Thomas Earl O’Neil – US Army Ranger in “The Mog,” Three Bronze Stars w/ “V”s, Three Purple Hearts

| January 3, 2019

The folks at Military Phony provide us their work on this Thomas Earl O’Neil fellow.

Thomas claims to have been in the Battle of Mogadishu and it was the worst 18 hours of hell that he has ever experienced.

You wouldn’t understand unless you were there…

He talks a lot about his buddies from The Mog, including CMOH recipients Master Sergeant Gordon and Sergeant First Class Shughart, whom O’Neil claims to have served alongside…

You may recall a lot of this was captured in the movie “Black Hawk Down” after the account was written up in the Philadelphia Inquirer by Mark Bowden.

But according to O’Neil, many of the survivors of the Battle of Mogadishu (Operation Gothic Serpent) are killing themselves and there are only a few left… O’Neil being one of them of course.

He claims three Bronze Star Medals with “V” for Valor and three “Purple Stars” – later corrected to “Purple Hearts.”  The image above clearly shows the Bronze Star and Purple Heart but it is hard to tell if they have additional awards on them.

Veteran suicide is a serious problem.  If what O’Neil says is true about veterans from the Battle of Mogadishu, who will be left to tell the story of what happened there?

Let’s see what Tom O’Neil’s records say.

According to his records, the Army does not seem to know anything about his 3 Bronze Stars for valor or anything about him being wounded in combat.

His picture appears to have a Marine Corps Good Conduct Medal, Marine Corps Combat Action Ribbon, Navy/Marine jump wings and a cacophony of other mysterious awards unaccounted for in his DD 214.

Tommy sounds like he is having a rough go of it lately, but I doubt it’s from him being in “The Mog.”  He accomplished more than enough for anyone to be proud of while he was in the military.  He has no reason to embellish his military career beyond recognition.


Category: Phony soldiers, Valor Vultures

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The AFEM was authorized for those who served in Somalia. The AFEM isn’t on this individual’s DD214, so it isn’t in his records. Ergo, it’s virtually certain that he wasn’t deployed there. (He might have gone there TDY for < 30 days - but if so, he didn't participate in the battle of Mogadishu. Participation in combat makes one eligible for the AFEM regardless of the duration spent in the AOR.)

He also left active duty in Nov 2003 – as an E5, and with 14 years 28 days of active duty service. That wasn’t exactly a time when the Army was trying to downsize – so I’m thinking he didn’t leave active duty voluntarily with that much TIS (<6 years away from retirement).

His DOR is 1996, so it appears he never made E6. As I recall, 14 years service is also about right for a Retention Control Point (RCP) discharge (HYT for you Navy/USMC types) for an E5 circa 2003.

Looks to me like he likely was allowed to finish his last enlistment, then wasn’t allowed to reenlist due to exceeding the RCP for service as an E5. I could be wrong.

I’d love to see his record of assignments, and know what the blacked-out info in block 18 of his DD214 might be.

(Comment edited to add additional pertinent info after reply below.)


Originally posted by Hondo:

The AFEM was authorized for those who served in Somalia. The AFEM isn’t on this individual’s DD214, so it isn’t in his records. Ergo, it’s virtually certain that he wasn’t deployed there (at most he might have gone there TDY for < 30 days).

Yup. I have one AFEM, and it was for Somalia.


Yup, got one too. One of those “thanks for showing up” awards.


in 1993, an E5 with 14 years service would be coming up on the 15 year retention control point and not allowed to reenlist unless the actual potential for promotion existed. Some MOS made not getting promoted a certainty.

It should also be noted that from 1992 to 1995 the Army was offering SRB and VSI to downsize.

