Criticized for not Visiting Troops-Criticized for Visiting Troops

| December 27, 2018

Earlier this week, we saw a statement about how President Trump became the first president, since 2002, to not visit troops at Christmastime. NBC ran an article about how President Trump broke with tradition and didn’t visit troops, in the combat theater, during the Christmas period.

It wasn’t enough that he talked with troops, and with others, on Christmas day.

Then, we get the news that President Trump visited troops in Iraq. On top of that, deployed troops presented “MAGA hats” to President Trump for his autograph.

So much for the earlier statement.

Instead of admitting that they were wrong, or changing their narrative, they doubled down. They questioned whether or not the troops were violating policies, regarding political activism, when they requested President Trump’s autograph on their MAGA hats.

From Fox News:

CNN’s criticism of Trump visiting the troops wasn’t limited to Watkins report and the network took a negative tone throughout their evening coverage.

CNN anchor Jim Sciutto blasted Trump for his “routine lying,” while CNN military analyst Mark Hertling criticized Trump for getting “political” during his visit. Former Obama State Department spokesman John Kirby even dinged the president for not visiting with Iraqi security forces, who are also part of the fight against ISIS.

Ex-Obama senior advisor David Axelrod told Sciutto that it’s “good” that Trump went to see the troops and that “we should give him credit where credit is due,” but slammed the president’s political rhetoric.

“It does give you the sense that this was sort of a box-checking exercise in many ways for the president. It was a serendipitous timing because it clearly was planned before everything that’s happened. And you know, yesterday was kind of an orgy of self-pity and rage on Twitter from the White House,” the CNN political commentator said. “So it changed the subject, it put him in a much better position coming with all the turmoil in the Defense Department. It’s a valuable thing but peculiar in many other ways.

Well, considering that they’ve turned the media information domain extremely hostile to President Trump, what did they expect him to do? Shut up and let them erroneously define him? President Trump will “fight back” and get his side of the story out effectively. He’ll do so when the opportunity presents itself to get his argument out.

If they want to see political activism, they need to review the free political campaigning that they do for the Democratic Party.

You could read the article, along with tweets criticizing CNN, here.

You could read NBC’s piece, with regards to President Trump’s not visiting troops at Christmastime, right here.

Thanks to AW1Ed for the Fox News link. 

Category: Politics

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CNN’s totally fired up about him signing the troops’ MAGA hats. They have “experts” who are saying they should article 32 them.

Trump once again proves that no matter what he does, he is wrong.

The Other Whitey

“Experts” like “Full-Semiautomatic” Hertling.


Yeah, this perfumed turd has been taken to the woodshed by some Colonels on twitter. He’s just one of Jeff (dirty cock) Zucker’s CNN political Blue Falcon whores.


I love the nickname you gave that Zucker, how apropos.


These “news” outlets need to just sit down , shut up , and drink a big steaming cup of shut the fuck up !!!


I think you mean Article 15…Article 32 is preliminary to general court martial, and that would be too far even for CNN “experts”….(I mean, the whole idea is rubbish but the question is how high it’s piled).


That’s what they were saying. MSNBC contributor and retired Senior Chief Malcolm Nance:

Just shows these experts’ knowledge of the rules and regs.


Oh my word, that is ignorant.

“Conduct unbecoming an officer and a gentleman” is Article 133 and it has no specific elements…

Article 32 is the pretrial investigation, to decide if something should go to general court-martial. (Anything below general court-martial you can do without an Article 32 investigation.)

Senior Chief is sounding like a sea lawyer. Hope nobody took UCMJ advice from him back in the day.


(err, I mean, “no specific elements” beyond the defendant being an officer and the conduct being unbecoming…)


I think the only way they get to Article 32 the President is after they succeed at a military coup. But the D-rats don’t want to be confused with either facts or evidence, so what would be the point?


Next, they will list all his violations of Federation Code, and probably a few violations of the Rules of Acquisition.

“…and one moving violation…”

The Other Whitey

They attack Trump for doing what they were attacking him for not doing. Leftist logic at its finest. The Other Whitey


Thanks, thebesig. This is too important a story to let slip by. To damage Trump, these talking heads are willing to hang our own military members by invoking half-understood UCMJ regulations. This is truly disgraceful.

I use the “boot on the other foot” test, where I try to see an issue from another perspective, but there is no justification for this attack on our own troops to get to Trump.

When Obama autographed items for troops when he visited overseas military bases there was nary a peep from the Lame Stream Media. Exactly as it should be, but times have changed.

Breitbart’s front page is filled with similar stories from the usual suspects.

Breitbart News Link


What do you want from people whose brains were left behind at the factory when they were hatched?

They do these things because they inconveniently (for them) forget that everything they say and do is recorded and someone, somewhere, has permanently saved it to a file that is not online.

I hope this blows up in their faces, mostly because I think it will. You have to wonder how many tantrums they’ll throw before this is over.

