Attitudes on the left and the politics of inclusion..

| January 28, 2019

maga 2
..or MAGA Hart Part Two

Here’s VoV continuing yesterday’s discussion. I cede the podium:

“Appalling and beyond disrespectful. Nauseating. What’s going to be done about this? And why can’t this s— happen when I’m around?”

“You can read the white rage in their MAGA hats”

“A restaurant manager in Canada was sacked after refusing to serve a man wearing a MAGA hat.”

“If I saw a guy in a MAGA hat helping an old lady cross the street I would think “what a douchebag” and chances are I would be right.”

“Opponents of the Trump administration have come to see the hat as synonymous with the presidency’s perceived racism and xenophobia.”

The above are just a few comments from the ever tolerant left regarding the dreaded MAGA hat. As stated in the previous essay, it’s a symbol that invokes fear in some, and clearly it also incites hatred or violence in others.

They want you to believe the United States was never great, that the United States has always been wrong in both its treatment of those within its borders and the treatment of those outside its borders.

I will be one of the first people to tell you I don’t trust my government, that I don’t trust those who enforce its laws, and I don’t trust anyone in the government who claims to be working on my behalf. Largely because my life experience with the government isn’t one of wonderful support and unencumbered freedom to pursue my best life. My experiences with government officials are largely problematic, business suppressing, profit stealing, job destroying experiences. Not because the people who work in government are inherently bad, but because government itself is inherently bad. Government is opposed to personal liberty because government is always about control. Consequently dealings with the Government are designed to reinforce the nature of its power over the individual and over commerce, not to support business free from interference. That’s a future topic to be sure.

Having said that about my government I will also say this, the United States is still the greatest nation on earth. When compared in areas that matter to me there is no other government that allows me to live as closely to my ideals as this government.

We have mistreated our own citizens, we have mistreated the original inhabitants of this land, we have certainly mistreated those we brought here in chains and this will always be a stain on this nation’s history. But we also slaughtered each other to break those chains, we’ve attempted to address those past wrongs and we’ve tried to put things right as we move forward. We’ve also done something a lot of other nations have never done, admitted we did some really terribly things in our past and tried to legislate ourselves into something even better.

We’ve created the most powerful economy in the world, improving the lives of every single person in the United States. We’ve been to the moon, we’ve been to the deepest parts of the ocean, the United States is the sole reason that Europe and Asia retain national borders unencumbered by the fascists of the Rising Sun or the Swastika. The United States was always great, and is still great.

For me making America great again simply means the postwar America where we represented the Democracies of the world, where our strength was placed on the side of the righteous to destroy evil. Where our generosity allowed us to rebuild our enemies and turn them into allies. It doesn’t mean returning to systemic racism or intolerance for our citizens. It means a return to the idea that when the United States decides to do something it’s going to get done. It means we will drive a dune buggy on the moon because we’re Americans, it doesn’t mean we rely on shitty Russian rockets to visit the ISS because our president shut down our return to the moon and stopped our shuttle program. It means we are constantly pushing our students to be brighter minds in the STEM fields instead of trying to be famous assholes on Youtube or Reality TV.

To those on the left, you hate the hat or you fear the hat I’ve heard both from you. That’s fine, you are welcome to your opinions and you are more than welcome to try and change my opinion. But what are you offering that’s better than what I already have? You hate Trump, okay I understand that because I’m not a yuge fan either. Who are you offering as an alternative that brings something that does make America great to the table? What’s your plan for 2020 that brings anything inspiring to a political independent like me into your allegedly “big tent” political party?

I’m an independent, and a libertarian at that.

Here’s what I’ve seen so far in my opinion from the left, one true progressive socialist who was purposely cheated out of a fair shot at the nomination in 2016. The 2020 field thus far is a very diverse collection of has-beens and never-weres on a national level. Where’s your Trump? By that I mean, where’s your candidate that is going to energize the base? Tell me you hate the status quo, but if you want my vote show me something of value in changing the status quo because so far I’m not seeing it. What I am seeing is a dismissive attitude regarding anyone who doesn’t openly hate Trump like you do, and who doesn’t openly jump on board with whatever outrage you’re on about this week. Give me a reason to consider you are offering something other than you’re not Trump. 2020 is coming, offering a Republican Lite version of Clinton in a different package might win the election, but it won’t actually change a single thing Trump or Obama brought to the table. Both of whom are far more similar in their results than in their actions and words.

