Random Open Thread

| January 3, 2019

© Ministry of Defence The British Army campaign features posters of soldiers with stereotype labels.

UK army seeks ‘snowflakes’ and ‘selfie addicts’ in new ads


If you’re a millennial who’s addicted to taking selfies, video gaming or consider yourself a class clown, you could be exactly what the British Army is looking for.

For its 2019 recruitment campaign, “Your Army Needs You,” the army is seeking recruits from the “snowflake generation.”

The army drew inspiration from the World War I-era “Your Country Needs You” poster featuring Field Marshal Lord Kitchener, and recreated a series of videos and posters to attract people between the ages of 16 and 25.

The posters feature six soldiers labeled with stereotypes of younger people, before listing a positive value for each that would be welcomed by the army.

“Selfie addicts” have confidence, “snowflakes” have compassion, “phone zombies” have focus, “binge gamers” have drive, “class clowns” have spirit, and “me me me millennials” have self-belief, according to the posters.

The army says the campaign shows young people who are ambitious and feel undervalued have the potential to work for a job with “real purpose” and “do meaningful work.”

It also released several ads featuring young people being labeled a stereotype before portraying them in army roles working abroad in war zones and providing humanitarian relief.

Portrayed is a late-night video gamer who the army claims has “stamina,” and a slow supermarket worker who is bullied by her colleagues but who is described by the campaign as a “perfectionist” who’s “resilient.” Another video portrays a worker fooling around in the office, followed by the line: “there’s always room for people with a bit of spirit.”

The campaign was intended to show that “the army sees people differently” and that they “look beyond the stereotypes and spot the potential in young people,” Major General Paul Nanson said in a statement.

“We understand the drive they have to succeed and recognize their need for a bigger sense of purpose in a job where they can do something meaningful.”


Read the full article here: UK army seeks ‘snowflakes’ and ‘selfie addicts’ in new ads

Category: "The Floggings Will Continue Until Morale Improves"

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Well, got your attention, didn’t it? (As in “Why did you name your grocery store Piggly Wiggly?” “So you would as that question.”)

5th/77th FA

Piggly Wiggly, another 1st. The 1st grocery store to offer self service grocery shopping, the fore runner to grocery store nation wide. Still got a few of them in our area, used to be one on every corner down here. Also, reputed to be the FIRST to offer shopping carts.

My 1st time clock job was at an independent grocer that was in direct competition with the Pig. Pricing, naturally was higher, but we did offer the personal service of doing the shopping for you, even pre shopping, bagging, tallying bill, and loading it in your vehicle when you came by to pick it up. That’s coming back to be all the rage for the yuppie puppie soccer Moms today.

Guess I don’t qualify for the Brit Army. Have never taken a selfie, never played a video game. Could join up with The Queens Own Scots Brigade tho. Got the full Kilt Kit; Clan MacClendon. We fit the Brits here in the SE in 1776-81. We married up with the O’Quinns and fit them again ’bout 1812-early ’15. You reckon they still mad about it?


Will pass along an oft repeated experience I had with that sort of thing a couple of decades ago following a trip to the highlands.

Had a drinking buddy at the local watering hole by the name of McDonald with whom I’d shared a few pints over the years. My last name did not indicate clan membership because the Campbell side of the family was maternal.

So, I return home quite excited for having finally seeing the old ancestral sights. Yes, I was aware of the old rivalry between the clans of that area. But, I had no idea just how deep it ran in this country. My now former friend stomped off after discovering that I was on the “wrong” side of history, and never spoke to me again. Crazy.

(For those unaware, the Scottish clans fell into two broad categories – those who picked a side and stayed with it no matter which royal family was in power, and those who made some attempt to get along with whichever ruling family had the throne at the time. Was one way better than the other? I dunno.)


Those Scottish clan grudges were transplanted to the American South. This contributed to mayhem during the Revolution, and also during the Late Unpleasantness four score years later.

They echo still…

5th/77th FA




5th/77th FA

Just a practice 1st, getting ready for the real FIRST on the Friday Weekend Open Thread, the only FIRST that really counts as a 1st. But then again this is the 1st Random Open Thread of the year so there is that. Is there a prize for that too?

Hondo had posted that the prize for being the 1st FIRST on the 1st Wednesday Open Thread was located between rations and VD in Webster’s Book. I looked it up and there it was, the prize of prizes. Top Shelf Whiskey. Jonn would be proud of Hondo for offering such a prize to the awardee of the 1st FIRST on the 1st Wednesday Open Thread of the year. Hondo (aka Spartacus) has the mark of the true leader, insuring that his troops only have the best of prizes awarded to the awardees.

