The Political Poison Of Nancy Pelosi

| January 27, 2019

white house

Another offering from our own Perry Gaskill. I think by this time he needs no further intro, so:

Those with better things to do than follow the buffoonery of politics can be excused if they miss some of the nuance in current public discourse.

For example, in the wake of last week’s deal to reopen the government, it was no surprise when Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer chose, instead of honorably trying to mend fences, to give a lecture on how President Trump “learned his lesson.” And never mind that Trump got no credit for kicking the funding freeze back in gear. Consider instead that at the time Schumer was channeling his inner Mary Poppins, it also seemed remarkable that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was strangely quiet. At least until yesterday morning.

In a statement from her office, Pelosi issued what amounts to an accusation that Trump is guilty of espionage and acting as an agent of a foreign power:

“In the face of 37 indictments, the President’s continued actions to undermine the Special Counsel investigation raise the questions: what does Putin have on the President, politically, personally or financially? Why has the Trump Administration continued to discuss pulling the U.S. out of NATO, which would be a massive victory for Putin?” Pelosi said in the statement.

Office Of the Speaker of the House

Those with an interest in history would probably agree that the record is littered with examples of how civil wars have been started for less. Without putting too fine a point on it, what Pelosi is suggesting amounts to the nascent stage of a coup d’état. You don’t accuse a head-of-state of treason unless you want to replace him in the near term– with or without going through the process of the law.

Apparently on Planet Pelosi, it also doesn’t matter if Special Counsel Robert Mueller finishes his investigation to indict all those Trump associates suspected of jaywalking, overdue library books, thinking unchaste thoughts about Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez , or whatever. And what happens if the eventual outcome of Mueller’s work is not what it’s supposed to be according to the Progressive agenda?

Some additional perspective was provided earlier this month. In a CNN interview with Alexandra Pelosi, the Speaker’s daughter commented on dear old mom that, “She’ll cut your head off before you even know you’re bleeding. That’s all you need to know about her.”

Think about it. Her own kid saying the Speaker isn’t a grandmotherly knitter of mittens for schoolchildren, but instead someone with the attributes of a sociopath. Or to maybe put it another way, a bitter harridan bent on the destruction of her political opponents no matter how much harm it causes the country. It can also make you wonder if the whole head-cutting thing might be a lesson from ISIS or the other way around.

Consider too this evident double standard:

One of the things that’s turned into a very big deal from the view of those pushing the Mueller investigation is that Trump was—omigod, like, omigod!– involved in attempting to construct a building in Moscow. Strangely, whether that project was a good idea from a strictly business point of view has never been a consideration. Apparently all that matters is that anyone who conducts business with the Russians is, like, very bad. And somehow, Hillary Clinton cutting deals for uranium doesn’t count.

As it happens, Nancy Pelosi married husband Paul Pelosi in 1963 just before she carpetbagged her way to San Francisco from Baltimore. Nobody is quite sure of what Paul Pelosi is now worth, apparently it’s a big secret, but it’s been estimated that, jointly, the couple is worth $100 million. Among the investments Paul Pelosi has reportedly made as a venture capitalist are those in Apple Computer. It might be remembered that Apple does most of its manufacturing at a plant in Shenzhen, China run by the Taiwanese company Foxconn.

So anybody who wants to play the home version of Mueller Madness Bingo might easily assume Nancy Pelosi is in the tank with the Red Chinese. Such being, after all, what passes for the kind of—omigod, like, omigod!– logic used now in the effort to topple a duly-elected president.

Quid pro quo. Given her propensity to put everyone opposed to her open-border Progressive tactics under a microscope, it would seem only fair to start turning over the rocks of Pelosi’s own private affairs, and see what crawls out. She might also want to consider that those who points the treason finger have been known to have a treason finger pointed right back at themselves.

Thanks, Perry. Not a lot I’ll add to that, as if I could. But perhaps SanFranNan, to paraphrase Nietzsche, has gazed too long into the abyss.

