long time.

Slow Joe

Ex-PH2, I got a couple requests please.

1) Total number of cassualties from nuclear power accidents vs casualties for lack of power.

2) Total number of deaths per year of cold deaths vs heat deaths.

3) Lowest temp at which agriculture fails vs highest temp we can survive in.

I haven’t found a comprehensive work on these stats. Thanks.