Help send Jonn and I to the IAVA heroes celebration
Your donation wouldn’t be tax exempt, but you would have the knowledge of knowing you sent Jonn and I to Los Angeles to mingle with the likes of Cameron Diaz. We will promise to control our flatulence, and we will bring with us a list of disabled veterans who need jobs in Hollywood.
I’ve already rented our tuxes.
I figure we need 5 hundy for the tickets, about 3 for the Tuxes, and we need transport. We can stay in a homeless shelter there, and Jonn can do magic tricks for some extra throwing around money. All told, I figger we need like $1700. If I knew how to do picture things, this is where I would insert the empty thermometer thing showing y’all we have no money.
UPDATE: My Internet Wife made me a graphic, and threw in a 1 spot!
UPDATEx2: IF we don’t get enough money, I intend to act like this lady here.
UPDATEx3: Please don’t really give us money for this event. We have no desire to attend it.
Category: Politics
I think you’er underestimating your puppetry with a certain “p-named” body part as a potential revenue stream. The Lord helps those who help themselves, why foist your financial woes on the rest of us tax-payers out here?
If you’re really strapped for cash, you may be able to find some earmarks to help you out…I heard something about “Everybody Wins”? That’s got TSO’s name and T-Shirts for being “special” all over it.
I hope you have dibs on the Orange one.
Why would Diaz want to hang around a bunch of baby killers? Those IVAW people have admitted to more than a few war crimes.
Well, crap. I can’t contribute, but, if you two make it all the way to LA, I’ll have to drive down and meet you for drinks.
Hey – I’ll send in ten ucks if you’ll just take a vid of yourselves doing the Crazy Lady routine at any public airport of your choice!
She acted almost as if she’d been called back up active. Oh, sorry -wrong article.
sorry – the B in ‘bucks’ flew away… it shoulda been “bucks”. I know YOU knew that but if any IVAW folk were reading this, they might spend weeks trying to decipher some ‘encoded’ meaning out of it, and get a terrible headache.
Come on, guys, be compassionate. She just found out that the Obamunist was kidding, she WILL have to pay for her gas, her car and her mortgage.
So you’re gonna be staying at the same place IVAW stays?
Maybe you should post a Mortal Kombat video to depict your fight with the IVAW?
ROFLMAO. Well done!
We dont want you there anyway
“We” SD?
You got a mouse in your pocket?
The crazy lady routine, in the Orange “Dumb and Dumber” tux and I’ll pitch in!
“We don’t want you there anyway”? Awww, Stupid Dips–t, don’t you want to rub elbows with real men? Not faux men, and girlie men, but real men? Didn’t think you would, really.
southern democrat OF COURSE you would want them there! you would welcome any attempt to use their ‘infiltration’ of this stooopid arse event with celebutards to your advantage. but the flipside would be for us to use it too — which could be an incredibly fun thing.
The men and women at this event that have the bravery to speak out against poor programs and horrible decisions are real men….not the sheep that don’t think for themsleves and can justify pulling the trigger with women and children in their crosshairs
Way, waaaaaaay down below me; I can hear some pud pulling panzy suggesting that U.S. Troops would “justify pulling the trigger with women and children in their crosshairs”.
I can see that statement having some validity in either of two directions. First, If it was Jesse McFake looking through the sights in one of his many horrific battle experiences, or if it was a true blue patriot sighting in on a woman or child wearing a murder vest heading for a crowd of his fellow soldiers.
Other than that, I would have to just consider the source.
nuf sed
Sorry… in my last response I asked So Dumb if he had a mouse in his pocket. It has become obvious that it is actually a gerbil (and it ain’t in his pocket).
“Southern Democrat Says:
March 6th, 2009 at 12:36 pm
The men and women at this event that have the bravery to speak out against poor programs and horrible decisions are real men….not the sheep that don’t think for themsleves and can justify pulling the trigger with women and children in their crosshairs.”
Really? There’s brave men and women–people far better than your worthless ass–fighting on the turf of Islamofascist zealots, in order to stop them dead in their tracks. I was in Iraq twice, and nothing pisses me off more than a mealy-mouthed jackass who doesn’t know what the fuck he’s talking about because listening to the fucktards in the IVAW is so much better.
The only people ever in the crosshairs of MY unit was Iraqi enemy combatants and terrorist al Qaeda.
Shut the fuck up.