Category: Guest Post, Politics

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I’ve been thinking about the three week respite President Trump has given with the budget. I’ve long maintained, despite his inarticulate nature, he is playing chess with those playing checkers. Ann Coulter and others have declared Trump has caved in his primary promise of building a southern wall. That promise is the reason for his election and he knows that.

I think Trump wise in this three week break. He does care for those government employees lacking a check for this month; just as I’ve not been paid either (though my situation is different). Trump attempted many resolutions while the demons of the left blocked all of them. However, now that the president has made this temporary consolation it is telling that Pelosi, Schumer, and other anti-Americans are now chastising the president for relenting to them.

What they fail to understand is the compassion of Trump for this moment will come back to haunt them. He can take credit for assisting others while in a month declaring the national emergency he has threatened and that is real. He will get the funding, defy court orders from specific Federal judges opposed to him, and begin those building projects as he sees fit.

We are being invaded and that is a national emergency.


“…playing chess with those playing checkers…”

I’m sorry, I just can’t. To assume that is to assume St. Mattis is a checker player.

The left would have us believe that Trump is at once an ignorant imbecile AND an evil genius. I’ve given it a lot of thought and weighed the evidence. I do not think Trump is an evil genius.


I do believe we’re on the same page if I’m reading you correctly. Trump is not evil nor a genius. He’s just better at changing the political game rules which is something the swamp creatures can’t grasp. They’re used to manipulating the Bush’s and other supposed conservatives over the last two decades.

Brenda Kahmeyer

I need to asked a question. How does Pelosi have so much more control than the President? Like his SOUA? That’s suppose to be the Presidents way to keep the American people informed yet Pelosi says he can’t give it yet.
I’m afraid we are heading for a Socialistic govenment with no one to help!

Perry Gaskill

The Constitution requires that the President make periodic reports to Congress. Such a report can be either a speech or written. If the president chooses to give a speech before a joint session of Congress, the usual routine for the past 100 years, he must first ask permission from the Speaker of the House before showing up. It’s a rule.

Pelosi’s initial denial of letting Trump make the State of the Union in a joint session is mostly, at least it seems to me, a matter of petty politics.


What they could do is use the Senate chambers. Let all the Senators sit in their regular seats, bring in extra chairs for significant Rep members of the House, and the usual dignitaries. Let the rest of the House members sit on camp stools in the back of the room. Don’t want a camp stool? Fine, let them stand outside.

Perry Gaskill

Define irony. Pelosi supports open borders and illegal aliens moving into the country, but demands that Trump ask her permission to use the House to make a speech.


Non sequester post – I was taking a shower this evening in my new handicapped designed setup and not thinking about Pelosi and Schumer for a change. One of my daughters calls it a carwash. Yep, that’s what I wanted and that’s what I had built a few months ago. While in it this evening I thought of Thanksgiving and how thankful I am to be enjoying it. I’ve got the overhead spray, a handheld sprayer, and six body sprayers that are magic on one’s hurting body. Yes, I am thankful; yet I suddenly remembered it is not the best shower I’ve ever had. As all of us G.I.s, we’ve gone through the physically hygiene challenged times while deployed. While basking in the warmth of body sprayers over my sore back I harkened back to the 1st Gulf War and a time at Dhahran. I was traveling solo which has its advantages and disadvantages. I have no one to answer to but I also have no top cover. I’d also not bathed for several days while traversing to next locale. Traversing through the arena I came across a possible area in the terminal to pitch a plot on the cement while awaiting transport days away but the 82nd had taken up all spots on the floor. I located a shower but the line was long and forbidding; plus on my way there I’d seen an office with two Saudi’s in their office with NFL on the television. Saddam had invaded Kuwait on 2 August and I was in-country 2 September: Week 1 of the NFL. I went back to that office and politely looked at the two gentlemen in bright white robes and head gear with my eyes looking at the television and then them as to ask for permission. They nodded and offered me a seat. We watched the 4th quarter of what I remember to be the 49ers beat the Saints in the final minute. With the game being over, I bowed in gratitude for being allowed to sit there with them and proceeded back to where the… Read more »


perfect… beautifully perfect elocution in its divine simplicity…phuck Pelosi and Schumer.