I’m waiting….


Category: Guest Post, Politics

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They fear and hate 1–that which they don’t understand, 2–anyone who challenges them to rise and fall on their own merits.

Newsflash, snowflakes: you whine about fairness, yet want your comfort and security to be provided by others, never daring to take any risk yourselves. How is that fair to those who (mostly involuntarily) provide for you not because you can’t, but won’t?


After years of hearing about how racist, misogynist, xenophobic, and just plain evil the US is, the MAGA movement is all about returning to the knowledge that the US is the greatest country in the world. Which scares the crap out of the globalists, most of whom are on the left here. No other country gives such opportunities to those of any color, creed, or religion.


Those on the left don’t want opportunity. They don’t understand that the equal opportunity laws they screamed and fought for are just that… equal opportunity. It does not and cannot guarantee equal results. Better results require hard work, willingness to learn and adapt, and a realization that you don’t deserve free shit, you deserve exactly what you earn. Fairness? They don’t want fairness, they don’t even know what it is. They believe fairness is them getting a chunk of what I earned through honest labor and the sweat of my brow. They’re not afraid of a MAGA hat, they’re afraid somebody is gonna treat them like the petulant, whiny, spoiled children they are, and send them to bed without any supper.


Even then, good people still sometimes fail. Fair? No, but still a fact of life, and successful people learn from those failures and apply them towards making themselves successful.

Fall down seven times, stand up eight.

A Proud Infidel®™

Those on the left don’t want equal opportunity, thy’re too obsessed with wanting what everyone else that worked has earned, they want the fruits of everyone else’s labor handed to them, the MAGA hats represent the opposite of that thus they expose what whiny-assed little shits they are when they see one and that’s ONLY when they outnumber their intended target by a dozen to one or they have some other upper hand and if their target defends him or herself, they play the victim card.

E-6 type, 1 ea

Regardless of what the left says, the last thing they want is equality. If everyone is equal, no one can be a victim.


“For me making America great again simply means the postwar America where we represented the Democracies of the world, where our strength was placed on the side of the righteous to destroy evil. Where our generosity allowed us to rebuild our enemies and turn them into allies. It doesn’t mean returning to systemic racism or intolerance for our citizens. It means a return to the idea that when the United States decides to do something it’s going to get done. It means we will drive a dune buggy on the moon because we’re Americans, it doesn’t mean we rely on shitty Russian rockets to visit the ISS because our president shut down our return to the moon and stopped our shuttle program. It means we are constantly pushing our students to be brighter minds in the STEM fields instead of trying to be famous assholes on Youtube or Reality TV.


The only thing the left can promise their base is free shit at the expense of those of us that bust our asses off every day to make it happen at home. They won’t go after the rich because they support the left – it’s all talk and no action. They want illegal immigration because they don’t want to do the “hard” or “dirty” work that needs to be done. The left is all about narcissism – nothing more and nothing less.

Excellent follow up by VOV and AW1Ed…


Years ago, even old Ah-nuld was saying he couldn’t believe the freedom and opportunity the United States had. I’m sick of hearing about the lame ass whiny libtards. Would anybody miss them if we could go a week without some hollyweird twat waddle ranting about Trump?


Too bad space aliens can’t beam them all to some planet in the parallel universe in which they mentally reside.

Slow Joe

I don’t understand your dislike for Trump. I understand before the 2016 election, because of the negative branding and lack of actions to judge him by.
But right now? Come on.
Tell me one policy decision he has made that you find to be a negative for our country.

I am surprised by your position on the economy and free market. I wasn’t expecting you to be as far on the free market scale and as oppoused to command economy as I am. So maybe I misjudged you…

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Hi Joe, let me do my best to explain my position regarding Trump. To be clear he was a better choice in my opinion than HRC. In my opinion he’s doing what he’s said he was going to which I give him credit for all day long.

