The Anti-American Dream

| January 1, 2019

As we begin the new year, let us take a few minutes to celebrate the ignorance of a Liberal Utopian delusion.   Educated ignorance is sadly epidemic.  The piously arrogant nature of those who lean well to the left is all too familiar to most of us around here.

If anyone wants to know why I hate Liberals and their professional victimhood they can expand their gnat-like attention span long enough to watch the video below.  I am still glad I voted for Trump because the alternative was repugnant and Anti-American.


Category: Liberals suck

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Slow Joe

Is there a transcript of the video?


I looked around and sadly came up empty. His name is Pat Condell, and he’s an outspoken conservative, pro-US Brit.

Lots more of his videos out there, using the search engine of your choice.


The Splendid Source;


This guy has the maggots all figured out! Too bad most Americans don’t! imo

MrFace frequently posts his videos, as well as, gives insight/synopsis of what the author believes to be true.



How did it get past the censors?


I’m sure it was demonitized seconds after uploading. It’s probably also been shadowbanned, in that it hasn’t been deleted but people just won’t be able to find it.

The digital masters of the universe are engaged in an electronic Fahrenheit 451. They’ve got the 2020 election in their sights already.


It’s Pat Condell. This video is on YouTube and available. He does sometimes move his stuff to another channel when the “censors” are too stupid to understand what he’s saying, but a lot of his stuff is on YouTube.


The video is going to trigger someone… preparing for the Chernobyl-class meltdown in 3… 2… 1…


Like this? Back by popular demand, its Trigglypuff!

Cat 5 meltdown at around 1min 36sec.

A Proud Infidel®™️

THAT is one very heavily coddled SNOWFLAKE, I wonder how quickly life will chew her and her ilk up and spit them out?


Chew her up? Ew. Looks like mostly gristle to me.

A Proud Infidel®™

Mostly FAT which is easily rendered into useful byproducts!


More like SNOWBANK.


Goddammit, that is just nasty. Can you imagine being a physician and having her show up for “routine” exams?

Haha, but on the uptick, Al-Gore might hit it! Sheesh, she could suffocate a human with her batwings.


Calling her a sow is an insult to pigs.

I keep hoping she’ll have a stroke that leaves her unable to open her mouth and make any noise at all.

But that is SOOOO mean of me….


She literally has no possibility of a American dream future with the hatred she spews. Throw in the fact that she is an ugly, morbidly obese pig who is stuffing he mouth between rants, and that nails the coffin on her future. Wonder what type of life she sees after the cameras stop rolling?

Would you like to supersize that, Sir?


“Here’s your grande triple soy, no whip decaf mochafrappachino”

A Proud Infidel®™

I’M going to bet that she/it was raised by “Helicopter Parents” who scrambled at a moment’s notice to cater to her every whim and want, forget need and she’ll crash and burn very painfully in the real world!


Well…you could call her over!…..soooooeeeeeyy! lol 😉


Can you imagine being her roommate in the dorm? Think of the smell. No way that massive store of fat cells doesn’t reek. You have no future, fatty. You’re going to end up working for a feminazi group who hate everybody and everything. You know the type … all ugly bitches who have a loathing for anyone different from them.

As far as being her physician, I would flag her record and r/s her a few days before each scheduled appointment. No way I could see her in stirrups. Oh, Lord, where is the brain bleach?


He’s right: we are teetering on the edge of losing everything that the American colonists fought for.

Conservative used to infer conformity. That has somehow been corrupted to liberal inferring conformity.

Never thought I would see the day. If it weren’t so utterly stupid, because liberals are abundantly stupid, it would be funny.