The shower story was pretty spot on too 😉

USMC Steve

When one has to live almost like an animal for days on end, the simple things are truly appreciated. In my USMC living history class, I get that point across to the great unwashed and untried by explaining how one could cool water in their canteen by setting it on the ground all night once your NDP was set in. Next morning you had a cool drink of water, and that was absolutely the shit. Also the best thing to look forward to all day too often.


Mr. Schumer is a blunt instrument, something which can barely mar the surface of an object. He isn’t in charge of anything now, but is barely aware of that, and has to “say something” to justify his existence.

dTrump does an end run around Pelosi and Schumer while they’re still sniffing around for “stuff” to use to point at dTrump and bark.

That real estate building deal in Russia occurred in 2013. How convenient that those mopes have such selective memory that they can’t even get correct dates on something like that. Frankly, it would not matter if dTrump had tried to do the same thing in Faroffistan; he’d still be their target for annihilation.

These people are scrambling. They are desperate. And yes, I do believe Pelosi would drop poison in your coffee if she had a chance to do so. She presents herself as a public birdbrain, but it’s a facade. If not so, how did she manage to regain the Speaker’s gavel this time? Who did she threaten? (See, I can stir up crap, too.)


“He isn’t in charge of anything now, but is barely aware of that” – Ex-PH2

It is my opinion he’s always been such. My first recollection of him is from the Waco massacre where he unmercifully attacked the few survivors on public television. He presented himself as obnoxious, self-righteous, accusing with his crooked finger, and angry. He’s since proven to illustrate the same shameless antics wherever a camera has availed him.

MSG Eric

Well, realize too that “they” even ran a story about him eating KFC with a fork.

“Shocking news! Man eats fried chicken with a fork! OMG!”

What I really liked was when Tomi Lahren brought three illegals to her property and climbed over her wall. Pelosi (probably her butler or private security) called the police to have them removed. Perfect example of what politicians in DC and Hollywood are like. “You all have to accept these illegal aliens! Oh, except us, yeah our properties are too nice for them….”


And Ted Kennedy was the Lion of the Senate.

Had he drowned just a few more mistresses on his payroll he could have been the Black Widow of the Senate; especially given today’s momentary choices of what one’s sex or race may be by option.


In that he hasn’t been caught sexually harassing, sexually assaulting, and can be worked like a Muppet by Pelosi I’d go so far as to say he’s the smartest Democrat man in the Senate.


He probably is. And since that booger-eater is one of the stars, that serves as an indication of what kind of half-wits are being elected to run the country.


Puck Felosi


It almost looks as if she wants to be prez so badly that she can see nothing else. After all, this may be the best/easiest way to achieve that goal – take out #1 AND #2 concurrently (might that be the reason for the sudden ratcheting up of attacks on #2 and his wife?) then #3 steps in.

Not likely to the sane among us, but lefties are not sane. Who knows what drives them beyond the acquisition and maintenance of power. Well, that and “I want what I want and I want it right now.”


That eluded me, OWB, but you may correct about her ambitions. If so those administrating her Alzheimers medication had better be “Johnny-on-the-spot” as she has more trouble assembling a sentence “Eric”; though for Pelosi you can replace Trump with Bush at times.


Doesn’t make any sense to me either, but there is always something motivating folks to do what they do. Life would be so much more pleasant if the loony left quit meddling in the lives of others and just lived their own. Want to make choices different from mine? I’m good with that until you expect me to pay for them and/or publicly endorse your choices.