I’m not a yuge fan for many reasons, I don’t hate him though. I’m just not a big fan. But that’s me on almost everyone in that office of late.

He’s okay as he’s doing the job, but there’s a lot to dislike in the manner in which he conducts business. I can play hardball with vendors all day long in my business too, I can insult them and call them names and still get what I want…but what I’ve discovered is that while those methods work when I use the vendor’s own company mission statement to get what I want the vendor often feels like we’re now on the same page and is more susceptible to my desired outcome.

Trump gets there as well, but not because people enjoy working with him. HIs white office looks like a revolving door with all the turnover. That says he doesn’t inspire much in the way of loyalty, and leaders that don’t inspire loyalty tend to not be leaders for long.

Regarding the economy, I’m not sure what I might have said to give you the idea that I don’t like free market economies.

There’s a difference between support for a free market and a social safety net, and outright socialization of private enterprise and services.


It is also entirely possible that Trump literally wears staff folks out. He seems to have such a high energy level that he needs very little sleep and a huge staff following him around 24/7 just to keep up and follow up.

Don’t absolutely know that to be fact, but type A personalities and highly successful people more often than not are exactly what I described above. Not saying that is good, bad, or indifferent, just demonstrably so. Typically the most successful are pretty kind folks as well, from which develops loyalty. It’s so many of those scratching and clawing in the middle who are willing to hurt others to get what they want that give “successful people” a very bad name.

USMC Steve

On the other side of that VoV, is the fact that while he is not a polished, smooth talking (unless the teleprompter is down) hustler like Obama, or indeed most politicians, with Trump you know what you are getting because his tone and words leave little room for personal interpretation. I prefer Trump. He is like the Company Gunny. After talking to him, you know what is what, unless you are just stupid.

My, My, My

Leave the American Flag on one side of the had, NAACP logo on the other side (do not want this on the back of the hat), and the Rainbow Flag on the back or top.

That would make him numero uno in the snowflake environment. Problem solved 🙂

My, My, My

“one side of the hat”….my bad.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

I was thinking and ACLU pin on the hat under the MAGA sign would really confuse the shit out of people…

Which would prove entertaining in and of itself.

My, My, My


A Proud Infidel®™

That and have every part of the hat without the MAGA logo covered in pieces of ribbon, each piece a different color and then you could tell a snowflake that YOU care more than everyone else because you’re wearing so many colors for so many causes, Rush Limbaugh once said that while giving a speech in a jacket festooned with many different pieces of colored ribbons!


“For me making America great again simply means the postwar America where we represented the Democracies of the world, where our strength was placed on the side of the righteous to destroy evil. Where our generosity allowed us to rebuild our enemies and turn them into allies.”

That may be what the phrase means to you but it absolutely is not what Trump means by it and therefore it is not what the message of the Trump MAGA hates.

Trump has turned on our allies, attacked the stability of NATO, and cozied up to dictators, despots, and evil men in order to further his own personal agenda often against the interests of the US and our allies.

A Proud Infidel®™

“Orange Man bad” – *CLICK*
“Orange Man bad” – *CLICK*
“Orange Man bad” – *CLICK*
“Orange Man bad” – *CLICK*
“Orange Man bad” – *CLICK*
“Orange Man bad” – *CLICK*
“Orange Man bad” – *CLICK*…
Lars, DO YOU EVER have a free thought independent of the shit your alleged Professors put into your skull full of mush?
I’m getting myself MAGA hats for me, my Missus and kid and GOD HELP anyone attacking either of them for wearing it, God may have mercy on their attackers BUT I WON’T.

2/17 Air Cav

The swamp knows no borders.

Red Line was the acclaimed internationalist who won the Nobel Peace and had no idea how to throw a baseball. Under his leadership, America was to be just another nation, no better than any other and worse than most. Ah, the good old days, eh Lars?



I see you snagged a video of Larsie aka Cunthulu staring at his ‘puter screen. Who had the audacity of hope to go into his Mom’s basement to video him at his only activity.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

That may be what the phrase means to you but it absolutely is not what Trump means by it

Where on the Trump candidates page was a different meaning attached to it?