Top Shelf Whiskey and a premium cigar is always a good finish to a good serving of chili with cheese and cornbread. Tanks, Hondo.


Well, you did say first, first, so technically, your practice run was a first and I’d like to be first in recognizing your first achievment as first 🙂


Nice try, but the “prize” for that ain’t Top Shelf Whiskey. You’ll have to fund that yerself, amigo.

There’s a different prize for non-WOT open thread firsts. Think something more organic – as in “that which encourageth plant growth, and is exceedingly strong of scent.” (smile)

The prize for WOT first, of course, is entry into the TAH Book of Firsts.

5th/77th FA

Shucks?? composted?? (shuffles off mumbling, leafing thru Webster’s, damn thought I had that one scammed)


Warming up for tomorrow’s weekend open thread? :mrgreen:


Oh, just for giggles—Commander Salamander points out, per the VA, the the US has been at war since 1990, being there is no close date on the (first) Gulf War. See: https://cdrsalamander.blogspot.com/2018/12/ending-2018-with-feh.html

Cameron Kingsley

Is this recruiting campaign a good idea or a bad idea? It sure is an interesting one (not to mention a creative one), that’s for sure.


Would it work in Seattle (see previous thread)?

Cameron Kingsley

Sorry, I reported your comment on accident. I did see the thread and I would say it would get definitely get their attention. I don’t know if it would be a good idea in the long run however.


That’s exactly what I was thinking, CCO.

If nothing else, this is clever and gets people talking about the army. I like it.

Cameron Kingsley

I like the titles they chose too. Very accurate descriptions. Maybe it might pay off. One thing I have learned is don’t write something off until the final results of it come in. Maybe the DOD should look into this if it is successful.


Shit was going downhill 25 years ago.

No fucking way I’d want to be an NCO with all the coddled little snowflakes these days.

Wilted Willy

Travel the world, meet interesting people, learn how to kill them!
Always worked for me??


Joined the Army; learned how to blow stuff up. American love to blow stuff up.


Speaking of llamas…

A couple years ago, one of my Project Officers made 0-4, LCDR. Sharp guy and well deserved. As a prior E, I had to gently give him some grief, so I congratulated him on making “Hinge.”

“Hinge” or “Hinge Head” is a Navy term used for brand new 0-4’s and refers to hinge installed in their necks, allowing only a fore-and-aft motion of their head. This is especially noticeable whenever the Skipper is speaking.

Of course he got it, and said in his last command all the LCDRs were referred to as llamas.

Seems they would all travel in a herd and spit on each other.

Perry Gaskill

Since this is an open thread, I thought it might be useful to pass along couple of recent political news stories bordering on the remarkable:

The first is that former New York Times editor Jill Abramson, on the eve of the release of a new book, has taken the paper to task for being anti-President Trump not only on its op/ed pages, but also in news and news-analysis content. For Abramson to say this is sort of like Osama bin Laden having said he was a big fan of kosher deli. People at the Times, even ex-people, do not go off the reservation and bash the gray lady.

For what it’s worth, I never liked Abramson that much when she was running the NYT because she always played the aggressive New York City feminist. Still, to give credit where due, in this latest analysis she makes a plausible argument for not only the fact that the Times is biased, but also explains why. A big reason, according to Abramson, is money. During the past few years, for example, the paper has shifted from a 60 percent dependency on advertising to where it is now 60 percent dependent on subscriptions. And what drives subscription demand, readers willing to pay real money, is biased click-bait.


Another story which has flown even more below the radar is one last week in The Nation in which writer Aaron Maté takes on the prevailing apparent myth that Russian interference in the 2016 was an elaborate, heavily funded, and well-organized attack on the American body politic. According to Maté, who backs up his argument with some specific data, there was indeed Russian involvement, but the minor extent has been blown into hysterical proportions.

Something else which makes this story interesting is that it’s being run in The Nation which is practically a bible for Progressive Democrats:



Are cracks beginning to appear in the progressive assault on America? How can it be that two prominent (?) liberals are taking their masters to task for the obvious bullshit they have been spewing?

I note that Warren is/was in Iowa to test the waters for a potential run in 2020. She is truly delusional as well as being a lying piece of crap.

Talked to some folks last night at church about possible Drat nominees in 2020. They seem to believe Biden would be the most formidable foe to the Republicans.


2016-Bernie Sanders: “I’m gonna give you all free shit!”

2019-Lizzie Warren: “Hold my beer and watch this shit.”

And no, Lieawatha will go nowhere. She got barely 60 percent of the vote in one of the bluest states in the country against a Republican opponent who did virtually zero campaigning.