Folks who require/demand the approval of others who otherwise are not involved with them need to get over themselves.


That photo looks like the White House on a Washington Monument skewer.

George V

One highlight of this Pelosi announcement is a quote in the New York Post ( The Speeeeeker says:
“The indictment of Roger Stone makes clear that there was a deliberate, coordinated attempt by top Trump campaign officials to influence the 2016 election and subvert the will of the American people,..”

Well, the very idea!!! Campaign officials trying to influence the outcome of an election. The HORROR!!

If this quote is accurate, her elevator does not reach all floors.


The idea of political prisoners of other rogue nations used to be a laughing matter. It is no longer here in our nation. In recent member I can think of two: Mark Youssef for his blame of a video causing the Benghazi incident per Hillary Clinton though no one had heard of it until she claimed it and Dinesh D’souza for a law anyone prior had ever been prosecuted for.

Now political prosecution has become mainstream with the vigor of Stalin’s phrase of “Show me the man and I’ll show you the crime!”

After honorable lives and services innocent people like Stone and Flynn’s lives are destroyed along with all they’ve worked their human existence for so as to destroy a duly elected official. In the mean time obvious violators of law walk free. Russian collaborate took place with Hillary Clinton. She also violated her NDA in a way that would have sent me and most here on this site to jail for decades. That is ignored. The law means nothing in this swamp with dirty cops that head the institutions we’re supposed to trust.

Oh, and Trump calls shithole countries the shithole countries they are and he’s racist for stating facts while we’re fast on the way of likening ourselves to such shithole countries while crowds show up at 3:00AM at Stone’s house for his world ceremony bright-light arrest with CNN told to be there for recording it for the world stage event of a simply accused man of minimal crimes.

We live in dangerous times. We’re becoming one of those shithole countries and will be so in short order.


Now remember, children: the Wicked Witch of the West melted when Dorothy threw water on her.

This all resembles a rather unpleasant medical condition like a cyst. It localizes, draws in on itself, surrounding itself with unpleasant stuff, and then eventually ruptures, sometimes in a rather volcanic way. When it does, there is a recovery.

Rattlesnakes are less treacherous than this stuttering, babbling harridan. They are at least courteous enough to warn you before they strike.


So far Mueller has had mostly process crimes, where the crime is lying to Mueller.
And some old tax evasion.
The funny thing is, “colluding” is not even a crime!


“So far Mueller has had mostly process crimes”

Outside a crocked and admitted lying lawyer where might the word “mostly” come in?


Claiming “colluding” is not a crime is bullshit.

Conspiracy is a crime.

Collaborating with a hostile foreign power violates several statutes.

The fact that the word “collusion” is not the word used does not make the act of colluding with a hostile foriegn power legal.

There is nothing in the US code or any state code about defenestration but you throw someone out a window and there is several crimes you could be charged with.

There is literally no law in the US that specifically outlaws “curb stomping” but that act is illegal anyway because it it violates several laws.

Would you be persuaded by a lawyer that argued “ I have been looking in the law books and I can’t find any crime called “ curb stomping” so “curb stomping” is not a crime my client is innocent!” ?

The claim that “collusion” is not a crime is one of the absolute stupidest things right wing propagandists have ever come up with.

Anyone claiming it is a partisan hack that puts their loyalty to Trump over their loyalty to the US.

There is no damn way that you would be claiming “collusion is not a crime” if Hillary Clinton had been working with Russian agents to help her get elected.

5th/77th FA

What dahell is your seagull ass doing showing up here again? Didn’t I ask you to go to hell? Go straight to hell? Are you hard of hearing? Do you have piss poor reading comprehension skills?

More firepower was sent to arrest an accused old white man, known to have NO weapons, than was sent to defend Benghazi. All of this is just a smokescreen by the socialist, designed to distract the sheep of this country.

Call your village…They are missing their idiot.