So, he might have been caught at RCP and invited to leave or taken the VSI and gotten out.


medical MOS, he was a victim of RCP


Um, he got out in Nov 2003. With both OEF and OIF active, I’m pretty sure thee was no VSI then. (smile)


“He talks a lot about his buddies from The Mog, including CMOH recipients Master Sergeant Gordon and Sergeant First Class Shughart, whom O’Neil claims to have served alongside…”

Interesting that his buddies, both of whom are MoH recipients, are deceased (RIP Warriors) and not available to refute his bullshit. That’s very cowardly of him. The number of suicide stats he gives is also a crock of shit. He’s nothing but a cowardly little piece of shit who appears to have been shown the door b/c he lacked the ability/smarts to advance.
Cowardly, just cowardly woe is me bullshit.


yep..I saw the 1996 date. Still, E5 at 14 years is an RCP waiting to happen. However, in 2003, the Army was actually getting rid of people. The surge enlistments started in 2004 or 2005, but the RCPs were rigid before then.

The funny part is that many of those recruited under the surge were later cut loose in post 2010 drawdown…I wonder how many of them are being contacted now?

Probably denied indef status and told to go home.

I’d like to see the reup code there…probably a misconduct code on top of everything, because SV is usually just the rancid cherry on a shit sundae…LOL


He wasn’t a Ranger from B Co in Mogadishu. I have the roster of all originally deployed 144, plus the ones that followed on and came home during the deployment. He is not on the list, and as a medic, he would stand out on the roster.

For the record, I was in the company but broke my leg and didn’t deploy and have caught numerous people trying to BS their valor because they didnt see a scroll on my right shoulder.

It’s always funny to watch them squirm when the facts come out.


5th/77th FA

Lying, embellishing, POS and, most probably a



Concur. Most definitely a sucker of the cock variety.


Tommy-boi is an awardee of the Order of the Fellitated Phallus (with nutsack cluster)


I think he probably suffers great regret and anger over not being able to retire. Giving 14 years to the Army and being shown the door is a real kick in the nads. I would be bitter beyond description were I in his shoes. He wants to be a hero by living his existence vicariously through the lives of other, real Warriors.

Comm Center Rat

A Combat Medical Badge, 5 ARCOMMs, 5 AAMs, and foreign service in Haiti, Kosovo, and SWA over a 14 year career. Long, honorable service and something to be proud of. Going the Gothic Serpent route of embellishment though is despicable.

I agree with Hondo’s assessment of O’Neil being denied reenlistment. He probably got one year of severance pay as a parting gift. Maybe some bitterness and regret at not qualifying for retirement benefits, but O’Neil has gone beyond the pale of decency in claiming to be a Battle of Mogadishu veteran struggling with suicidal ideations.


Yeah, just shaking my head here. CMB and EFMB with the service awards to show he was there. Guess it just wasn’t Hollywood enough for him, so he had to go making shit up. UFB

Club Manager, USA ret.

His SW Asia ribbon had three bronze stars (repeat awards). I’m not familiar with that ribbon but I’d wager it is where he takes his three Bronze Star Medal claim from. Regardless, 14 years and a super E-5. I think the others nailed it about his being denied reenlistment. Anyone want to wager it was because of a substance abuse problem.


I wonder if this criminal conviction played into it?

comment image


It’s plausible that he was slated to deploy to Afghanistan or Iraq and had a meltdown and sabotaged his career so he wouldn’t have to go. Waved a gun in someone’s face sent it over the edge.

Just putting it out there.


FWIW: the link indicates he was booked, but doesn’t indicate whether or not he was ever tried and convicted. He may or may not have been.

Regarding him doing this to get out of a deployment: I suppose that’s possible. It’s also possible that that stunt was unrelated to any deployment – but either way it almost certainly would have resulted in him being flagged (no favorable personnel actions) and might well have gotten him a bar to reenlistment even if charges were dropped or he were acquitted.


Yes, you are correct – booking vs. conviction.

I should not have been so loose and sloppy with my terminology.


“His SW Asia ribbon had three bronze stars (repeat awards)”

Those would be campaign stars. Repeat awards of the SWASM are not authorized.

2/17 Air Cav

“I ask myself daily; was I worthy of their sacrifice for me?”

Their sacrifice was not for YOU, you pompous prick. They fought, as all soldiers do, for one another. Besides that, let me suggest that you just enter the word “No” on your desk calendar each day. Jerkwad.