Charlie Baker, OTOH, even though a RINO, won reelection with 68 percent of the vote.

Bottom line, if only MA/CA/NY voted, she’d win. But the other 47 states would probably have something to say about that.


Their only hope is to go with someone younger, more idealistic, and photogenic. As much as I think Eric “Nuke ’em” Swalwell, Kamala “RICO Act” Harris, and Cory “Spartacus” Booker are all complete morons who have zero shot against Trump, any of the three would be a better bet for the Dems.

Biden’s tried so many times and lost. He’s a perennial loser. Trump salivates at the thought of Creepy Uncle Joe running. Landslide.

2/17 Air Cav

A student in Florida is raising a ruckus because she took the SAT and, on her first try, scored 900 on a scale of 400-1600. That’s the equivalent score of a 1210 on the old 2400. So, what’s the problem, aside from the fact that 900 sucks? She took it a second time and her score rose 50 points—no, 100 points—no, 150 points—no, 200 points—no, 250 points—no, 300 points—no, how about 330 points! So, her score was not validated because she is suspected of cheating. She has retained a civil rights lawyer who promptly stated that her character is being assassinated. She is Black. I guess that’s where the civil rights business comes from. I had no idea people put their race on answer sheets. 330 points to the better from a lousy score of 900? She should have at least said she was deathly ill when she took the test. Instead, she said that she studied hard for the second try. Right. All those buying that, please raise your hand.


Speaking of cheating or having unfair advantage …

A few years back (2017 ?) the Navy discovered that unfair consideration was given to a Navy E-8 in the process selection to E-9. A retired E-9 used his status to influence two E-9 personnel who were on the board to give unfair consideration to an E-8 who was before the board. The two active E-9 were given a court martial and RIR to E-8. The E-8 going up for E-9 was in fact promoted but it was found that he had no knowledge of having been given unfair consideration and was allowed to keep his promotion. I don’t think the promoted E-9 even knew that he was the individual in question who had received unfair advantage.

I do know those who were busted were not well received in the Chief’s Mess. Doing something as stupid as that brings discredit upon all CPOs. They would have been outcasts.

The Navy considered recalling the retired E-9 to AD but decided not to do so as recalling one to AD was reserved for more serious transgressions.


I guess them two idjits didn’t get High 3 retired pay as E-9s.


Nope. Federal law was changed after SMA McKinney gamed the system after his court martial. He retired, and the law at that time had no provision for recomputation of retired pay based on reduction for cause late in a career.

It does now.


Race IS asked about when registering for the test. And for the PSAT there are different types of recognition for kids of certain ethnicities who earn certain scores.

I prefer a meritocracy.


The weather report from my kingdom is 39F and sunny, with clear skies and no breeze. Near 40F tomorrow and sunny, also.

It appears that the dreaded bitter cold is going to stay north of us, after all, and the local bird count for 2019 is now underway.

2/17 Air Cav

“It was like a blowback for me because I worked so hard, and I did everything I could do to get ready and get prepared so that I’d know that I could achieve my goal.”

Dahell? I wonder what score she received on the English portion of the SAT.

2/17 Air Cav

Oops. Wrong spot.


S’Okay, Air Cav. Fits right in wherever it goes.

In this case, I was very busy doing the mung bean ritual dance under the Full Moon to send Winter Cold right back north where it belongs.

And because it worked so well down here to keep My Kingdom warm, I’m willing to say that sending that Cold Raw Weather back up to Canadialand where it belongs was an enormous disappointment to Trudy Trudeau, who thinks s/he rules The World.

2/17 Air Cav

Speaking of beans, the NYT formally apologized in writing the other day for an answer in its famous crossword section. The answer was “beaner” and the clue had nothing whatsoever to do with Mexicans. Just the same, the NYT begged its readership’s forgiveness.


Since the NYT’s owner is abandoning the time-honored income generator of advertising, and going strictly with subscriptions, it is possible that the death knell of the New York Times will be heard before long.


In other news, the New Horizons spacecraft reached Ultima Thule and sent a signal and photos back to NASA early on January 1. If you look at the composite, you can see more bridges and some ongoing construction strongly resembling the same thing on that recent video of buildings on the Moond.
Ultima Thule is 4 billion ++ miles from Earth.


In addition, China’s Chang’e 4 probe has landed on the far side of the Moon. It appears that the Far Side is orange, but that could just be Tang that got spilled during the Apollo missions.



Aha! I have those in a bag in the kitchen!


That’s just the General T’So’s sauce.