A Proud Infidel®™️

UC Berzerkely apparently has a huge surplus of 24K idiots, thus he got flushed out over here.


Conspiracy for what? To win an election?


Ummm, Hillary Clinton is the one who paid for the fake Russian Dossier that started all of this. The Democrats have actually colluded with Russia in order to influence an election yet you and your fellow NPC don’t seem to care about that. Besides, one would think that you would be happy if someone was working with your fellow communists.


The broad brush she wields is just part of the plan. She is now #2 behind Trump and Pence – while they have nothing on Pence, if they can somehow portray the entire election as null and void, they can suddenly bow to the Constitution (which they now seemingly spit on) and claim that SanFranNan is the “real” President. Everything they want in one package.

Oh, by the way, Foxconn is a Taiwanese company. While the chairman, Terry Gou, has made deals with the ChiComs to get the factories built, he is a hard-core capitalist. Claiming Pelosi is a Chinese stooge via Apple/Foxconn/China factories is a stretch that would tax Gumby. And the factory is about 30 miles north of Shenzhen.

Perry Gaskill

Stretches R Us, says Gumby.

The Taiwanese ownership was mentioned. It’s probably accurate to say Terry Gou wouldn’t be using Chinese labor in a plant near Shenzhen without the blessing of those in Beijing. I’d also venture that the stretch isn’t all that much more than the innuendo of Nancy Pelosi saying the President of the United States is a secret agent working for the Russians.

Still, in putting together this post, it became apparent that a more interesting track to follow might be related to the mechanisms for Pelosi investments instead of the direct recipients. Some of the stuff from around 10 years ago seems to indicate a pattern of both exploiting the congressional exemption from insider trading, and using an inside track to IPOs for personal benefit.


“while they have nothing on Pence”

They have as much on Pence as they do Trump.

5th/77th FA

Drain the swamp, Drain the Swamp…DRAIN THE SWAMP!!!!!

I will fall off of my wagon on personal attacks once again. I will use the same verbiage for these parasites as I used for Komrad Commissinar Larsey boi the Bitch of Berzerkely. Self centered, back stabbing, egotistical, power hungry, domestic terroristic enemies of our beloved Republic. They will stoop to no limited level in destroying this country in order to maintain their grip on power….DRAIN THE SWAMP!

Think about this too. Pigolusi has been there since ’87, Chuckie since ’81. We’ve had this conversation before. They are not only part of the problem, they ARE the problem. Both sides are terrified of dTrumpster upsetting their apple cart. dTrump been there since Jan of ’17. Been a very busy man to create this much destruction of our Country in 2 years.

Excellent post, again, Perry. Keep up the good work. What hope does the country have when these parasites and others of their ilk are constantly being elected/re-elected? I thought that the lowest form of an elected official was that murderous trash from hell…Looks like I was wrong.


Well put, 5th/77th FA. The Founding Fathers did not want a permanent “political class” to run this country. San Fran Nan, Fuck Nut Chuck and others, on both sides, seriously believe that only they have the “tools” to run our government.

The “swamp” needed to be drained decades ago…

A Proud Infidel®™️

“Politicians and diapers both need to be changed often and for the same reason.” – Samuel Clemens (Mark Twain)


Trump is unquestionably acting in the interests of a hostile foreign power. Whether he is doing it intentionally out of greed, is compromised and doing it because he feels he is trapped, doing it because he admires Putin and likes what Putin says about him, or whether he is just one of the biggest fools in American politics and is being manipulated as a useful idiot is all yet to be determined.

The most astonishing thing is that with Trump ALL of those possibilities could be simultaneously true.

And I know for an absolute fact that Trump was money laundering for Eastern European oligarchs since well before 2012 long before any presidential run. I saw some of the documentation myself in 2012. Several countries provided corroborating law enforcement and intelligencd information to the US before anyone even cared about Trump or had any interest in looking into it.

His being compromised by those activities might be all Putin needed since Trump has been lying about even that and his money laundering activities are an established fact.