A Proud Infidel®™️

I see it as more proof that today’s mainstream snooze media is little more than the propaganda wing of the D-rat political party. They even screeched and bawled about the shoes Melania wore!

Perry Gaskill

Another recent semi-classic was Vogue going into a snark frenzy over Melania’s decorations for the White House Christmas.


Oh, they’re still doing that. She goes to visit the troops with hubby and gets snarked at for wearing a pair of Timberland boots.
Why do they do this? Because they are stupid little kids with nothing going for them except access to the internet. It’s the only chance they get to pick on someone and get away with it – or at least they think they get away with it.


Can’t figure what is racist about Timberland boots, but apparently they are now. Who knew?


An old and debunked Internet legend about their CEO.

Bullcrap 100%


I tracked it down. It was fabricated in 2014 and the creator said he had made it up.

A Proud Infidel®™️

Melania Trump always dresses nicely and with class while whatsherface before her usually looked more messed up than a spotted Zebra, comparing the two is like comparing a Ferrari to a beat up dump truck!

The Other Whitey

They just can’t get over the fact that Melania is hot, while Moochelle looks like a drag queen.


Well, she’s a guy, so…


If you haven’t seen the Obamas’ official portraits, painted by a racist, in the portrait gallery, it’s a laugh riot. Michelle’s looks absolutely nothing like her.

The Other Whitey

Rumor has it some heads rolled when Mooch saw them.


Obama’s is in color, hers is monotonal black & white and no, it does not look anything like her.

Slow Joe

Where can I see this picture?


And what if she had worn designer heels? Then they would have mocked her for wearing heels in a combat zone; and said she was clueless where she was and was acting like some uncaring, out of touch diva.

J.R. Johnson

So does this mean that I can wear my Timberlands again or am I still appropriating their culture, since I am of European dissent?
Maybe she could have gotten some of those Combat Boots with heals on them, to appease the fashion freaks! I think her shoe choice was quite appropriate.

Club Manager, USA ret.

Nothing like being a predictable target. I have it on good authority, the reason the President’s schedule changed was NSA picked up the following conversation:

Yo Abdul, how they hanging?

Okay Imad, the goats think I’m a stud

It’s infidel holiday time which means the troops will receive a visit from their devil. How about you take one of these hand held missiles and camp at the end of the air base runway. Wait for one large sucker to land.

Will it not cut into our quota of virgins if we martyr.

No worry, there are plenty since we started counting transgenders.

Okay, sounds like a plan.

May Allah go with you.

USMCMSgt (Ret)

Fucking media.

Just wait. They’ll probably keep acting like little bitches in 2020 if another Republican wins, or will loose their collective shit if Trump wins again.

I am so sick of these motherfuckers.


Would you rather be blindsided by them?

LCpl Rhodes

We may need another eight years of Republican leadership to get rid of the rest of those worthless fucking 4-star, liberal Marine generals in Washington. Trump sacked Kelly, Dunford, and that pussy Mattis. Who knows how many more worthless assholes are out there that don’t support their Commander in Chief?


“Terminal Lance” does much better snark.


TL actually has talent.

The Other Whitey

Uriarte strikes me as a bit left of center, but he’s still funny.


I believe the USMC finally promoted him to Corporal.
That is just too funny! And much deserved, I think.


Soviet samizdat humor becomes more and more applicable, here.

There is no Truth in News and no News in Truth.

Please check out “the Peoples’ Cube” Web site. Author is a former Soviet, and his humorous take on Red foolishness is -epic-


Here is the link, Comrades!

2/17 Air Cav

It took me about 30 seconds before I bookmarked the site. Thanks for the Christmas present!


Fat fingered the report button. My apologies. Great site!


How cool! Thanks!!


The FLOTUS/FM**F was looking good is those boots.
CNN went full TDS on Timber Land boots.


You coulda stopped at “CNN went full TDS”. That covers them quite well.

LCpl Rhodes

Hell yea. The FLOTUS hasn’t been looking that good since those topless pics of her were posted by GQ. She’s such a classy lady.


I guess I’m a racist cause of my work boots now?

Fuck it.


I wear steel toe Doc Martens to work. I guess I’m a nazi skinhead.


I don’t get that. How is her wearing a pair of hiking boots the wrong thing to do? And how are those boots racist? How?

I swear, those morons would complain if they were hung with a brand new rope.

NBC still has not retracted its lie about Trump NOT visiting the troops at Christmastime, despite press release to the contrary. Constant focused hatred will do some damage to your liver or something.

Denial of reality is the first sign of mental illness. They need professional help with their problem.

I just don’t want to pay for it.

A Proud Infidel®™

Trump Acceptance Resistance Disorder – TARD
Trump Acceptance Resistance Disorder Operative – TARDO
Really Exceptional Trump Acceptance Resistance Disorder operative – RETARDO

IMHO CNN and the rest of the liberal snooze media is a huge hive of TARDOs and RETARDOs pushing TARD like a drug dealer!