5th/77th FA

Like you, Dave, and 96.69% of the folks hanging out at the watering hole, I can’t stand what the liberals/left wing/draft dodging stankass hippies/media/career politicians et al dumbasses are doing to our country. Not only do I hate it, I am sickened, disgusted, frustrated, and yes, a little frightened for what the future holds. Not for myself so much, hell, I’m old and don’t really have that much time left in the grand scheme of things. It is for my grandchildren’s sake. These fools don’t realize what they are destroying and do not realize that they, the useful idiots, will be the first into the camps/showers/execution lines.

The socialists have been working very hard for the last hundred years to take over/destroy this country. They are very close. Sad…isn’t it?

The voters that they have not indoctrinated to their way of thinking will be out voted by the stolen elections. My biggest fear is voting for a beto/oc/lieawatha after I’m dead.

A Proud Infidel®™

“The socialists have been working very hard for the last hundred years to take over/destroy this country. They are very close. Sad…isn’t it?”

IMHO that is VERY true. As I see it, the left has been doing all it can to fester and foment any kind of civil conflict it can for at least the past 35 years.

“The voters that they have not indoctrinated to their way of thinking will be out voted by the stolen elections. My biggest fear is voting for a beto/oc/lieawatha after I’m dead.”

You and me BOTH!


The only solution for us is believe in God, believe his word (Jesus) and know he has everything under control…if you don’t believe it, read the Bible, everything that is going on is described “EVERYTHING” but we WIN, I read the end of the book! But only if we are on the winning side (Jesus), there is only one other side, that is satan and you see what his side is doing every day in the news….so….”Choose wisely”!!


IMHO we are two, maybe three presidential elections away from the total loss of this country to the lowlife liberals. I’ve often wondered why the last two generations or so have learned so little from history? They will have no place in the communist/socialist controlled America of the future. They are nothing but useful pawns in the takeover of the country. As 5th said, I’m not concerned for myself; I’m too old for this to impact me. I can’t get through to my daughter, though, that her senior years will be very much different from today’s living. She isn’t taking the steps necessary to be able to have choices later in life. I’m truly sick of what I see taking place. All is well, though, people have their cell phones, the malls are open, they have a nice car, the ability to have anything they desire and on and on. People simply don’t see past their immediate life at what is taking place. To them, all is well and Trump is the devil. I am so sick of this …


Yeah, I hate those draft dodging politicians.


Especially those that evade the draft by joining ROTC during wartime to delay induction, then resign while thanking the ROTC commander for “saving me from the draft” and imply they did so because they had decided they “loathed the military”.


The reason the Left hates Trump so much is that he not only defeated then one his first try, crushing the “inevitable” HRC, but made it look -easy-.

The Left is -vulnerable-, and can be defeated.

Thus they -must- seek his utter distruction, before the rubes realize that the Left is -quite- finished, if we want it to be.

The shrill desperation of the Left, the over-the-top excess, is not a mark of confidence, but of -panic-.



E = “The”

Than = “them”


A Proud Infidel®™

*Giving a Standing Ovation to that Gentleman*

“…not least, in that progressive Insane Asylum called Berkeley.”

An excellent example in a very truthful presentation!

Denise Williams

Someone asked me why I watch and share these videos of epic snowflake meltdowns. I didn’t fully answer because that person is a snowflake, and I don’t want them to change their tactics.

“They” accuse “us” of all sorts of things…racism, homophobia, sexism, etc., etc., etc. But, their accusations are just that, and unfounded and unproven. They think because it is impossible to prove a negative, these attacks cannot be defended against. They are sort of right. But they don’t have to be defended against or refuted.

All that needs to be done is to ignore them, but have a video camera ready. They will meltdown, and even if there were any truth to their accusations, they and their claims are dismissed as hysteria. As mainstream news loses market share, as their polls are proven false again and again, they keep going further and further down the rabbit hole. Let them.

I’m not saying be complacent, because complacency is what got us here. I am saying, let them go on. Keep capturing and sharing the evidence of their vision of the future. Let them do the job to themselves.