If you are lying about you contacts with foreign powers and foreign agents and those foreign powers have corroborating information of those contacts then you are by definition compromised. Literally by definition compromised.

Trump is compromised; that is an absolute indisputable fact.


If Larsie is still holding a commission, I would love to see his CoC’s expression over his comments here at TAH about the CinC.

2/17 Air Cav

I shudder to think he was an Army officer in any capacity, doing any job in which others were involved in any way, shape, or form. Major Asshole.


He was the SLJO for the units he was in.

SLJO = Shitty Little Jobs Officer


AW1, I’m glad you didn’t spike this. I find it interesting that leftists would post here. What is disappointing about this clown is he’s only talking points. If I start hearing that on the one political show I watch these days, Tuckerson, I’ll fast forward past the robot. Here I don’t have to read it if I don’t want.

5th/77th FA

“Trump is compromised……”

You are a twerp, that is an absolute indisputable fact.

Not an asshole…they have an important, if a somewhat unpleasant function. You…not so much function as just unpleasant.!

A Proud Infidel®™️

“Orange Man bad”.-*CLICK*
“Orange Man bad” – *CLICK*
“Orange Man bad” – *CLICK*
“Orange Man bad” – *CLICK*


I want to see those tax returns.
Any chance of that?


“Trump is unquestionably acting in the interests of a hostile foreign power.”

Yes, the man who wants to build a wall on our southern border, has renegotiated NAFTA, pulled us out of the Iran “deal” and the Paris Accords, put more sanctions on Russia(ns), brought North Korea to the table, and is battling to level the trade playing field with China in an America first strategy that’s pissing off the rest of the planet is “unquestioningly” doing this all at the behest of foreign powers.

Shut up and go away you pretentious cockalorum cumrag.


“Trump is unquestionably acting in the interests of a hostile foreign power… he admires Putin … he is just one of the biggest fools” – Commie
That would explain why Trump bombed Russian troops in Syria, why he warned Western Europe against relying on Russia for fuel, and why we are diametrically opposed to the Venezuelan situation. There is a big fool in this conversation but it isn’t Trump.

“I saw some of the documentation myself in 2012.”
Sure you saw documentation in 2012: You knew Trump would someday be conspiring as a secret agent with the East. Good for you for being so astute way back then.

“Trump is compromised; that is an absolute indisputable fact.”

Of course Trump is lying about being a double-secret-triple-agent as that’s been his plan since he devised a reality show to lull the dullards such as myself in. He’s been waiting all this time to tell me as an American G.I. “YOUR FIRED!” He hates me and wants to raise my taxes. He doesn’t really want to build a wall for our national security. He’s lying about fair trade. He really wants us to be a third-world puppet nation that gives billions to terrorist nations, wants to destroy our medical care by nationalizing it, increase unemployment because Pelosi says it increases our economy, and apologizes for our existence to every shit-hole country on the planet that has such a better economic system and standard of life than ours.

Spot on, dude, you keep up the good work of reporting with all your facts!


I guess I should have asked my primary question to you straight up: Why do you hate this country?


All the above… Because Lars says so.. no facts, just his say-so.. and none of us deplorables should argue


Jesus Maria del Cristos Inmortal!!!! I swear, the SquishfishMcblob Fustercluck could NOT get anything right if he were starving to death under a bridge.

YOU saw documents in 2012???? Sure you did, dingaling! I believe everything you say – every single word. If you weren’t so delusional and so insistent on being that way, you wouldn’t be half so amusing.

What’s the link to those 2012 documents, Bubblebutt? C’mon! Surely you have that!!! Prove that YOU SAW THOSE DOCS BY COUGHING UP THE LINK, TAYLOR.



Wasn’t Lars an Intel officer? Wouldn’t documentation saying what he says it does be classified “secret” at the least? By saying that he saw classified documentation that “said x” to people without a security clearance be a crime? Did Lars just commit a felony on an open internet forum? So he either committed a crime or he is lying out his ass.