On this day in Navy history: 1943 – USS Humboldt (AVP 21) rescues 10 survivors from the Philippines motor-ship Dona Aurora, which was sunk by Italian submarine Enrico Tazzol on Dec. 25, 1942. 1944 – Marine Maj. Gregory Boyington is shot down by Japanese and taken prison of war. 1945 – Task Force 38, under Vice Adm. John S. McCain, begins operations against Japanese airfields and shipping in the Formosa area, with aircraft sinking six enemy ships. 1945 – USS Kingfish (SS 234) attacks a Japanese convoy in the Bonin Islands sinking a Japanese army cargo ship and two freighters 200 miles north of Chichi Jima. On this day in Army history: 1945 – In preparation for planned assaults against Iwo Jima, Okinawa, and mainland Japan, Gen. Douglas MacArthur is placed in command of all U.S. ground forces and Adm. Chester Nimitz is placed in command of all U.S. naval forces. This effectively ended the concept of unified commands, in which one man oversaw more than one service from more than one country in a distinct region. Douglas MacArthur’s career was one of striking achievement. His performance during World War I combat in France won him decorations for valor and earned him the distinction of becoming the youngest general in the Army at the time. He retired from the Army in 1934, but was then appointed head of the Philippine Army by its president (the Philippines had U.S. Commonwealth status at the time). When World War II erupted, MacArthur was called back to active service as commanding general of the U.S. Army in the Far East. He was convinced he could defeat Japan if Japan invaded the Philippines. In the long term he was correct, but in the short term the United States suffered disastrous defeats at Bataan and Corregidor. By the time U.S. forces were compelled to surrender, he had already shipped out on orders from President Roosevelt. As he left, he uttered his immortal line: “I shall return.” Refusing to admit defeat, MacArthur took supreme command of a unified force in the Southwest Pacific, capturing New Guinea from… Read more »


Another interesting MacArthur tidbit, of which there are many. He is one of a small group of people to serve the entirety of WWII overseas.

2/17 Air Cav

As an Army guy, I must say that I would rather have one Nimitzes than two MacArthur-erers. I am not a fan.

5th/77th FA

Ditto ^this^ and preach. Not a fan either.

IMO he was the epitome of “a politician in an uniform.” YMMV

A Proud Infidel®™

One guy I work with told me about his Dad serving in the US Army Pacific during WWII and said his Dad had NOTHING nice to say about MacArthur.


I always assumed the nickname “Dugout” Doug was not given to him for leading the charge.


MacArthur is I believe a member of an exclusive fraternity, father and son MoH awardees (the others being named Roosevelt). However… look up the Bonus Army. Screw MacArthur.

Commissioner Wretched

Another interesting tidbit about MacArthur: While the big invasion of Japan was being planned, MacArthur was to be its overall commander (as noted). Since there would be a monstrous force under his command, including field marshals, a new six-star rank was devised and he was to be promoted to it, so he could be in command over all the others. Truman’s decision to use the atomic bomb instead rendered the invasion plans – and MacArthur’s promotion to six-star rank – moot.
In 1962 (I think it was), Congress once again received a proposal to promote MacArthur to six-star rank, this time as a “thank you” for his 50+ years of military service. It died because there wasn’t any way to determine what his pay would be – five-star officers remained on active duty for life, and the six-star proposal didn’t have anything referencing compensation in it.
More trivia later today …


Giggling AGAIN! That’s so forever hilarious…

5th/77th FA

And just like that Dani boi BernASSty started maintaining minus 6 ft AGL.

Dave Hardin

Ouch, I can fell the burn

A Proud Infidel®™

Sounds about right, she even failed an Ancestry Test and I bet she could fail a blood test as well!


Wait a minute!!! Aren’t you forgetting Occasionally-Confused, here? She wants the age limit – or something** – changed so that she can get in there, too.

**Not sure what other thing she wanted changed.



That is from a Monte Python skit, right? Maybe part of “Sergeant Major walking Up and Down the Square!”



SMA Dailey marks 4 yrs on the job this month. No announcement about a successor. Only one SMA has served beyond 4 yrs, so this is a little curious.

2/17 Air Cav

I love this story so much, I’ll probably put in today’s WOT too. A 68 yr old man walked out of Anita’s Mexican Grill in West Palm Beach last week. He’s limping because he had pulled a muscle. 68. Limping. Easy mark for a thug. A guy walks up behind him and hits him over the head with a bottle. The victim is bleeding and his eardrum is ruptured and the thug hits him again while demanding his phone and money. The victim pulled his muscle b/c, as a former champion kickboxer, he was training. He let the thug have it. Said he felt the thug’s ribs break. Police are looking for the thug who got away with his life, no money, and no cell phone.