The phrase was used by both Reagan and Clinton (Bill) previously during their campaigns, it didn’t take to the degree that it did for Trump, but it’s not a new slogan by any means.

That it was never defined allows each of us to define it in a manner that suits our own visions for America.

How each of us chooses to define it speaks directly to our vision of America.

My vision was formed by being born dirt poor, to an uneducated construction worker and his uneducated wife. Both of whom worked their asses off to keep us from starving. There were times there was no power in our house because we couldn’t afford the electricity, we stretched protein sources to their limits to fuel growing young bodies that were involved in sports and academics. I worked two jobs while going to high school to help out. I’m fortunate today to have things, my kids never experienced the childhood I did nor do my grandchildren.

My vision is optimistic because as pissed off as I get at what happens in America I know in my core there is no better place to get ahead for someone willing to do any job and take risks than these United States.

Your vision might be far different, and it probably should be far different.

I can only tell you what I know from my experiences. They were hard, ugly at times, and never easy but they’ve paid off. I love this nation dearly as a result for giving me the opportunity to become more than I would have, had I been born in almost any other nation on this earth.


Blah, blah, blah.

Blather, blah, blah.

Blah, blah.

Same message seems to repeat in every topic. No need to read any of it.


I just got home from a 260 mile roundtrip that started at 5am. Snow, ice and animals in the road.
And yet you are still here with your dog shit act. I was going to catch up on the blog but I think I will just get some rest and hope you have a fucking stroke before I wake up tomorrow.


Ok, slept it off.
I hope Lars did not have a stroke.
I do hope he gets help for his addiction.
Occams razor points to it.
DSM five doesn’t call it a disorder unless it affects his ability to function in society without causing distress to himself or others including employment. Unemployabilty is cause for VA bennies so he can always go that route.

Anyway, I wish him well in his journey to wherever.


So ole Larsy wants to join a club. He does not want to pay his dues to be in that club, he just wants the perks of being in the club. For years he and his buddies have made the richest guy in the club pay for everything in the club. Now the rich guy got fed up and wants the slackers to pay their fair share to be in the club. Of course the slackers are getting mad and calling the rich guy bad names and want their free stuff back. Sucks to be a slacker like Larsy.

A Proud Infidel®™

That and look at how pissy ‘ol Babbles McButthead gets every time someone makes him lick the spoon after he comes here and stirs the shit pot! I wonder if he has any life or Girlfriend, Gals with PhD’s in Chinese Politics don’t grow on trees, I bet he hasn’t got laid in so long that his virginity has been restored!

USMCMSgt (Ret)

Lars is an insufferable cocksucker. His drive by posts are annoying.

Perry Gaskill

The NATO rules are fairly clear that each allied nation needs to contribute 2.5 percent of GNP for mutual defense. This has been subject to abuse for a long time. President Trump has justifiably called out those who have violated their agreement to help foot the NATO bill.

In an interview yesterday, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg praised Trump’s efforts, which Stoltenberg said have resulted in an additional $100 Billion for NATO in needed cash.

Try to keep up, Lars…


Commissar: That may be what the phrase means to you but it absolutely is not what Trump means by it and therefore it is not what the message of the Trump MAGA hates.

False. That’s very similar to the message that President Trump is making. President Trump identifies with what Ronald Reagan and others have moved to build. If you follow what President Trump argues, has argued over the past few decades, he’s arguing for a return to a time when we had policies that put America first. Not the destructive policies that we have now that emboldens our emeries and adversaries while weakening the U.S. and its allies.

Commissar: Trump has turned on our allies, attacked the stability of NATO, and cozied up to dictators, despots, and evil men in order to further his own personal agenda often against the interests of the US and our allies.

False again. He reviewed the interactions we have with other nations, and pushed for changes where he saw our “allies” taking advantage of the United States. Take Canada and Mexico for example. He declared NAFTA unfair, put the other two countries on notice that the arrangement wasn’t fair, and managed to work an agreement that was advantageous to us.

His outlook on NATO was accurate. They weren’t putting in the effort they needed to put in to make this an alliance where everybody was making heavy financial contributions relative to their GDP, not just the United States. As you could see from one of the articles below, it paid off and NATO members are showing willingness to step up.