2/17 Air Cav

I think that he should be very, very grateful that Jonn is not here to send him a personal message. Every year, Jonn would remember his friend, MSG Timothy (Griz) Martin here, as well as the Martin Family. “Griz” lost his life in that hellhole, Mogadishu, during Gothic Serpent.


Jonn wasn’t very fond of Gothic Serpent phonies. Add in the fact that this douchebag used Jonn’s friend Martin’s death for sympathy I’m sure that Jonn would have ripped his balls off through his mouth.

MI Ranger

I personally knew SGT Pilla who also lost his life. A few others I went through RIP with but did not spend much time with, it is pretty simple to pick out those that were there, those that were there but not directly involved, and those that are just faking it.


The only person that I knew that was in TF Ranger was Jim Lechner. He was the FSO that fought to get the rockets put on the little birds. He was in the book, but not the movie. He was my Company Commander in 2/27 IN. Company runs were pretty slow since he took an AK round in the shin during that fight.

Mike W - Wolfhound !

I was in C-4/27 when Col Danny McKnight was taken to go back to Rgt. He DID NOT look at all like Sizemore playing him! LOL
We had gotten a huge officer burst from the Ranger Bats/Rgt after Panama Invasion. I think they needed an “overseas” tour and Hawaii works! Col. Hagler was Bde Cdr too.
My own company cdr. Capt. Loren Ramos was a pear shaped Cpt who could RUN FOREVER and didn’t do PT with the company unless it was a Bn or higher run. He’d take the salute at the beginning of PT, and we’d see him coming back into the quad when we were usually coming back from breakfast chow after our PT ! Awesome CO.

2/17 Air Cav

The more that I think about my comment above, the more this jerkwad disturbs me. I would hope that in honor of Jonn, his friend, Griz Martin, and all of the Rangers that fought in Operation Gothic Serpent, every dickweed here lets this O’Neil clown have it, but good.

Denise Williams

I concur, heartedly, and have put this on the radar of a few people.

What put me over the edge was, “I ask myself daily; was I worthy of their sacrifice for me?”

It is the duty and responsibility of every American to be worthy of the sacrifices of all our military, most particularly those who fell in Battle. As someone who did serve, in any capacity, the duty becomes a sacred obligation.

The answer to this Stolen Valor POS is no, no you are not worthy. You were not worthy while you wore the uniform it seems, and even if you did serve with enough honor to get a DD214 then, you are not now.

Yes, I said it. You are not worthy of the life those who sacrificed their all bestow on each and every one of us. There is no retraction, apology, mea culpa or forgiveness for this transgression. It is my deepest and sincerest wish the proof of your lies, manipulations of other’s pain, suffering and loss haunts the rest of your miserable existence. I hope you are laughed at, ridiculed, shunned and end up alone and in abject misery. I have full faith that those who guard the Gates of Heaven await your arrival, so they can continue their honorable service and be the ones to cast you into the lowest circle of Hell.

This guys seems to have set me off. There are worse humans, worse transgressions but in my opinion, not many. This POS, with his lies, is sucking at the teat of public sympathy, tainting it for those who deserve the outpouring of sustenance.

Yeah, this guy set me off. I think I need more coffee. Or to go chop wood or something. Apologies Air Cav for the hijack. And apologies to all TAH for the rant.

2/17 Air Cav

“Apologies Air Cav for the hijack.” Your comments are always welcome and, in this instance, more than welcome, Denise.

Denise Williams

Thanks Air Cav. Time to go play with power tools and sharp objects.

5th/77th FA

Rant, Rant, Rant, and then Rant some more Miss Denise. We love it when a good rant comes in, especially from one so eloquent in their ranting. And even more so from someone who has made the supreme sacrifice that you and yours have made.

The Gold Star Mothers have always had a very special place in the hearts of all of us, including that gruffy old sour puss Dave Hardin. (Don’t tell him I told you) Any of us would sally forth dropping whatever we had going on to assist them.