2/17 Air Cav

Most of us who watched the firs few minutes of the video recognize the message. Most of us have been saying the very same things for years, albeit without a British accent. This is the sort of video that, at the very least, every high school civics class should watch. Of course, that won’t happen: the message runs contrary to what students and teachers under 40 have been taught. Still, it would be something if students were mandated to learn not only the absolute genius of the Constitution but to recognize its enemies readily.


It’s that “old timey” language that bothers the lefties. If we could just re write it in plain English without all those racist words like “people” and “rights” and phrases like “Congress shall pass no law..”

Veritas Omnia Vincit

What’s interesting to me is that he hits it on the head with respect to the corporate realities of our current situation. Which from my perspective is far more interesting because for me both parties have moved to the center and have become far more similar than dissimilar with respect to their actual core practices versus the pretense of their platforms. If you actually look at who gets the benefit of welfare in this country it’s not some single mom, it’s Apple and Bob Kraft and a host of others just like them. It’s companies like Wells Fargo whose shitty, criminal business practices have ruined millions of credit histories but have only resulted in fines of about 5 billion which represent less than five percent of their profits during the same period of criminality…if you can fuck the public with the support of both parties and it only costs you five percent why would you stop those practices? The Clintons and Obamas are no more leftists than Mitch McConnell or Trump are conservatives. When was the last time a Republican said no to increased spending and larger government? Was it Eisenhower? Based on what Eisenhower actually did during his presidency I’m not certain he’d even be considered a Republican today…I mean he raised the minimum wage, expanded social security and built infrastructure all the while warning us about corporate control of government…he sounds more like Sanders than Trump…Obama’s “leftist” health care was nothing more than an attempt to mitigate corporate health care costs, as the government takeover of health care will ultimately benefit large corporations who will no longer need to pay for or administer health care benefits when they pass it to the feds and make the rest of us pay for it. That’s not a leftist move, that’s a corporatist move and an obvious one. That the Republicans are selling it as a lefty move is brilliant, but the Republicans inability and reluctance to actually remove Obamacare is far more telling than their words to the contrary. The part about not understanding the fundamental reasons for free speech… Read more »


Some of us have been saying similar things about the parties for a very long time. Especially at the national level. At the local and state level, you can still find significant differences but even that is no longer universal.

One way of putting it is that while both parties are destroying our freedoms, the dims are doing it at double time.


The “boots on necks uni-party”:

Some Left boots, some Right boots.

2/17 Air Cav

I have never subscribed to the corporate welfare argument, notwithstanding the tax breaks and other niceties granted large corporations. The reason is that, unlike individuals whose hands are fixed palms up and extend to government, corporations provide jobs and countless other economic and non-economic benefits to the country. The individual takers contribute what, other than the growth of government to provide for them?

Veritas Omnia Vincit

When you create laws that allow corporations to leave and continue to do business in the USA but then based on those laws are forced to offer large concession to keep the jobs here it’s welfare pure and simple.

No one offered me any tax incentives for my business in fact they offered nothing and made it difficult to get started because they don’t like manufacturing in this state anymore.

I’m good with all of that, and 100 people have jobs without the government offering me jackshit.

If you let corporations buy politicians and write laws to make trade with third world shitholes free across the border you can’t be surprised that the corporations and the jobs they create leave with them. Consequently the incentives you offer are nothing more than bribes to stay based on the money they paid you to campaign on their behalf.

Thinking that corporations getting incentives after they’ve paid off politicians to write laws isn’t welfare is a mistake. Those corporations knew they could get what they wanted which was cheap Mexican or Chinese labor at the expense of Americans, and then could capitalize on that by forcing states to offer incentives to stay to offset the cheap foreign labor. That’s the ultimate corporate welfare.

Wells Fargo breaking the law and paying a five percent profit penalty is exactly why Well Fargo keeps breaking the law, there’s no actual cost for them in real terms. That’s a corporate welfare on a grand scale. JP Morgan et al engaged in a massive bullshit loan scheme and received a tremendous corporate welfare thanks to you and I….I can assure you if I do the same no one gives a flying fuck about the folks who work for me and they won’t get shit beyond their unemployment check should I pull that kind of mistake.