Yes, but he is merely extremely careless and not grossly negligent.

Commissioner Wretched

That’s only if Comey handles the investigation, Mason.


The key word here is ‘WAS’. He WAS an intel officer, of some kind. He was sent to CA, as was revealed in past posts, so he must have screwed up royally.

Yes, if anyone witnessed or saw documentation that indicates some kind of questionable activity going on, it is a duty of the “witness” to report it.

This is just Commissar, the bubble-brained, imbecilic, pot-stirring/smoking, squishfishMcBlobdoodle blowing it out his flabby ass to get attention.

He’s boring, repetitive, lacks imagination, and has the intellect of a greasy, stale donut from the roadside stand over by Highway 121.

Any questions?

A Proud Infidel®™

I long ago began to think that he likely poisoned the well in the Intel Corps with his 24K assholia to the point where he had NO more chance for promotion and jumped to CA when they were basically taking anyone in Uniform with a pulse.


I disagree. He is so damnably dumb that it’s more likely he said and did things that put troops in imminent danger and was transferred out of MI to CA.


It’s not classified if you make it up. It’s just bullshit.

2/17 Air Cav

He seems to have taken to the cliff edge at full throttle w/o a chute and with no brakes. Maybe we are finally seeing the end. Late stages of assholism.

Commissioner Wretched

Lars, you are – unquestionably – so full of horseshit your eyes and hair are dark brown.

You know with absolute fact that Trump was money laundering? I call seven kinds of bullshit on that one. Wouldn’t it have been incumbent upon you – or someone – to actually that cat out of the bag when Trump ran for president? Knowing about a crime and not reporting it makes that person complicit in the crime, doesn’t it?

The only thing compromised here is the space between your Commie leftist progressive ears, Lars. Blow it out your ass.

** – sorry, Dave, but that comment of his pissed me off royally.

Dave Hardin

The only thing I object to is making fun of his eyes. I have said many times…he has sexy eyes.


Trump-The Enema Washington DC needs.
Campaign slogan for 2020 maybe?


Red Nanny is just a cackler hoping that people are still the same dumbos who voted for her- again. She doesn’t want people to realize that the 37 “indictments” from the former Trump campaign or WH staff were charged with everything but collusion. I mean, where the f*ck were these idiots when BHO, Rice, HRC, Holder, Emmanuel, McCabe, Strzok, Page, Comey were all telling lies? What about the liars at the Kavanaugh hearings? Still roaming instead of seeing the inside of the gray bar. I cannot wait for the day that Karma bitchslaps them all.


It’s just a gut feeling on my part, but that babbling, stuttering misspoke show that she puts on seems more and more like acting than the real thing to me.

Just a thought, nothing else.


PS, Lars. Have a steaming hot cup of STFU or prove your claim. If what you said was true, Trump would never have made it to the Primaries, FFS. And your beloved Dems would still have power. #SMH

A Proud Infidel®™

GIVEN how much effort and millions of our tax dollars have gone into the Russia fiasco of an investigation, if there really was any dirt on President Trump it would have been found by now. Let’s NOT forget that he DID not only beat sixteen Primary Opponents, he also won an election rigged against him with a sniveling, snot-drooling mainstream media constantly trying to sink him and now all Babbles McButthead can come up with is asinine bullshit from some coffee shop near UC Berzerkely that he regurgitates here following his professors’ mantra:

“Orange man bad” – *CLICK*
“Orange man bad” – *CLICK*
“Orange man bad” – *CLICK*
“Orange man bad” – *CLICK*
“Orange man bad” – *CLICK*

A Proud Infidel®™

“THE ONLY THING we have to dear is fear itself…” Franklin Deleanor Roosevelt
WHAT DOES today’s D-rat party offer other than fear, hate and venom?