You are correct in your belief. There will be a phalanx of Warriors waiting on this POS to escort his lying embellishing self to that very special pit of hell that is reserved for him. Rest assured MiLady, Karma is a cast iron bitch and she will bite him on the ass, not only for the rest of his miserable life, but for all of eternity.

The Brave Warrior dies but once; the coward dies a thousand times.

God Bless and keep you and for who you are and what you mean to all of us……Hand Salute

2/17 Air Cav

Well said, 5th/77th FA, and right on the money.


Well said 5th/77th FA and after reading Miss Denise’s comments I am glad I outed Thomas O’Neil and end his path of lies and fake warrior bs! I thought long and hard before making that decision, but in the end I think it was the best decision!

RGR 4-78

Thank you.


One PH is never enough.
Two is nice but…meh.
Gotta have three or more if you want to be recognized and given a shitload of sympathy.
Yeah, SYMPATHY. That’s what drives the quest for the phony PH. Real recipients never wanted one and wish it never happened.


Not sympathy. Pity. That’s what these sad sacks want. They wallow in it. They wear it like a sackcloth and ashes.

“Waaaah! 22 a day! Feel sorry for me, I’m just a victim of the big bad Army!”

Also I concur with Hondo regarding his service time. 14 years in and he couldn’t make E6 even at a time when there were TWO wars going on and the military was taking any warm body it could?

That says “shitbag” to me. Not enough to get busted, but holy crap, if you hold a critical MOS (combat medic) and you can’t get promoted even when your country is at war, how worthless must you be?

Think about it: There was probably a battalion that went to the sandbox short a medic rather than take O’Neil.

Nice to see another Haiti veteran though. 😀 OUD was my first “real” deployment.

Doc Savage

I’m still scratch’n my head on this one…all his other shit baggery aside, how the hell do you NOT make at least E6 as a medic during wartime?

I didn’t retire until’08, and all the youngsters I had as junior medics in my platoon during our vacay in Iraq have already made E6/E7 at least.

He must have been a serious dick stomper, or had zero motivation to achieve anything.


“One PH is never enough.
Two is nice but…meh.
Gotta have three or more if you want to be recognized and given a shitload of sympathy.”

It should be called the “Kerry Factor.”


“It should be called the “Kerry Factor.””

And so it will be.
The perfect moniker.
Look for it to be used here.

Tommy is a KF3


Trampling on the graves of the fallen is never a good idea.

Stop this asshole, whatever it takes.

How contemptible can you be?

Wilted Willy

What a lying sack of shit, the Purple Heart phonies piss me off the worst of all! Just like my pos brother, I can only hope they all get what the claim to have already, a real wound in combat! Or at the very least, a real wound given by a real veteran of combat! I hope this asshole chokes on a bag of dicks!
Jonn would have torn your nuts off!!!


What pisses me off the most are those who were ‘right there in the shit with xxxxxx’. Of course, xxxxxx was killed in the battle and is no longer able to refute the bullshit. They are careful to ensure they don’t mention any living witness to their bullshit. So the plan is to award oneself a bunch of medals and for good measure mention a few warriors who were KIA. What a load of shit. Man, you are one dumb MOFO. You must be to only make it to E-5 during wartime. And, oh, BTW, you are not worthy.


Just stupid to dishonor his own service in addition to everyone else’s in this way. The guy obviously has some serious issues. Lie about all that, AND make up stories about suicide? The guy needs some serious help.

He also needs to stop lying about things.


If that’s an official Army photo, I wonder how no one caught the shitbaggery while he was still in?


I don’t think an official photo would allow a stupid looking mustache like that.
You could hang another dozen awards on him and that stupid mustache would still be the focal point.


I’ve never seen an “official” photo with a flag in the background. That’s one of those “hero” photos you can take at the local PX photo studio to send home to momma.


Also I’ve never seen an official photo in class B’s. All mine were in class A uniform only.

Green Thumb

I actually preferred having a pro mask and kapod with my sleeveless B’s in my DA photos.