Talking about the North Korean dictator? President Trump got more accomplished with regards to North Korea than the four previous presidents before him did.

No, these aren’t examples of pushing personal agendas. President Trump has made statements, over the past few decades, arguing on behalf of the need for the U.S. to put its interests first, and he’s doing that. Weakening allies? Nope. Abandoning them? Nope. If you want to see who did that, look to the last president.

5th/77th FA

Larsey boi! Yeah you, Dippy. I thought I asked you to take your egotistical, self centered, socialistic, freedom hating POS to hell. Go straight to hell.

Good post VoV. You and I had a very similar upbringing. Maybe that’s why we see things so much alike. There are none so blind as those who will not see.

A Proud Infidel®™

BULLSEYE VOV, and AS TO Lars aka Babbles McButthead I say that simply not knowing something is simple ignorance while being ignorant and refusing to learn the truth is pure STUPIDITY, that and accumulating what is alleged to be knowledge without daring to question and verify it.


Where was your outrage when Obama was cozying up to Vlada and the Saudis, just to name a few?


Aaaaaaand triggered! Victory! Thanks for playing! Commissar, you have no clue what Trump means. Your record here shows you don’t usually know what YOU mean.

The Other Whitey

Get back to your truck stop dumpster, Lars. Those dicks ain’t gonna suck themselves.

5th/77th FA

TOW: bwaaaaaaahahahahahgaspgasphahahahaha wet myselfhahahahahahahahahahahgaspgasphaha giggle snort hahahahahahahaha

You win!

A Proud Infidel®™

Ooh, *POW!*, right in the kisser as Ralph Kramden would say!!!


Shut up, Larsie! It’s the same fucking message out of your piehole. You’re still asshurt over Trump being POTUS – grow the fuck up and get the fuck over it.

Stop acting like a pink hat wearing, pajama-boi and get the sand out of your mangina and do something fucking constructive with your shell of a life, you cuck.

USMC Steve

So Herr Commissar, how did you learn to read his mind and know what Trump means when he says things? BTW I can read minds too, and that is EXACTLY what Trump means when he says MAGA. BTW, we have no allies. No such thing. We have countries whose interests sometimes align with ours. There is not a country out there who would not unhesitatingly fuck the US over if it would benefit them either short term or long term. Turkey immediately comes to mind.

NATO was never much, except for American money and power and people on the line. Without US force at the ready, the Soviet Union would most likely now hold all of Europe. We have no national interests in Europe now against teeny tiny Russia, so let the NATO countries do it themselves.

What dictators, despots and evil men are you referring to?


Meanwhile, the MAGA hat I own I bought from an enterprising young man who sells them on the side just because so many of us want them. Great hat.

In our circle of friends, everyone bought at least one. Didn’t matter your ethnicity, gender, or any other characteristic. Some of us are more comfortable than others financially, but we all share a common view that the America we knew is rapidly disappearing, as are the opportunities for our grandchildren. Yes, those opportunities are still greater than anywhere else on Earth, but there are more and more limits being placed upon them.

That is the simple reality for us – we want those unlimited opportunities returned to every American. Doesn’t matter to us who you are.

Oh, did I fail to mention that my friend from whom I bought the hat is black? It doesn’t matter to me or to him, but to the left, we simply MUST identify folks by the color of their skin, and a few other things which I actually prefer not to know about my friends and associates.

A Proud Infidel®™

“Oh, did I fail to mention that my friend from whom I bought the hat is black? It doesn’t matter to me or to him, but to the left, we simply MUST identify folks by the color of their skin, and a few other things which I actually prefer not to know about my friends and associates.”

That’s how the left operates, first by “Divide and Conquer” along with keeping their minions as ignorant as they can because stupid people are always much easier to manipulate to one’s bidding, that’s why the left deeply fears unity among different people!

2/17 Air Cav

The language of the Left has wended and wormed its way into mainstream conversation. Group and identity politics has woven its way into our elections. The oft-quoted answer to what type of gov’t the new Constitution produced, “A republic, if you can keep it” remains true and rings loud. If enough citizens no longer want a republic, that’s that. We get some form of Lars’ ideal world.