I sent that video to the boy who is among the deluded masses of snowflakes on semester break from indctrination, er I mean college. He called me to tell me he was blocking me for 30 days on facebook – gee, whatever shall I do without those endless streams of SJW posts he shares? LOL. He was almost as pissed as Trigglypuff, nice to know that I’m a priviliged old straight cisgendered white man living in the 1950’s (never knew sperm could time travel, I was born in ’61…). Apparently a bunch of his friends from school saw it and had a shitfit about me being a scary person. Oh, well. Dogs need walkin’ I’ll worry about them and their feelings when pigs fly.

USMC Steve

Devildoc, just tell him to go fuck himself, and good luck in life. If you are the one footing the bill, cut that shit off, and let the kid learn all about real life on his own. That tends to make people much smarter usually much quicker. Actions have consequences.

Non Cedo Ferio

As most here know, I’m not a huge Trump fan. I’m also anti far left and right . I’m in the middle , trying not to see things through the lens of tribal politics just trying to make sense of it all and see the truth where it is. I’m the kinda guy who thinks. Yeah universal healthcare is a nice idea. But the practical side says. How the hell are you gonna pay for it? I won’t judge folks based on who they pulled the lever for, as I think it does a disservice to that person it’s who you are and not your party affiliation that I will size a person up on. I also hate the idea of saying all trump supporters are rascist or all dems are deranged. It’s simply because to paint with a broad brush is just wrong. What is anti American to me is the idea that someone takes what this great nation. Has to offer. And refuses to live up to their potential given the opportunities we have here. To me patriotism is more than outward signs like the anthem and the pledge or flying the flag. It’s living up to the promise of what our country is supposed to be about. Working hard , playing by the rules helping those in need and shunning the leeches. Serving our country in the Armed forces. Things like that. It’s just my two cents. I’d rather be a good neighbor and also to be there for my fellow veterans. Than to be a divisive intolerant person. Who follows the great coomandment rather than the words of a pundit


This seems like a good place to share a Kipling poem penned in 1919. ***** As I pass through my incarnations in every age and race, I make my proper prostrations to the Gods of the Market Place. Peering through reverent fingers I watch them flourish and fall, And the Gods of the Copybook Headings, I notice, outlast them all. We were living in trees when they met us. They showed us each in turn That Water would certainly wet us, as Fire would certainly burn: But we found them lacking in Uplift, Vision and Breadth of Mind, So we left them to teach the Gorillas while we followed the March of Mankind. We moved as the Spirit listed. They never altered their pace, Being neither cloud nor wind-borne like the Gods of the Market Place, But they always caught up with our progress, and presently word would come That a tribe had been wiped off its icefield, or the lights had gone out in Rome. With the Hopes that our World is built on they were utterly out of touch, They denied that the Moon was Stilton; they denied she was even Dutch; They denied that Wishes were Horses; they denied that a Pig had Wings; So we worshipped the Gods of the Market Who promised these beautiful things. When the Cambrian measures were forming, They promised perpetual peace. They swore, if we gave them our weapons, that the wars of the tribes would cease. But when we disarmed They sold us and delivered us bound to our foe, And the Gods of the Copybook Headings said: “Stick to the Devil you know.” On the first Feminian Sandstones we were promised the Fuller Life (Which started by loving our neighbour and ended by loving his wife) Till our women had no more children and the men lost reason and faith, And the Gods of the Copybook Headings said: “The Wages of Sin is Death.” In the Carboniferous Epoch we were promised abundance for all, By robbing selected Peter to pay for collective Paul; But, though we had plenty of… Read more »


One hundred years ago, and it is like he had seen what we see now.



He had some comments on war in Afghanistan too, as I recall.