Agreed, no B’s. That is however an in-reg mustache of the times, mustaches permitted but not allowed to extend past the corner of the lip in any direction. Didn’t look too bad when interpreted reasonably as from the horizontal crease at the corner of your mouth, till some dumbass crew of sergeants major decided that the reg should mean ‘not extending past the corner from a VERTICAL line from the corner of the mouth’. Lot of guys decided to lose mustaches; if you had a narrow mouth you wound up looking like Hitler.


“wound up looking like Hitler”

It looks like someone drew it on the photo for just that effect.

Mustaches were allowed in the Viet of the Nam and there were some really wild ones.


I had a nice handlebar moustache in 1978. I think the regulation had changed by then, but my drill sergeants didn’t care. (I was an “acting sergeant” waiting for OCS at the time.)

Have photos if no one believes me. (^。^)

RGR 4-78

Ranger Battalion Regulations through 1978 were no moustaches, I am pretty sure that Ranger facial hair and anything beyond a high and tight did not exist before GWOT.

RGR 4-78

Oh, Yeah, Thomas Earl O’Neil, fuck off you lying sack of shit.

Combat Historian

Lying sack of shit. Three BSVs and three PHs, FFS…really???


“it was the worst 18 hours of hell that he has ever experienced”

Welcome to a different kind of hell Tom.


I think you left out an “n” in this comment at the beginning of “ever”.


He has three bronze service stars on his SWA service medal. That must be what he meant by three bronze stars.

A Proud Infidel®™️

Monkeyshit-headed back door gay bar cumbucket.


What I could make out of the Photo…

Bronze Star
Purple Heart – Joint Service Commendation Medal(?) – ARCOM
AAM – Combat Action Ribbon – Army Good Conduct Medal
Marine Corps Good Conduct (?) – NDSM – Armed Forces Expeditionaty Medal
Southwest Asia Service Medal – Humanitarian Service Medal – NCO Professional Development Ribbon
Army Service Ribbon – Army Overseas Service Ribbon (?)- Haiti Campaign Medal
NATO Medal – Kuwait Liberation Medal (SA) – Kuwait Liberation Medal (EoK)

So his picture may match his story – his DD214 doesn‘t.

MI Ranger

Bronze stars looks to have an oak leaf, don’t see a V).
Purple Heart looks plain no Oak Leaf

MI Ranger

He definitely has some screwed up ribbons: ones not authorized such as the Joint Service Commendation Medal, The Two Bronze Stars (don’t see a V), or the Purple Hearts, a bunch of Navy awards… if he was with the Rangers in Mogadishu he would have been expected to earn his Ranger Tab (which would have gotten him his E-5 quicker). He went to PLDC in 1993, but did not pin on until 1996 (unless he lost it and got it back). Also no airborne… so doubt he was with the Rangers.
I knew several folks with 10th MTN DIV that were there as well, so he could have been assigned to them. Most generally describe that day as shitty. Female MPs manning the Mk-19 and rocking it, snipers having to shoot kids and women, having to fight through every street and alley. If he was one of the guys that was there buy not involved (think morning water detail that got left behind) I could be sympathetic, but everyone I knew and have talked to that were there were glad they were not involved.
He had plenty to be proud of, and lots to be pissed off about (if the Army dumped him after 14 years because he was not aspirational enough to make E-6). But embellishing about participation in a Major battle is pretty stupid.

Green Thumb

14 year E-5 = Turd.

This clown was probably rat fucking MRE’s on the ship or in the connex.

RGR 4-78

Rat holed all my c-rat unopened cans, saved the individual boxes and filled them full, saved the cardboard boxes they came in and filled 1 of them full of the individual boxes.
After I got out, traded them for 100 rds. of 12gauge reloads which I used to obtain a bunch of dead doves which I cooked to perfection and ate.

Green Thumb

You traded them.

This fuck ratfucked you and put them in his pocket.

Nothing like getting a heater, a few Tabasco sauces and a chunk of shelf bread.

The field sucks in more ways than one.

RGR 4-78

There is nothing lower than a shit heel that steals from their fellow service members.