To make the end of the republic happen, he D-rats intend to replace everyone who supports our constitutional republic with people from the third world who don’t speak English and have IQ’s of 90 or less, because such sheeple are easy to control and will easily believe their proggy propaganda, especially when it is in their native tongue. And or course their base of progtards will believe anything that comports with their fake feelz good.

A Proud Infidel®™

^^^^BINGO^^^^, that and the effluvia they ‘teach” in most colleges these days, now watch a crowd of Little Old Ladies CUSS as I say that word!


Don’t forget, Lars the Omniscient once told us that “OWB” stands for “old white bastard”. He knows things!


Oh. I don’t remember that one. Or maybe I never read it – since I read very few of the idiot’s comments.

Who knows. Not something worth remembering, but thanks for doing so, GD. (You know what I mean. Not worth remembering myself, but I do remember slights made against my friends.) Lars, always the consummate gentleman, doncha know. (If anyone discovers evidence of that, please do inform us, OK?)


PS I definitely claim being old. One of the others is definitely untrue and the other is anybody’s guess. The birth certificate should clarify those details, but alas, mine does not.

Perry Gaskill

Back during the last presidential election, I remember Hillary Clinton walking into a rally and the very first thing she did was raise the power fist and proclaim, “Let’s break that glass ceiling!” Which amounted, when you think about it, to flipping the finger at roughly half the electorate who happened to be missing a vagina.

What was also evident at the time is that nobody in the news media made an issue of Clinton’s misandry because it wasn’t part of the rad-lib script. It being apparent that, to use a then-current phrase, “what difference does it make?”

What the script called for at that point was the dramatic history-making election of a female president to succeed the dramatic history-making election of a cool black guy, and never mind if either was the best choice to actually lead the country.

To paraphrase Fernando, “Sometimes it’s better to look good than to be good.”

The problem with the MAGA hats is that, from the perspective of a rad-lib reality-distortion field, the hat represents hate speech, and is no different from a statue of Robert E. Lee, a bumper sticker skeptical of global warming, or anything Rachel Maddow might consider to be the outrage du jour. Such things go off the script, and must be edited out.

It also doesn’t seem to matter, at least to rad-libs, if the rad-lib script calls for its dramatic history-making candidates to make unrealistic promises leading to the eventual destruction of the country.


I also remember her screaming at some union about being “50 points up”… and calling some Americans “deplorables”.

She still isn’t living at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue…

A Proud Infidel®™

IMHO THE BEST part of waking up each morning is realizing once again that she DID NOT get elected!!!


I have a MAGA hat for every occasion.

Nothing further.


MAGA Hats?

Yep….our Household has a Red one and a Black one…

We also have a West Point Hat (goarmybeatnavy) and a BAMA Hat (rtr AND godawgs for the King of Battle..*smile*)…

And we are getting ready to add THIS Special Item to our Intimidating Collection (orangemangood):


Too bad we didn’t know about these before Christmas – everyone I know would have gotten one!



5th/77th FA

I gotta get me some of these. Thought it was a classic spoof till I input the web address. Just….damn…Cool as hell.

Glad y’all doing some better. Hope it continues to improve. Mama’s oldest son gave his tickets to the Nat Champ Game to our niece & her husband. They are in San Fran doing Mission work. Though we lost (RTR) the kids enjoyed the whole experience. Niece and her man grew up in Semmes AL and went to Miss St. on a scholarship. She grew up as a Tide fan.

Stay in touch wid us! RTR GOARMYBEATNAVY HBTD

A Proud Infidel®™

A Proud Infidel®™ wholeheartedly approves, I WANT ONE!!!

A Proud Infidel®™

“ONLY 2 payments of $19.95, VIVA CAPITALISM!!! Now let me find my credit card and order one…


Let’s take up a collection and send one to Commissar Larsie at the “Hammer and Sickle Soy-boi Cafe and Co-Op” as a late birthday present.

He’d fucking lose it….

Mike MacDonald

I have a MAGA hat written out in Russian.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

It occurs to me that what these discussions are lacking are some cold drinks, chicken wings and comfy chairs…