He is not being criticized for visiting troops. He is being criticized for the stupid hyper partisan bullshit he said to troops.

And for lying to them about a pay raise.

And there is absolutely no denyinggn he lied. It is a mathematical fact that he lied. Empirical fact. And it was an unconscionable self serving lie.

If Obama has lied like that you all would have been enfuriated.

But since it Trump you make excuses food him.


*excuses for him.


Commissar, I am fed up with your Goddamned lies!!

This is NBC’s story, posted by THEM, you useless, braindead moron.

They lied their asses off, just as you do about EVERY DAMNED THING YOU SEE.

It does NOT matter that NBC tried to retract it when they found out they were wrong. it DOES matter that they fucking lied, just as YOU do, all the time.

I don’t care how much you hate him.

I DO care that you think these blatant lies are the truth, you sick bastard.

Get your sorry ass out of here now and don’t come back.

You are the biggest waste of time that your parents ever spent having sex to create you.

The Other Whitey

Commissar’s mother regrets saying no to anal that one time. He really should have gone up her ass.


Right on, Brother! My sentiments, exactly.


Was I too wimpy? I haven’t chewed out anyone in a while and GySGT Rzezckowski would most likely tell me I wimped it again.

MSG Eric

Obama did lie to the troops. A. LOT. How often did the same media that criticizes trump for anything he does throw back on Obama about what he was doing?

That’s not even counting the fun ones that effected all Americans like “if you like your plan….”

They’re criticizing Trump because that’s all they know how to do 23 hours and 45 minutes a day.

LCpl Rhodes

Now the media is going crazy because Trump tweeted unredacted pics of members of SEAL Team Five from Al Asad Air Base. Who cares? Most of those guys are going to write crappy books some day anyway, so they are just getting their faces out there even sooner. They should have taken pics with the Don while wearing their MAGA hats! Fuck regulations, let them have fun!


I see that Yef found a boot to take over the buffer.


Any relation Stuart?
Asking for a friend.

MI Ranger

So Mr. Lovecraftian fan boy, what is Empirical (sensory) about pay raise? Yes they did get another pay raise, he may have embellished that it was the first in ten years, but the 10% is over a number of years.


Here we go: regarding pay raises, they essentially reflected the same raises in Social Security and VADC during the Bodaprez admin.
This article says he’s confused about whether or not the troops got a pay raise.

This link takes you to the actual pay raises by percentage:
To a certain extent, they reflect the same increase levels that occurred in SSRI and VADC rasises, except for one thing: there were several years for both SSRI and VADC with ZERO COLA, period.

This is the chart showing SSRI raises by percentage since 1975. Note that during bodaprez’s admin, there were several years with ZERO COLA.

The COLA also is applied to veterans disability compensation and pension benefits, managed by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits. Increases have taken place every year since 1975, except for 1983, 2010 and 2011.

There was an administrative change in 1983, and consumer prices did not experience typical increases in 2010-11.

Since VADC increases are essentially the same as SSRI, one can confirm that there were several ZERO COLAs during the bodaprez admin.

The part above, in which Lars the Lackwit runs his mouth but provides no backup of any kind, shows that his only purpose is quarrel. And he loses every time.

2/17 Air Cav

“But since it Trump you make excuses food him.” Lars has made this same point a number of times in multiple comments to a number of articles, so he must think it important. I don’t. President Trump is not wanting for opposition. He and his family are daily subjected to crazed attacks and petty faultfinding by Big Media. It’s only right that he should be defended and helped in warding off the lopsided assaults. So, yeah, I’ll defend him and I’ll even offer alternative explanations for what he does and doesn’t do to counter the media’s blind and unified opposition to him. No f’n apology is forthcoming. The way I see it, unlike Red Line before him, President Trump does have the good of the nation at heart.


Spot on, Air Cav.


“..unlike Red Line before him, President Trump does have the good of the nation at heart.”

But, see, Cav, that’s precisely the point–Trump’s focus is too narrow. Obama, on the other hand, had the good of the entire Worldwide Caliphate at heart.


Oh how I hate CNN. We had a crew from “This Week at War” embedded with us for a while in Iraq in 2006. The “reporter” kept trying to get me to say that the KIA I had evacuated the day prior (how he knew this I don’t know) had died because his body armor failed. The bullet that killed him never hit armor, but I didn’t tell the reporter that either. I’m pretty positive that they wanted it to be so so that they could use it to bash President Bush.

Kenneth Taylor

CNN along with the Looney Left Socialists can’t come to terms that President Trump has been totally successful in all of his undertakings since taking office. He has no depts to back room creations and did it on his own. He has taken America from the brink of destruction and irrelevance back to being America with a powerful Pride and Self Worth. The Looney Left Socialists are pissed off that most of them have to work for a living now instead of sucking on the national tit. God Bless Mr Trump and God Bless America. We need more Patriotic Leaders Like Mr Trump, with guts, Bulls, and a Patriotic View of the Country to get the things done that need doing for the betterment of the Nation.