Green Thumb

Where do they find these dudes? Oh, social media. My bad.

This dude needs a warm cup of soup and a hearty handshake.


Too bad his Facebook is offline. He must have been tipped off.

I sense a “Continent of Insults(c)” coming his way. Thomas Earl O’Neil deserves every brutal epithet that can be hurled his way.

RGR 4-78


5th/77th FA

Aye!!! …ChipNASA paging…ChipNASA You have a motion, a second, and an AYE vote.

You are cleared hot…expend all!

Let’s do this one in Honor of Ms Denise Williams A Gold Star Mother of a True Warrior Hero.


I have been cleared, please excuse me for the lateness, blame it on the Democratic shutdown, I have a lot to catch up on…. The Continent of Insults®™ (aka, “This Ain’t Hell” Thesaurus) FIRE IN THE HOLE!!!! TACTICAL NUCLEAR ROUND OUT!!!! THREE PASS AIRCRAFT BOMB RUN!!!!! DANGER CLOSE!!!! MOPP LEVEL 4!!! TAKE COVER!!!!! ….Thomas “titty” Earl “squirrel” O(bama)’Neil – US Army Ranger in “The Mog,” NOT!!! …HEY DICKLESS WONDER, We all hope you read this and come back here and try to defend your actions, but, you won’t because, YOU’RE A STRAIGHT UP COWARD, , You have NOT earned any of this at ALL in your tiny dick mind….Three Bronze Stars w/ “V”s, Three Purple Hearts, are you out of your fucking mind you vagina?!?!? vile, flaming piece of skunk shit, ALLEGEDLY, but not confirmed or proven, but in some people’s opinion, works balls, tickles taint and tongue punches hobo’s crusty fart boxes all, I Guess, while being a syphilitic, turd-sucking feces factory, HOLY Baby Ape Shit Breath, Bitch-ass Fuckstick guzzler, pile infested, onion-eyed flapmouthed butt-bailiff, “Fowl” mouthed Chicken Fucking Chickenfucker, You flaccid piece of tofu, Simply a fart in life waiting to be fabreezed away, moral equivalent of pond scum, THIS MOTHERFUCKER IS A WALKING TURD, inflamed, “Towel boy” in a gay bath house, DILLY DILLY!!, Ambulatory verbal dissembling anus, Fucking one cell spermatozoon with a tiny flagella, gaping giant ass walking fungus shit nugget, Bag of seasoned dog shit, Cambodian cunt sauce, he deserves to have his private parts gnawed by angry badgers, Anyone who ever loved you was wrong, bucket of ass chum, Poopy Headed ball working asshole, JERK OFF !!, Soup Sandwich, if you Mom would have known you were going to turn out like this, she’d have prayed for a miscarriage, Diaper-Sniper, you’re such a pussy, when you get a haircut they charge you for a bikini wax, suck a big diseased gorilla dick and open those ass cheeks for the bull elephant that has been eyeing your lying ass, Poster-child for post birth abortion, Testicle face, This twat waffle is dumber than a bucket… Read more »


from the original big bang of stupid. Some pure essence of a stupid so uncontaminated by anything else as to be beyond the laws of physics that we know, Schlumpadinka, wazzock, Tampon Tunnel, used toilet paper-sniffing Turbo knob vacuum of a meat gazer, terminal crotch infection, asshat, roach turd-munching shit-for-brains, a black hole would spit you out, the founding fathers said all men are created equal….except for you, you make scientists contemplate the possibility that there’s a negative IQ number, if you an 2 other guys ran a race together, you’d come in fourth, dick pickle, gòrach pìos de cac, It looks like he smeared super glue on his lip and chin and went down on Whoopi Goldberg’s cootchie, You make PTSD/TBI look like a state fair, a 3 ring circus and Disneyland all rolled into one, likes to gargle with a mouthful of unborn crib midgets, He can shit and fall in it as far as I am concerned(This one is for the Ladies and Medical Staff) this prancing fairy is about as popular as a failed Episiotomy with a 4th degree perineal tear, wanker, herpes-ridden dung beetle target, feejackapeesack, first volunteer for being part of a jailhouse human centipede, bunghole warrior, cockwomble, bread loaf end slice, should eat a nice steaming pile of monkey shit you ass clown, looks like hammered dog shit, Your mother may have told you that you could be anything you wanted, but a douchebag wasn’t what she meant, If Mr. Rogers were alive, he’d piss on your grave, helmet wearing short bus riding window licker, Head paddler in the douche canoe, Uncle Fucker, more ate up than a chocolate dildo in a crowded gay bar, shitbag, dipstickus giganticus, Humpty Dumpty cleanup man after the fleet visits Naples, Herp-Burger, poofter, intergalactic cunt muffin, knob gobbling, fimicolous galactic Jackoff, Deputy executive assistant jizz mopper in training, chronic hemorrhoid, stugatz, inbred, toe-jam from an infected Filipino hooker that specializes in foot jobs, tortured turnip turd, Sea Donkey, festering pool of anal leakage, your penis lives in eternal darkness, I’d hate to see your toilet, retardus maximus,… Read more »

5th/77th FA

AMEN and Tanks Chip NASA!!! you da man.

This one’s for you Denise Williams and all of the Gold Star Mothers.


I’ll just say….

“This one’s for you Denise Williams and all of the Gold Star Mothers…..AND anyone who had a family member serve and anyone who ever lost a family member too….(with no disrespect)

5th/77th FA

(+_+)^this^ The comment and the Elvis video.


Always enjoy the shout out to Col. Sherman T. Potter.


I cannot recall ever seeing Army personnel sporting Navy/USMC jump wings without also having Army jump wings. Am I out of touch or had this shitbird already started playing Stolen Valor games long ago when that pic was taken?

And what a despicable instance of SV this is with this dishonorable clown using true heroes–dead heroes–as his visual props. Usually with these SV wannabees I just shake my head at their pathetic, and usually stupid, attempts to bolster their own egos. But this turd is particularly contemptible and deserving of a thorough ass-kicking by an authentic Ranger.




I passed his info on to a buddy with the Orange SO. Maybe he has used the claims in a way that charges can be filed on him.


Dirty, nasty, leg.


(especially a stolen valor leg)


Boring boring boring….

I thought I was reading a recap of Brian Culp’s Mogadishu tales. Yawnnnn……

2/17 Air Cav

“I stop and visit with Tim at Arlington at least twice every year on Veterans’ Day and Memorial Day and every Christmas when I make my rounds there. And every day I give thanks for men like Tim Martin….”
Jonn Lilyea 3 October 2008. That was from Jonn’s original article on MSG Tim (Griz) Martin. Jonn reposted it annually on the same date, the date that Griz was lost.

2/17 Air Cav

So, when a sorry excuse for a man claims falsely that he was where he was not–but good men were–and that he suffers the recollections of experiences he did not have, there is nothing to do but say say his name and spit.

5th/77th FA

Another Google hit for you Thomas Earl O’Neil, now SPIT (hat tip to Lone Watie)

Thomas Earl O’Neil a lying embellishing POS, too bad every post made on this thread didn’t have your name on it to add that many more Google hits for your lying POS Google Fame.

Sucks even worse to be you Thomas Earl O’Neil. Everyone with that name will soon be changing it.

Combat Historian

Thanks for the reminder. Thomas Earl O’Neil is a lying embellishing sack of shit…(google hit)…


“Get ready, little lady. Hell is coming to breakfast.”

5th/77th FA



Went over to Google to reread the history of Blackhawk Down and the specifics of the individuals involved. The heroism that day was beyond the pale. What warriors


Well, O’Neil, anyone who does a Google search of you will know you for what you are … a lying valor thief who is a failure. BTW, stupid, it’s their, not there, and otherwise is one word. In four lines of text above, you have five mistakes not counting improper punctuation. Commas can be your friend, moron; embrace the comma. Then go fuck yourself, war hero. How will you explain this to your family?